Thursday, February 9, 2017

"In the Therapist’s Office, Trump Becomes a Hot Topic"

Bloomberg news: Anxiously checking the news? Obsessing over the president's latest tweet? Stressed about what's coming next?

Take a number. Experts in mental health are seeing high stress over the daily drumbeat of news—not surprisingly, especially among opponents of Donald Trump and people who feel targeted by the new administration. While many reported feeling anxious during the campaign season—more than half of Americans, on both sides of the aisle, were stressed—the feelings haven't subsided in the early days of the new administration, as some thought they might.

Millions of Trump supporters are, of course, jubilant. For others, the cascade of headlines can bring on "hypervigilance," the sense that "you have to stay on edge all the time, waiting for the next thing to drop," said Vaile Wright, director of research and special projects at the American Psychological Association.

Via Drudge: Link to the rest of the article 


ricpic said...

I went to therapists until I came to realize there's "Nothing to be done," to quote Beckett. Than the stress melted away.

AllenS said...

Donald Trump was asked if he could quote a Bible verse.

He replied, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Deport him and you do not have to feed him again."

Trump 20:17

Methadras said...

This is how vacuous and odious these people are. They are so bereft that their small little ideology is being attacked, so their small little feelings get hurt and it's all so breathlessly painful and complicated. The entire left is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot and the leftist profiteers are thanking Trump for making more work for them against billable hours.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Everybody's talking about . . ."

Well, that's just a flat out lie.

Gossip being presented as news.

Everybody else in the business is doing it, too, being the rationalization for naked, unprincipled deceit.

edutcher said...

I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the afternoon.

Amartel said...

More evidence that leftism is a mental disease. They're all already in therapy. Constantly. What do these people do during those minutes in the day when they are NOT in therapy?

William said...

In my lifetime, the presidencies of LBJ and Nixon were the most stressful-- plus they happened back to back. I still found lots of other things to be more stressed out about. Your life is certainly on time and under budget if the most stressful part of it is the current president. Don't these people ever worry about sex, money, and death.

edutcher said...

There was a war on back then. A lot of guys found that "stressful".

And a little something else for the Lefties to obsess about - The Lefties are getting tired of fighting Trump's appointments. Could be his numbers are better than we're told.

The Dude said...

I was talking to a hard core leftist the other day, the back story is that she asked me to marry her, and what the heck - I already don't like her, but I am not going to give her a house. Anyway, she was going on and on about the horribleness of Trump - I know, these morons are nothing if not predictable and redundantly repetitive, and during the course of her harangue she said Trump was the worst president ever.

I mentioned LBJ and that shut her up. I repeated some of the stories Troop wrote here about Lyndon schlonging Doris Kearns Goodwin and next thing you know I was being shown to the door. Thank you Troop for giving me the ammo to shut down babbling leftist broads. Nattering Nabobs of Negativism. Hell, I didn't even make it as far as Carter for goodness sake! And forget about FDR and his internment camps - hoowee!

edutcher said...

"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism" You just can't beat the classics.

I'd have stayed not only for the internment camps, but also Woody Wilson's secret police and how much he loved "Birth Of A Nation".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The image of him poking around in his bathrobe tuning out to the boobtube alone is enough to make a normal person nauseous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And forget about FDR and his internment camps - hoowee!

How awesome that Republicans were so disciplined to stand up to him over that - as they did when it came to umpteen other very important aspects of his superior to every other Republican's presidency - apart from the anti-Confederate rebellion crusher, Lincoln.

But Republicans don't really seem all that into Lincoln nowadays. Or T.R.

We need another communism to stand up to. Religions just don't create as straightforward an enemy to hate on as ideologically failing nations do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism" You just can't beat the classics.


For something to be classic, people actually have to know what it means. Nay, Bob. Look, it's an interjection and a guy's name.

Even eduker uses the word "nabob" about as often as he does "astronomical unit" - which is to say, never. Let alone in a sentence he came up with.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your life is certainly on time and under budget if the most stressful part of it is the current president.

Oh, I know! Why concern oneself with the vicissitudes of a guy with a hair-trigger ego who can be goaded militarily and has his hand on the nuclear button?

Why worry! We're all gonna die! Isn't life awesome?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyway, she was going on and on about the horribleness of Trump - I know, these morons are nothing if not predictable and redundantly repetitive,

Facts are boring! We need drama!

Here come the "alternative facts" (i.e. "lies"). That's exciting!

