Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trump is ok with trans ppl using whatever bathroom they want?

Now when you listen to the actual quote is seems sort of reasonable. He is saying it hasn't been such a big problem and why do we need a law about it. I understand how it is a sexy issue to score political points with and Teddy will have a field day with it.

I used to frequent a pub called McSorleys. It is reputed to be the oldest Irish bar in NYC. In 1970 a couple of feminazi's sued to be admitted since women were not allowed in. They won the case. Then they complained about the bathrooms. McSorleys said no problem. We have one bathroom. Then they took the doors off the stalls. Welcome ladies!

Most bars and restaurants in trendy spots have uni-sex bathrooms. You know one bathroom that both sexes use.  At least the new joints do. They don't want to get into the problem of having separate bathrooms.

Trump might have made an unforced error here by looking at it like a businessman. He was worried about the cost of having to make a third bathroom for small businesses. He is sure to get hammered about this. He might deserve it.


Trooper York said...

Trump is no where as socially conservative as I am. He is not a traditionalist by any means. Nor is he a true conservative.

I support him for other reasons and other issues.

I can live with his positions on some social issues that are a lot more liberal than mine are because sometimes that is the price you have to pay to get other things you want.

Trooper York said...

I think Trump is going to look at a lot of issues based on their economic impact and whether it makes sense to follow policy if it costs too much. He will gauge it on a economic and not a moral scale.

So if you can only support a strict moral interpretation of the law you need to support Ted Cruz. If you are more worried about economic impact than Trump should be your man.

That can be one matrix you use in making your choice.

ricpic said...

Trump is offended that we are giving away the store. By we I mean the geniuses who graduate from the Kennedy School of Government and go directly into the upper reaches of the permanent government. I think it literally makes him ill. As it should. The Chinks, Japs, Dot Indians and Greasers won't know what hit them. Of course he has to get past the duplicitous GOPe first. Cleveland will be the real test. Hillary will be a piece of cake in comparison.

Methadras said...

People are allowed to think whatever they want. They don't have to be right, but I wouldn't disparage them for the ability. It's when the leftists want onethought, doublegoodgroupthink that is a problem and very often they get away with it. Like Schilling getting fired for showing the deviant rodeo clown of the LGBTQ community on his FB page and RMPC's getting all bent out of shape over it. They are indignant that someone would dare criticize one of their sacred cows like letting gender fluidic people getting to choose what bathrooms to use, but don't bat an eye when an in utero baby is sucked out of a womb, or seeing ISIS murder people in various ways, or defending 'refugees' from stone age Islamic countries infiltrating European society and assaulted men and women who don't conform to sharia. then it's all all peaches and cream.

edutcher said...

People prioritize on issues and candidates. In '08, I was a Rudy guy, I liked where he stood on defense, fiscal Conservatism, terror, and I knew his record on crime. I figured I could live with the idea we didn't see eye-to-eye on same sex marriage.

This is similar. Trump dislikes the Harriet Tubman thing (for that matter, so do a lot of Lefties). Most people everywhere else in the spectrum probably do*.

You have to pick your priorities. Most people aren't hardcore ideologues, so the fanatics trying to sell Cruz were mostly shouting in the wind. But, interesting to note, The Donald took the Hispanic vote in NY, so lots of people pick their priorities differently.

I think his point on this won't gain or lose him many adherents simply because he has their loyalty on the big issues.


* Little Zero also wants to put women on the 5s and 10s, so I see that being an issue that will help any loss he has on this. People are getting a little tired of Black Narcissus' petualnce.

edutcher said...

PS The Donald may have done himself some good with this. The honesty is refreshing.

Trooper York said...

That's the thing ed. You have to take the good with the bad. Ted Cruz is more in line with my social views. Well at least he professes that he is.

I think Trump does put way to much emphasis on money. It might trip him up on issues like this. We have to wait and see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is a Democrat. Learn.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

That's the thing ed. You have to take the good with the bad. Ted Cruz is more in line with my social views. Well at least he professes that he is.

If Heidi, when she isn't strolling the double center on the interstate, really is into Open Borders, I have a feeling any doubts you have are well-founded.

