Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New Voices mean different Choices

I want to go back to the discussion of conservative voices in the media and the blogosphere. The old line conservatives seem to have imploded. Or at least they seem to have imploded to me who was a rabid consumer of their product. I listen to Rush and Levin every day. I would check out NRO and the Wall St Journal and FOX news.  But a funny thing happened with  the Trump candidacy. These guys totally lost their shit. They exposed themselves as being part and parcel of the "establishment" despite their claims to the contrary. There are many  valid legitimate reasons to oppose Trump. There are not such reasons to take it to the extent that they do with the Hitler compassions and the threats to vote for Hillary Clinton. Sorry it doesn't wash.

There are a new group of voices that speak to me. Various commenter's such as Vox Day and Milo Yinnopoulos. Their take no prisoners style speaks to me. As does the Donald. Milo sums it up pretty well:

I have a message for the conservative establishment: you fucked up big time… The assorted, well-fed, burbling lunatics, idiots and losers of the conservative media establishment and in conservative circles in general… These useless, fat blubbering losers!

“You conservatives made all the right noises but you have no appetite whatsoever to fix anything. You allowed the Left to continue to gain ground and gain ground and gain ground until a point at which — and I don’t think this is an exaggeration to say — the fabric of western culture is now at risk. From immigration, from multiculturalism, from the lies the Left tells.

Trump and I represent something that scares the Left — the utter, wholesale rejection of political correctness. Total defiance. The idea you don’t back down, you double down. When somebody comes to my event and says they’re offended by a joke, I rack my brain for a more offensive one… Trump does the same thing.

He has shown the one thing that no conservative politician or pundit or anybody really on the political Right in American public life has done for some 30 years. He has shown fearlessness, he’s not afraid of the Left. And that inspires terror in their hearts and I’m the same, I like to think.


AllenS said...

Unfortunately, too many in the beltway "conservatives" are no different than in the beltway "liberals". They just want that piece of pie, and if their candidate wins, that piece of pie becomes very very big. So big in fact that they'll be richer than their wildest dreams. That's why our deficit and debt are out control.

Go Trump!

edutcher said...

I think the issue is tolerance.

Yeah, I know guys who are tub thumpers for Trump, some get a little out of hand. I discount social media because that's the province of morons on all sides

The problem has become the paid media blitz, including paid trolls, all with their set rap, set talking points. Cruz and Roe didn't want to persuade people, they wanted to force them.

There were a couple of Cruz guys at Insta with whom you could have a discussion. then the name calling started and it all went to Hell. There is no discussion over there. I used to love the place, but no more, and it's a shame because Reynolds built it into the forum TOP was supposed to be.

As I've said here and there, when this ends, regardless of who won, the blogosphere and talk radio will never be the same because so many reputations will be in shreds. People who you thought would give you the truth, granted with their take on it, will be few and far between and the rest, I think, will be looking for other work.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

or, it could be as simple as --they don't like or trust Trump.

The Dude said...

Insty is an employee of the State. He can no more oppose the state than, well, countless other commie professors.

It's a shame, but he sold out to PJ Media and now he is part of the establishment.

Amartel said...

Exactly, April. Could it possibly be the simple explanation?
But that would require Trump Fans to acknowledge a potential problem in their Savior or even, gasp, that the conservative opposition to Trump might have legitimacy.
Can't have that.
So off we go on another trip down dishonesty lane. What's on the agenda today? We're recycling again, of course, conflating conservatives with the establishment and pretending that Cruz and conservatism is "part of the establishment" that sold us all down the river. Keep plucking that chicken, Troop. If you repeat it often enough a lie becomes the truth!*

Somebody changed. Somebody lost their shit. I suggest it's the person who thinks Fox News and the WSJ are in the tank for Cruz. Because that's comedy gold right there. MY is right that Trump has shown fearlessness in the campaign. It's the range of other, completely unappealing and douchey qualities, that is deeply disturbing.

*Not actually true.

ricpic said...

Let's take the situation step by step. Trump shows a disregard for the PC pieties. That throws establishment conservatives into a tizzy. Why? Why should the people who claim to be for limited government, for meritocracy, for national sovereignty, for the individual not the collective, for equality before the law and adherence to the law as written not a "living" constitution, why should a challenge to PC affront them? Given that PC is an assault on every last rule of the road that has made ordered freedom possible. Because they're comfortable. Because they're inside the buttercup. They've got theirs and they can live with the PC corruption as long as they continue being comfortable. The arrangements stink but the arrangements work...for them. And there is genuine terror that if the arrangements are overturned by the un-PC bull in the china shop they might lose their positions inside a shrunken buttercup. And that would be a catastrophe. All a round about way of seconding what AllenS said: it's all about money.

Amartel said...

Also, I noticed that for all the complaints about the NeverTrump media showboats, Trump Fan has decided to become NeverCruz.

I say to all the Nevers: May Hillary Clinton land butt-first on your faces.

Amartel said...

What's an "establishment conservative?"

AllenS said...

establishment conservative = in the beltway conservative

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


There broad spectrum between RedState (which is about as anti Trump as you can get) to Rush Limbaugh (who I would argue is about neutral as to the GOP candidates, Trump included).

But as for Trump = Hitler stuff, that is mostly from the left (and they do the same to Cruz too). But there may be a few nut cases at RedState saying stuff like that.

As for #NeverTrump: That would be RedState, NR, and Glenn Beck. Most #NeverTrumpers say they will not vote or go third party if Trump is the nominee. You got to do what you got to do--I am sure if Cruz got the nomination a lot of Trump supporters would stay home too. A few say they will vote Hillary (which seems to me should require you to turn in any conservative card you might have at that point).

Trooper York said...

An establishment conservative is an elitist. Someone who fired Derbyshire for telling the truth. Dumping Mark Steyn because he also speaks the unvarnished truth.

Establishment conservatives are the white wine swilling cocktail party going Washington guests on FOX news shows. The other side of the coin of Larry O'Donnell and Chrisy Matthews and Rachael Maddow.

This is a class election. Not a left right election.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

BTW, I have zero problem with Trump throwing away pieties. That what makes him fun to watch.

My problem with Trump is I have no idea what he plans to do if he wins. I am not sure Trump knows. Other than there may be a wall involved, and "winning."

