Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Kellyanne Conway pose fuels Trump impeachment talk

Via Drudge: Kellyanne Conway has been caught on camera kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office with her high heels on, while President Donald Trump posed for a photograph with the leaders from some of the country's historically black colleges and universities.

The White House adviser has come under fierce criticism on Twitter with many calling her out for how disrespectful the pose is.

At one point, with her heels digging into the delicate fabric of the couch, Conway is seen to be texting on her phone while President Trump met with his invited guests.

Check out meme extraordinare EBL's creation, as seen at the Daily Mail
Kellyanne Conway is fast and furiously becoming a meme sensation


Methadras said...


I can just see leftists fainting everywhere over this picture. These people are retarded. It's as if they believe the White House is some kind of china shop that you aren't allowed to touch anything in.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What does a woman have to do to get her fare share of the haters scorn?

chickelit said...

Lem's memes.

chickelit said...

I think the pose shows off her hips and haunches; it should have gotten a rise out some of those Black College members.

Methadras said...

She looks pretty good for a mother of 2, but this job will age her prematurely. But for the love of god, get someone to help you with your hair.

Methadras said...

Just out of curiosity, where the hell is Katrina Pierson. Has she been shut out of working for Trump? She was his national spokeswoman.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

No linky love Lem for that awesome Kellyanne image?

edutcher said...

She was taking pictures of the college presidents, not texting. I'll bet none of those "outraged" got mad when the Mocha Messiah put his feet on the desk.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You got it EBL. I saw it at Daily Mail... was this your creation?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

FYI: If the internet seems slow today, it's not your service providers fault. Apparently the east coast is going thru some interruptions.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Madonna would be blowing everyone.... so.

MamaM said...

Kellyanne embodies and exudes vitality. She's similar to Trump in that regard.

It vibrates in and from her; and it drives the left nuts.

1.a. The capacity to live, grow, or develop
b. The characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things.
2. Physical or intellectual vigor; energy or liveliness. See Synonyms at vigor.
3. The capacity to endure

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem, yes it was! The Daily Mail copied it? Awesome!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Meth- she has 4 kids not 2!

ndspinelli said...

Bubba's semen stained couch and desk seemed to matter not to the chattering classes. But a comfortable, eloquent, intelligent, conservative woman is an outrage as she kicks off her shoes. I hope she rips a few farts. And, WTF are all the Negroes doing in the Oval Office? Is it the 1st of the month?

Third Coast said...

When I hear the words "kneeling" and "Oval Office", a completely different image pops into my head.

ricpic said...

Spread Kellyanne, spread!

Methadras said...

AJ Lynch said...

Meth- she has 4 kids not 2!

Oh yeah, my mistake. Thanks for the correction.

edutcher said...

Didn't see the speech, but it sounds like The Donald even won over the PJM crowd.

Merit-based immigration (what Teddy Kennedy destroyed 50 years ago) and a 5 point plan for doing away with IdiotCare.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It was a good speech. Didn't agree with every point, but liked the tone and delivery. Substantively it was very well done.

chickelit said...

I'm ho-humming Trump's remarks (or humming ho). I don't like the sneaky "let's import more skilled foreign labor instead -- let's abuse the H1-B visa system more."

Sounds like a cave to Si-Valley.

chickelit said...

This is how you destroy a Republic: You put the (ostensibly) most conservative AG possible in power -- one who put the whole H1-B visa thing on the radar -- and then you cut him off at the knees.

I am -><- close to turning on Trump.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

After 8 years of Obama, we have enough illegal and "legal" immigrants. Enough.

edutcher said...

We have always had immigration. Controlling it is the key.

chickelit said...

This is how you destroy a Republic: You put the (ostensibly) most conservative AG possible in power -- one who put the whole H1-B visa thing on the radar -- and then you cut him off at the knees.

My God, how many times has the Republic been destroyed already?

See what the final plan is

chickelit said...

@edutcher: I'm married to an immigrant -- one whose family came here just before Ted Kennedy shut the window on Europeans.

I was schooled in a higher ed program which little by little, bit by bit, ate away its own seed corn. Perhaps there is precious little else to do but to open the flood gates.

bagoh20 said...

Optimism and action will float Trump, as it will anybody else who chooses it consistently. Everything else is an obstacle to be crushed and left behind.

Optimism and action - the two hands of success.

Rabel said...

“Our country’s immigration policies should be designed and implemented to serve, first and foremost, the U.S. national interest,” the draft proposal reads, according to a copy reviewed by Bloomberg. “Visa programs for foreign workers … should be administered in a manner that protects the civil rights of American workers and current lawful residents, and that prioritizes the protection of American workers -- our forgotten working people -- and the jobs they hold.”

- From a draft of Trump's upcoming EO on immigration.

Step back from the ledge, Chick.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am actually pro immigration (to a point). I HATE the H1-B program, which is a way corporations get indentured servants at the expense of American workers.

Chick merit immigration and the H1-B program are not the same. The way merit immigration works is if you want to emigrate to Canada, New Zealand, or Australia, you apply and they decide if you are a good candidate for being a citizen: Education, wealth, age, health, English skills, back ground criminal checks, religion, ability to assimilate, etc. are all taken into consideration and then they say yes or no.

To an extent if they let in a Chemical Engineer from say Hungary, that might potentially take a job away from a Canadian citizen, but the idea is they look at fields where that is less likely to occur and increase immigration for those needed skills.

Immigration based on merit increases growth and new ideas. You take the best and brightest, but not allow a flood of immigrants in to depress the labor market.

bagoh20 said...

We've been saying for a long time that if you want a real functioning press, just elect a Republican, but this is ridiculous.

Even including FOX News in the analysis and leaving out ABC,

Media analysis: Only 3% of network news coverage of Trump’s first month was positive

"...NBC and CBS evening news coverage had a ratio of 14:1 negative."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The media is just an arm to the corruptocrat party.

rcocean said...
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rcocean said...

We have enough immigrants and we have enough labor - skilled and otherwise. We have 320 million fucking people. Something like 1 out of 5 Americans speak a foreign language at home.

Enough is enough.

Its time to restrict immigration.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

rcocean - thank you.