Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Ariana Grande

If you were wondering who Ariana Grande is upon hearing the news of the explosion at her concert, the last we saw of her was on video licking donuts left in the open for customers, and remarking to her friends that she hates America and hates Americans.

You'll remember this.

I'm emotionally numb.  I do feel a bit bad for the girls but for having parents who made this situation for them and ultimately bequeath the problem to them to resolve. 

I cannot work up sympathy. Not for the entertainer, and sympathy does not occur for British who invite this and fiercely defend their insistence. They've numbed me to it. For example, the perpetrator is second generation immigrant. Just like my Dad. And my dad is American as free refills, tipping and large portions. So I emphasize with their defense.  But they apply that defense to citizens of nations with ideologies in fundamental conflict with Western values and unrelentingly unsparingly hegemonic besides. Supremacists do not assimilate. 

I saw this somewhere today in comments. It was easy to find searching [born, sweden, aquarium].

While all those little girls are beautiful. The press chose the most gorgeous among them to show us, to tweak emotionally, I suppose, but surely not to inflame us. The media is conflicted this way.

Say, a movie starts and right off a child is described as too good to be believable, no real child is this good, well behaved, kind, generous, charming, adorable always laughing, a real joy to everyone and you think to yourself, "This is fast one-dimensional character development, this character will be killed." Why else cram all that impossible goodness into a character so quickly? To get viewers to feel, to emote, when the character is killed. Then the show is based on that. So the press shows us the most gorgeous chid lost for maximum emotion while readers instruct each other in comments in certain terms not to channel that emotion down the logical lines of placing responsibility where it belongs so that national policy follows logically. 

I didn't know the donut licking America hating entertainer's audience is all little girls. And now that Britain's civilization determined that immigration is not to be criticized or checked, then these little girls will have to take in their concerts at home for now on. Their civilization must become something else. Something less. Adapt. Cover those girls and keep them at home. I read a very long string of British comments knocking down the immigrant angle, angrily defending their political position on immigration more than defending immigrants themselves, while attacking brutally in exceedingly vicious terms their fellow citizens who suggests that it must. The same arguments before and after Brexit. 


chickelit said...

A plurality of Brits seem to hate Americans, especially our President. These are tough times. As I said last night, Britain needs less May and more Will and Shall. Or, perhaps we need a Requiem For Britannia.

rcommal said...

Nonsense. Britain, if not the U.K, is lucky to have May.

The Dude said...

England is lost. Just read the comments in a British newspaper - their apologists are even more numerous and strident than ours. Also, the populace has been disarmed so even if someone wanted to stand up for their craphole of a country they have no tools with which to do so.

Goes to show what the lack of a 1st and 2nd amendment will do to a place over time. Oh, right, they don't even have a constitution.

England will soon be just another euro-islamic state with nuclear weapons.

virgil xenophon said...

Thanks, Chip, for reminding me that our gal Ariana was the America-hating donut licker. I had forgotten. Too bad she wasn't one of the casualties..

AllenS said...

Since Ariana Grande was a performed, I just assumed that she hated us.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Agreed, Virgil.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

@ Chip

"Supremacists do not assimilate."

worth a repeat.

edutcher said...

It's like France.

Lining the roads with trees.

(insert punchline)

Leland said...

Chip, I mostly refrained from posting on this incident, because I've become to cynical to the narrative. First, these things deserve 24 hours of letting first responders do their jobs to save lives and gather evidence. But in that 24 hours, I've already heard stories of false flag attack, denunciation of concerned Manchester mom as racist, and another pop female singer using the event to push her "open borders" agenda.

To these people and their followers; I just can't get worked up about bad things happening to them.

Leland said...

Oh, and we all know what is next, right? While we read various news stories about immigrants getting preferred judicial treatment by governors and mayors. We all will be subject to increased security measures whenever we decide to go to the ballgame or other large activity.

Trump wants to build one wall. They will put walls around every stadium and arena around the country. It was Bill Clinton that permanently closed the streets around the White House for his protection.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Leftism and Islam are the perfect self-loathing evil marriage.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Time to rework the lyrics to Rule Britannia to 'Knee Britannia'

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Kneel Britannia

ndspinelli said...

Chip, I'm thinking of you as I am currently watching a cartoon on Nick, JR. called, Zack and Quack. All the characters are from a popup book.

ricpic said...

Flamethrowers. When western governments order the police or the military to enter Muslim enclaves with flamethrowers, then and only then will the West stop losing. Will that happen in my lifetime? Not likely.

edutcher said...

Carpet bombing would also suffice.

William said...

I'm not exactly in Ariana Grande's target demographic. I've never listened to any of her music, and the only time I ever heard of her was the donut licking scandal. As scandals involving pop stars go, it seemed small potatoes. She's no Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus so far as scandals go. I don't think she's even been in rehab.. From the pictures I've seen of her, she doesn't pose with her tongue out or have any visible tattoos. As role models for young people go, she's about the best on offer...... I'm inclined to be sympathetic to her. No one wants to be present at an event of mass murder, much less to be the featured performer at such an event. This is bound to cast a shadow across her life. She's one of the casualties.