Trooper York said...

It's Andy Jackson proles vs Harriet Tubman Fans.

You notice that most conservative establishment types applauded the change in the money.

Because they are all about money. They have it. The white working class doesn't. They should sit down, shut up and die.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

White wine swilling? Is that a sign?

Trooper York said...

I understand you doubts Evi. They are valid. You have never trafficked in the idiocy of #Nevertrump.

I read a blog post recently that echoed what I have been saying from the beginning. The conservative establishment does not know the working class. They have different experiences. Totally different. They watch HBO or PBS or Netflicks. They don't watch reality TV. Donald Trump has been a staple on TV for decades. Regular people know him. He has been a guest in their home. They have seen him be a douche. They have seen him be kind. They know who he is. He doesn't scare them. The conservative establishment has no idea. They only know Charley Rose. They don't know from Axel Rose.

This is a class election not a left/right election. This will become clearer in the general.

Amartel said...

Establishment conservatives like and have money so they like Harriet Tubman on the money.
That doesn't even make sense.
Nor can I get a coherent definition of "establishment conservative." Beltway, elite person with money, person who likes PC. "Establishment conservative" is a dishonest term of convenience for the inconvenient conservative who's not voting for your Savior.
I only drink red wine, BTW.

Trooper York said...

White wine swilling is one of the most telling sign of being a pansy incipient liberal. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

Charlie Rose sucks balls.

Trooper York said...

Rush is neutral which only proves he is a lot smarter than most of the rest of them. You can oppose Trump on the issues. Of course that means you have to be for unlimited immigration and selling out America to the chinks. Which they don't want to admit is their program. So they call him Hitler and attack him for his businesses. They don't talk about the issues he raises because they would have to show that there is not a dimes worth of difference between them and the Democrats.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop seriously, Andy Jackson proles vs Harriet Tubman fans?

Like I give a fuck over whether one of the founders of the Democrat Party gets to stay on the $20. This is happening under Obama, he wants a fight so he can say this is all about attacking women and blacks. It is a bullshit fight.

You understand that that Harriet Tubman thing is to drive a wedge between white working class poor and brown-black working class poor, so a son of a mailman guy like Kasich can go to congress to do good and do very well (like $22 million well) or Hillary can wrack up a $200 million fortune (+). Or for that matter Ted Cruz and Donald Trump can play the system too (both of them have done it).

So I am fine throwing it right back at them and saying, great Harriet Tubman--who was a gun toting Republican who used to shoot democrats.

Trooper York said...

Establishment Conservatives would rather appear on Charlie Rose than have a hot dog with you and me at the ball game.

They are the other side of the same coin as Chrissy Matthews.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

or, it could be as simple as --they don't like or trust Trump.

No, this is not about trust. I had trust problems with Cruz for a long time before I soured on him, but I was willing to listen when somebody had an answer.

Someone who doesn't trust someone, but has some contact with reality will be willing to listen. they don't go screeching, "Trumpist thugs" int o the night, refusing to face facts the rest of the world accepts when they're wrong.

Amartel said...

Exactly, April. Could it possibly be the simple explanation?
But that would require Trump Fans to acknowledge a potential problem in their Savior or even, gasp, that the conservative opposition to Trump might have legitimacy.

It's not Conservative opposition, it's Cruz fanaticism. When has Troop or Sixty or DBQ or Rabel spoken of Trump the way you guys will portray Cruz as the fountainhead of Conservatism, the end-all and be-all of all virtue?

Lots of Conservatives support Trump, but you people think, merely by saying so, you can write them out of the Conservative movement on the order of Erick Erickson who himself is no Conservative.

Hell, we know Trump isn't perfect, but you people think he's Satan and Cruz is God. If Bell&Howell had you around, they'd never gone out of business.

Amartel said...

" it's Cruz fanaticism"


Trooper York said...

Evi kissing Harriet Tubmans ass is kissing the ass of the politically correct. Harriet Tubman is not a Republican icon and it is folly and a lie to try and portray as one. I understand the political jujitsu but I think it is bullshit and doesn't work. I would just say to Obama...hey youse guys are entitled to one. I am just glad you didn't pick Al Sharpton. Mock them don't praise them and think you have accomplished something clever.

Andy Jackson proles are an identifiable segment of American Society. Although that douche Jim Webb popularized the designation he is not wrong. I get it that most people don't know who Andy Jackson is and what he did to be put on the money. Fair enough. They just want to take all the old white men off of the currency. That's the fight.

Trooper York said...

When you are in a fight you need to fight like Andy Jackson fought. Not like cuckservatives who dominate conservative thought these days.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Thank you Amartel. I've never seen so much pretzel bending logic. A daily fresh body for the under-the-bus body count of perfectly sane logic from solid intelligent conservatives.
Amazing how the list of elitist establishmentarians grows every day.
It must be a conspiracy!
It's not a conspiracy, it's The National Enquirer and orange paint.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I see the Cruz fanatic has arrived.

Rabel said...

This is shaping up to be a difficult night for the anti-Trump people. I suspect there will be a lot of denial and misdirection and an effort to move on to different topics as quickly as possible. In fact, browsing around the "conservative" internet today you could be excused for not knowing that five states were holding presidential primaries.

Once the votes from the dangerously uneducated, mouth-breathing, redneck Confederate trailer trash in, uh, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania have been counted the reality of the situation will be a bit too much for some of them to bear.

So, let's be understanding, let's be gentle, and let's try our best to feel their pain. White wine may not be up to the task tonight. Tequila shots or Jack straight up might work if properly administered, but that's just a helpful suggestion.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

it's Cruz fanaticism


So glad you agree.

BTW Are you really OK with Cruz replacing elected delegates with his own bribed stooges because the "rules" allow it?

If so, you are mistrusting the wrong guy.

Trooper York said...

Establishment conservatives is a term of convenience. It is not dishonest in the least. The former radicals have become the establishment. This is the nature of humanity. The Levin's and the Goldberg's and Erickson's and the Williamsons are the Old Guard. The Young Turks like Vox Day and Milo are the new voice of the right. The populist right. The working class right. The people who are not liberals but are still in Romney's 47% that he writes off. Those guys.