Conservatives are typically the most boring people anyone'll ever meet. It's hard to be interesting when you're very concerned that society is moving too fast beyond the safe, secure understanding you had of it as a kid. And I'll bet a hundred shares in the company of President Ducktail Scowl's choosing that Sixty Grit has an evening as uneventful as Trump's angry bathrobe-lounging, FOX News-watching evenings, at least 6 days a week.

edutcher said...

Crankipants just splatters rhetoric because there's nothing to say on the Left. and it's the Lefties who bore people.

How else does one explain the emotional caterwauling, the incessant name-calling, the automatonic regurgitation of worn out talking points, and the perpetual resort to physical violence (if ever there was a Freudian slip (Cranki often wears the Mrs') it's Facts are boring! We need drama! )?

And I'll bet he doesn't even know what nabob means.

Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

The image of him poking around in his bathrobe tuning out to the boobtube alone is enough to make a normal person nauseous.

It must be hard getting your information from Occupy Democrats and trying to think clearly. There there dear, a little hot cocoa on a cold winters day will make all your troubles go away.

edutcher said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

How awesome that Republicans were so disciplined to stand up to him over that - as they did when it came to umpteen other very important aspects of his superior to every other Republican's presidency - apart from the anti-Confederate rebellion crusher, Lincoln.

But Republicans don't really seem all that into Lincoln nowadays

Cranki forgets the illegal income tax (necessary because Abe forgot the base of Federal revenue was that protective tariff imposed on the South) or the unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus or the fact 4 states tried to get Lincoln to hold off the war so they could talk the other 7 states out of secession but he wanted his war.

But, yeah, Frank's presidency was so swell, he not only prolonged the Depression by 5 years, but worsened it so much it took a world war to kill it. And then there was his sell out of Eastern Europe, turning away the SS St Louis (hey, weren't those people refugees?), his acceptance of a limp-wristed apology for the sinking of the Panay it gave the Nips the idea the Americans would fold like the French

And the Rs did stand up to him on court packing and his misbegotten economic policies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Crankipants just splatters rhetoric because there's nothing to say on the Left. and it's the Lefties who bore people.

Awwwwwww....! You bored, little guy?

Did you need a refill on your Adderall prescription?

Running the world's most powerful country is not supposed to be a soap opera - assuming stability to matters to you.

But I guess right-wing authoritarians can only find excitement in mismanaging the country?

Please go find your excitement elsewhere, Major Kong.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

"How awesome that Republicans were so disciplined to stand up to him over that - as they did when it came to umpteen other very important aspects of his superior to every other Republican's presidency - apart from the anti-Confederate rebellion crusher, Lincoln.

But Republicans don't really seem all that into Lincoln nowadays"

Cranki forgets the illegal income tax (necessary because Abe forgot the base of Federal revenue was that protective tariff imposed on the South) or the unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus or the fact 4 states tried to get Lincoln to hold off the war so they could talk the other 7 states out of secession but he wanted his war.

But, yeah, Frank's presidency was so swell, he not only prolonged the Depression by 5 years, but worsened it so much it took a world war to kill it. And then there was his sell out of Eastern Europe, turning away the SS St Louis (hey, weren't those people refugees?), his acceptance of a limp-wristed apology for the sinking of the Panay it gave the Nips the idea the Americans would fold like the French

And the Rs did stand up to him on court packing and his misbegotten economic policies.

Notice how doucher totally failed the point, and didn't see that right-wing criticism of Japanese internment fails on the basis of no Republican at the time voicing a single reservation or criticism over it.

But he did get to blather on about a bunch of things sundry and mundane. All in the service of trashing the two best presidents.

Priorities, I guess.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It must be hard getting your information from Occupy Democrats and trying to think clearly. There there dear, a little hot cocoa on a cold winters day will make all your troubles go away.

How do you think King Twitter Thumbs passes the time?

Things are starting to get out of hand. People are now starting to wonder if Trump can read.

Why did he not read the EOs he signed?

edutcher said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

Notice how doucher totally failed the point, and didn't see that right-wing criticism of Japanese internment fails on the basis of no Republican at the time voicing a single reservation or criticism over it.

The country was concerned about fifth columnists, as they'd seen the Germans use time and again.

For good or ill, all thought it a necessary security measure - and, in fact, there was a Japanese secret society that had infiltrated Japanese communities throughout the Western Hemisphere.

But it's nice to know Crankipants thinks turning away Jewish refugees from Hitler "sundry and mundane". He sounds like the Trumpists he claims we are, don't he?

