Monday, June 20, 2016

'America Must Unite The Whole Civilized World In The Fight Against Islamic Terrorism'

Sam Harris is not on my bucket list of people to meet but I agree with his assessment of Trump vs. Hillary.

Of course, if you're a Trump=Hitler believer, I can see your dilemma. 


The Dude said...

Sadly, we are no longer in favor of civilization. Our government, at least, switched sides. Thank you, Obama voters.

Methadras said...

I don't see how Sam Harris could have made a more compelling argument for Trump's ascension to the White House. Let's be really clear here there are several things at stake. We have a man who is a flawed yet national patriot candidate vs. a Maoist in drag who will seek revenge against all of her enemies if she ever becomes president. We have a man who clearly has stated time and time again that he loves his country, will build a wall between Mexico and the US, find and deport illegals, disallow Muslim immigration of any kind into the country, and kill globalist trade bills that are imbalanced against the US, and will most likely put moderates to conservatives in SCOTUS, and will be a clear defender of 1A and 2A rights vs. an open borders, slush fund bought and paid for shill denier of radical islamic extremism who will open the borders fully, expand illegal immigration, finalize the leftist doctrine of a centrally controlled, over-regulated, reparations based society and stack the SCOTUS with nothing but leftists, and will be anti-1A and clearly anti-2A.

The choice is absolutely clear. We can dither all day long about the semantics and the minutiae, but the reality is before us. If you love the United States, if you at least want to see an attempt at restoration of some modicum of the traditional mindset of individual liberty, then Trump is the clear choice here. What is also becoming apparent is the GOPe that is sabotaging the entire process and the will of the citizen. They have shown that they are fully unworthy of our confidence and our vote.

edutcher said...

When you realize Hillary (or any other Lefty) hasn't changed her opinion of anything in 40 years, you realize why you want somebody who's willing to reassess his beliefs when new data (or even older data is made more relevant by some new caliph who shows what the old beliefs, taken to their logical conclusion, really get you) is presented.

PS What Meth said. The Whigs are owned by either Tom Donahue or Pissy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary is closer to Hitler. Trump is a clown. He's not smart enough to be Hitler.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump is a clown. He's not smart enough to be Hitler.

Yeah, he's so dumb, he beat all those smart guys in the primaries.

As for Al, if he'd had his way, the Frawgs and the Limeys would have nailed him at Sedan.

ndspinelli said...

Well, Trump is no Churchill, but he is serving in that role.

edutcher said...

Churchill was no Churchill until the hard moment was forced upon him.

ndspinelli said...

LOL! OK Trump lover, Churchill is considered one of the greatest orators and intellects of modern time.

Books written by Churchill: The Gathering Storm; History of the English Speaking People; The Finest Hour; Closing the Ring; just to mention a few.

You need someone in your life, maybe the blonde, to tell you, "BASTA!" Trump is no Churchill. Even if he saves the world as Churchill undeniably did, he's not the intellect or orator as was Churchill. I would say if you gave your hero some wine[En vino veritas] he would admit he's no Churchill. But, your guy doesn't drink. Churchill drank enough for both.

ndspinelli said...

This just made me realize, Trump's troll here has, over the years, told us how all these well behaved athletes are horseshit. How his heroes were all alcoholics, from Ruth to Mantle to Martin. And, he's hitched his wagon to a teetotaler. Interesting.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

LOL! OK Trump lover, Churchill is considered one of the greatest orators and intellects of modern time.

Books written by Churchill: The Gathering Storm; History of the English Speaking People; The Finest Hour; Closing the Ring; just to mention a few.

You need someone in your life, maybe the blonde, to tell you, "BASTA!" Trump is no Churchill

Churchill was considered one of the greatest orators and intellects of modern time only after 1939.

Before that, he was remembered for Gallipoli and relegated to being a back-bencher.

He is also considered one of the greatest orators and intellects of modern time because his side won and, when one considers how close we came to losing the Second World War, had things gone the other way, he would not be remembered at all.

PS I have "The Second World War" and those were not his finest hour as a writer.

ndspinelli said...

ed, In defending your guy, you feel compelled to bad mouth Churchill using pretzel logic. GET SOME FUCKING HELP!! Maybe the blonde isn't the person to help you. She filled you w/ Reefer Madness lies.

edutcher said...

Try again.

I'm not defending anybody, but reminding you that you made a bad comparison.

For the sake of argument, assume Trump wins and goes down as even better than Reagan. You think people, maybe even yourself (I hold no hope for April), will not say nice things about him?

