Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Justice Scalia Believed Supreme Court was Being Surveilled by Obama"

Via Drudge:  Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst, went on FOX Business Network on Monday to discuss allegations Senator Rand Paul and another senator were under surveillance by the Obama administration.

Napolitano also dropped a bomb on the Obama administration spying on the US Supreme Court.

Judge Napolitano: Justice Scalia told me that he often thought the court was being surveilled. And he told me that probably four or five years ago…If they had to unmask Senator Paul’s name to reveal a conversation he was having with a foreign agent and the foreign agent was hostile to the United States they can do that. That’s not what he’s talking about. They’re talking about unmasking him when he’s having a conversation with his campaign manager when he’s running in the Republican primary.

During the discussion Judge Napolitano also said Barack Obama could be subpoenaed to testify if he viewed the unmasked intelligence.


edutcher said...

People wanted to see Karl Rove frog-marched.

I'd love to see Pissy in hackles.

Oh, how the race merchants would wail about those slave chains.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Don't you have a feeling in your gut that Scalia's death was not of natural causes?

ricpic said...

The problem with the police state Obama instituted is that government lifers love it and are determined to keep surveilling EVERYONE, for the common good of course.

ndspinelli said...

Rene, Scalia ate like a pig and looked like a stroke victim walking. I don't have that feeling in my gut. That doesn't mean it's not possible, however.

Methadras said...

Subpoena doesn't mean shit. Even under oath, the zebra will lie. And as usual, nothing will happen. Life will go on. Yeah, yeah, optics.

Amartel said...

Anything's possible with this gang. Anything. I doubt will ever know the extent of it. You think people have gone to absurd lengths to protect Jed and Elly May Clampett, wait 'til you see what they've done and will do for Jug Eared Jesus. That being said, Scalia ate well and was also a big smoker. He enjoyed his life. I could go either way on this one. Which, when you think about it, is sad, that I can't rule out a USSC justice being assassinated for political reasons.

Amartel said...


edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Subpoena doesn't mean shit. Even under oath, the zebra will lie. And as usual, nothing will happen. Life will go on. Yeah, yeah, optics.

What's different is Trump is POTUS and Sessions is AG.

The rules are different now.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...
Methadras said...

Subpoena doesn't mean shit. Even under oath, the zebra will lie. And as usual, nothing will happen. Life will go on. Yeah, yeah, optics.

What's different is Trump is POTUS and Sessions is AG.

The rules are different now.

Still waiting for Hillary to be shackled. Still waiting for Koskinen to be shackled. Still waiting for the shitheads in ATF who orchestrated Fast and Furious to be shackled. Still waiting for Susan Rice to be shackled. Still waiting for any number of Obama stooges to be shackled. I don't see shit. Trump won't deal with it. Sessions won't deal with it. These people have shown us that if you have high enough power, you can commit crimes against your country, get your own countrymen killed for your own political expediencies, most likely get a raise and a promotion, and never see a day in court, much less jail time.

So tell me the rules are different again, ed. I've been saying this for years and nothing has or will happen. The idea that you think something will either makes me think you are ignoring facts as they are now or are engaging in some sort of fantasy wish fulfillment. Which is it? Until any of these people is in front of a judge and jury, then it's all Kabuki theater. All of it. Rules for them as untouchables and rules for everyone else which will get fucked if you step out of line. That's not the America I grew up in. That's not the America my parents came to in order to escape this very kind of dual-law strata. Immunity for me, but not for thee.

ndspinelli said...

A great Meth rant.