Monday, November 21, 2016

The God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne smites his foes and sends wailing off into the night.

Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

New York Post By Emily Smith and Daniel Halper November 21, 2016

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.
“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.
A second source confirmed the fireworks.
“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.
“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”
The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.
“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”
Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.
“Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”
The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.
The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,
Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.
Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, plans to meet with Trump Tuesday.
There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.
(This is too good to be true. Trump just pummeled these pussies. They have been nothing but his bitter enemy and is treating them as such. No quarter. They have continued their bullshit after the election with their lies and misrepresentations and he is not having it. I hope he drives them into the ground. Moves for changes in the libel laws. Call it the Hulk Hogan rule. 
This is everything I wanted and expected of the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne. 
ALL HAIL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Methadras said...

They got cucked.

Trooper York said...

Good and hard.


ricpic said...

What the aitch happened? There were comments to this post that just....disappeared.

Oh well. My previous comment was one of disappointment that Trump didn't smite them with the jawbone of an ass. Not yet anyway. We can always hope.

Methadras said...

ricpic, I saw that too, so I figured it was a goof, so I just reposted.

Trooper York said...

Sorry but there technical problems. When you back to edit a post it duplicates it and you have to delete the duplication. This time I deleted both by mistake. My apologies if I lost your comments.

ampersand said...

I hope he recorded the meeting. I would so love to see it.

Trooper York said...

I hope it runs on an endless loop in the Museum of Broadcasting.

I can't wait to hear what the participants have to say because you know they can't keep their fucking yaps shut. Their agreement to be off the record is just more of their lies.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well....I'll repost my comment. It won't the masterpiece it was before but here goes :-)

I am a fucking genius....or have esp.

This morning my husband and I were driving to deliver a water sample test (well potability and other chemicals) and to pick up some fresh crabs for dinner. On the way we discussed this meeting and I said wouldn't it be great if Trump just land leveled the media. Took them to the woodshed and threatened them with starting their own Trump media to get the news out. Basically bitch slapped the whole crew?

Hubby said. Yeah that would be great but it won't happen. Me; Sigh. Probably not but it would be great.

We were crabs until late this week and we aren't driving back down there until after Thanks giving. So we bought a nice corned beef instead.

Trooper York said...

It does seem too good to be true. There is going to be a lot of leaking and lying going on here so we will have to see.

What is great is that Trump is ignoring the media and posted his report on the transition on Youtube. Bypassing the press. Perfect.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I had a post that said I would pay to watch that. Making Press Conferences Great Again.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I had a post on this thread, but now it's gone.

Trooper York said...

Sorry we are having technical difficulties.

I blame Lem.

I think he is jerking off again. Just sayn'

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Other than the satisfaction of bitch slapping the media, what was the point? Does Trump think that they are going to play nice now that they got spanked?

I doubt it. They will likely double down on being the little nasty pricks that they are.

Trump and his administration should cut them off and only give news, interviews and lead stories to those who have been proven to be friendly. We basically have quit watching Fox News anymore and never ever watch the others unless there is a breaking news story like an earthquake in Japan.

Fox Business Network FTW!!!

edutcher said...

And it will be cheered by the Great Unwashed like nothing since Nixon dared to talk back to Dan Blather.

Saddam, of course, then had his secret police take out those held up for exposure and execute them, a practice that goes back at least to the Romans.

Didn't one of Pissy's little Pajama Boy czars once talk about the Romans going into a new territory and crucifying a couple of hundred people just for fun?

In a sense, that's what Trump did.

And, oopsy, Trump knows he won't be able to make nice because the privileged punks of the news media (Ed Asner's phrase BTW) will spend the next 8 years trying unsuccessfully to bring him down. He just showed them, if they want war, he can give it to them. This will not be a Bush Administration.

Rabel said...

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,”

I want to have Trump's babies. It would take a medical miracle but I'm willing to give it a go.

ampersand said...

Cameras are a dime a dozen now. No one should consent to a media interview without having someone to record it's entirety . If the interviewer complains, don't do the interview, but record their refusal.

Trooper York said...

What's the point?

The media are just a pack of bullies.

