Tuesday, April 18, 2017

"The night Clinton said what she never expected to say: ‘Congratulations, Donald’"

Via InstapunditAround 7:45 on election night, when Hillary Clinton and her aides still thought they were headed to the White House, troubling news emerged from Florida. Steve Schale, the best vote-counter the Democrats had in the state, told campaign officials they were going to lose the biggest battleground in the country. Yes, Clinton was doing well in some places, but Donald Trump’s numbers in Republican areas were inconceivably big.

“You’re going to come up short,” Schale said, stunning aides in Brooklyn who were, until that moment, comfortably cradled in the security of their own faulty analytics.

The call with Schale marks the beginning of a riveting account of the final, dreadful hours of Clinton’s long pursuit of the presidency, as told by reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in their insidery new book, “Shattered.”

(Link to the whole article)


The Dude said...

Better that the old witch is shattered rather than the rest of the nation, just sayin'.

Amartel said...

Half the nation is still carrying on livin' the dream. In the dream.
Half the nation remains delusional.

ricpic said...

We got a reprieve!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Thank Goodness the founders came up with the electoral college.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ditto what Lem said.

What a deadly bullet we dodged when the Hildabeast lost.

Leland said...

How could she congratulate someone like DJT? It would be like congratulating Putin on annexing Crimea. Congratulating the Muslim Brotherhood for taking over Egypt. Or congratulating Hugo Chavez for converting Venezuela to a Socialist Dictatorship and then shaking his hand and having a little chat about songs Hugo can sing about Hillary.

edutcher said...

And if you really believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can let go real cheap.

"the Clinton campaign reacted as you might expect: Bill became furious, Hillary turned stoic".

That's according to the WaPo, if you care to believe them. The other accounts, that she turned to booze and began screaming and throwing things so that Podesta had to make the first call, are far more believable.

edutcher said...

PS For those interested, the book from which the post is excerpted sounds like the kind you read with a fine Chablis and a big bowl of popcorn.

well, maybe you toss the Chablis and have some Ripple or Mountain Dew.

chickelit said...

I think we're underestimating the damage that California intends to inflict on American electoral politics. The Brown government is openly open borders; illegal voting is not discouraged; there are moves underfoot to make California's electoral voice heard more loudly. I keep voting against this shit but somehow, it keeps prevailing. There is a very dirty and very corrupt machine out here. No wonder the Clintons and the Obama keep coming back to fill their coffers.

Amartel said...

They're "grooming" (hey, that's how the article phrased it) Chelsea to take over their State Secrets & Influence Fire Sale Whore Empire.
It won't take.
1. Chelsea doesn't have it in her. Bill and Hill were young and hungry when they started. Chelsea's been raised in the lap of hillbilly luxury and entitlement. She ain't no ways hungray.
2. The Dems need someone black or hispanic. Preferably black.
3. The Dems need someone at least superficially charming and good looking. The last election clearly demonstrated that an ugly whiny female just does not translate into votes, at least not for the Dem.
4. The Dems need a clean slate on which to project their hopes and dreams. Like Obama used to be and the Clintons never will be
5. The Dems need a God Emperor to blindly follow and worship.

edutcher said...

The brood mare is a losing proposition. She's dumb as a post (she actually asked if a picture of Abraham Lincoln with a MAGA hat was Photoshopped), the post probably is better looking, she's barely articulate, a heavy boozer (just like Mama and Daddy), and hubbo is going to end up in front of the SEC probably sooner rather than later.

ndspinelli said...

It's mind boggling to me how people try and cover for these inbred, alcoholic, sociopath, losers. Can't they please just fucking die!

From the looks of it, this book sounds like it's intended to bury the Ozark Mafia permanently.

chickelit said...

I think we're underestimating the damage that California intends to inflict on American electoral politics. The Brown government is openly open borders; illegal voting is not discouraged; there are moves underfoot to make California's electoral voice heard more loudly. I keep voting against this shit but somehow, it keeps prevailing. There is a very dirty and very corrupt machine out here. No wonder the Clintons and the Obama keep coming back to fill their coffers.

Sessions' speech last week was the shot across the bow for Moonbeam.

Five will get you ten the next one is a MOAB.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Hillary Clinton to President Obama on Election Night: ‘I’m Sorry’ I Lost.

She had to apologize to the man who kept her out of the White House in 2008 for losing the White House in 2016.

Amartel said...

She must have been incandescent with rage. It's probably best for all concerned that she didn't come down and conceded in person. Seriously, her head might've exploded, like in Scanners.

Amartel said...

Run that on a loop on the Hillary Head Explodes channel.

Methadras said...

You still have leftists crying about it as if they actually believe they are relevant. They aren't. The entire Cankles campaign was a fucking lead balloon. Disorganized, top heavy, filled with entitled cocksuckers who thought they could ride into the Whitehouse on Urkles coat-tails. Sucks to be you assholes.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I read that.. "suck be to you, assholes." lol - it works.