Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Trump just threw down the gauntlet.

Trump delivered so much at once that his litany appears exhaustive but it is not. He makes references to scandals without providing details. There are too many. All the scandalous details are withheld. These are the opening blasts. His powder kept dry. So to speak. His speech is long and broad while leaving out more than it includes.

Just one example, I think this would be central, losing track of six billion dollars as Secretary of State, but no mention of that specifically and it's rather big in my opinion bearing on absence of fiscal responsibility, and on demands Republicans give her even more money to lose track of. I'm assuming he's saving juicy bits for later,  too many other derelictions to duty left out and cavalier use of state resources. And not even mentioning her criminally engaged husband. Too many details like that to list them all, but everywhere one looks at Hillary's and Bill's history examples of her being the wrong personality in office pop up, wrong for women, wrong for minorities, wrong for everybody, and all this forces media to discuss the things they'd rather hide if only to dispute them and dismantle however they can, they're still talking about Trump's accusations and a lot of people are hearing things for the first time. Her own history wears on her more heavily than her brocaded contract fabric flat paneled gowns. So does Trump's history wear on him, and so are Trump's scandals public. While Hillary's scandals are all in some way about her raw ambition and her involvement with government, her speeches refer to the genius of entrepreneurship and rely on the health of the private sector, the unruly portion that never sees enough government regulation from her "we're stronger together" aphoristic point of view. (Yes we are stronger together but not with you in our bundle.)

Hillary's sense of being stronger together.

YouTube : [Donald Trump's Full Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech in NYC (6-22-16)]

YouTube: [Hillary Clinton Rally in Raleigh, NC 6/22/ 2016 responds to Trump]


ricpic said...


The Dude said...

Not yet, ricpic, not yet. That will be later.

Amartel said...

Great speech!
For Clinton, and everyone else in the hypocrisy party but especially for Clinton, government is something we do together to profit ME.
How anyone can even consider voting for this dangerous, compromised, greedy fraudulence is just such a mystery.

edutcher said...

Problem with trying to hit everything first crack out of the box is you get lost in the minutiae.

That stuff is for the ads and videos to come.

What's important is that line where he said:

Her campaign slogan is “I’m with her.”

You know what my response to that is? I’m with you: the American people.

She thinks it’s all about her.

I know it’s all about you – I know it’s all about making America Great Again for All Americans.

Our country lost its way when we stopped putting the American people first.

Great stuff.

And a point to conjure with:

Hillary spent $225,173,676 to defeat a 73-year-old communist no one ever heard of.

Trump spent $64,729,675 to vanquish 16 opponents who spent a combined $701,293,230.

And, technically, the Bernies aren't done yet. They intend to crash the convention.

edutcher said...

And something for any military or tech people in the audio radiance, Hillary disabled the server's security while SecState.

No wonder the Russkies can read her mail.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The radio media are pimping Hillary and only giving small canned snippets of Trump.

She's in North Carolina. He should be there too.

Trooper York said...

I know. He just can't do anything right.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The radio media "Fox news radio fair and balanced" (my @ss) played a really long clip of HIllary bashing Trump - and played a small Trump clip ignoring the gist of it all, then summing up with "Trump blames Hillary for Benghazi."

The media are so freaking in the tank for the D, it's disgusting.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You can't ignore that she is gonna effectively go after him just as hard. He's an easy target. Something Trump enthusiasts tend to forget.

Methadras said...

Throat punch engaged.

April, they are both going to duke this out till the end and we'll see who has the best conditioning.

Amartel said...

Fox is badly in need of some competition.
Also, if they would not go wrong canning that phony Shep Smith. Say what you will about all the other Fox libs at least they don't hide behind a facade of objectivity ... and far too much pancake make up. If Fox wanted to balance it out a and can OReilly too (a lawsuit waiting to happen as well as a big preening fake) all the better.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

The radio media are pimping Hillary and only giving small canned snippets of Trump.

At least they're playing them. Too bad his speech is all over the Interwebz.

She's in North Carolina. He should be there too.

Why? Other than you think so because he should do everything she does because she is soooo much smarter.

You can't ignore that she is gonna effectively go after him just as hard. He's an easy target. Something Trump enthusiasts tend to forget

So, we're away from "the fix is in" and "he'll throw it to her" for the moment.