Now they met a bigger one. The biggest bully on the block. He gave them a collective wedgie. I think most of them are going to think twice now about what they do. They won't get the free ride they would have got from JebbieMcRubio.

Most of them will still be douches. But that's ok. A scorpion is a scorpion. But you don't have to let them get away with it like they earned it or something.

Trooper York said...

I just hope somebody recorded it on their cellphone and it leaks out. That would be epic.

chickelit said...

Did Katie acidic really cry on air? That is utterly unprofessional. Shame on her.

chickelit said...

Couric not acidic. What difference does it make?

edutcher said...

I thought it was Maatha Rattatatats

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If this was off the record - how do we know this isn't fake news?

ARe those quotes real?
If Trump really said that to CNN - I am impressed. Completely. CNN was one big campaign ad for the crook.

btw - George Clintanopoulos - why is he still here? He and his wife promised us they would leave the country. Get lost!

Trooper York said...

I don't think they are totally true. I think everyone is spinning here.

It seems to be too good to be true.

edutcher said...

Apparently, they went in smiling and left, well, one picture is worth ten thousand words.

PS The Bluebird's skepticism is born of all the Cruzzer propaganda she swallowed without question.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ed- why do you mention me in all of your posts? Please stop.

The Dude said...

Trump is just a stalking horse for Hillary. This is just bluster - he will hand the reins of power over to her any minute now, I have that on the highest authority.

edutcher said...

I don't. You overestimate. Laugh it off.

And I did not tell Sixty to say that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So then Kellyanne Conway went out and lied for him (as some say she's wont to do) and said the "meeting" went well. Great example to set for a guy who says he hates lying.

This is fine as far as it goes. But where does it end? He already requires accountability that he's not living up to in appointing his next of kin to the "blind trust" that should be holding his assets, including overseas assets. I guess the press can't report on that now, either. He does exactly what he accused Hillary of doing.

The press is the only industry mentioned in the Constitution and singled out for special protection. Again, which longstanding American institution does he make it a point to intimidate and go after next?

One thing's for sure: A George Washington or an Abe Lincoln he ain't. The founding Revolution itself was obviously too progressive for you guys, and now y'all are clamoring for a dictatorship, which apparently you may well get. Enjoy it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The way you hold the media accountable is by making them look foolish. Not by having a closed door tantrum on them. And it won't change a thing; it's not just the media Trump is alienating.

This administration is doing everything it can to make sure it starts January 20th with a 15% approval rating. How exciting.

Trooper York said...

Jeez Ritmo the guy has to make money.

You're the kind of guy that would have told President Washington that he had to sell his slaves.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ed sits and waits all day for me to show up. Loser.

Synova said...

I wish I knew which parts of these you make up.

Trooper York said...

Trump is making them look foolish. Just the way he did with the hotel when they all came expecting him to apologize and he just was announcing that he had a new hotel. Or when he had a press conference before the debate where they all expected he would apologize for his comments about that beauty contestent and he had Paula Jones and Kathleen Wiley to talk about Bill Clintions rapes. He is a master troll. You should appreciate it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

You just have to read the source material that I link to Synova.

I didn't change one jot or tittle on this.

Hee. I said tittle.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I agree Balls, if Trump rips the liar hack media, the cameras should be rolling. Even I would start worshiping the guy.

The press operates to protect democrats, and rip the GOP. That does not need to be protected, Balls. It needs to be smashed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump and his administration should cut them off and only give news, interviews and lead stories to those who have been proven to be friendly.

To be friendly?

You think this is the job of the press?

God help us.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press -

I don't see a damn thing in that text alluding to the freedom of the president to by a half-truth-telling bitchy brat.

Trooper York said...

Trump trolled them. They thought he was there to kiss their lying scum asses. He wasn't. I am sure that the truth is somewhere in between the two accounts of the Post and Kellyanne.

That's the way it usually is in real life.

Just don't expect to get the truth from the press.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jeez Ritmo the guy has to make money.

No he doesn't. He knew what the job offered before he took it. And he made people believe he was patriotic to do it anyway.

Either way, why do the kids have to manage the trust? It could still make money - just not based on Trump's foreign policy. Same problem that Hillary had. Exact same. Pay for favors.