All in the service of trashing the two best presidents.

All in the service of trashing our 2 most statist Presidents. I guess Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Polk, TR, and Reagan are just also-rans because they believed in individual freedom.

bagoh20 said...

Since being elected Trump has given me great hope and optimism, which means something terrible will likely happen to him. I find it just too hard to accept that any real change in direction will happen without a violent revolution, but it has happened very rarely, as in Sweden in the 90's, but as has been often pointed out by both sides; this is not Sweden.

Anyway, I like most of what I see so far, and it makes me feel good in that tiny part of me that feels connected to the federal government. The important thing is it is a very tiny part for you too if you are sane. What really matters is what is happening in your local circle. What is happening with friends and family, their dreams, their accomplishments. I feel even more optimistic about the end of the drought, my ongoing "Escape from L.A.", and my imminent night out with the Wicca princess..., and tomorrow is Friday! You gotta be an idiot to be depressed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Notice how doucher totally failed the point, and didn't see that right-wing criticism of Japanese internment fails on the basis of no Republican at the time voicing a single reservation or criticism over it."

The country was concerned about fifth columnists, as they'd seen the Germans use time and again.

For good or ill, all thought it a necessary security measure - and, in fact, there was a Japanese secret society that had infiltrated Japanese communities throughout the Western Hemisphere.

So fine. Sandpaper Man therefore has no basis to bash FDR's measure as a "left-wing" thing, then. Thanks for agreeing.

But it's nice to know Crankipants thinks turning away Jewish refugees from Hitler "sundry and mundane".

Show me where I said that.

He sounds like the Trumpists he claims we are, don't he?

How? Did I claim Jews posed a threat to America? Maybe that's the claim that you'd defend or try to make.

"All in the service of trashing the two best presidents."

All in the service of trashing our 2 most statist Presidents. I guess Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Polk, TR, and Reagan are just also-rans because they believed in individual freedom.

Without FDR or Lincoln the country would have never existed. The constitution, I hate to tell you, was a recipe for a state. That's how it got to be called "The United States." Not, "The United Candylands of Enterprise Utopia." Nah, that's not the name it was given, much as it seems you might have preferred it.

TR was a progressive. Nowhere near as afraid of the state as are you, and I suppose the other presidents you look to. TR is #4 or so when it comes to ranking presidents, and I wholeheartedly agree. I like the guy. He stood behind what he said, unlike you.

Washington set a heck of an example in humility, temperance, goodwill and graciousness. Trump is like his polar opposite.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I believe in individual freedom. I just don't think the only definition of it is how you use your massive wealth to bribe the government, as edutcher does.

Methadras said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

How do you think King Twitter Thumbs passes the time?

Things are starting to get out of hand. People are now starting to wonder if Trump can read.

Why did he not read the EOs he signed?

What makes you think he didn't? He was reading US federal code that gives the power to the president on who and who can't come into this country and on how judges shouldn't be reading anything else into it so that even a bad high school student could understand it because it was so cut and dried. In essence, he was talking to you. Have you read the EO's? I have and I've been taking some joy from them. I wish he actually went further and stopped all immigration into the country for a minimum of six months from every other country on earth. At least that would have been more legally feasible instead of just harping on seven Muslim countries without the perpetual leftist whining.

I mean, I didn't hear you screaming when Obama started with Iraq in 2015 and then added six countries later on in Feb of 2016. But Trump mentions only one country in his EO, Syria, and it's breathless horrors, gnashing of teeth, wailing, and self-flagellation at the woe of those poor Muslim non-citizen migrants who can't get into the country. I mean, just me typing this out makes me all misty. Well, not really, but I'm sure shares of Shea and coco butter have gone up to sooth all of your chaffed skin from all of that hand wringing going on in your protest marches and drum circles. Damn, better call my stock broker.

Just as an aside, why do you keep changing your name?

edutcher said...

Hey, it's the Demos doing all the bribing.

The Ozark Global Slush Fund, Dr Evil and his many campaign contributions, Penny Pritzker and her patronage of the Mulatto Messiah, and on and on.

As always, Crankipants gets it backwards.

Commander Crankshaft said...

Without FDR or Lincoln the country would have never existed. The constitution, I hate to tell you, was a recipe for a state. That's how it got to be called "The United States.

I seem to recall a lot of people in the 1780s who did more, but, then, they created a nation. Crankipants only sees a state.