All labels are terms of convenience after all.

The Dude said...

They are entitled to one? Man, you are perilously close to Grease Man territory right there, buddy, and good on ya!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rabel - I have no illusions that this will be the most retarded idiocracy election in history. Hillary V Trump.

How about Vodka?

Rabel said...

Some say banana peels will do.

Amartel said...

Here's an idea: Try making a case FOR your candidate. Assume we, the unpersuaded, are already are on board with the unPC. That card has been played (out and too often). Assume also that we, the unpersuaded, are already on board with strict immigration policies and no amnesty. Assume that we, the unpersuaded, don't give a shit about NY values, or whether Megyn Kelly is a bad person, or what "class" or "tribe" you think you're in, or whose face is on the vast sums of money that we hoard in our mattresses, or what you drink or watch on tv or read. Basically, assume that we don't care to hear any more whining, from anyone. Make the case. BTW, that's a tall order. Doesn't have to be all at once, in one comment.

Trooper York said...

"Amazing how the list of elitist establishmentarians grows every day."

It's self identification April. By their actions you will know them. By their denigration of the working class white guy you will sniff them out. Rush is the only one who seems to be smart enough not to fall into the trap. Guys like Hannity and Savage are rats who have self preservation burned into their bones. They know better than to turn on their audience. Some of the others are just whore like Megyn Kelly so you just have to haggle about the price. But the actions of these pundits shows where they stand. They have to live with it. They will have eroded their audience by the simple fact that they are not listening. Trump is winning election after election. He is going to win big tonight. But they are still going to say that they have to work to take away the nomination. Don't you see something suspect in that?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I second that.
Make the case. Can you do it without a single whine about Ted Cruz? Pretend Cruz doesn't exist. Pretend Trump just won the nomination. Make the case for Trump.

Rabel said...

"You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Again, Troop, too complicated. It's simple: These people listen and watch Trump, and decide they don't like him. It's not hard to do. After Trump's antics before the Wisconsin primary, I went from "OK, I'll vote for the jack-ass" to "I can't support this jackass."

It had nothing to do with Cruz. It was 100% Trump.

Trooper York said...

Its simple Amartel. Everything is fucked up. Things have to change. Electing Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton will mean more of the same. From either end of the spectrum. We need an agent of radical change. Two men in this election fit the bill. One a capitalist. The other a communist. I choose the capitalist.

Also I don't accept your premise. The people like bags who hate Trump do not want to stop illegal immigration. They tell you it is impossible to stop. The Republicans who want Trump to be more "Presidential" do buy into the political correct bullshit. You can't say throw out all of the things that make Trump a candidate who has won so many votes. You want me to tell you he will close down the World Bank or fiddle with the interest rate?

You know enough already. You can vote for change. Or more of the same. Unpredictable vs predictable. I understand that people can be afraid of the unpredictable. Don't be a scaredy cat.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You know what's good? Banana sipping whiskey.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Electing Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton will mean more of the same.

Delusion. Naked.

Trooper York said...

April that is the nick spinelli argument. Trump is a New York Values blowhard and reality TV star so he doesn't have the right to be President. Forget about what he is saying just get upset because he doesn't sound like the typical guest on Charley Rose. If you make your judgement on that basis who am I to tell you different. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trouble is your demographics numbers don't cut it.

Your Sharpton response made me laugh and might work. Andrew Jackson was a tough guy who had the pluck to tell a British officer to fuck off (and got a sword slash in response).

But if you think you'll win the general election with this sort of stuff and you will be mistaken. There are not enough old white guys pissed off at the world to win.

Mark Steyn is a mensch, but he has also done the math and it is not looking too good.

Trooper York said...

How is that delusion. You don't think we will have more failure theater if either one of them gets in? You are deluded if you think anything can change with them in charge.

Trooper York said...

Not enough old white guys for sure. But there are enough pissed off people both white and black and even latino who Trump can reach. Who Cruz or Kasich have no chance at getting. Trump is the only viable candidate who can touch some of the demographic changes you talk about Evi.
That is why it is a class election.

Trump can reach out to the lower classes with some populist right wing solutions. He can conceal the conservative content in the populist clothing. Something Teddy could never do.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I wish Trump the best. Hope he wins the general (assuming he does not get the nomination stolen from him). I am not a #NeverTrump-er.

I do not think Trump is a radical, he is a big government guy. If he wins, he will disappoint, but he will be better than Hillary. The only one who is a radical is Bernie and frankly that is not the sort of radical we need.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What kind of bird is that on this post?

Rabel said...

The greater goal is breaking the stranglehold the Republican party leadership and their sycophants in the media and their masters in the business world have on conservative electoral politics in the US. For all his flaws Trump is the best man available for that task. He can do it by winning or by losing, he can do it by being a successful President or by being a failed President. They must be brought to heel and power returned to the people.

The Dude said...

That bird represents Trump's solid Southern base - it's a Peckerwood.

chickelit said...

I get some people's personal distaste for Trump. What I don't get is the same people's apparent lack of understanding of Trump's obvious resonance with a growing part of the country. Why the disconnect? Why the denial? Why not even a modicum of looking for or promoting that resonance in other candidates? This is why #NeverTrump fails: because it translates to #NeverTrumpSupporters. Cruz has the religious right nailed (sort of but not much else), but it's almost like the Cruzzers have tacitly signed onto the Kevin D. Williamson/fuck 'em, they-should-just-die-already attitude. I count 2 maybe 3 people here in that camp.

chickelit said...

Hey Sixty, now that you're here...what do you know about oak, black stains, and oxalic acid? Asking for a relative.

ricpic said...

I know who Andy Jackson is. He killed a bar. Or was that Danny Boone? Kilt a bar?

"If Trump will apologize for being a jackass, I'll vote for him."

You came halfway. Here's the thing: Trump has a sense of humor about himself. You gotta admit that's halfway to an apology.

edutcher said...

Just to make everybody happy, Fox and CNN have called PA, CT, and MD for Trump. CNN is calling RI and DE for him, as well. His numbers (granted, early) are all in the 60% range.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not think Trump is a radical, he is a big government guy. If he wins, he will disappoint, but he will be better than Hillary. The only one who is a radical is Bernie and frankly that is not the sort of radical we need.

