Monday, May 22, 2017

"Isis tests chemical weapons on 'human guinea pigs'"

Via Drudge:  The extremist group has reportedly poisoned prisoners by spiking their food and water with compounds used in pesticides that are easy to obtain

Security forces now fear the terror network may hatch a twisted plot to contaminate Western food supplies with formulas that quickly dissolve in liquid.

The experiments were recorded in a stash of papers found hidden in Mosul University after Iraqi special forces recaptured the city from IS fighters.

They reveal one victim was fed thallium sulphate - a colourless, tasteless salt that can be dissolved in water - and began to suffer fever, nausea, and swelling of the stomach and brain before dying in agony ten days later.

Isis described the chemical as an "ideal lethal poison" and claimed to be in “possession of an ample amount of the solution to fill demands”, according to the documents, which were verified by British and US forces and later obtained by The Times.

Terrorists also injected a nicotine-based compound, said to have no antidote, into another victim who passed out within seconds and died hours later.

(Link to more)


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile, Obama and his leftists still concerned about Crusades and those evil Christians.

edutcher said...

The Nips did the same thing in China.

It really is WWIV, isn't it?

The Dude said...

No, it is not. Our government is on the same side as the enemy.

Chip Ahoy said...

I wish they would say "human subjects" instead of "Guinea pigs" for minor reason. Visual imagery. It translates poorly.

These creatures are rodents, not pigs. They originate from South America not Guinea. So they're lies at the start.

And they're slightly too big to fit properly into a toilet paper tube or a paper towel tube.

Whereas hamsters fit inside the tubes just fine.

Hamsters are better than Guinea pigs for playing rodent blowdarts. Into the sofa cushions. Hamsters make better blowdarts. And you can tell they're having more fun by their squees.

Rabel said...

Althouse us talking about you, Chip.

She complimented your Photoshop skills and then recounted her version of the Great Splooging.

The Dude said...

Jesus, what a bunch of sick fucks over there. Thanks for nothing. I need to get back to work and leave them to their old age and alcoholism.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

No, it is not. Our government is on the same side as the enemy

Even if true, that still doesn't mean it isn't WWIV.

chickelit said...

She complimented your Photoshop skills and then recounted her version of the Great Splooging.

I have a different version of that time period. The bulk of my chirbits were recorded during that time period. Most them were recitations of Althouse and Althouse commenters during that time -- each was recorded using what I thought were celebrity-appropriate voices.

The Dude said...

You were, no matter how inebriated, more sober than she.

chickelit said...

Chip, the man who popularized Guinea pigs in research was guillotined during the French Revolution. Does that Schad your Freude?

Methadras said...

Joseph Mengele would be proud of what he has passed on.