You're the kind of guy that would have told President Washington that he had to sell his slaves.

Washington disbanded his businesses to be president.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just don't expect to get the truth from the press.

I don't know anyone who does any more.

I agree with April. It's fine to be a bitch to them. Especially in public.

He has the right to do what he did in private. If that's indeed what happened.

edutcher said...

Yes, dear, I build my whole day around your appearance.

Get over yourself, huh?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The press operates to protect democrats, and rip the GOP.

How well's that working? The presidency, both houses, endless SCOTUS nominations and huge majorities in state legislatures. How many institutions do you need to control?

Grace in victory... I guess that's no longer needed. Just an attitude to go with all that power and total control.

That does not need to be protected, Balls. It needs to be smashed.

A Ministry of Information would obviously be more compliant.

If Republican policies were actually popular, maybe you might see a media environment that's biased toward that.

The media is corporatist. The Democrats are corporatists. That's your problem, in a nutshell.

And one that I have yet to see Trump give a single indication that he cares to correct.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Balls - Trump is free, under the umbrella of freedom of speech, to call the press a pack of liars.

This is why Hillary lost. She's a liar and the press never bothered to point it out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not arguing that Trump didn't have a right to do what he did.

I'm arguing that his attitude will only get him so far - both due to popular and constitutional constraints.

He seems quick with his tongue. Why is he so afraid to call journalists out in public?

I guess Tweeting daylong-held grievances at 3 AM gets tedious after a while.

What did he expect to change? The press has no obligation to provide his acts or policies with favorable coverage.

Maybe he might actually act in a dignified way and enact popular policies, though. Which is, after all, the whole point of the job. Not just to be an ego machine.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The media and the democrats are corporatists? OK - lets go with that.... and the media were/are all in bed with mega-uber-ultra corportist ----> Hillary Clinton.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Balls, the press has an obligation to be fair. 70+% of everyone knows that the press is unfair. Not simply in what they choose to cover, but in what they choose to miss. The hack press missed that Hillary is a criminal and used her time at State to stuff her personal family coffers.

Kind of a big miss.
I have to read on blogs whenever a democrat is found guilty of a crime. You don't hear about it in the MSM. But if any R puts a dog on the roof or says something stupid 10-30 years ago - it's BIG FUCKING NEWS on CNN and on the Rachel the 13 year old boy show.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump is making them look foolish. Just the way he did with the hotel when they all came expecting him to apologize and he just was announcing that he had a new hotel. Or when he had a press conference before the debate where they all expected he would apologize for his comments about that beauty contestent and he had Paula Jones and Kathleen Wiley to talk about Bill Clintions rapes. He is a master troll. You should appreciate it.

I appreciate it - in part.

I just want to know how far he intends to take it.

At some point, he will screw something up.

At some point, he will have to be accountable for something - no matter how much it pains him to acknowledge.

He can chastise liars and half-truth tellers. But at the end of the day, some authority, some institution - some thing above just his ego will have to demand his respect.

Otherwise we move into uncharted territory and the Republic is toast.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The media and the democrats are corporatists? OK - lets go with that.... and the media were/are all in bed with mega-uber-ultra corportist ----> Hillary Clinton.


What about Trump's demands to "unblind" his blind trust, get security-UNcleared Kushner and Ivanka in the room with the Japanese head of state, meeting with his Indian business interests, etc., etc., etc.

If you wanted integrity, then Trump rolled you, it seems.

I now have to rely on Ben Shapiro to get my news. The "grassroots" is ga-ga for corruption. As long as it's their guy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls, the press has an obligation to be fair. 70+% of everyone knows that the press is unfair.

Hahahhha hahah ahahaha. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh just yesterday railing against a "fairness clause?" As well he should. The problem with policing speech is no one can agree on what's fair.

Not simply in what they choose to cover, but in what they choose to miss. The hack press missed that Hillary is a criminal and used her time at State to stuff her personal family coffers.

Kind of a big miss.
I have to read on blogs whenever a democrat is found guilty of a crime. You don't hear about it in the MSM.

