Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chief Liz looking toward 2020?

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren is set to bolster her Senate resume next year, sparking early talk about a 2020 presidential bid.
The Massachusetts Democrat will join the Armed Services Committee in 2017, branching out beyond the tough-on-Wall Street message that made her a liberal favorite.  
Warren has tied the decision to her family – her three brothers served in the military – and Massachusetts ranks in the top 10 states on military spending, according to a Pentagon report.
But the announcement spawned a wave of a media speculation that Warren is filling portfolio gaps to position herself for a 2020 presidential run.
MSNBC’s Lawrence O'Donnell called the step a “very important move that could be a first step in a presidential campaign.”"


deborah said...

The media often shows her in mid harangue.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If she were honest, she'd run as a socialist.

The Dude said...

Were she honest she would admit she is not an Indian, and that her whole career is based on fraud.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

That too - but like Hillary - these leftists never admit their crimes and lies.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

LOL - "mid harangue." Spot on observation. They do.

It works for her - the angry socialist! She's pissed at Wall Street and she's not going to take it anymore... well, except for that hush hush not on MSNBC juicy donation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Great.....another screaming, shrill, angry, harridan to nag, lecture, whine at us and point out all of our awful faults.

Just what everyone wants. A clone of your worst nightmare of an ex-wife or nasty mother in law.

ndspinelli said...

RUN LIZ RUN, RUN LIZ RUN! That should be the chant from everyone here.

edutcher said...

She looks like the spinster you see in a lot of the old Nazi propaganda reels running all the little Aryans through their lessons, swinging a pointer like she uses it on weekends in her SS Reserve duty at Buchenwald.

deborah said...

Don't hold back, ed, tell us how you really feel :)

DBQ, I recall in 2008 Mike Barnicle saying Hillary was like your wife during divorce negotiations.

edutcher said...

If you'd seen some of those old newsreels with the little kids singing how they'd happily die for their Hitler while Frau Kraft-Ebbing hits every downbeat with her stick, you'd know what I mean.

deborah said...

Oh, I get you, though I've never seen footage. Warren was extremely grandmotherly/wise-mother totem in her '12 Convention speech.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This article shows we argue and discuss nonstop over which party's candidate should be president or who should run. Maybe we put too much faith in a president to improve the country.

Can anyone name one big thing that one of the last three presidents [Clinton, Bush, Obama] has fixed in 24 years? I can't think of anything - they tend to fuck things up not fix them:

Clinton - housing bubble,failure to kill Bin Lasden
Bush- screwed up response to 911 attack.
Obama- divided the country and ground to a halt an individual's motivation and a company's motivation to risk their capital and grow a business.

ricpic said...

"Maybe we put too much faith in a president to improve the country."

We do. It's an aspect of putting too much faith in...well, in anything outside yourself to improve your situation. Which is what most people are really talking about, their situation, when they reference the state of the country. I'll bet Switzerland, to take an example off the top of my head, would go on running quite well if the Swiss government dissolved tomorrow. Because it's full of Swiss. They may not be a barrel of laughs but they are self-governing and competent and willing to pick up a rifle to defend their canton and what more is wanted? Who says I have to be led by anyone? No, it's just the accident that I was born into this as were all of you and we pay our tribute to the POWER or go to jail and that's that. Better we shattered into a hundred states or two hundred or whatever it takes till government is local and minimal and leaves me alone.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Well said Ricpic.

Darcy said...

DBQ has it right. I doubt very much that we will elect an angry white woman. =)

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

This is not the sort of blog post that I've come to expect from deborah.

TrooperYork said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deborah said...

AJ, I get what you're saying but there has to someone in charge to make overarching decisions, good or bad as they may be.

Methadras said...

More fantastical happy talk from the irrationally unhinged leftist moonbats.

deborah said...

Especially considering they have a shallow bench due to holding up-an-comers back to keep the field clear for Herself.

Rabel said...

Say what you will but Warren gets results.

deborah said...

*checks for Onion*

AllenS said...

So, there we were, our drums providing the beat, dancing around the fire, when this white woman starts shrieking. WTF?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Deborah: not saying we don't need a president but we should be more realistic and recognize they generally seem to be inadequate and incapable at making positive changes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I look at the position of President of the United States as being similar to the CEO of a very large corporation. Which is why I liked the idea of a business man, Trump, from the very beginning.

The CEO of the company is the guiding mind, in that he sets out philosophy of the company, sets goals, steers the business through choppy financial or business waters. He is the captain of the ship. Not the dictator of the ship however, since there is also a 'board of directors' who have input on the actions of the CEO.

The CEO is not expected to do every task that the business requires. He is expected to know what needs to be done and to delegate those tasks to people who have been hired to provide the expertise of their individual specialties. This is where the Cabinet of the US is similar to the department heads of a corporation.

It is too much to expect that the President or the CEO is capable of accomplishing himself each and every task or that he will be as knowledgeable in depth about topics as the specialists in the departments. A GOOD CEO or President realizes this and delegates responsibly, SUPERVISES his department heads, and demands reports and accountability.

Obama thought he was King as President. Trump knows he is CEO as President.

This is why I voted happily for Trump.

deborah said...

Absolutely, AJ, I didn't read your post carefully enough. As the world gets more complicated presidents may more and more be in the business of putting out fires their predecessors started, e.g., NAFTA urged on Clinton by Robert Rubin, then Treasury Secretary IIRC. And what DBQ just said!