Saturday, March 25, 2017

WKRLEM: What Trump has to do..

This is based on the famous hit on Larry Gallo by Carmine the Snake and couple of other mooks in the Profaci crew that started the first Gallo war.

Puzo lifted a bunch of historical occurrences to flesh out the Godfather movies. He was well versed in the history of the Mob so he was able to right a great story by fictionalizing the truth.

President Trump needs to take a page out of the Snakes play book. Invite the press over. Then slip the garrote over the neck and choke them out. It's the only way.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rand Paul 2020

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Rizatto Brothers lost in the end...and Pantangelli did not exactly "win" either.

edutcher said...

He's been doing that since he announced his candidacy.

PS Rand goes nowhere. The Libertarian stuff weirds people out.

ampersand said...

Either repeal O-care or let it die on it's own. No-one needs the Feds sticking their nose in this, particularly the Republicans. They're the ones who F-upped the Medicare supplemental insurance.
The Libertarians are having their own civil war right now. A bunch of the commenters at Hit and Run Blog left and started their own blog. Diversity is our strength I suppose.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ampersand: what is the name of the new blog?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

trump is a new York liberal. worship.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rand Paul is a Republican - little r, with libertarian leanings. Liberty.
Sad how liberty is considered odd and strange these days. Really sad.

Trump has a big R behind his name, but it should be a big D.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump didn't want it to pass, that's why he's tweeting crap about the Freedom Caucus.

TRump(D) - A democrat we can get behind.

ampersand said...

Evi L.

Trooper York said...

April you know that Trump is not a hard right conservative. That would be Ted Cruz. Who couldn't get elected dog catcher.

President Trump is basically a Conservative Democrat from the 1970's. Scoop Jackson with a bad comb over.

He is hard on immigration and foreign affairs. Big supporter of Israel. An enemy of the Arabs and the Muslims.

Unfortunately he doesn't care that much about social issues or morality for that matter. I wish he did but I know he don't. He is not against big government. He wants to make deals for the American people. Deals that will bring back jobs and prosperity. He figures if that happens everything else will take care of itself.

That is why he was elected. Not to satisfy the Freedom Caucus. Not to satisfy the Heritage Foundation or NRO or the American Spectator. I thought youse guys understood that.

Trooper York said...

I expect the people who did everything they could to keep the status quo to jump ship and not support anything he is doing. They got the Supreme Court pick they wanted. They got the conservative cabinet ministers they wanted. Still they won't do what they need to do to go forward. They don't want to crush the Democrats. They want the same old same old. They want failure theater. That was what the Obamacare bill was.

Trump has to do the Theresa Giudice. He has to turn over the table.

Trooper York said...

The Freedom Caucus is just as big an obstacle to the Presidents agenda as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

Trooper York said...

The Freedom Caucus would much rather lose and fund raise and run their reelection campaigns on failure theater.

Their "conservative principles" are what is most important. Not results. They are the flip side of Move On and the Obama operation.