Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hillary tries to troll Trump by putting Mark Cuban in front row of debate.......Amateur.

TRUMP RESPONDS TO CLINTON CAMP=> May Seat Gennifer Flowers in Front Row at Debate

On Friday the Clinton Campaign announced they were giving Mark Cuban a seat in the front row to troll Donald Trump during the presidential debate on Monday.
They are that desperate.
Mark Cuban tweeted about it on Friday.

Just got a front row seat to watch @HillaryClinton overwhelm@realDonaldTrump at the "Humbling at Hofstra" on Monday. It Is On !

On Saturday Donald Trump responded—
He may put Gennifer Flowers, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers, in the front row for the debate.


edutcher said...

Were it me, I would have gotten Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kyle Browning, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Monica there with her.

Trooper York said...

I think he should pay Monica a million dollars to sit in the front row in a blue dress smoking a cigar.

That would beat the crap out of any bullshit TV commercials.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is a beautiful thing to behold. Don't you love seeing millionaires bitch slap each other? And politicians with immeasurable senses of entitlement having their noses rubbed in their own shit? With each passing day I'm brought further into the wisdom of conservative voters choosing Trump over all those other good to great politicians. This man has a knack for confounding their best efforts.

All those abused women would jump at the chance especially if he enhanced the offer with a jet ride and visit to his tower for a private thing with their friends. Don't you think? As much as I hate to admit, it really does take just such wealthy and massive asshole to crash through the Party system as developed. He's done very well. He's got a day and half, two days, to pull together his plan.

AllenS said...

This man, Trump, is exceptional.

edutcher said...

Chip, there is a certain poetry to the way you put things.

MamaM said...

Hoooo Doggies!! Get the group together.

Dress them in something flashy! Or spring for a blue dress for each to wear.

Tell them to respond to everything shockingly delivered with wide eyes and wide open mouths.

Or hold pens like pretend cigars. Why stop there, give them each an unlit cigar to carry and wave around during the debate. Ask them to shake their heads in that confused Hillary way, or bite their lip whenever it's the Queen's turn to talk.

ricpic said...

Hey, I just read that Monica Lewinsky won't be sitting in the first row because...are you ready?...after the incident with the cigar she doesn't want to be anywhere near a Cuban.

MamaM said...

And when the lies start rolling, all Trump has to say, is "Hold onto your dresses, Ladies, here we go again!!

The Dude said...

Remember that scene in King Kong where the photographers kept taking pictures using flash attachments and the mighty beast became enraged and broke his chains? Sure you do.

I want the press, complete with the little card reading "Press" in their hatbands to do the same until Hillary Klintkong melts down and runs amok in the crowd.

Extra points for anyone who does what the little card says and mashes one of the press boys in the head.

edutcher said...

You mean something like this?

(eye bleach may be required...)

edutcher said...

BTW, Ms Flowers has RSVPed.

edutcher said...

Gotta love it.

Now Juanita Broaddrick wants to come, too.

In the immortal words of Thomas Edward Lawrence, "This is going to be fun" .

bagoh20 said...

Those women impeach Bill, not Hillary, and are more likely to make her seem the victim - a call for Democrat support.

Put the families of Benghazi heroes there. That's all about her lies and disqualifications.

bagoh20 said...

Like Cuban, I bet most self-made rich guys despise Trump. I'm sure that to them he's the least deserving of their peers. They may vote for him, but they don't respect him, and Hillary's self-made qualities are all negative. I would bet that among billionaires, Trump support is pretty weak, party due to ideology, but a lot of it pure envy.

edutcher said...

bag, these women remind everybody what a phony feminist Frumpty really is.

Instead of throwing Willie out on his ear as any decent woman would do, she played Hera to his Zeus so she could ride his coattails to the White House.

And now Paula Jones wants to go, too.

You couldn't make this up.

bagoh20 said...

I don't think the Cuban play by Hilary is very effective either. Who cares or is surprised that Cuban doesn't like Trump. What is the message there? The people who don't like Trump, don't like Cuban either, and for the same reasons.

Both plays are just off target and not effective as the "oh my" moments they attempt to be. As soon as you actually think about it, you say: "so what?".

bagoh20 said...

"Instead of throwing Willie out on his ear as any decent woman would do, she played Hera to his Zeus so she could ride his coattails to the White House."

Which is just what lots women would do. Bill is still very popular among women. I don't get it, and find it really disappointing, but have you ever tried to talk a woman into dumping a bad guy who she's attracted to? You end up the enemy, not him.

MamaM said...

Which is just what lots women would do.

There are also "lots of women" and I'd go so far as to say a significant number of men who've decided not to accept repeat philandering and infidelity by a spouse in their marriages.

Hillary reveals her character and her priorities through the choices she's made with regard to illegal and deplorable behavior.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Bill is still very popular among women.

No, just Lefty Democrat women. A lot want to relive their days when they played hippie by screwing every guy that wanted it and some just want him because he's a Lefty.

Most women are repelled by him.

Remember, in the '92 election, where the media made a big deal out of the fact some women said they voted for him because they wanted to go to bed with him (much like Jack Kennedy), he only got 43% of the vote.

bagoh20 said...

"There are also "lots of women" and I'd go so far as to say a significant number of men who've decided not to accept repeat philandering and infidelity by a spouse in their marriages. "

Trump is hardly the statement against that, except when your wife is still really hot. Poor Bill never had that. Now I feel sorry for him. He did what he had to.

Trooper York said...

Here's the difference bags. There is not a long trail of women who are complaining that Trump raped them or used his position to coerce sex. Even his ex-wives have nothing but good things to say about him.

What do the women that Bill has abused have to say about him?

But you can always find something that gives Trump an advantage to be a bad thing. You are very very talented that way. I admire your consistency.

Trooper York said...

Gennifer Flowers will not be in the audience and the powers that be have shut down Mark Cuban and told him he won't be in the front row making faces at Trump the way Hillary planned.

Once again Hillary started it and Trump ended it made her look like a fool.

Expect that to happen over and over again at the debate.

Trooper York said...

My favorite part of the debate.

Hillary starts to tremble and cough and shake and Trump shouts out "Is there a Doctor in the House? Quick get that big guy with the needle. I will wait to you fix her up."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Which is just what lots women would do. Bill is still very popular among women. I don't get it, and find it really disappointing, but have you ever tried to talk a woman into dumping a bad guy who she's attracted to? You end up the enemy, not him.

Well, at least until they do something messed up to her. But Bill's the master seducer. By the time he's wronged the first one he's already onto a party with at least three more. And women are the ultimate group-thinkers. They can't hate a man who's loved by that many other women. It's the secret to his strategy: Mentally seduce as many women as possible before laying a finger on a single one. That way they'll all be ready for him with love and affection and political support before the number of women he can manage to actually fondle get pissed. Even Bill can only fondle and/or upset so many women at a time - based on the laws of physics. The rest are already mentally seduced and provide a ready-made support choir of the not-yet-wronged. He makes sure to keep them at the ready at all times. Keep the pool of mentally seduced larger than the pool of physically seduced. It's great insurance against rake hatred.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump should ask Lester why Lester doesn't ask Hillary about her corruption.