Tuesday, June 28, 2016

"Terror at Turkish Airport"


edutcher said...

Erdogan gets what he deserves.

Methadras said...

You know what I'm listening, but I don't hear the anti-2A, anti-Christian, anti-White, anti-NRA voices on this one? I wonder what the cover narrative they will use to excuse the religion of pieces this time?

ampersand said...

Republican hate kills,you know.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Republican Christians again.

Trooper York said...

We need to pass sensible gun control laws that close the gun show loophole because we all know that is what causes Islamic terrorism.

Methadras said...

There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. There never was. Whoever started that bullshit lie should have the crap kicked out of them for it.

edutcher said...

The enlightened among us wanted the Moslems everywhere. They also made sure they can't be deported.

Now the bad guys have a global network that can strike when and where they want.

I think the one place where these clowns slipped up is that they figured they'd be safe in their gated compounds. Just like Dolf.

Happy July 20.

ndspinelli said...

The WH is trying to pass this off on the Kurds. They are as dedicated propagandists as the old Kremlin.

Methadras said...

Honestly, a zombie virus or the meteor is about the best thing that could happen to this planet. I'd rather take the zombie virus because I know that I can survive long enough to outlast them. Give me a chance to exercise my video game skills.

ndspinelli said...

Don't forget to always check the back seat, and the double tap.

Trooper York said...

Personally I blame the Whey.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Don't forget to always check the back seat, and the double tap.

Not an issue with me there.

chickelit said...

I note there is still no consensus on who is to blame. And though suicide bombing is a calling card signature, don't expect the Turks or their stanchest European ally, Germany, to shed light on this anytime soon. That wouldn't be according to plan.