Thursday, March 30, 2017

Don Surber: "Folks, this is fun. I am having the time of my life"

Via Instapundit: Reports of Obamacare's life are premature.
Liberals gloated last week when President Trump realized the Freedom Caucus was an immovable object, threw up his hands, and told the House to vote on Ryancare.

Up or down. He no longer cared.

However, I realized it was a negotiating ploy to get a better deal. Not only that, but I realized by calling for the vote, President Trump had usurped House Speaker Paul Ryan's power.

I called it:
Trump's Reykjavík
But people in Washington are so mesmerized by themselves that they think they are superior than the rest of us, and are no match for a rube TV celebrity.

(Read the whole thing)


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Don Surber is a mensch and kicking ass.

ricpic said...

So why does Trump keep tweeting against the Freedom Caucus? Was a quick "win" more important than his pledge to get the monstrosity repealed?

The Dude said...

He is a liar and a big government guy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rush is right about this...

So Sixty, what specifically is wrong with Don Surber? I do not support big government (perhaps you can give some examples of Surber supporting that), but what did he lie about?

The Dude said...

Who? I was referring to Trump.

Trooper York said...

If you strike at the king you have to kill him.

Trooper York said...

"He is a liar and a big government guy."

Just like every President since Calvin Coolidge.

So what s your point?

edutcher said...

Surber's had it nailed from the start and he's allowed a victory lap.

ricpic said...

So why does Trump keep tweeting against the Freedom Caucus? Was a quick "win" more important than his pledge to get the monstrosity repealed?

Keeps them on their toes. Don't ask the moon next time.

Sixty Grit said...

He is a liar and a big government guy.

Really? Keeping so many of his promises says he doesn't, as does cutting so many regs and even budget items says he isn't.

Sixty is one of those people who said the One true Ted would get his way because he'd shut down the government.

ricpic said...

Hey Sixty, let's give these guys the slip and sail off into the sunset together. In a platonic sense. Troop and dutch seem to think Trump must not be criticized. Hey, I've got news for you two, Trump BETRAYED his base when he signed on to the Ryan scam.

The Dude said...

You are wrong, Eddie boy, I never liked Cruz or his father Count Chocula. I am a Trump guy, but Trump has turned out to be a lying weasel.

Where is the wall? Why is Obamacare still the law of the land? Why are there still illegals running around killing Americans? Why is there still a vacancy on the SC?

I'll tell you why - because Trump has no idea how to use the levers of power. So he goes along with Ryan and thinks we won't notice. Well, guess what Donnie boy, I noticed.

He can redeem himself when he stops lying and does what he promised. Until then he is just Obama Lite.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty: Oh ok, I did not realize you were referring to Trump.

Fair to say Trump is a government newbe. To say he has not accomplished anything yet (he did roll back a bunch of insane O-regulations), or the Gorsuch nomination is unreasonably delayed is sort of unreasonable...but fair enough on a wait and see attitude (with pessimism).

As far as illegals running around killing Americans, I blame that more on the Dems, the Media, and the GOPe who enable them. But if you want to blame Trump, that is your prerogative.

Rabel said...

I urge you to be cautious in what you say, Sixty.

Setting up unreasonable expectations and then bitching constantly when they are not met is April's territory. She's not going to give that up without a fight, so tread carefully. She's a biter.

As always, I'm here to back you up if you need me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rabel, I need to be careful not to be drinking coffee when you post something like that! Messy!

Rabel said...

Was that passive-aggressive? I'm working on my passive-aggressive argumentation and trying to up my game, but I want to do it the right way.

AllenS said...

I voted for Trump because he wasn't a politician, and guess what, he isn't. Are those mistakes from a liar, or from a non-politician? I see the non-Trumpers like McStain, Graham, and Ryan more at fault than my man Trump.

The Dude said...

Okay, I will dial it back.

I am disappointed, but it is early in his term. Maybe he will learn.

For now I have to stop taking the bait. Stop getting hooked.

It is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it.

As you were.

*soto voce* sumbitch sided with Ryan grumble grumble...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

He is a liar and a big government guy.

You take that back!

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

Troop and dutch seem to think Trump must not be criticized. Hey, I've got news for you two, Trump BETRAYED his base when he signed on to the Ryan scam.

My God, what nonsense.

