Sunday, February 12, 2017

"What to do if immigration officers come knocking at your door"

Via Drudge:  If Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents show up at the door, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) advises not opening it unless the agents can show a warrant signed by a judge.

"Ask to see it (through a window or slipped under the door," the graphic, available in multiple languages, says.

ICE administrative warrants don't allow agents to enter a home without the consent of the residents. Residents can ask through the door why the agents are there and request an interpreter if they need one.

If there is no warrant, ask the agents to leave information outside.

If the agents force their way into the home, "don't resist. Tell everyone in the residence to remain silent," the ACLU says.

If you are arrested "remain silent and do not sign anything until you speak to a lawyer," the graphic said.


edutcher said...

All perfectly legal.

The shyster lawyers of the Left.

By all means, get the warrant.

Leland said...

And don't worry, they won't be a Democrat Administration immigration officers.

chickelit said...

@Leland: Reno. She once shot a man in Waco just to watch him die.

Leland said...

Reno also set a house on fire just to watch it burn.

Did anyone in the civil rights movement, excluding those that believe civil rights include freedom of speech and right to bear arms, write any letters about Reno?

chickelit said...

Did anyone in the civil rights movement, excluding those that believe civil rights include freedom of speech and right to bear arms, write any letters about Reno?

Are you kidding, Lon Horiuchi, the sniper who killed Randy Weaver's innocent wife out of pure malice, was acquitted of everything. The killing happened under the Bush I administration, but the "trial" was under Reno's purview. To even begin to sympathize with Vicki Weaver gets you labeled as a white supremacist, even today.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

slip out the back, jack... go down to Kevin De Leon's office and git yerself some fake social security numbers.

Michael Haz said...

Off topic: Hey DBQ, are you out of danger?? #Oroville Dam

edutcher said...

And now, of course, Moonbeam expects Federal aid.

It's time to play Let's Make A Deal.

Leland said...

I hope Trump provides the Federal aid, primarily because Obama was a real dick about it to the southern states. That money is there to help in regional emergencies, and so long as it is there, it should be used for that purpose. Otherwise, get rid of the concept and lower taxes. Jerking people around like that after a destructive event is something to be left to Democratic Presidents.

I posted in yesterday's KLEM FM about the latest I could find on the Dam. It's a shame NOAA and the State of California haven't provided better hydrology data for Lake Oroville, but I hear it is looking bad. I'm with Haz, I hope DBQ, and many others, are safe.

On a related note, I guess this will be a bad year for California wines with a bit less stress on the grapes.

chickelit said...

On a related note, I guess this will be a bad year for California wines with a bit less stress on the grapes.

There's always room for Gallo. Gallons of Gallo.

edutcher said...

As I said, he'll probably do it, but there's going to be a quid pro quo. That said, it will probably be handled better than the Miracle Of Sandy.

PS I think she said she's on the safe side of things. Say a prayer.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If CA were run by the GOP, I'm certain the media would be screaming about GOP incompetence relating to dams breaking, no basic modernization of infrastructure... etc...( while CA diddles itself over porn and silicone..)

Democrats control CA - so it's *crickets.*

Yeah - I hope DBQ isn't down stream.

AllenS said...

California is asking Trump for $s to help with all of the water pilling up. Trump should help, but only give money to the counties that are affected. Tell Gov Moonbeam to fuck off.

Leland said...

All the rivers upstream of Lake Oroville are half their peak from the 10th. Of course that wave is moving down stream, but what we saw yesterday should have been the moment the wave hit the dam. I think we are passed the worse of it, so perhaps the dam is holding. But the wave will continue to move downstream. The dam may have held, but when the water is going over the top; it is hardly controlling flooding.

The Dude said...

Pedazo de pastel, tío, sólo les mando al lado.