PS Turns out she's right. New study - pot does lead to addiction and harder drugs. Legalizing it in CO is going to be the worst thing that ever happened to the stoners.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ND - It gets old, doesn't it.
Trump fanboy, ed-ache, is in love. Don't mess with his blind faith. History has already proven Trump is better than Superman. Bigger than the Best God ever. So amazing, he stomps on Churchill. So, shut up and stuff. Especially is you don't worship Trump like fanboy does.

edutcher said...

You people really can't read, can you?

I offered a hypothetical, not a prediction.

And nd might do well to remember Churchill, every time he opened his mouth, was taunted by, "Remember Gallipoli", for 25 years.

I might also remind you he even quotes Alan Brooke in "The Second World War" complaining about "Salonika Supporters" when Winnie pushed for an invasion of the soft underbelly of Europe. As I say, Churchill was lauded only after he was vindicated. He may have been an intellect, but he was a lousy strategist.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"So a lot of things have happened. But they've been – it’s been incredible. It’s been incredible. It’s been a movement. I’ve been on the cover of Time Magazine so many times and the cover of everything. I feel like a supermodel except like times ten. Okay? It’s true. I’m a supermodel.. I’m on the cover of these magazines. I’m on the cover of the biggest magazines, I don’t even know about it. I can’t even read the story because if I did I wouldn’t get any work done. I’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s not about me. I’m like- I’m doing a good job as a messenger. But I’m a messenger."

-Donald Trump

*Wow - He sounds just like Reagan.

edutcher said...

You mean like the time Reagan tried to snow the country TOW missiles were man-portable?

Reagan could tap dance through a minefield better than most, but there were always lots of "Well"s and "Um"s, especially when he knew everybody knew it was hooey.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

No sale, ed. Reagan never sounded like a 15 year old girl.

Like, ok?

Trooper York said...

It is quite disheartening to innocently open a thread and see my stalker has to reference and attack me in a thread in which I am not present or involved. About something that has nothing to do with the conversation. Obsession. Mentally unbalanced. Sad.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

No sale, ed. Reagan never sounded like a 15 year old girl.

He didn't? How would you know?

You were in junior high.

“You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans. ”

Trump never sounded like Dennis The Menace.

There's also

“Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in'.”

“I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?”

You insist on trying to make Trump look small because of nothing but petty hatred and all you do is make yourself look foolish.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

ed - It's pathetic how you must trash everyone in order to puff up your hero.

No, I just rebutted a foolish statement by nd about what it took for Churchill's work to be appreciated..

Just like Trump trashes everyone, needlessly and classlessly - you do too.

No, dear. You do that with anyone who supports the man. And then, like a petulant child, you scream, "stalker", when you are rebutted.

And classlessly is not a word. One says, "without class".

Trump speak better than that.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ed- Reagan never sounded like a 15 year old valley girl with an huge ego. never.

Like, OK.

You insist on trying to make Trump look like some sort of infallible demigod by trashing Reagan. Like ND said, seek help.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"So a lot of things have happened. But they've been – it’s been incredible. It’s been incredible. It’s been a movement. I’ve been on the cover of Time Magazine so many times and the cover of everything. I feel like a supermodel except like times ten. Okay? It’s true. I’m a supermodel.. I’m on the cover of these magazines. I’m on the cover of the biggest magazines, I don’t even know about it. I can’t even read the story because if I did I wouldn’t get any work done. I’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s not about me. I’m like- I’m doing a good job as a messenger. But I’m a messenger."

-Donald Trump, the second coming of Reagan, but not as amazing as Reagan cuz Reagan was really Dennis the Menace.

Trump should NOT hire you to help him win anything, ed.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I like Classlessly.

It's not a word, but it should be.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump is classlessly classless.

ndspinelli said...

The tough NYer is now a special snowflake. How many times has he trashed people like bags out of the fucking blue, like he did just today? Put on your big boy pants, bra boy. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Oh I know, you are just kidding when you take your swipes. Well, that's a fucking lie. As my old man would say, "Buck up, buttercup."

ndspinelli said...

We need an NBA like flop rule here.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

-Donald Trump, the second coming of Reagan, but not as amazing as Reagan cuz Reagan was really Dennis the Menace.

You think Reagan was God in Man?

No wonder you're deranged.

Hate to tell you, but Reagan was like everybody else - he said some good stuff (mostly written for him), he said some dumb stuff, but someone so easily led as you would be just as willing to follow any Messiah. Just because he calleds himself the One True Conservative doesn't make it so.

You need to learn to think and not want to believe.

ndspinelli said...

"You need to learn to think and not want to believe." Whoa, "Doctor, heal thyself."

edutcher said...

Where did I say I believed in him? All I ever said is I like his fight and his proposals make sense. You, of course, wanted someone else in the field.