Trump tried to go through the normal channels - remember how we all bitched when Pissy just used his pen and a phone? He solicited input from the Freedom Caucus, but, when they got what they asked for, they always wanted something else. Hell, I was the one saying from the start, it wouldn't be perfect.

The bill couldn't get enough votes, so Trump killed it. If it was that bad, he did the right thing in your eyes.

But he also says this is hardly the end. Maybe you missed it.

And it was Trump that killed the whole thing, rather than have a bad bill, so I'd say he kept faith with his base.

Sixty Grit said...

You are wrong, Eddie boy, I never liked Cruz or his father Count Chocula. I am a Trump guy, but Trump has turned out to be a lying weasel.

Where is the wall? Why is Obamacare still the law of the land? Why are there still illegals running around killing Americans? Why is there still a vacancy on the SC?

He's changed Pissy's policy on illegals, he's taking bids on the wall, the Demos are crumbling like old chalk on Gorsuch. The illegals are taking shelter in the sanctuary cities because he's running them down, which will break them in a few months.

What's not to like? If you really need to ask these questions, you need to read the Constitution.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The Sherbert Effect

Methadras said...

Every time an Islamocrat gloats, America dies that much more.

Rabel said...

I understand the frustration and I definitely would have preferred a tougher line on Obamacare repeal. But what could he do? He's ordered the IRS to stop enforcing the mandate/tax/penalty but repeal and replacement are legislative functions. You go to war with the useless wimps you have.

AllenS said...

60, please don't panic. He'll make more mistakes, but we all make mistakes. I don't want Trump to quit being Trump. As long as he's POTUS, he will be criticized. Nothing can be done about that. Trump will always need the deplorable nobody's, and I won't quit on him easily.

Rabel said...

And speaking of April, when is somebody going to stick an arm up into her gigantic vagina and pull that thing out of there? I'm tired of waiting.

Rabel said...

I hope everyone understands that I was referring to April the Giraffe's gigantic vagina, not our April's. That would have been rude.

edutcher said...

Man, I'm glad I didn't say that.

And the word is sherbet, an Arab cold drink made of fruit juice, spices, flower petals, and other things including, in the harem of the Grand Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, crushed pearls.

Byron once rhapsodized of the women's baths in Constantinople as "marble palaces of sherbets and sodomy"

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rabel - If you stick your head up there, be careful, i bite.

I'm a biter.

The Dude said...

Once bitten, twice shy.

Thanks, AllenS - I will cool my jets. Trump is all that stands between us and, well, whatever Europe is now. Or, worse yet, San Francisco.

AllenS said...

Ah, it's all we have. Thank you.

Leland said...

When Trump first entered the Primary, although I wanted someone else, I thought he might win. And I was fine with that concept because As long as he's POTUS, he will be criticized. It would be true for any Republican President, but there was no doubt that Trump wouldn't just rollover like someone named Bush, or McCain, or Romney. Considering the alternative, the notion that he will be criticized was worth showing up to vote and then some.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I'm giving the guy some slack for this year. But, if he's still spinning wheels in 2018, then call the bullpen and get the lefty up.

ndspinelli said...

Sorry, I mean if he is still sailing in the doldrums. Sorry for switching to baseball metaphors. Are you looking for an all Carolina final in NCAA. I hate Roy Williams. I can you not like a team w/ a cock mascot?

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...
Rabel - If you stick your head up there, be careful, i bite.

I'm a biter

I'm slightly aroused? Unsure if serios!!!!11elventybilklion!!1111!!!

The Dude said...

Duke. The tournament ended when they lost. I cannot root for any team with "Carolina" in its name. To hell with Roy and the red version of Carolina. I am thankful I have no television reception so I don't even have to pretend to boycott them - it's not as if I would watch them idiots play anyway.

I like baseball metaphors. Many are the times I have gone past the old Durham Bulls stadium and thought "Lollygaggers!"

Or, another classic We are dealing with a lot of shit here! The next scene is a classic, too. What a well written movie that was.

edutcher said...

Well, we're a little closer to the Wall.

Trump's idea for funding is what they go with - 2% fee on all money shipped South of the Border.

And the Demos are cracking on Gorsuch. I love that "First Two" in the headline.

ndspinelli said...

The "Lollygagger" scene was classic. And the mound discussion scene ends w/ the classic, "Let's get two!" One of the best sports movies of all time, which says a lot since 2 fucking Commies star in it.