Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump addresses American people directly through YouTube

Comporting with what Trooper said earlier Trump appears to be bypassing traditional media.


Chip Ahoy said...

Trump is great for practice. I pretended I was ASL interpreter.

To double check my work, I looked up "notification" and "intent" in four online dictionaries. I can tell by your squirming around that you're terribly eager to know what the signs are.

* notification is your fingertips to your forehead toss outward

* intend is similar, it's fingertip to the forehead plus the word "meaning" , a "V," two fingers, that looks like a person walking on the palm of the hand, then flipped, like boink boink. A word I used a million times to bug the pee eye double s out of my friends, "what means this," and "what means that?" over and over and over again, at every encounter, every conversation, constantly annoying them until I learned their strange ways.

chickelit said...

This is the real "Fireside Chat." The tweeting is mere telegraphy.

AllenS said...

I like this guy.

edutcher said...

He's going to the people who supported him.

Third Coast said...

Meanwhile, heads are exploding at CNN.

AllenS said...

There really isn't any need for Trump to use the MSM.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Make MSDNC and CNN irrelevant.

ndspinelli said...

The more the MSM pound the table and cry, the more they are disliked. The left have formed a perfect circular firing squad.

chickelit said...

@Nick: That is an apt metaphor. And they thought they were just circling the wagons.

ndspinelli said...

chick, I'm not sure conservatives are learning how to enjoy this. The left has moved from denial to anger, and will remain there indefinitely. But many on the right are also stuck on anger. This is a time to rejoice, and the left's implosion provides daily reasons to jump up and down like Bubba did early on election night. You have levity, always do.

deborah said...

Yes, chick has a way with words :)

Big winner here: Youtube.

ricpic said...

A pro-American president. It's almost shocking after eight years of enemy rule.

Methadras said...

I support this 100% and also trump using youtube to give us updates. I don't have cable anymore, just internet, so I can now use my smartTV which has a youtube app on it and get to what I need to hear him say for my daily instructions. Because you know, I'm just a robot following the programming of my Trump master.

Trooper York said...

Meth Trump is going to send us instruction with code words like the BBC did with the French Resistance in World War Two.

He is he says the dog is barking that means we should find a main stream media reporter and punch them in the cock.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Meth Trump is going to send us instruction with code words like the BBC did with the French Resistance in World War Two.

He is he says the dog is barking that means we should find a main stream media reporter and punch them in the cock.

I thought all the MSM's had vaginas and ones that weep at that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok, this is good. I can get behind this.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, some of it, anyway.

Trooper York said...

I think you are going to be surprised about how much you will support.

The question is will liberals in general be able to look beyond the bullshit and support things that are good for the country.