Friday, May 27, 2016

Breaking: "Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders"

Politico:  Donald Trump will not participate in a debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the GOP nominee said in a statement on Friday.

"Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher," Trump said. "Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues. Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be."

Trump had originally told Jimmy Kimmel earlier this week he would participate in a debate with Sanders if the host network would donate millions of dollars to a charity.


edutcher said...

Manafort and Lewandowski had second thoughts.

Too bad, it would have been fun.

Maybe we can have a debate between The Donald and Pissy about his little talk at Hiroshima.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Dumb. It was the out of the box thing that could have worked for Trump. This could have been a disaster for Hillary. It would have put the DNC in the position of pulling the plug on Bernie. And if Trump can't hold his own against Bernie...oh well.

edutcher said...

I can see why Manafort and Lewandowski would say it was a bad idea.

It would have Trump debating somebody on the second team.

There are a million pros and cons.

Trooper York said...

I missed this yesterday as I was busy. I think he should do it if the networks put up the money. But not otherwise. There has to be enough of an upside.

Of course the upside is that Bernie is left at home like he was at the Prom. And Hillary looks like the girl that nobody wants to invite. And Trump control the news cycle again.

It still has time to play out. Lets see if the media puts their money where there mouth is.

john said...

Yes, it would have been fun. I think Sanders, going into the CA primary, would have benefited the most. Clinton would have, and already did, lose big in this short exchange.

Trump might have benefited from the experience, but could have lost support also, if it showed that he wasn't ready for prime time. IMO a strong possibility.

Despite all that, just to push Clinton to the sidelines would have been worth it.

ndspinelli said...

This was a chance to humiliate Hillary. Trump could have been gracious w/ Bernie on stage. He could have started w/ their points of agreement. Now, he could have, and would have zinged Bernie as well. But, he could have also taken shots @ Hillary and pimped Sanders as he did, w/ no rebuttal from Hillary.

Evi and I are not sycophants. He and I want Trump to beat Hillary. This was a chance for some hard Marciano like body blows, really soften the bitch up. I'm disappointed he backed away from this opportunity. Sanders is dumber than a bag o' hammers. Sanders NEEDS this and Trump could have called the shots on moderator, venue, etc. I understand the reasons for Trump not doing the debate. I just think he had a lot more to win than lose by debating the spit mouth Commie.

Trooper York said...

I am just happy that it is not going to happen because I don't want to have to listen to Bernie's whining voice for two hours. I turn off the tv every time he comes on. Between the way Hillary drones on and Bernie whines who the hell could watch their debates. No wonder the Republican Debates beat their ratings by about twenty to one. Yeeesh.

chickelit said...

I just finished watching Trump speak in Ssn Diego. He has much in common with Sanders. He did not mention the debate.

edutcher said...

Well, it's irrelevant now.

Some of the JosA and JosB crowd attacked Trump's motorcade leaving a rally in Fresno.

The Secret Service ordered everybody to stand on it and get out of there. The media's take?Hundreds of people could have gotten hurt or killed with way Trump sped out of downtown, smashing into police barricade.

Forget the Secret Service. Forget they were trying to kill him. Forget this is what would happen if someone did the same to the Ozark Mafia or their beloved Pissy.

chickelit said...

I just finished watching Trump speak in Ssn Diego. He has much in common with Sanders. He did not mention the debate.

Specifics, por favor?

chickelit said...

Language about going after Wall Street.

chickelit said...

My battery is about to die, I'm getting on the train back north. I tweeted some photos @chickelit

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

Language about going after Wall Street.

Depends on the intent and the motivation. Bernie wants to tax them blind. I would imagine Trump is well acquainted with the kind of shady business practice that has led to our illegal situation, high energy prices, etc.

Methadras said...

Trump would utterly destroy Sanders. A productive doer vs. an RMPC. It's no contest.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rush thought it brilliant too, and let's face facts, the DNC would probably not have let Bernie do it. Had the debate gone forward (someone would have offered a big donation to charity), Bernie would have gone on the attack to show how he can beat Donald in the general. But after watching a few of those Democrat snooze fests, I doubt Bernie could pull it off. Trump could have used this to humiliate Hillary.