But it's nice to know Crankipants thinks turning away Jewish refugees from Hitler "sundry and mundane".

Show me where I said that.

I mentioned the SS St Louis and all he could say was, "But he did get to blather on about a bunch of things sundry and mundane". He also thought's Frank's sell out of Eastern Europe came under the same heading.

Wrap it up for the evening. You made an ass of yourself once again.

Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

I believe in individual freedom. I just don't think the only definition of it is how you use your massive wealth to bribe the government, as edutcher does.

Well then, I guess you believing you don't have a voice because you aren't wealthy isn't going to work out for you is it? You can't be for individual rights and then out of the other side of your mouth denigrate people who use their money for speech.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What makes you think he didn't?

His administration leaked how incensed he got with the provisions in it, after the news reported on them.

Just as an aside, why do you keep changing your name?

Just to keep myself interested. I like coming up with names and I can't assign all of them to Trump. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well then, I guess you believing you don't have a voice because you aren't wealthy isn't going to work out for you is it? You can't be for individual rights and then out of the other side of your mouth denigrate people who use their money for speech.

People don't need money for speech. They're born with voiceboxes and larynxes and minds and hands and tongues and lips and can say whatever the calories in their bodies and the functioning of their synapses allows them to say. The only communication you can get from waving around money however is a bribe. I've never seen anyone wave around currency in order to communicate and have that communication consist of anything other than a bribe.

All that money "does" to speech is to amplify it. It's a way of making your microphone louder. It increases the volume - but does not change anyone's god-given gift to say something.

That said, I'm sympathetic to the CU ruling and am skeptical that even political speech can have monetary or other limits on how it's put out there.

But it definitely is intellectual malpractice to say that money = speech. Money merely amplifies your speech. You may or may have the right to amplify your speech to the point of drowning out other voices. But the amplification system is definitely not the same thing as the content, which is what you have a nearly absolute freedom to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I mentioned the SS St Louis and all he could say was, "But he did get to blather on about a bunch of things sundry and mundane". He also thought's Frank's sell out of Eastern Europe came under the same heading.

You cherry picked that reference in with all the other boring things you blathered on about. I must have fallen asleep reading you and missed it.

No one can read what you write. You're all over the place, make up half of what you say, and use euphemisms and circumlocutions that no one else can translate into English.

You don't even tend to make points so much as you call names. Even when you could make a point you seem to prefer just making up a nasty nickname instead, as if that IS your point.

You're a weird guy, ed.

Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

Well then, I guess you believing you don't have a voice because you aren't wealthy isn't going to work out for you is it? You can't be for individual rights and then out of the other side of your mouth denigrate people who use their money for speech.

People don't need money for speech. They're born with voiceboxes and larynxes and minds and hands and tongues and lips and can say whatever the calories in their bodies and the functioning of their synapses allows them to say. The only communication you can get from waving around money however is a bribe. I've never seen anyone wave around currency in order to communicate and have that communication consist of anything other than a bribe.

All that money "does" to speech is to amplify it. It's a way of making your microphone louder. It increases the volume - but does not change anyone's god-given gift to say something.

That said, I'm sympathetic to the CU ruling and am skeptical that even political speech can have monetary or other limits on how it's put out there.

But it definitely is intellectual malpractice to say that money = speech. Money merely amplifies your speech. You may or may have the right to amplify your speech to the point of drowning out other voices. But the amplification system is definitely not the same thing as the content, which is what you have a nearly absolute freedom to.

I absolutely love it when you concoct fictions to suit your particular objections to anything. You can stand on a street corner and belt out what you believe. No money required and you can have thousands of people a day hear you and potentially influence in some way. But in your world, if I make a campaign donation to a candidate I support because I believe what he is saying is something I also value and support, it's bribery? So how much money I actually use makes my bribery worse? Is there a level of bribery or is bribery just bribery.

If I want to start a company and use my own money to forward a product or idea am I committing intellectual malpractice in equating the money I use to equal speech. If I take out a full page ad in a paper to promote an idea or an ideology, i've used money to equal speech, but in your world that is just bribery? So in your small minded shallow thinking world, if I use money to promote something, even if its my own ideas, then it doesn't equal speech either? You do realize that the Supreme Court has already ruled that money does in fact equal speech. So they committed intellectual and judicial malpractice in ruling it so?