I think Trump does put way to much emphasis on money. It might trip him up on issues like this. We have to wait and see.

OK, try this one.

He thinks like a businessman. He wants business to grow. If it does, the people that work for them stay employed and they can expand and hire more (he does seem to have some empathy for the working stiff - unlike some).

So he's trying to see ways to get the country moving. Not from a politician's POV, but from the guy who knows how it really works.

Not unlike you Old Joe Kennedy analogy.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The ones who will pay the price on this are those that have to send their kids to public schools. Can Trump even relate to their fears and apprehensions on this?

Trooper York said...

I don't think he can AJ. That is a good point. Just as none of the politicians can relate to someone who sends their kids to public schools. You think Paul Ryan can relate when he lives behind walls like he was in "Game of Thrones." None of these politicans ever took the A train at 2 in the morning when the animals are out. So I don't think he is making his decision on his intrinsic understanding of the issue from his personal experience.

What worries me about this is the direction of Trumps thinking. Based on what he said. He is evaluating it in monetary terms. Much as he does with issues like NATO. I think that money is a very important criteria. But is it the most important? Should it be the determining factor in an issue like this? I know it is a different way to decide things than what has gone on before. But you know what? He might solve the budget and debt crisis. He can just cut out stuff that is just not worth it. Which might include things you and I support. If he is fair about it he might make some headway. It is a very open question.

Trooper York said...

In fact that is my principal worry about Trump. He makes everything about money.

edutcher said...

That may not be a bad thing.

Maybe it's time we had somebody in there who counts the cost. We haven't in about 100 years.

Remember the words of Ellsworth H Gatewood, "America for Americans. The government must not interfere with business. What this country needs is a businessman for President. Our national debt is something shocking".

Trooper York said...

It is something to think about. To make choices based on what it will cost.


Foreign Entanglements.

Tax collections.

Maybe Trump will satisfy bags by shrinking the government and decreasing it's foot print on our daily lives because it costs too much and Trump is a cheap bastard.

edutcher said...

One of the things that raised a few eyebrows was his choice of Jeff Sessions for his foreign policy team. No more adventures, no more Syrias or Labias.

FWIW I think a good many people have that in the back of their minds looking at him.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thinking about things from an economic and business standpoint is the ONLY way to go. It may not be popular with everyone and will probably offend people on all points of the political spectrum at any given time. Hopefully not all at once.

The realities of economics are never taken into consideration by the idiots who craft laws and make demands. The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)is a prime example. Yes. It is nice to make everything, everywhere accessible to the minority of the population who have some disabilities. However, at the cost to businesses that were/are very very expensive. Some businesses had to go out of business for the costs. Others who were in buildings that it was impossible to retrofit, also went bye bye. Then there are the multitudes of frivolous lawsuits for having a mirror that was 3/4 of an inch too high.

We don't need laws for everything. Every law has a cost. A business person does a cost benefit analysis. The government NEVER does.

When you make laws, you get unintended consequences. The law now that allows all bathrooms to be accessible to anyone who feels like a woman or a man and threatens the safety of everyone, especially children, will have repercussions.

The first one will be violence and harm in the restrooms.

The second will be the abandonment of public restrooms with more than one toilet. Bathrooms that are single use will solve the problem of a man who feels like a woman sitting side by side to do bodily functions or just exposing him/herself. All sorts of perversions can occur in a multiple stall situation. A business would be wise to just convert to single stall. One person at a time restrooms and dispense with the liability.

Unexpectedly, the lines to use the restroom will be long for EVERYONE! Equality!!!!!!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There was a transsexual named Colleen Francis at Evergreen State College who would sit in the sauna with her legs spread and her dick hanging out. This was not a student but someone from the neighborhood. Needless to say, some women complained. Sorry they were told, it is all good since she was a woman...with a cock.

Now how many women sit in the sauna with their legs wide open? Most don't do that. I wonder why Ms. Francis would sit like that Is Colleen Francis dangerous? Maybe not, but would you feel comfortable as a woman leaving your child alone with her? What if you were a rape survivor, would you feel comfortable in the sauna with a lady with a penis (who sits spread eagle on the sauna bench)?

