Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Mike Rowe and our need to respect blue collar jobs"


Methadras said...

I have huge respect for a guy like Mike Rowe. No one in this modern age has been able to showcase the jobs that politicians say most Americans won't do and then shows that Americans are doing these jobs. I like his style, I like his demeanor, and frankly, I just like him. He's a man's man and I have a big respect for that. Mike Rowe for president. Thank you.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

If you're on facebook, you need to follow him. He posts some of the most hilarious satire, truly thought-provoking commentary and on Fridays, his dog discusses "the biped."

Agreed, Mike Rowe for President.

AllenS said...

Make that three Row for POTUS.

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now got off Twitter. Gavin Mcinnes said a couple things that caused me to push things aside and sit there and allow a giggling fit to pass. He's just so f'n off the wall.

He's introducing somebody to his radio show, or something, "In which we cure his stutter by having him sing every response."

I'm going to steal that.

And, "I just flew back from a transgendered convention and boy are my arms girls."

C'mon, now that shit's funny!

But then, earlier down on his timeline somebody asks him if that video is N.Y., McInnes answers, "Yes." The link goes to Live Leak, a fight in the subway car, ugh, claustrophobic, between two white passengers and others piling on and recorded by a black woman who is excited and won't shut up. The fight is settled by another black teen.

That's what is so odd to the hundreds of commenters. Everyone want to punch the female narrator who's filming, and everyone finds it reversed that a black teen is the sensible one in the video. The video is annoying. The comments to it are hilarious especially with the avatars there, animated and with sound. The avatars themselves are hilarious.

One avatar is a hot dog with mustard being squired on it. But the hotdog has a cartoon face that's expecting the mustard and enjoys being slathered. It takes an innocent all-American thing like ballpark hotdog and presents it as bukaki. I'm sitting there laughing my ass off over somebody's avatar.

Live Leak

They're taken with her pronunciation of "ambulance." They're fixated on that one thing. In comments they reply with .jpgs of their interpretation. This goes on for hundreds of comments all wising the woman ill for being so excited and loud.

edutcher said...

What he says is important.

We certainly have too damned many lawyers and probably more doctors than we need since many of them seem to specialize in malpractice, but a good carpenter, mechanic, plumber, painter, or electrician?

Lotsa luck. They can take just as long to learn and the money's good. All you need is a willingness to get your hands dirty. Lawyers do that, too, but the work leaves you with a cleaner conscience.

ricpic said...

Wow, this guy's going to have some career in politics if he wants it. But he probably doesn't want to get that dirty.

ndspinelli said...

Having grown up the child of 2 factory workers, and damn proud of it, I wholeheartedly agree. There's a reason "college for all" is the mantra. It is teaching jobs for liberals and the opportunity for those liberals to indoctrinate young people. If you remember, "Joe the plumber" was ridiculed and part of the ridicule was that he was a plumber. I'm sure the Ivy League educated, elitist, Trump will say he honors blue collar workers. He's Lyin' Donald.

AllenS said...

I was a factory worker, Nick, and I don't have that feeling that you do about Trump.

AllenS said...

What do you think that Hillary thinks about your parents and me, Nick?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Nick: I too doubt the average real estate mogul would look down on blue collar workers.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, I think Hillary has even more contempt for blue collar workers than Trump does. The previously discussed firing of blue collar workers by Trump @ Johnny Carson's insistence says it all. New money people have much more contempt for blue collar people than old money people. My old man and I would go to Yale football games and be tailgating among the old money. They were quite comfortable w/ us, and we w/ them. That's something few people understand, but most New England people do. I would caddy @ a country club. It had both new and old rich. The new rich were the biggest assholes by far.

Unlike some Trump folks here, I respect your opinion on Trump. I think it is real and heartfelt.

ndspinelli said...

AJ Lynch. Leona Helmsley. 'Nuff said.

AllenS said...

Thank you for the response, Nick. You and me, we go through life, we form our own thoughts/prejudices, whatever. I've had to make a lot of decisions about people, and I have no doubt that you did too. You and me, have no idea what Trump will or will not do. To me, not a problem, I'm willing to give an American who is not a politician a try. It's nothing more than that. And, consider this... what if Trump is successful? This could be the start of something big. Average Americans who are not politicians running this country. How cool would that be?

Methadras said...

I don't have contempt for blue collar workers at all. I used to be one. My dad still is one as a master mechanic. I was at the gym last night around 11 and there's this old guy that runs the vacuum to clean the place out. He's just doing his job, minding his own business. I got his attention and thanked him for keeping the place clean. The smile on his face and the accepted gratitude said it all. Someone saw him. I saw him doing what does to get paid, an unglamorous menial repetitive job, but a job nonetheless and he was grateful someone recognized that. I try to do that whenever I can because I remember what it was like for me.

AllenS said...

You're a good man, Meth.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, I would be SO pleased if he were successful. I would be HAPPY to admit I was wrong. I am 100% w/ you on the need for ordinary Americans to take back our govt. And, cut the size by 80%!! Here's the flip side. What if he's a fucking disaster. We won't see another outsider in our kids or maybe even grandkid's lives again. The duopoly will be further entrenched.

ndspinelli said...

Great comment, Meth. I have found a compliment breaks through most all barriers. I look to compliment people and like to tip. I always tip maids @ motels/hotels. I don't know that many people do? I will be honest. Knowing how well compliments work, I use them to schmooze govt. employees when I'm on the job. Those folks never get compliments, for the most part for just cause. But, when I turn on the charm they will do anything, including but not limited to giving me records they NEVER should.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that Bernie and the free college tuition pitch has crashed and burned, hopefully we can promote Rowe's message, which actually gets at the root of the problem.

It's a two-for-one. Energize our manufacturing sector, and stop the bleed of way too many kids into college programs that a generation ago they would have been in no way qualified for.

That two-for-one begets another two-for-one: Increased support for proper scrutiny of trade deals and colleges that can no longer afford to bankrupt every Tom, Dick and Mary overwhelming the admissions departments with a student glut, lowering the curricular standards, and retreating to SJW bullshit while decimating America's respect for critical thought both in the academy and outside of it.

Tom Rowe provides the answers that Bernie overthinks himself into missing. (Or perhaps because he just can't say it).

ndspinelli said...

For Trump fans, Herr Goebbels has posted his newest propaganda piece and the circle jerk has commenced.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the plug Nick. I hope you comment on it and add something besides complaints about what other people have to say. We can always use a real jerk in our circle.

ndspinelli said...

LOL! You lie about a good guy like bags. No thanks. Your threads are all yours.

Trooper York said...

I didn't lie about bags. I quoted him and he flees from it. I told him that if I was wrong about what he said I would apologize. He changed his story. Just the thing he accuses Trump of doing all the time.

But thanks for playing.

ndspinelli said...

Scorched earth. Truth be damned. James Carville like. Kudos.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rowe. Common sense without the gold plated phoniness.

I love him. Plus - his voice is dang sexy. He's dang sexy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The long past due swipe at "shovel ready jobs". Nobody knows waht a shovel is, Obama. They are all at one of your safe spaces at colliigj.

The Dude said...

Who is Tom Rowe?

Some Seppo said...

Another advantage to "elevating" the craftsman is that if more go into trades we don't have to import so many from south of the border. Win-win.

Whenever I hear of a friend's college age child wondering what to do with their life, I have but one answer: HVAC school. Robots will never be able to repair the systems, and "David" from Bangalore won't ever take your job. But I have yet to convert any teenagers. They have to learn the hard way that millions of Communications Degrees are the equivalent of millions of Pay Phone Sanitisers.