You base that assumption on what, exactly? Would he be a George McGovern (had George McGovern won?)? No, but he seems to have a fairly clear set of principles and he has shown he can get things done. He will be limited by the Congress he gets, just as Reagan, but Reagan was able to form coalitions and get a lot of what he wanted. I think The Donald can do the same.

But if you think you'll win the general election with this sort of stuff and you will be mistaken. There are not enough old white guys pissed off at the world to win.

You have been sleeping with the Cruzzers again.

Reagan Democrats, blacks, other minorities women who don't like Hillary, hardhats, kids.

This is a very different coalition.

And what does Mark Steyn know? He's always beaten before he starts.

BTW white folks are still 5/8 of the population and all the old geezers didn't get their Social Security COLA this year.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

I know who Andy Jackson is. He killed a bar. Or was that Danny Boone? Kilt a bar?

Davy Crockett kilt him a bar when he was only 3. Grinned one down a couple of years later.

Andy Jackson kilt all the Injuns, Spaniards, and Lobsterbacks east of the Big Muddy.

Trooper York said...

That is a Chestnut winged Cukkoo bird.

Trooper York said...

I don't think you get more conservative than AllenS, Sixty, Meth and me and I think we are all for Trump. So to say that conservatives don't support him is just not true.

Leland said...

I agree with everything, every thing, that Evi wrote.

I'm still wondering when Limbaugh ever compared Trump to Hitler, and sure as hell want to know when Rush said he would vote for Hillary.

Titus said...

Trump is winning HUGE in these states. Lyin Ted Cruz last, by a lot.lol. Welcome to the GODless part of the country Lyiin Ted.

Congrats Trump!

The Dude said...

I have read about those things for many years - oxalic acid can be used to remove a black stain from a piece of oak wood or veneer. Oak contains tannin which can react with iron or other ferric metals, and form a black stain.

Sometimes this is a good thing, such as when you are fuming a piece of oak to make it darker, but if it is something you don't want, then oxalic acid can be applied and it will reduce the ferric tannate to the colorless, water-soluble ferrous tannate. That probably makes more sense to you than it does to me, and I have only bleached wood a couple of times - using a commercially available 2 part product. It works, so there is that.

Okay, I just looked that up - the difference is ferric iron is in a plus-3 oxidation state, while ferrous iron is in a plus-2 oxidation state. Iron, is there anything it can't do? Plus, rust never sleeps.

Methadras said...

The prognosticators are frankly shitheads. They've been espousing principals that I hold near and dear to my heart and have lived for a very long time, but what I see now are nothing but shills. Every single one of them. Most of these guys when asked, "Hey smart ass, if you think you know what it takes to do X, Y, or Z, so why don't you run for office?" they immediately tuck tail and run. Rush has done it, Levin has done it, Savage has done it, Beck is a giant buffoon, Hannity couldn't shine my fucking shoes.

These guys are too busy living in their bubbles to miss the fucking obvious which is that RMPC has overtaken them and the conservative cause. It doesn't matter anymore. Government and the leftists have won. They have no utterly and totally co-opted an entire generation to their idiotic and deadly ideology. It's the ideology of the ravenously stupid. They are consumers of dumb, unthinking, shallow content. They fall prey to the seduction of the idea of being provided for. It's disgusting what has happened to this country and how these people have totally subverted our institutions. People like Obama are exactly what is wrong with this ideology and why it needs to be rendered extinct. Every one of these people needs to be swinging in the wind.

This isn't even about hearts and minds anymore. It's all about divide and conquer. They've already Trojan horsed this country and now they are seeing how they can divide the spoils. The pundit class in this country is looking to see who's breadcrumbs they can siphon off for their own gain while trying to convince the masses that those dirty liberals are out to get you. NEWSFLASH assholes, they already got you and they are trying to find ways to shut you down. From trying to kill the 1st and 2nd amendment, to throwing RICO statutes at you if you deny their edicts. They now they have won and now they are striking back, while conservatives shrink against their assault because ducking your head at being called a bigot, racist, xenophobic, homophobe is better then fighting back. So they can lay down the suppressive fire of their ideology against you while their rear troops advance to the front and skewer you as you lay in your fox hole hoping that they just go away. They haven't and they won't.

The only way to dislodge the disease of RMPC is to burn it out like the cancer it is. Problem is, most people are walking around like they just don't want to be bothered and the talking heads keep selling their brand of bullshit that is falling on deaf ears between trying to convince you to buy chocolate covered strawberries, lifelock, real estate services, or blinds for your house.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I don't think you get more conservative than AllenS, Sixty, Meth and me and I think we are all for Trump. So to say that conservatives don't support him is just not true.

And I'm not?

The Dude said...

Rush can't run for office because he is a thrice divorced deaf junkie. Plus he couldn't stand the pay cut.

Heck, Prince thought the guy took too many pills. Elvis was all "Dude, slow your roll!"

bagoh20 said...

"The people like bags who hate Trump do not want to stop illegal immigration. They tell you it is impossible to stop."

Try and make the case without lying too. You've told this one half a dozen times, and it's exceptionally foul because it's personal about an individual here, of which there are sadly a shrinking number. I've called you out on this lie before so it's no accident. To repeat once again, it's not only possible to fix it, I said it was extremely easy, better than free, and could be done quickly with simple legislation as it should be. That's not what you want to hear, because first and foremost Trump didn't say it, and secondly, you want drama, and a hero on a horse, and pain and gnashing of teeth, and hopefully another trail of tears. I just want them to go home and not come back. Trump doesn't say that, but you like whatever he says, and if not, you just imagine he said something else, which eventually he will. You do a lot of that imagining of people's opinions and motivations. A very useful strategy for defining enemies when you need them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They love power more than they love principle.

It happens. Many Dumb-o-crats walking around today (i.e. Hillary supporters) whose greatest lesson in life is to be more like the corrupt LBJ than to have any principles.

chickelit said...

Oak contains tannin which can react with iron or other ferric metals, and form a black stain.

Here's where I got confused. I didn't realize iron's involvement at all. It not like there's a lot of iron floating around in drinking water. I understand well that oxalate binds iron tighter than LoafingOaf used to bite onto Sarah Palin's pussy (if you recall your Althouse/Palladian history).