Now do you see why people don't take you seriously? You aren't a serious person. You just fling shit and hope that somehow you can intimidate people and think it will stick. You've failed on nearly every front. Oh, you put up a good fight that's for sure, but its hollow and fairly meaningless, like hitting a punching bag for about five minutes and watching you get winded. Your arguments don't amount to much because they aren't rooted in reality, but more of child like wish and fantasy fulfillment. Please do go on though, this is a hobby you should certainly keep.

Methadras said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

His administration leaked how incensed he got with the provisions in it, after the news reported on them.

And of course Occupy Democrats grabbed onto that and believed it and told you to believe it too. I see how that works now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can stand on a street corner and belt out what you believe.

Really? Go try that in Beverly Hills at 2 AM. Preferably after a drink or two, much as that might help sharpen your otherwise dull thinking.

It will be very interesting watching you turn your evening into an echo of the Mel Gibson arrest episode.

I stopped reading the rest of your frustrated insults after I saw how ineptly you walked right into that one. I gave a serious, and balanced, and popularly supported, and cogent answer to your question. If all you can do is insult it, and not even in a competent way, then go talk to yourself instead.

Geez, no wonder you think louder speech is more speech. You essentially talk to yourself in these posts. No, the Constitution doesn't bar you from doing that, either. Talk to yourself all you want. It's important to be able to talk to yourself and create an echo chamber when you outspend what any passive audience (tv and radio usually isn't paid for) is interested in hearing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And of course Occupy Democrats grabbed onto that

Anyone can "grab onto" it. It's public knowledge now. See how that works?

Go on and tell us about how atmosphere and climate have no connection to each other.

edutcher said...

No cherry pick, sweetie. I listed any number of things old Frank did badly

It's a well-known incident, but you just blew past it because nobody's opinion is important but yours.

And yours happens to be wrong.

Say good night, Gracie.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's a well-known incident, but you just blew past it because nobody's opinion is important but yours.

Because I'm not an ideologically anal-retentive shit-for brains.

Say good night, Gracie.

Oh good. So you're going to be like George Burns now? Where's he at these days?

The Dude said...

So, another 30+ comment thread bought and paid for by TL:DR himself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls is a totalitarian neo-fascist leftwing commie progressive.

Progressives get to pick who gets to makes a profit and who doesn't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Citizens United was about the ability for citizens to unite and criticizes Hillary Clinton.

According the leftwing progs - that should be illegal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The image of him [Trump] poking around in his bathrobe tuning out to the boobtube alone is enough to make a normal person nauseous.

Actually, it makes him seem more like a normal person. If I were alone in the White House, it would be neat to wander around and check out the place without a shit ton of people surrounding you. Even IF Trump does wander around, he is probably still not alone and is followed by a secret service agent or two.

If we must have ridiculous mental images of Trump foisted upon us....I prefer the one where he is wearing a Camo Hoodie Footie (adult onesie) sneaking around the corridors pretending to be a sniper. In my stupid scenario...he is making gun sounds and pointing an imaginary rifle. Peww...pew pew pew ..PEW!!!!

If we are going to make up stupid scenarios, then go full tilt boogie!!!

I have a vivid imagination :-D

ricpic said...

"...that tiny part of me that feels connected to the federal government..."

Well, that only works if the feeling is mutual. But it's not. The federal government feels entitled to be connected to you, totally connected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK - Obama getting his news on the tele.

No OK - Trump getting his news on the tele.

*Of course, what constitutes "news" on the MSM is debatable.

Amartel said...

Great observation, April! Obama repeatedly ADMITTED to getting the news from TV.
Also, was Obaaama subjected to weird fantasy projections about what he got up to in the White House, his home, after hours? Actually, I don't think I want to know the answer to that one!

Amartel said...

There's a lot of rather lurid fantasy going on in the left brain that I'd rather not know about.

Amartel said...

It's a good explanation for all the strawmen, fake news, lawfare and other fauxtorical devices that are brought to bear to ensure the lefty point of view "prevails."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Progressives get to pick who gets to makes a profit and who doesn't.

Like Trump is doing with Carrier and the pharmaceutical industry?

Trooper York said...

I think you need to take a step back Ritmo. You agree with Trump on the pharmaceutical industry. He wants Americans to be able to buy Canadian drugs at a cheaper price. He also wants the government to be able to negotiate in favor of the Medicare and Medicaid recipients as they purchase so much they should have some leverage in keeping the prices down. That has been a mainstay of the Democratic Liberal platform for decades.

This is a prime example of anti-Trump mania stopping people from taking yes for an answer.

Sure fight him on things you are against. Not on the things you are for. Just sayn'