Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dem senators vulnerable in '18 willing to work with Trump

"North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) is ready to work with Republicans on legislation to invest in “clean coal” technologies.

More broadly, she says she’s willing to work across the aisle on regulatory reform.
“My priority is standing up for North Dakota, not party politics. The reason I’m in the U.S. Senate is to work with Republicans and Democrats to get things done,” she told The Hill in a statement.  
Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) is ready to work with the GOP and the Trump administration on military mental healthcare issues, curbing the exodus of U.S. jobs to foreign countries and combating the opioid epidemic. ready to 
...Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) hopes to work with Republicans to reduce the deficit, clean up Washington by stopping former lawmakers from becoming lobbyists and passing legislation to improve service at the Department of Veterans Affairs, a major Trump talking point during the campaign.
...I’m not sure that Democrats are going to rescue Republicans from the train they’re about to throw themselves in front of. There’s a fair amount of bitterness that Republicans were not reasonable players in the [Affordable Care Act] discussion,” said Kessler.
...Ten Democrats voted last year to approve the Keystone pipeline. Six of them are running for re-election in states that Trump won: McCaskill, Manchin, Donnelly, Heitkamp, Tester and Casey."


Leland said...

He's a uniter.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The GOP better take advantage of their vulnerabilities and fake "Oh NOW we'll work with you - even though we spent the last 8 years stabbing you in the back" - and run non-Akins against McCatkill and the rest.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Fear can be a motivator.

edutcher said...

The Art of the Deal.


MamaM said...

There’s a fair amount of bitterness that Republicans were not reasonable players...

Not quite to the feeling a lot of relief stage yet.

ricpic said...

As Obama recedes in the rearview mirror Democrat pragmatists may begin to play a larger role in their party. Doesn't matter to me whether their protestations that "We'll work with you" are real or fake, what counts is action. Needless to say they may not play a larger role in their party. I'm sure a ferocious internal battle is already underway. Perhaps we'll have a hint that a less impossible Democrat Party may evolve if Tim Ryan is successful in his challenge to Pelosi.

The Dude said...

Ryan lost, Pelosi won.

Botox FTW!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You have to pass Nancy to find out what is in her.

Trooper York said...

The God Emperor will hold their feet to the fire. He will support other Trumpkin populists who will spring up to do the work of the people and not the crony capitalists.

His recent triumph with the Carrier Air Conditioner Company is just the first of many. He will beat up the manufacturers to save American Jobs. Jeff Sessions will merely enforce existing laws and many illegals will self deport when the manufacturers realize that the Justice Department is serious about enforcing the law.

These Democratic Senators are at their most basic simply politicians. They have no morals, scruples or principles. They are whores. Trump knows how to deal with whores. The question isn't if you are going to get laid....the question is how much.

The Dude said...

Gab is unfathomable.

Methadras said...

Sixty, Gab will have to change it's user interface eventually and update itself.

However, the larger issue is seeing these weak-kneed leftists get on their knees for Trump.

MamaM said...

Ryan lost, Pelosi won

The Dems lost an icon and need to prop up another old woman with a penchant for lying.

ricpic said...

'"You have to pass Nancy to find out what is in her."

The Tell-Tale Fart?

Trooper York said...

"You have to pass Nancy to find out what is in her."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Aren't there always politicians from the other political party who announce early on that they're "willing to work" with the winner of a presidential election?

deborah said...

Good one, Leland.

edutcher said...

What passes through Pelosi Galore is what passes through everybody else.

Just a lot more of it.

Sixty Grit said...

Ryan lost, Pelosi won.

Ryan lost, Pelosi won, Demos lose.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Aren't there always politicians from the other political party who announce early on that they're "willing to work" with the winner of a presidential election?

Usually. That's how Reagan got everything through the House.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Will these same democrats fight AG Sessions?

AllenS said...

To all of those Democrats now saying that they are more than willing to now work with Trump, change parties. You'll have a better chance at reelection.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Change panties? yeah - or change diapers. ;-)

AllenS said...


ndspinelli said...

WTF?? A comment I made this morning about Claire McCaskill vanished!

ndspinelli said...

I worked w/ McCaskill back in the 70's. She was a new prosecutor in the Jackson County Prosecutors office and I was an investigator. She was always seeking the camera or print reporters. I was on an arson task force w/ her and she had all of us on the force always having news conferences and photo ops. She had politician written all over her. She left Hillary for Obama in 2008 and crawled back to Hillary in 2016. She wants to be prez and will do ANYTHING it takes. She will suck Trumps dick if that is what it takes or she will lie, cheat, and steal from Trump if that is what she sees as helping her. She doesn't give a rat's ass about Missouri or the country, only Claire.

ndspinelli said...

The Dem Party is run by a liberal from the West coast and a liberal on the East coast. "You're doin' a helluva job Nancy and Chucky!"

deborah said...

Thanks for re-posting, Nick, didn't see this before. Yeah she bucked Hillary for Obama, but then many, many did. Even whats his name, former transportation sec from New Mexico. Richard...? This chick will never be pres. Yuk.

ndspinelli said...

Keep ignoring the 32 states between the coasts..that's the ticket!

deborah said...

Pelosi had too much power and favors to wield.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Even whats his name, former transportation sec from New Mexico. Richard...?

Bill Richardson.

edutcher said...

PS Feel good item of the day.

Sarah Palin is under consideration for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Mother of a vet and mother-in-law of a vet.

Mama Grizzly would be a great choice.

MamaM said...

Here's a tip: Googling the phrase "Former transportation sec for New Mexico. Richard...?" yields the name needed in the blink of an eye without feeding into RH's previously posted theories on women.

Unless, of course, there's game involved. Which may be the case. Wondering now if Sarah Palin also qualifies for the "This chick will never be Pres. Yuk." category or if that's reserved only for democrats over 60?

ndspinelli said...


Trooper York said...

Unfortunately Sarah Palin will never be President.

But she was necessary to get to Trump. She should be rewarded and she would do a great job for the vets. We know that she will get the publicity necessary to get things done. It's perfect because the Democrats and the Liberals hate the vets so they can hate on Sarah while they are at it and further alienate normal Americans.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Allen S - I switched parties to panties.
then I switched panties to diapers.

deborah said...

Palin is a kickass choice for VA dept.