Yeah? And I have to read Ben Shapiro (and others will pop up) now that the right has rolled over and played fetch for Trump. You don't like MSM? That's hilarious. Networks are dead. I cancelled my cable subscription nine years ago. NINE years. It's done. Comcast? Hilarious. You just have to look at how they did business with us consumers to realize how full of it they are.

Once you evolve to a livestreamer instead of a cable subscriber, you will discover many wonderful things. There are tons of leftists who hold Hillary accountable. I can rattle off about five progressive YouTube channels off the top of my head that were more effective prosecutors of Hillary and the Clinton Machine than most of the establishment right.

If you want to know who they are, just ask.

HELL. I even listen to Paul Joseph Watson more than I should.

You have followed the mainstream media market's plan to duopolize you. Break out of it.

Be an informed consumer. Making informed choices of what to consume is the ultimate economic freedom.

Do it. Do it, April.

Break your chains.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The security clearance for kids request was FAKE NEWS. Or some jr lackey - not Trump.

I now have to rely on Ben Shapiro to get my news. You could do worse.

I think it's silly the super-human status we give the president. Trump is gonna screw up, and he's gonna get some things right. just like the light-worker, except I have a feeling Trump will be better. He starts off perfect if he calls CNN/Zucker a liar. Blast the ACA? - I'm already sick of all the winning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Trooper could figure that Ultimate Douchebag Glenn Greenwald still had useful things to say about Obama/Clinton/NSA, then I think it's time for everyone to confine themselves a little less to partisan boxes.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You don't like MSM? That's hilarious. Networks are dead.

The old fashioned alphabet news channels still get market share. They pull in millions more viewers than all the cable news networks - combined.

Pelly, Holt, that other guy... They still influence. (sadly)

Sure -they are losing some of that influence thanks to streaming and the web. But they still get millions of viewers, and they are hacks.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure Zucker is a liar. His network is a shill, I know that. I know most MSM stations are shills. Their general election coverage was more biased than I've ever seen. But then, I knew what was coming from the DNC primary campaign coverage.

Any guy who intimidated Conan O'Brien as bad as Zucker did had it coming. I'm not sympathetic in the least.

Plus, he looks like his head is a big toe.

ricpic said...

At some point Trump will screw up and Schmendrik will jump all over him to SAVE THE REPUBLIC. Note: the republic has not been near destroyed by Schmendrik's brethren in the 24/7 lying lefty MSM. No. Trump AT SOME POINT will have to be stopped by the filthy lying dreck that has almost, not quite but almost killed HATED AMERICA. That would be SCHMENDRIK.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I am informed that the hack press exists, and calling it a liar is good.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sure -they are losing some of that influence thanks to streaming and the web.

They are only going in one direction. Their market share is swirling the toilet bowl. And aging. Rapidly.

We can learn from the kids.

But they still get millions of viewers, and they are hacks.

Then why the hell do you watch them? It's like you just admitted to me how hackey they are, how nowhere their market is going (isn't this something that Trump would/should say?) and then reverse course 180 degrees to say that they deserve presidential opprobrium because some helpless consumers still award them with market share.

Whichever consumer does that gets what they deserve, I say. Caveat emptor.

I can't understand what anyone who's been paying nearly hundreds of dollars a month to be programmed thought they were getting out of it any more - in the age of the web. Who doesn't have an internet connection any more?

Which of those who do still feel that they're getting anything out of the programmers?

Just that word alone... "Programmers." Sound creepy? It is. They're programming your mind.

Amazon/Netflix/etc. and people still think they need "programming?" What the hell? What gives?

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The press operates to protect democrats, and rip the GOP.

How well's that working? The presidency, both houses, endless SCOTUS nominations and huge majorities in state legislatures. How many institutions do you need to control?

A good point, and one noted by Sam Donaldson back in the 80s. The point is, long run, it worked for the Demos quite well. The only institution they couldn't hold after WWII was the Presidency and, from the 80s on, Congress proved to be elusive.

What's happening now is that mass media is becoming obsolete and a more granularized form, tailored to individual tastes, means people pick and choose what they want to see.