Yeah, Trump broadcast all the State Department's secrets to the Russkies, used his Federal office to shake down foreign governments, started several revolutions that made the world situation worse instead of better, and left 4 men to die in Benghazi.

Dealing with unions in AC is really going to make all that stuff she did look so inconsequential.


Chip Ahoy said...

I lived in Raleigh N.C. In fact maybe even one of my sisters was born there possibly. I get them mixed up. There were four southern bases clustered together in rapid succession and give me a break I was only four. Or maybe she was born in Winston Salem N.C., I think that's the place, and we notice these place names are cigarette-related.

That all gets conflated with the other sister who was born in Bedford Virginia, before Cape Charles Virginia. The place where I got into trouble for a box of tacks spilled on a driveway hey give me a break I was only four.

So that's four places right there. Four memory-packed places that includes the introduction of two girly girl babies. Did they vie with me for Mum's attention? Hell no, I found a dead bird! I got a chicken egg from underneath a chicken still sitting there. I heard fan noise and looked up and saw a whole squadron of P-38 in formation and if you think that doesn't leave an indelible impression upon an impressionable fresh little mind, well, it does. And I caught toast that came flying out of the toaster and it's a total jack in the box surprise hey give me a break I was three. And I SAW the iron curtain. It's a flappy wall on track rollers that divided my kindergarten that folds up tucks out of the way like a magic iron curtain wall. So pleased to have that mystery settled.

Methadras said...

I just noticed the photos of the journalists and camera people being roped and corraled by the little HRC faggots. I'll tell you something right now, if that ever happened to me, that rope is going to go around these little fuckers necks. Period.

The Dude said...

My brother was born in Kinston, NC. My father was stationed there during the Big One, double ewe eye eye.

I saw a 4 engine prop driven bomber the other day - just walking the dogs, hear the distinct sound of radial engines, and bam - right over the tree tops, like a Twilight Zone episode, a vintage bomber. I was too slow on getting my phone out to take a picture, damn it, and I never found out what it was doing flying around my neighborhood, but there it was. What an amazing aircraft.

edutcher said...

17 or 24?

The Dude said...

I don't know, ed, I heard it flyin' just over the tree tops, I was on a trail in the woods, only got a glimpse of it. I always depended on my oldest brother for aircraft identification. What struck me was that basso profundo rumble of those magnificent radial engines runnin' low. Wish I knew - heck, I wish I had been out in the open - what a sight it was.

edutcher said...

A 24 had twin rudders. If it had been a B-29, they look like a 17, but streamlined.

windbag said...

I saw a 4 engine prop driven bomber the other day - just walking the dogs, hear the distinct sound of radial engines, and bam - right over the tree tops, like a Twilight Zone episode, a vintage bomber. I was too slow on getting my phone out to take a picture, damn it, and I never found out what it was doing flying around my neighborhood, but there it was. What an amazing aircraft.

Someone buzzes the treetops out here in the mountains in an old bomber, blowing black smoke out the engines. It's a sight to see. I always watch to see that he makes it over the ridge safely. No idea who the pilot is, where he flies out of, or what in the world he's doing...besides obviously having a hell of a good time. None of my pilot friends know who it is.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Allahpundit (I suppose he's no longer cool because not a sufficient Trump koolaider?)

Hillary up 4 in Arizona.

I’m trying to find some hopeful spin for you on a poll that has her up four points in … Arizona. A state that hasn’t gone blue in 20 years.

Here’s some, I guess: If Trump wets the bed there, McCain’s as good as gone from the Senate too. Maybe that’s Trump’s destiny — to be the man who finally retired John McCain.

Not a bad legacy, to be honest.

Trooper York said...

Allahpundit has been trashing Trump for the past four months. Everyday in every post.

Much like someone else we know. So you can basiclly discount what he says like the assholes at Red State or George Will.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He threw down a gauntlet?

Is that like when he pulls down his pants at a debate and "guarantees" his dick size?

rcocean said...

If Trump loses Arizona - McCain will lose too.

There's always a silver lining.

chickelit said...

I'm so dispirited by all the negative polls. If I hear about one more bad poll regarding Trump, I'm going to switch to supporting Hillary. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history. I want to be able to look people in the eye and say that I voted for Allahpundit's projected winner.