I assumed that water itself was doing something like facilitating the air oxidation of some phenolic resins in oak. Oxalate is a mild organic reductant which could undo that (as could a lot of things). But given oxalate's affinity for iron, Occam's razor says it's the iron, stupid.

Trooper York said...

You have done this to me before bags. Didn't you say that we can't stop illegal immigration?
Or was that wrong? Didn't you say that as long as there is superior economic opportunity they will still come? Didn't you say that we can't deport the illegal aliens that are already here?

I am pretty sure that you said that at one time or another. If that is not what you said then I am mistaken and will be happy to apologize.

The only reason illegal immigration is even in the mix is because of Trump. It is the principle reason that the GOPe is against him. Don't you agree?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The precinct reporting isn't finished, but...

In Pennsylvania (a state Drudge keeps touting as ripe for Trump)

Primary vote totals:
Repub: 28K
Dem 106K

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I get some people's personal distaste for Trump. What I don't get is the same people's apparent lack of understanding of Trump's obvious resonance with a growing part of the country. Why the disconnect? Why the denial? Why not even a modicum of looking for or promoting that resonance in other candidates?

Bingo. This is exactly the problem. Your Williamson guy did an incredible service by calling out to Republicans just how much he hates distressed communities. Even when they grow and grow as a proportion of the American landscape, all he can do is channel hatred, contempt and blame at them as only someone that insulated by his own power punditry can do.

The establishments have isolated themselves from the best voices and most obvious observers of what is going wrong in this country. It's a shame because bags talks about hating lying, and then I wonder why he too can justify being so isolated from what's wrong with this country. A personal rags-to-riches story (or the hope of one, Dumb-o-crats are not immune to that, either) is not an excuse for refusing to acknowledge that problems still exist. Problems that the government has made worse and that those pulling the strings of our government (both from within and without) need to be called to account for.

ricpic said...

"....trying to convince you to buy.....blinds for your house."

I don't even have blinds (except vertical blinds that I inherited when I bought the house, do they count?) or want blinds but I'm tempted, I'm tempted.

Rabel said...

I remember the good old days when it was argued that Trump's early success was due to crossover Democrats looking to queer the results and once we got to the closed primaries The Donald would fade into obscurity.

Four of the five today are closed and the fifth is open to registered Republicans and unaffiliated voters.

Soon we'll get to work on the "stalking horse" theory.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

The precinct reporting isn't finished, but...

In Pennsylvania (a state Drudge keeps touting as ripe for Trump)

Primary vote totals:
Repub: 28K
Dem 106K

When are you going to get it through your head to look at how much of the vote is in?

In this case, twice as much for Ds as Rs, according to CNN. Also depends on the precincts.

Philadelphia? Main Line? Poconos? Pittsburgh?

And PA has a voter ID law in force this time so Drudge is right.

But keep on pulling for Hillary. You'll be doing it in November.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

That's why I stated that the reporting totals are incomplete.

Did you poke your mind out with a crayon?

Here's the latest:
Dem 201K

Rabel said...

It would be interesting to know how the Philadelphia precincts that voted 100% for Obama turn out in the Democrat primary tonight. I'd guess 101% Hillary.

Trooper York said...

You also misstate my position. I don't think Trump is a man on a white horse. I don't worship. I have said from the beginning he can be a douche bag.

What I have consistently said is that he can be an agent of change. Unpredictable change. I love a lot of the politically incorrect stances he took. I don't know if he will follow through on all of them. Or some of them. Or even any of them. But I would rather take that chance than sign on for another round of failure theater from either the GOPe or the conservative establishment who want the game to stay the way it is.

Haven't I made that clear enough?

The Dude said...

When I saw into an oak log I look for blue stains on the freshly cut ends - that is a sure indicator of tramp metal in the wood. Prussian blue. Okay, I am colorblind, I made up that last part. But due to the way water is transported in a living tree, if there is metal in the log somewhere there will be a stain on the end below the location of the metal. Have I mentioned the things I have found? Here's a good one - a glass insulator from the early days of rural electrification - it was attached to a living tree using a 40 d nail. Found the nail with my chainsaw - it's good at that.

If you have a piece of oak furniture with a random black stain on it there is a very good chance that iron and water were involved.

There is iron in tap water, but if the water is clear then the iron is ferrous. Ferric iron is very noticeable in tap water - the color and taste are both off.

And what do you know - tannic acid is a polyphenol of indeterminate structure. And here I was just wandering around calling it tannin - and all the while it was phenolic. The things one learns on the way to other things.

Anyway, if the oak is stained and you want to apply oxalic acid, be sure to remove all the finish - either with abrasives or a finish remover. In either case, protect yourself from the dust or chemicals. Bad stuff. Oxalic acid will not penetrate an existing finish.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rabel - I still stand by my "Trump is in this to help Hillary" theory.

You can pelt me with insults if I'm wrong. Your insults are the best.

Rabel said...


Trooper York said...

Today is another night when Trump is going to sweep the elections where people actually vote.

Tomorrow we will hear all day why that doesn't count and there is a super secret double probation way that can be reversed at the convention.

I can hear that porcine pussy Karl Rove already.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

@ Bagoh

"Trump doesn't say that, but you like whatever he says, and if not, you just imagine he said something else."
"... a lot of that imagining of people's opinions and motivations."


Michael Haz said...

I support either Cruz or Trump over having another Democrat president in charge of further weakening the Constitution, making America more vulnerable to her enemies, and placing corruption at the head of government values.

Conservatives have placed themselves (ourselves, since I'm one) on a pedestal of high moral values. "We're not as evil, immoral, amoral, corrupt, and just awful as Democrats" we say.
But Conservatives are, there's the rub. What Trump has done is to pull back the curtain and expose the Republican establishment and party betters as just as corrupt as Democrats. Period.

And voters get that. That's why Trump has defeated the GOP establishment.

A large part of the conservative movement has changed. Rod Drehrer has written about that; he calls them Crunchy Cons. His book in on Amazon; you'll find it interesting. Here are some bullet points:

A Crunchy Con Manifesto

1. We are conservatives who stand outside the conservative mainstream; therefore, we can see things that matter more clearly.