The SCUS nominations have to make it through, but, if the Rs ever control NY, IL, and CA and convert the electoral votes to the ME model, the Democrats will be broken for the foreseeable future.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At some point Trump will screw up and Schmendrik will jump all over him to SAVE THE REPUBLIC. Note: the republic has not been near destroyed by Schmendrik's brethren in the 24/7 lying lefty MSM. No. Trump AT SOME POINT will have to be stopped by the filthy lying dreck that has almost, not quite but almost killed HATED AMERICA. That would be SCHMENDRIK.

Lol. Kapo ricpic speaks.

"Oberkommando!" Ich bin Kapo ricpic und Ich habe etwas zu berichten!

Synova said...

Trooper... sorry to impugn your honor that way. When the real world sounds like Trooper being funny it's probably time for everyone to go home and stop drinking... or, lift another toast... or something. Either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, MSNBC's average viewer's age is 62.

I learned that from the REAL (or apparently, non-existent - if we're too believe cable subscribers) lefty press.

If they keep aging, they might catch up to the age of FOX viewers.

That's really what this country needs. A bunch of doddering old fools watching good-looking, glitzy idiotic and easily bought off young adults talking in a closed chamber with phony pundits.

I don't even understand why cable "news" shows need multiple staff at their broadcasts. They should just mutter incoherently to themselves - as if in a psych ward. It would be about as informative. And even more interesting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...brethren in the 24/7 lying lefty MSM.



Ha hahaha.

הנה מה טוב ומה נעים, שבת אחים גם יחד

edutcher said...

Too cute.

Leaked vid of the Ozark Mafia when they thought the election was in the bag.

Watch Willie, especially. We know Frumpty swings both ways, but it looks like Willie does too.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All right. I'm off to watch Rebel Media.

Hopefully they'll stay acceptable under the new regime.

Enjoy your MSM, everyone else!

deborah said...

Let's hope it's true.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

It does seem too good to be true. There is going to be a lot of leaking and lying going on here so we will have to see.

What is great is that Trump is ignoring the media and posted his report on the transition on Youtube. Bypassing the press. Perfect.

I truly foresee him using the leftists very own media streams to disseminate his message and they can do NOTHING to stop it. The irony is delicious and their tears will be icing. He's proven to be a master tactician in this regard. He's out-communicated both the Clintons and Obama. Beat them at their own amateurish game with their own media over the head. First he took to twitter and fucked them in the ass there. Twitter had no choice but to let the carnage ensue. Now he's going to YouTube and Google is shitting themselves over it. I know how those pajama boys in the bay area emotionally operate. They are flicking their clits in hysteria.

Methadras said...

Rabel said...

I want to have Trump's babies. It would take a medical miracle but I'm willing to give it a go.

Hormone therapy... AND GO!!!

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

So then Kellyanne Conway went out and lied for him (as some say she's wont to do) and said the "meeting" went well. Great example to set for a guy who says he hates lying.

She didn't lie at all. The meeting did go well. For Trump. See how that works?

Sort of when leftists say that Obama's administration has been utterly successful. Well, yes, for leftists. See how that works?

Synova said...

"She didn't lie at all. The meeting did go well. For Trump. See how that works?

Yup... about like that.

I find it sort of interesting that there were so many leaks of what was supposed to be an off-the-record meeting. To tell the truth, even though it wasn't a fun story made up by Trooper, I still wonder to what extent it was made up or misrepresented.

I don't believe much of anything that I hear. Not that I figure that everyone is lying but more that no one cares about informing or assessing the importance of anything. It's all reporting on the "elephant" by blind people who are describing the trunk or tail or toe or belly and demanding a response to this or that incredible revelation.

It's entertaining taken for what it is. If so many people weren't completely unhinged.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

OT: Grumblings that Trump won't go after Hillary for her pay-to-play corruption.

If true - bad bad bad.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Grumblings that Trump won't go after Hillary for her pay-to-play corruption.

If true - bad bad bad.

April. While I am really disappointed that Trump personally won't go after Hillary, I am torn on the idea.