Who, pray tell?

You keep making these egregious assumptions based on an unfounded dislike for the man and his supporters. Paranoia has its uses, but this isn't one of them.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ed- you're the one knocking everyone down to lift up your demigod, fanboy.

Don't be an idiot.

Reagan was the great communicator.

Trump - 15 year old valley grrl.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Reagan was a class act.

Reagan would never say anything like the hateful, disrespectful, classless crap that comes out of Trump's pie hole.

chickelit said...

What methadras said.

TrooperYork said...

Fuck you spinelli. You are a creepy stalker who reports on what everyone else says and tries to control the conversation. You have pulled this before at other places. It wasn't obvious to me because I wasn't the target. You follow me around like a little dog yapping and yipping.

But you want to play. Lets play.

TrooperYork said...

Oh and one more thing. I used my real name before you did you creep.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You're ridiculous ed.

ndspinelli said...

This "control" is a recurring theme. You've said that at least 8-10 times. I'm a libertarian, one of the least controlling people there are. But, controlling is forefront in your mind. Go with that. Talk about controlling people.

chickelit said...

Trump is doing a great job as a "shadow President." Obama is afraid of his own shadow.

Trooper York said...

A libertarian is a live and let live kind of guy. He doesn't point out every post or opinion someone else might have. A libertarian lives his own life and gives his own opinions and doesn't worry about what other people think. You are the furthest possible thing from a libertarian. You are a stalker. After all that is your profession. A peeper. A stalker. Sad.

ndspinelli said...

Face palm! A stalker who never comments on any of your posts. Only you and Inga have ever accused me of stalking. Digest that w/ some low sodium soup.

On a very serious note. I think you need to talk about control. Not so much regarding other people, but your thoughts and feelings about control. Not here, but w/ someone you trust. I really do think your constantly talking about control is your subconscious trying to help you.

Anonymous said...

There were many people over at Turley's that accused Ol' Nick of stalking them too.

Anonymous said...

Trooper is right, he's a creep. He went over to a blog called Flowers for Socrates that the former Turley weekend bloggers formed to get away from Nick. He would use one sockpuppet after another, while accusing everyone else of using sockpuppets. Everyone always knew who he was. Aridog started commenting over at Flowers for Socrates and had a very pleasant blogging experience there. He will be missed. We absolutely hated Nick.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Baghdad ed - You want me to list all the garbage that Trump spewed about his fellow candidates during the primary?

You said Reagan never said such things.

I proved you wrong yet again.

Reagan was a good guy in many ways, but he wasn't perfect.

Same with Trump.

Go back to Troll Central and tell them you've failed as miserably as always.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sam Harris is not on my bucket list of people to meet...

Got to love these bizarrely obligatory qualifiers.

Here's the thing: He's doing yeoman's work against Muslim radicalism. Conservative pundits are very loud about that sort of thing but say all sorts of other crazy things that make them harder to take as seriously.

It's not as easy to dismiss an exceedingly rational, articulate and well-informed neuroscientist.

So what explains the distancing? Ideological jealousy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Baghdad ed...


Is he getting weird with your comments again, April?

There is so much infighting on this blog nowadays. (I mean, other than of course my own antagonistic contributions, which are to be expected - thank you very much ;-)).

But seriously. I look up to conservatives for, if nothing else, the way they fall in line and coalesce around their common outlook.

You guys are letting me down. Weren't scenes like this described in Revelation? Dogs fighting with rabbits and cats with birds or something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Trump sees himself as a supermodel.

I meant that lol literally. I actually laughed out loud when I read that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You guys need to stop fighting each other. This is not 2008. Remember 2008?

Key quote:

"Bush is no diplomat," said a Democratic staffer, "but he's Cardinal freaking Richelieu compared to McCain. McCain couldn't negotiate an agreement on dinner among a family of four without making a big drama with himself at the heroic center of it. And then they'd all just leave to make themselves a sandwich."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...pot does lead to addiction and harder drugs.

Ha ha. So does childhood vaccination, apparently.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Baghdad ed...


Is he getting weird with your comments again, April?

No, poor April has nothing to say she hasn't said continually for the past 4 months so she's reduced to unimaginative epithets.

Rit seems to have outgrown that phase.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. That's quite a pivot for Sam Harris.

For so long he'd been a die-hard Hillary over Trump at all costs kind of guy.

I guess her need to pander just another one of his blind spots.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ed-ache - You're a Trump fanboy. It's gross.

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...Wow. That's quite a pivot for Sam Harris.

Indeed. I was reminded of Christopher Hitchen's "pivoting" defense of Bush for similar reasons.

I was also reminded your occasional pivots for similar reasons.