So what is the result. Many women won't go there or certainly won't let their kids use the facilities (as a public college, its facilities are open to the public to use).

I get where the Donald is coming from. If Caitlyn Jenner wants to go in the ladies room to pee, most women would not get freaked out. But not all transgenders are Caitlyn Jenner. That's the problem.

We have not heard the last of this issue.

Trooper York said...

That is the answer DBQ. One bathroom with dudes peeing on the seat. Welcome ladies!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, I love Harriet Tubman. Hey I don't hate Ol Hickory, but one of the founding fathers of the Democrat Party gets booted from the $20 for a black woman Republican, who loved guns. What's not to like?

Trooper York said...

I hear you Evi and I agree. But there are no laws anymore. At least laws that can be enforced. That ship has sailed. Once the Boy Scouts were forced to have gay Scoutmasters and bakers were forced to make cakes for gay weddings means all bets are off for sexual dysfunction under color of law. That battle was lost with same sex marriage. It ain't coming back.

So the answer is to go the St. Benedict route. Fix up your own little corner. If they want to pass a law then make it one bathroom for both sexes one person at a time. As far as locker rooms go there is no reason to think that children will be protected.

The forces that brought us same sex marriage are on a path to legalize child molestation, incest and bestiality. The Court will sanction it. There is nothing to do about it.

Protect yourself and your family as best you can.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Harriet Tubman, a Republican who liked to shoot Democrats.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, you have to protect your own. But conservatives need to call out this BS hypocrisy every chance we get. Be smart about it, do an Alinski on the Democrats and SJW.

For example. Schilling's mistake is going with that meme on his FB page. While that is hardly OTT, in his position he should be saying how he wants to protect women in a very PC way. That makes him untouchable to his employer.

We can play this game too. The difference is we are going it for good.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That is the answer DBQ. One bathroom with dudes peeing on the seat. Welcome ladies

LOL. Yup. I related the story the other day. I was at Trader Joe's (they have really good scotch btw) and they have two single use restrooms. Both are occupied. So I just stand their and wait until one is empty. A guy comes out. Big deal. However, I was appalled.......He left the seat up!!! The horror!

Really, I don't care who is in the restroom before me. Just leave the place clean.

Trooper York said...

Call it out all you want. It don't matter. The barbarians have won. I see it all the time in New York. The only way to fight it is purposeful segregation. Gated communities. And even that will be attacked by disparate impact. There is no escape.

We are all standing next to Michael Caine at Roake's Drift. It really is only a matter of time.

edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, I love Harriet Tubman. Hey I don't hate Ol Hickory, but one of the founding fathers of the Democrat Party gets booted from the $20 for a black woman Republican, who loved guns. What's not to like?

When you get a black American who did what the dudes on the money did, I'll be the first to cheer it when they want to put him on the %500.

This is just petulant little Barry's way of spitting on America. he wants to change the 5 and 10 and put women on them.

Trooper York said...

The forces that brought us same sex marriage are on a path to legalize child molestation, incest and bestiality. The Court will sanction it. There is nothing to do about it.

Depends who ends up on SCUS. Plessy was overruled. So was the death penalty ban.

PS and OT, but... Hannity says no second ballot, something in the works with Rubio and Kasich. It all has to come to fruition, but this is what I've been thinking all along.

Titus said...

Most the fab restrooms in restaurants in Boston are for both sexes. It is all the rage hard now.

When you got to go you got to go.


William said...

I like the fact that Trump answered off the top of his head. I wouldn't want as President any person who ponders the pros and cons of the bathroom issue at any great length.. On the other hand I wish he would give the matter of a nuclear armed Japan a bit more thought........The good thing about the bathroom issue is that you don't have to do any research or do any deep thinking to form a defensible position........Do you know how much we should raise tariffs and at what level higher tariffs will trigger a trade war? Probably not and who wants to know about stuff like that. We can all understand the uses and abuses of bathroom stalls, however, and advance an informed, reasoned opinion about their optimum use......Finally, a topic upon which we can have an open, honest debate.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

If you think bathrooms are the defining issue of the day, you haven't been paying attention.