She should be in jail and probably Obama and Bill along with her. Hillary is a guilty as sin. Needs to be punished. However, I think that this may be a good move for Trump and for the Country. Here's why

1. It sets a really bad precedent for the future if the incoming administration can literally jail the outgoing administration and to have the head of that administration be personally involved. The corruption factor would be magnified.

2. It would be a big distraction to the REAL business that Trump's Administration needs to concentrate on.

I "Steplightly" over at another blog and here is the posting that I did earlier this morning.

Enter the situation by the back door. Go after the Clinton Foundation for operating illegally as a charitable entity. Defund the foundation and send the money to legitimate charitable organizations. We certainly don't want to REfund the money to the Sauds and other slimeballs who donated to the scheme.

Take away the money from the Clinton machine including Chelsea. Nip that poisonous budding political career before it can be formed. Bill and Hillary will be castrated and cut off from their lifestyle of greed and corruption. When you have nothing left to sell (power and influence) no one is going to give you anything. They can live as shunned recluses

Not the justice I would like to see....Hillary in jail. But one that would be satisfying anyway. With less

I would rather see Trump clear the swamp. New people and direction for the FBI, IRS, Dept of Justice. Clean up, reduce or eliminate whole departments. Education, HUD, EPA etc etc. of the alligators got away (Hillary). The point is to clean up the swamp and not spend all your energy on chasing down that one ancient 'gator while the swamp continues.

So while it would be most satisfying to see Hillary raked over the coals while Trump dances around the bonfire in our place.....the country will be better off in the long run if Trump can truly drain the swamp and turn the country around economically, politically, foreign policy and in many other ways. Yeah. The nasty ole' gator got away. We need to prevent the new young 'gators from reproducing. Looking at you Chelsea and Michelle.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The press is the only industry mentioned in the Constitution and singled out for special protection

@ Ritmo

The "press" was not an industry when the Constitution was written. The term "press" at that time applied to not just a small town newspaper, of which there were very few, but mainly to the right of the individual to write, press and distribute pamphlets. Like Thomas Paine. An individual who got his word out to the masses, the only way possible at that time, with the technology of the printing press.

The Constitution protects the individual's right to disseminate their speech MORE than it does protect an industry. The Founders likely couldn't envision the "industry" and the perversions of the "Press" that we see today.

deborah said...

Well said, DBQ, on both posts.

re:power and influence, I recall that Hillary was stabbed in the back by members of her party, especially Ted Kennedy, who endorsed Obama in '08. The buzz was that was because the Clintons were feared and hated by politicians.

It's very smart of Trump not to go after her because he needs to work with the Dems to get things through would tear us apart because it was such a painful election for them.

I think there's a high probability that Obama didn't try very hard to silence Comey, maybe with the view of Michelle becoming the first female president. Oh, burn.

The Dude said...

Trump does not need democrats to pass anything in congress, but he does need those cucks, turncoats and RINOs.

Read what Trump said - I think in essence he said he won't go after the Clintons. He has others to do that job.

deborah said...

Oh, exactly, even so, his DOJ probably won't pursue it.

Yes, he does need Dem votes to offset some of the Rinos, etc.

Trooper York said...

I put my trust in Jeff Sessions. He is not going to cover anything up. He will allow the FBI to do it's job without fear or favor. Especially as to the Clinton Foundation. They will put the facts out there. Once the facts are know the political climate might change.

Trump is a delegator. He can delegate it to Sessions and trust that he will do the right thing. What Trump does is pick competent people and let them do their job. If they screw up he is not afraid to fire them. But he gives them their head and lets them sink or swim based on their talent and capability.

I trust in Jeff Sessions. I think all you so called "conservatives" should do the same thing.

deborah said...

You may well be right.

"I think all you so called "conservatives" should do the same thing."

Fuck off, Twinkie.

Trooper York said...

Sorry Little Debbie but all of the people who did everything they could to defeat Trump and said he was in the pocket of Hillary and was just in to give the Presidency have no credibility at all in discussing anything that Trump is going to do.

This is an just an idea that is being floated by some aide or functionary and is being interpreted by the lying scum media to get their girl off the hook. Jeff Sessions is a man of integrity and if the FBI develops indictable material you can be sure he will pursue it. He will start with the small fry and not hand out immunity. Once it can be traced up to the Clintons then Trump will be faced with a decision. Until then we need to let it play out. Trump has said over and over that you do not show your hand. I think that applies here too.