2. Modern conservatism has become too focused on money, power, and the accumulation of stuff, and insufficiently concerned with the content of our individual and social character.

3. Big business deserves as much skepticism as big government.

4. Culture is more important than politics and economics.

5. A conservatism that does not practice restraint, humility, and good stewardship—especially of the natural world—is not fundamentally conservative.

6. Small, Local, Old, and Particular are almost always better than Big, Global, New, and Abstract.

7. Beauty is more important than efficiency.

8. The relentlessness of media-driven pop culture deadens our senses to authentic truth, beauty, and wisdom.

9. We share Russell Kirk’s conviction that “the institution most essential to conserve is the family.”

As I type this Hillary Clinton is rattling off a list of her beliefs; they will destroy our society, divide us and cause us to fight one another. Our republic will not survive what she wants to do to it.

Your candidate should be the candidate, whichever it is, who runs against Hillary Clinton to stop her destruction of America. Trump or Cruz. Probably Trump. The die has been cast.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"Kicking her ass?"

I have yet to see a single poll that shows Trump beating her outright. Tied doesn't count.

edutcher said...

Rabel said...

It would be interesting to know how the Philadelphia precincts that voted 100% for Obama turn out in the Democrat primary tonight. I'd guess 101% Hillary.

Depends where. Society Hill, Roosevelt Blvd, South Philly might surprise a lot of people, but in the black precincts it'll be interesting to see how Hillary did. Bernie's been taking the black vote from her in places like Detroit, so it's not a done deal.

AprilApple said...

Rabel - I still stand by my "Trump is in this to help Hillary" theory.

He's been kicking her ass so far, but hold those thoughts. they'll comfort you as you pull for her this Fall.

Trooper York said...

You also misstate my position. I don't think Trump is a man on a white horse

No, Trump is more the man for the people, a Ghandi type.

If anyone's on a white horse, it's the One True Ted.

edutcher said...

If Ghandi throws the Cruzzers in a tizzy, there's always Old Hickory.

Trooper York said...

What did I imagine about your positions April? Or bags for that matter? If I pinned something on you that is not true than I will be happy to humbly apologize.

Also I specifically exempted Rush from the Hitler thing as he is too smart for that. Rush knows what he is doing. Mark Levin, NRO and the Weekly Standard neocons do not. They are biting the hand that feeds them. Anger and resentment can lead you to making enemies of your friends.

We can all take a lesson from that.

The Dude said...

Gandhi was a perv and a freak. Sure, he accepted his baldness with greater aplomb than Captain Combover, and he rocked a diaper, but if I were to contemplate the two, I imagine I would be able to figure out a couple of other differences, too.

And friggin' lignin - lignin, is around 25% of the composition of wood and it is phenolic as all get out! So get out, phenol, you are everywhere, including in muh whisky!

Trooper York said...

I agree with much of what Michael Haz just said.

Trump has exposed the conservative establishment. He is a flawed vessel. Just like Old Andy Jackson was. Just like Teddy Roosevelt before him. He is big ego centric narcissist who is shaking things up. For both sides of the settled order. That is what frightens them so.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Kicking her ass?

I have yet to see a single poll that shows Trump beating her outright. Tied doesn't count.

Of course it does, but you'll be denying it if there's a 50 state sweep.

A couple of weeks ago, you kept telling us how he could never surmount that double digit lead, how women hated him.

Now the numbers change so you need a new fantasy to keep the hate going.

Reagan didn't start to pass Bucketmouth until the debates.

I don't think we'll have to wait that long.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I like what Haz said.

Well, it's official. I'm sitting out this year. (And perhaps even secretly rooting for the Republican).

Keep it up guys. Someday I might actually pull the lever for one.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

Gandhi was a perv and a freak.

(I knew this would happen...)

True, but he was someone of the upper crust who tried to get the guy in the street a better deal.

edutcher said...

Michael Haz said...

7. Beauty is more important than efficiency.

Clearly, you are not a programmer.

The Dude said...

Okay, this may sound odd, as I am a woodworker, and I run a saw to get the raw materials I make things from, but that fat fuck Limbaugh, who couldn't waddle down a trail if his life depended on it, always took great pleasure in deriding those who would conserve our forest resources. Right then and there I knew he was not really a conservative, rather a morbidly obese cretin who would rather see the natural world paved over than lift his porcine posterior out of his penthouse and experience the beauty to be found outside.

Not sure that rant makes much sense, but I am riffing off what Haz said - being conservative means that you conserve. Simple. Rush is a blowhard.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I don't like Rush... He's a simple minded repetitive ego-bore.

Rabel said...

Bernie wins! Bernie wins!!

Bernie wins the great state of Rhode Island. Rhode Island the home of... the home of, fuck if I know.

Oh yeah! The chicken. They got a chicken named after them. Fuckin' A, Islanders!

The Dude said...

Back when I designed computer chips a French engineer stood in front of the factory pukes who had written a placement and routing algorithm that was supposed to be our new meal ticket.

Frog boy said "But eet ees not beautiful!" And he was right - while it had all the connections and all the logic had been placed, the chip looked like crap. The router was like the old song - it took the long way home. The scenic route. In short, it was not beautiful. He was correct and while aesthetics can be subjective, beauty and elegance play a huge role in making good products. If it looks ugly it probably is ugly.

The Dude said...

Narragansett - home of the, well, I spent time there, and all I remember was Swamp Y*nkees and poorly built beach houses with flooded basements.

Oh yeah - eels - we caught eels and ate them - now that was memorable. Go, you midget state livin' eel eaters - someday your state will grow up and be bigger than Yosemite. Yeah, right.

The Dude said...

Rhode Island Red - fitting.

rcocean said...

"They just want to take all the old white men off of the currency. That's the fight.

Exactly. Its amazing to go to liberal/left-wing sites and it's all "White men must die" and "Hurray for People of Color"!

And then on the conservative sites it's: "This isn't about race, Tubman was a good Republican".

Quickest way to lose a war, is to delude yourself that we're at peace. As Trump would say:

"They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a SJW guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?"

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

@ Troop.

"What did I imagine about your positions April? Or bags for that matter? If I pinned something on you that is not true than I will be happy to humbly apologize.