You want some guy who worries what the polls will say, vote the One True Ted. He never makes a policy decision without consulting what position Trump has taken.

Nuclear Japan will be with us against Red China and even the One True Ted said he'd raise tariffs.

If you want a guy who's going to put the country back on its feet, you might want a guy who counts the cost as a matter of course.

William said...

I just googled it. Jackson first appeared on the $20 bill in 1928. The man he replaced on that bill was Grover Cleveland. How did Grover Clevland ever rate his own bank note?.......Maybe we should make the $20 bill like the quarter and change it up periodically. Perhaps use some of the available space for advertising........If Japan goes nuclear can the Phillipines and Indonesia be far behind? The more countries with nuclear weapons, the greater the chance of their use. India and Pakistan came much closer to a nuclear war than we ever did with Russia.

edutcher said...

If we are going to disarm or disengage, other nations will need their own nuclear umbrella. You want the US to tend its own knitting, there's a price.

As for Grover, he was the only 2 term POTUS who didn't serve consecutive terms. He also had a child out of wedlock, ducked the Civil War draft, was married in the White House (she was quite a looker), and was one of the few Democrats to be elected after the Civil War

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, why defend Jackson. Fuck em. They wanted to bump Hamilton, but can't because Lin Manuel made him a hero, so they are forced to go after Andrew Jackson, who they used to have Democrat Jackson Jefferson dinners for. Since they are going to do it anyway, let them feed on their own. The left is already going bullshit over Tubman, let's call them racists.

President Trump can change it back again later if you want.

They want you to fight Tubman over her being black.

deborah said...

I think the bathroom argument is a little overblown. Fast food places like Wendy's have had single room multi-use bathrooms for ages. Usually just one per restaurant. I suppose some places could re-institute the bathroom attendant.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Japan could have nukes in two weeks. Literally. I suspect Taiwan could put a nuke together pretty quickly too. I would not care if either of those nations had them. In Taiwan's case it makes the prospect of war less not more.

Indonesia and the Philippinos having nukes...that is a bit more dicey.

edutcher said...

It used to be said the 3 pariah nations in the 80s - South Africa, Israel and Taiwan were partners in nuke development. I agree that Japan and Taiwan have the goods.

What's made the world more dicey is Little Zero's petulant desire to humble the US, regardless of cost to whomever. If we want to get back on top, that means building more nukes, being the town marshal again. If not, then the little countries will make their own decisions.

And even Lefties don't like Tubman, albeit for other reasons. Pissy has really earned his nickname on this one.

edutcher said...

Well, this should rearrange everybody's perspective.

Rubio is saying he'll support Trump as nominee. Those who don't trust Gateway need to follow the link.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Your point re elites having no clue is proven when dopes like Greta proposes a $25 bill- has she ever worked retail and had to use a cash drawer - they'd have to add a slot for the $25 bills to every cash register! What a maroon she is.

Chip Ahoy said...

A business person does a cost benefit analysis. The government NEVER does.

In 99.99999999999 ad in fi ni tum % of cases yes. And just yesterday I had my mind blown twice because somebody did consider cost of legislation and secondly that person turned out to be Democrat arguing against a reactionary cost-be-dammed Republican.

You're dying to hear it.

They were talking about pot again. Republicans think suppliers are out to kill everyone's children with unquantified dangerously outrageously high levels of active ingredient. They want every single plant grown commercially to be tested.

It took a sensible Democrat to carefully explain why that is insane, why that is impossible, what that means in practice, and without stating but having it shown why it's a dip's hit suggestion.

And I'm standing there thinking, "What did I just see? Is this Reverseland again?"

Methadras said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There was a transsexual named Colleen Francis at Evergreen State College who would sit in the sauna with her legs spread and her dick hanging out. This was not a student but someone from the neighborhood. Needless to say, some women complained. Sorry they were told, it is all good since she was a woman...with a cock.

So lady manpartspreading was met with intolerance. The horror of it all.

Methadras said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Harriet Tubman, a Republican who liked to shoot Democrats.

My kinda nigga... you go girl!!!