Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"How dinosaurs evolved according to an ancient Chinese scripture"

Or... How Donald Trump took over the GOP. via Reedit.


edutcher said...


Trooper York said...

What a scandal! Obviously this disqualifies him from serving as President. I expect a special prosecutor to be appointed momentarily.

Chip Ahoy said...

When the decimal moves three notches to the right then I might bother following a link.

I dun did it again for the millionth time. Forgot to put salt in the bread dough. Nyah, qué una estúpido cabeza grande.

But it proofed so quickly, three hours instead of the usual seven or eight for sourdough, and it went so high beyond the rim of the pan, that HEY! Who cares? I dumped it out again, stretched it like pizza again, salted it, rolled it back up and started over again. It just ferments a little bit longer that's all no problema, no pérdida.

bagoh20 said...

I don't get it. What's unseemly about a campaign buying campaign literature. You mean to tell me campaigns never did that? They didn't buy and spread around "Tales From My Father" or "Profiles in Courage" or "How to Seduce Young Interns Without Really Trying", or "Sensitive Email for Dummies"?

Trooper York said...

It is a meme for the corrupt mainstream media to try and attack Trump. He can have a paper cut and it is 24/7 that he is bleeding to death.

Hillary can have her head cut off and rolling down the street and they will say "Asked and answered. That's old news. It is sexist to ask about her health."

It is all bullshit just like everything these media assholes report.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hate the media. They are all democrats... democrats helping democrats... democrats ignoring democrat scandals. Pimping some nothing-burger while the media's cozy money machine rolls on at ABC CBS NBC. Don't kid yourselves - most Americans still watch that sh*t.

ricpic said...

That looks like a Brontosaurus. Donald's a T-Rex.

chickelit said...

Implies that Trump is a DINO.