A lot of unfair and downright inaccurate character assassinations are hurled at Bagoh, based solely on his refusal to have blind faith for Trump. I wasn't re-directing his comment at you, Troop. It was more - in general.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just Rhode Island?

Fuck. I knew it would be bad. But this is just embarrassing. You people were right about these Dumb-o-crats.

And then to hear what I'm hearing about Rush Limbaugh and conserving natural resources... I think we may just have to start our own party.

I wasn't going to say anything about Limbaugh as I didn't think I had a dog in that fight. But, since someone mentioned penthouses....

I'm sorry. I just thought it was my public service to remind people of his taste in high-rise property interiors.

That's got to count as un-conservative just because of how damn queenly it is.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, I would rather have a beer with you at the ball park than go with Charlie Rose anywhere.

Now the $$$ is fishing for glass eels in Maine (baby eels) for the Asian fish farm market. I remember seeing eels in ponds in Asia with raw sewage pumped into them. Eels love it, they eat that shit up. That same eel comes back to the sushi market (there is a reason eel is ALWAYS served cooked).

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I know Sanders is a commie, but I still like it when he beats that corrupt evil witch.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sanders might win in a squeaker in Connecticut.

chickelit said...

Sixty Grit said: And friggin' lignin - lignin, is around 25% of the composition of wood and it is phenolic as all get out! So get out, phenol, you are everywhere, including in muh whisky!

That what you get for liking spirits that have been stored in dead wood. Of course you're going to get a fair amount of phenolic residue. But phenols are not intrinsically toxic -- at least they've got metabolic handles (OH's) for your liver to latch onto.

There is just one thing I still don't get: why is the water darkening more of a problem for oak than other woods? Does oak have more iron or is it more iron sensitive?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

FWIW Looks like the Whigs are ready to bail on the Anointed One If he can't win IN, which I'll bet he don't.

AprilApple said...

Sanders might win in a squeaker in Connecticut.

Feel the Bern. And Hillary will one day. Smith, Stevens, Doherty, and Woods will see to that.

The Dude said...

I once made a special trip to eat at a restaurant in Ito City in, well, who knows where, Japan, just for their famous eel dish. Dammit, now I am hungry again - that was good eatin'.

rcocean said...

Trump is a crap shoot. He may do what he says or he may be the national version of Gov. Arnold in California.

But I'd rather have someone who MAY change things then someone like Jeb! or Kasich who was going to make things worse.

rcocean said...

Bernie never had a chance. He's finished. Actually, he was finished before he began.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Those drapes are ugly. I don't care that Rush is rich. At least, unlike HIllary, he earned it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, the Whigs aren't going third candidate. They hate Cruz and are happy to see him fail. They will go Trump and figure they will lose and win in 2020. They figure Hillary winning will drive fund raising for the RNC for a while.

Bernie was never in this to win it all, he just wants to dictate Party platforms and positions.

Trooper York said...

I just think Rush is very smart and a great entertainer. Sure he can be a bore and he repeats himself. But that happens if you have all that time on the radio. Every radio guy is the same.

April I feel for bags. He is fighting an untenable position. As you are. I hope he doesn't think that we don't have respect for him and his positions. I just think the both of you are wrong. But that's ok.

Ritmo is right. We can form our own party. A party of have not a lots vs the haves and the ones who live off of us. We have to put our own concerns first. Listen to Trumps speech tonight. Try to put aside what you think about him and listen to what he is saying.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The best Radio talk show host?
Dennis Prager.

Trooper York said...

Trump is even answering questions after his speech. Does Hillary ever do that? Will she be able to keep up in the general or will Trump run her into the ground?

Trooper York said...

Hey Chris Christie is back! Standing behind Trump like Jerome used to do with Morris Day.

He should hold his coat and put it on Trumps shoulders. That would be way cool.

rcocean said...

I'm watching Trump's speech on Fox. He looks odd. Orange hair and large blue circles around his eyes. Hope its my TV.

The Dude said...

Oak has a higher tannin content than other wood - that's why iron reacts to it more than, say, maple. Leather was tanned using oak bark and that's the link between the words "tanned" and "tannin".

Biff Tanner usually made like a tree and split.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't care that Rush is rich, either. My comment was completely confined to the drapes.

And the ceiling.

And the flourishes.

etc., etc., etc.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If Trump wins, he wins. We are worried he is going to let you down. We are worried his negatives and his odd uncontrolled immature behavior will lose a winnable election.

Trooper York said...

They are having problems with both the audio and video.

It is the lighting and the make up.

rcocean said...

Christie looks like he's on drugs or someone has a knife to his back.

Trooper York said...

Didn't you ever see a remora fish? That's the look.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

LOL, Balls. - It is gaudy.
To be fair- have you seen Trump's digs? Rush is a gold-plated piker.

Michael Haz said...

Trump will have 1237 delegates going into the convention. Delegates know how the wind blows.

For example, things in Wisconsin aren't what they seem. Most delegates are "uncommitted", despite a Cruz victory in that state. Delegates will hop on the fastest train.

Read here.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

trompe l'oeil


*Scroll down for Troop eye candy.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

Trump is a crap shoot. He may do what he says or he may be the national version of Gov. Arnold in California.

Melania does not strike me as another Maria. And he hasn't folded yet. But, Teah, he's as much a crap shoot as Reagan.

If you remember back that far.

AprilApple said...

We are worried he is going to let you down. We are worried his negatives and his odd uncontrolled immature behavior will lose a winnable election.

No, you're worried he will come through for us.

His negatives aren't as bad as Hillary's and his "odd uncontrolled immature behavior" has made him favored among all demographics.

People like him, sweetie; they don't like Cruz and they don't like Hillary. He's been vindicated in his fight for representation and against backroom deals, so his behavior is now a plus.

You may not want to believe it, but this month has put him on top.

Some of the toughest states in the country he's won with 60% votes, up 40 in most places, 30 in MD (a government stronghold, after all).

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

My hatred of Hillary will force me back on the Trump train.

I hope you are happy.

edutcher said...

Haz, that's the deal with Walker, just like Christie.

April, some people were joking he'd be crazy to live in the White House.

He says he will, anyway.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

They don't like Hillary? Pull that crayon out of your eye-socket. She just won a big sweep. Looks like Connecticut is slipping away.