There was just so much missed opportunity here.


edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

the DNC would probably not have let Bernie do it. Had the debate gone forward (someone would have offered a big donation to charity)

A tech company offered 10 mil. At that point, the DNC blew a fuse.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump refuses to study. Hillary is tired and canned - but she studies. She will pulverize him. Sad.

edutcher said...

Give it a rest, sweetie. Your guy lost and one of the states he so cleverly set up to take all its delegates in a voterless election handed him the nomination with over half the unbound delegates.

Not only repudiation, but justice in the grand manner.

And who else seriously believes this Libertarian propaganda that Trump is not in it to win?

It's past old, you're really embarrassing yourself.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The guy who is promising to change the rigged system is part of the farce. He is part of the rig. He's in it to hand it to her. Retarded? No. Evil genius - which is why this election is such a joke. He will make everyone feel a certain way all while he hands it to her. Emphasis on feelz.

Tell me why Trump smeared his own poo all over the fine governor of New Mexico?

Why does Trump step on his own dick time after time? And now he chicken shits out of a debate with Bernie. Saying "It's not appropriate?"

It's not appropriate to have a debate during an election season? Oh yeah - sure. Trump just gave Hillary a YUGE gift.

edutcher said...

Get real. Evil genius? You sound like all the other whiners who would rather stay home and bitch about how everything is rigged, rather than stand up and do anything about it.

Susana Martinez is pro-amnesty, just like the One True Ted and Rubio, all your faves. She's been a disappointment for a long time.

And no, Trump just showed the world how irrelevant she is simply by contemplating the idea, but, as I said, Manafort and Lewandowski were right, it would have Trump debating somebody on the second team. And the DNC wasn't about to let it go forward.

April just can't get rid of her hate for Trump. Before it's over she'll be crowing how she's going to vote Hillary just to spite him.

edutcher said...

PS Stop wallowing in the poo.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"PS Stop wallowing in the poo."

Okay but I used to like the links.

chickelit said...

My theory, based on seeing and hearing Trump today, is that Trump wants Bernie to lose so that he can cherry pick some of his supporters. Trump wants to face Hillary ratherthan Bernie.

April is right in that Trump is helping Hillary defeat Bernie, but there's no way that Trump is a patsy who's going to allow her to beat him in the general.

The Dude said...

I don't have any insight into why Trump didn't agree to debate the little commie. Maybe it was a good move, only time will tell. In the past he has done things that people thought would end his campaign, yet here we are.

When he is killed by illegals, he will still have contributed one lasting phrase to this election, Crooked Hillary.

That will stick to her.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The real reason is that Trump is terrible at debating.

edutcher said...

Yeah, and the guy who was great at it, according to everybody, couldn't win elections with real voters so he had to poach delegates with party hacks (talk about rigged) and still lost when some of his poachees decided to do the right thing and go over to Trump.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Whatever obsession you have with Cruz doesn't change the fact that Trump sucks at debates.

edutcher said...

I'm not the one with the obsession.

I just pointed out how the guy who was supposed to be such a good debater had to resort to cheating while the guy who is supposed to be lousy at it won all the marbles.

Funny how reality works.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump won despite being a lousy debater. check.

edutcher said...

And Hillary's that great?

Snooze to me.

Trooper York said...

Trump won every debate. Just not on the terms that the cuckservatives set. He doesn't buy into the neocon consensus and the liberal mindset that so called conservatives buy into. That is why these great conservatives like Paul Ryan pass Obama's budgets and push amnesty and don't think we can limit Muslim immigration because they think it is racist to let terrorists into the country. He won the debates because he won the elections. What did your boy Ted win? Jack Shit. That's what.

Trooper York said...

That is to say Paul Ryan thinks it is racist to not let Muslim terrorists into this country. Just like Merkel did with the Krauts and that douche in England did.

Trump is speaking to regular Americans. You can see who is opposing him so vehemently. The violent Mexican criminals waving Mexican flags, burning American Flags, attacking police cars and police horses and generally doing stuff that in a real country would have them being arrested and deported.

The New Mexican authorities and the Californian authorities are sitting on their hands. They are letting these savages run wild. No arrests. No deportations. Sanctuary. They can shoot American Citizens like Kate Steinle and it doesn't faze them in the least. They are more worried about protecting criminal illegal aliens than innocent American citizens.

chickelit said...

"Crooked Hillary" what a peyronic moniker for Hillary -- more fitting for Bill.