Trooper York said...

This could also be typical Trump misdirection. By floating the rumor that Hillary will not be prosecuted he can stop Obama from pardoning her.

Trump baits and switches all the time.

He is the master troll.

Trooper York said...

With all that said I think in the end Trump will pardon her.

deborah said...

Trooper at 1128...just so long as you're not including me in that group. I've gotten enough slams from you to think the line I quoted was meant for me, cause I'll tell you now you'd be barking up the wrong cunt.

Trooper York said...

I try to stay away from barking cunts.

Well except for the Mariah Carey posts.

deborah said...


bagoh20 said...

Letting the DOJ pursue her will not interfere with anything except corruption.

The government can walk and chew gum at the same time. This was serious crime at the highest levels. If Trump personally lets her off, then it means he accepts that and only suggested otherwise for political gain. Many of us voted for him to make sure she got what she earned, and not let her wander around free and enriched while dedicated brave military people have paid plenty for far less serious mistakes. What she did likely cost brave American lives solely in service of her political fortunes. It's an insult to our best people, our laws and our principles, and it has nothing to do with Trump unless he steps in it.

deborah said...

That seems like a naive voting rationale to me. I hope DOJ will drag her through the mud and expose everything, but I'm guessing she'll play the pity card of not being physically well enough. But even if convicted, she will never, ever see the inside of a jail cell.

Methadras said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The press is the only industry mentioned in the Constitution and singled out for special protection

@ Ritmo

The "press" was not an industry when the Constitution was written. The term "press" at that time applied to not just a small town newspaper, of which there were very few, but mainly to the right of the individual to write, press and distribute pamphlets. Like Thomas Paine. An individual who got his word out to the masses, the only way possible at that time, with the technology of the printing press.

The Constitution protects the individual's right to disseminate their speech MORE than it does protect an industry. The Founders likely couldn't envision the "industry" and the perversions of the "Press" that we see today.

It's actually deeper than this. The press is truly the citizen. Observe/Report. Protection of not silencing the printing press via government intervention. Protection of not being prosecuted by government for reporting. Any citizen is the press. The press is truly all of us. Government is seeing the fruits of that labor through the Constitution and citizen reporters from either side wielding phone cams to do it for them. It's up to us to decide what has validity and what doesn't.

The notion of journalists and journalism is nothing more than a protection racket to protect news papers business interests and to give themselves Constitutional cover. They proved how untrustworthy they are over many decades. They lost the peoples trust and now they don't know how to get it back. You can only cry wolf so long.

Trooper York said...

"Trump personally lets her off"

Trump is not personally letting her off. If he lets the professional prosecutors do their job then he is acting exactly the way we want him to act.Exactly the way we wanted Obama to act instead of telling the Justice Department and FBI to do what he wanted. Didn't youse morons say you were worried that he is an authoritarian despot who will use the government to go after his enemies?

This is the same bullshit as the nonsense that the transition is in chaos when he is far ahead of any transition in the last thirty years.

Jeff Sessions is a man of the utmost integrity and if there are indictable offenses he will bring it to the grand jury. You can bet on it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"She didn't lie at all. The meeting did go well. For Trump. See how that works?

Yup... about like that.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Yes, half-truths work for anyone! Very clever.

And then, today they shifted. Now comes the part where Trump's being all over the map works for me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The "press" was not an industry when the Constitution was written. The term "press" at that time applied to not just a small town newspaper, of which there were very few, but mainly to the right of the individual to write, press and distribute pamphlets. Like Thomas Paine. An individual who got his word out to the masses, the only way possible at that time, with the technology of the printing press.

The Constitution protects the individual's right to disseminate their speech MORE than it does protect an industry. The Founders likely couldn't envision the "industry" and the perversions of the "Press" that we see today.

I'm not sure I see how it matters. This sounds like the argument that billionaire paid-for speech is not the speech they envisioned, that AR-15s were not like their muskets, etc., etc., etc.