The Dude said...

Maryland, my Maryland, a place so chock-full of commies that they let the governor tax the rain.

Every last one of those tax nibblers should be fired. Well, save for my friends over at Fort George G. _____. They can stay.

Oh, and the ordinance labs - that's nice work, boys.

ricpic said...

In his post election presser Trump just said "Hillary will be a HORRIBLE president." I kid you not. This is going to be so great.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


"Hillary will be a HORRIBLE president."

that's horrible foreshadowing. He's admitting she will be preznit.

The Dude said...

That's what I was thinking - did he just concede?

Rabel said...

Trending article at Haz's link: "Why Today’s Romp by Trump Doesn’t Matter"

Another trending: "No Way In Hell Will I Ever Vote For Donald Trump"

Erick Erickson annoys me.

ricpic said...

Go back to turning black oak blond, Sixty ha ha ha.

Rabel said...

OK, Donald, you can stop talking now. I eagerly await the Cruz victory speech. And maybe a little masticatin' action from Kasich.

ricpic said...

And you're going to come around, April, I can feel it.

God I wish I were young and full a' beans and had something to say again. Ah what the hell, Archy.

ricpic said...

Gotta give him credit, Kasich inhales a hero sandwich good, real good.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

In his post election presser Trump just said "Hillary will be a HORRIBLE president." I kid you not. This is going to be so great.

he is only getting started.

Hillary's been stripped of Willie and the War On Women.

Can't wait till he goes after the colostomy bag.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This guy I occasionally watch, Jimmy Dore, just pointed out something about a Trump-Hillary match-up that I hadn't thought about before.

On a stage, it will be just as easy for Trump to say that he bought her out in the past. The same way he excoriated the other Republican candidates before trouncing them in the polls.

Do you think it could work? It would certainly cut into her margin - a tactic he couldn't have used against Bernie.

I still suspect she'd have the edge in the general, but I am not rooting for her.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maryland is my least favorite state north of the Potomac.

windbag said...

Obama promised feminists he was going to put a woman on the paper currency (apparently Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea on coins no one uses was not enough)

Don't forget Woodrow Wilson is on the $100,000 bill.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Love that tag.

SO Trump got almost 57% in PA against Tweedle 19% and Tweedle 21%.

That's a pretty good sized mandate (I'll resist other size terminology) and somewhat representative of what you can expect across the country - at least as regards Republican preferences.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Peckerwood...good eating?

edutcher said...

windbag said...

Obama promised feminists he was going to put a woman on the paper currency (apparently Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea on coins no one uses was not enough)

Don't forget Woodrow Wilson is on the $100,000 bill.

A Thought we didn't print anything over $100

B Thought Salmon P Chase, Lincoln's SecTreas and founder of Chase Manhattan, was

Dad Bones said...

Now that all the important arguments have been made I'll throw out my personal theory that Bill Clinton would secretly like to see Trump elected so that he won't have to look at and respond to Hillary for the next four or eight years.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

April said: or, it could be as simple as --they don't like or trust Trump.

That might be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. They are entitled and encouraged to say why and support their views with facts. What they are NOT entitled to is to denigrate, insult, call names of the supporters of Trump. Even on this site where I feel most of us are pretty nice people the Trumpkin insult and other name calling is thrown around. We can disagree without being disagreeable or we can just fight.

The snotty, "what is wrong with the knuckle dragging neanderthals in Kansas" attitude isn't gaining any friends or converting anyone. When the elites and the Cruz fanatic supporters begin lecturing, hectoring, insulting and in general hold out the opinion that if you don't like Cruz and you prefer Trump, then you are an idiot, moron, low information, red neck ....anyway you get the gist of it......insults it only reinforces the opinion that Trump IS right. The so called Conservatives have done nothing for US the people and are only in it for themselves.

The article quoted by Trooper is dead spot on

You conservatives made all the right noises but you have no appetite whatsoever to fix anything. You allowed the Left to continue to gain ground and gain ground and gain ground until a point at which — and I don’t think this is an exaggeration to say — the fabric of western culture is now at risk. From immigration, from multiculturalism, from the lies the Left tells.

The Dude said...

Only 150 comments - I was hoping this thread would go over 200 - I did my part, including 3 in a row.

Today I have been grinding a seat back out of white oak - highly figured, but the best feature is the aroma - white oak is awesome when it comes to complexity.

I don't drink wine so I have to get my snooty on by inhaling saw dust - oh yeah, that's the stuff, baby! Vanilla with a hint of cinnamon - white oak FTW!

Darcy said...

Great thread. People much smarter than me are on the same page as me regarding voting for Trump. That is encouraging! He makes me cringe...almost always, but Haz's comment sums my position up perfectly.

My vote will be against Hillary and against the crooked establishment. Trump or no Trump, I am sufficiently motivated by that.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

Great thread. People much smarter than me are on the same page as me regarding voting for Trump. That is encouraging! He makes me cringe...almost always, but Haz's comment sums my position up perfectly.

My vote will be against Hillary and against the crooked establishment. Trump or no Trump, I am sufficiently motivated by that.

That's the boat I'm in myself, but I'll tell you why I flipped. The GOPe pulling their 'public' not public shenanigans in CO. That was it for me. Even though I haven't been GOP since Obama has been president, I still gave them tacit support, but how they conducted themselves in CO pretty much lifted the veil of the deception and corruption in the system. How guys like Priebus can run that party the way he has with that dopey look on his face and let party apparatchiks basically initiate rules changes that are frankly undemocratic and have Cruz literally stroll into Rome like a conquering hero for doing hardly a thing and thinking he was being clever by letting an undemocratic process take place, while preaching Constitutional imperatives soured me on him once and for all.

He's in it for himself, not for the country. Cruz's sanctimony was really off-putting. I realize ego is a big deal at this level of politics, but even though Trump's ego may be huge, what I sense from him is that he is the kind of man that will put his country first because he knows his good fortunes have stemmed from it. I think and feel that he is genuine in that way and for me that is enough to give him my tacit support. I didn't want to, but when Cruz thought he was being clever, he really ended up looking like a complete douche.

My primary motivation is to see Hillary fall once and for all.

Michael Haz said...

@Darcy - Thanks.