Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters"


edutcher said...

Well, it is a standard Politico hit piece, after all. Full of "He said" allegations.

Of course, trying to steal people's votes is OK.

It's just politics, according to EBL, although the Governor of Maine begs to differ.

Funny it comes out now that Trump is up almost 10 more in CA.

April in 5 ranting about Trumpist thugs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, I wouldn't threaten them with death....but a good beating would be in order.

Truly. If our congressional district in California votes for Trump as the candidate, which will happen given the polls and the previous voting patterns in our area, then those 3 delegates had BETTER vote the way the people dictated, no matter how many ballots they have to cast. Their personal wishes are not more important than the thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who voted for a different candidate than they, the delegates prefer.

Stealing votes. Stealing delegates for other candidates than the ones the voters chose. Not acceptable at all.

So. Not death. That's a bit harsh. But certainly some major retaliation would be in order.

ndspinelli said...

We all just need to take a deep breath. When the Duke of Court St. awakens he will NYC 'splain it to us. He wouldn't bullshit us.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Spinelli

One thing I've learned from my hunting days is that you always take a deep breath right before pulling the trigger. It steadies your aim and improves your shot.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

How to lose to Hillary in the fall. Keep it up, Trump supporters.

edutcher said...

There are jerks everywhere, some support Donald Trump, some support Ted Cruz.

Some who say they support Donald Trump actually support Ted Cruz. And vice versa.

Let the cops investigate. Separate the Michelle Fields from the truth.

We've seen bogus hate crimes before.

PS We've heard from this moron before. He comes from one of the 3 states that had voterless elections this month - his didn't even let anyone know it had happened.

When someone talks about whining (I'd like to know if the people complaining of death threats were Trump supporters would they be accused of whining also), keep what this jerk says in mind.

ndspinelli said...

I've only hunted people w/ a video camera. Long hours of shooting in tough conditions. Calm, steady, even breathing is needed.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

btw- Steven House, the GOP chair in CO, he is an idiot. A total idiot. He does not deserve death threats for being an idiot. He is an idiot not because he detests Trump (anyone would) but because he closed off the process in CO while the Democrats opened it up. Short-sighted idiot. Now the Dems have their own problems -- Bernie won CO caucus yet most of the delegates went for Hillary... However, those are the rules. You don't like the rules, you throw out the bums who made the rules and you replace them.
You don't get to change the rules while the other team crosses the finish line.

Death Threats are beyond the pale. HOw much is Hillary paying these sore losers?

ndspinelli said...

I agree w/ ed. There are asshole supporters of all pols. It's just that Trump incites them, and his lemmings are in a bunker mentality. "Never give an inch." Now, a bunker mentality can be a great motivator. But, only in the short run. It is negative energy and always implodes. Always.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The death threats from Trump supporters to Steven House in CO - are real. Considering how barking insane and head-splitingly angry most Trump supporters are, it's not difficult to fathom that angry old white man with his sharp elbow x 1000.

Trump needs to win delegates to his side. Instead - death threats. I thought Trump knew how to make a deal?

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

How to lose to Hillary in the fall. Keep it up, Trump supporters.

You haven't heard? The One True Ted is being hammered for his lack of authenticity.

And The Donald is even outperforming Hillary. Mirablile dictu!.

But, if we're talking about blowing elections, there's Chelsea talking about gun confiscations and Terry McAuliffe, good Ozark apparatchik that he is, giving the vote to 200,000 felons.

ndspinelli said...

I agree w/ ed. There are asshole supporters of all pols. It's just that Trump incites them, and his lemmings are in a bunker mentality. "Never give an inch." Now, a bunker mentality can be a great motivator. But, only in the short run. It is negative energy and always implodes. Always.

You seem to be talking more about Cruzzers there.

Look at April.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ed - you're such a simple-minded troll. Please point out where I ever tossed out a death threat against Trump...

bad faith.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Spinelli -

It's just that Trump incites them, and his lemmings are in a bunker mentality. "Never give an inch." Now, a bunker mentality can be a great motivator. But, only in the short run. It is negative energy and always implodes. Always.


edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

The death threats from Trump supporters to Steven House in CO - are real. Considering how barking insane and head-splitingly angry most Trump supporters are, it's not difficult to fathom that angry old white man with his sharp elbow x 1000.

Trump needs to win delegates to his side.

He's doing it the old-fashioned way. In elections, not stealing them.

You don't get it, but then, you are a Cruzzer.

Instead - death threats. I thought Trump knew how to make a deal?

You're accusing Trump specifically? Let's see the proof.

And Trump has made a deal - with Kasich and Walker and Rubio.

While your genius serial philanderer was nibbling at the flanks, Trump was executing a double envelopment.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

From Lem's link:
"The Trump campaign needs to publicly reject bullying and threats of violence. They haven't, yet. It's not OK to give supporters threatening violence a wink and a nod.”

yes it is! Because Cruzzer!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You can never answer a straight forward question, ed.

Trump's supporters are doing their level best to ruin it for him, and Trump only feeds the fire. What part of that do you not understand?

The rules - what part of that do you not understand?

Shorter blind faith Trumpster: When the rules hurt Trump - it's stealing! When the rules help Trump - it's all good.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump trashed governor Walker from the left. What deal?

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

ed - you're such a simple-minded troll. Please point out where I ever tossed out a death threat against Trump...

You project as you twist the facts.

Your blind, pathological hatred of the man is such that it is the embodiment of nd's epithet

It's just that Trump incites them, and his lemmings are in a bunker mentality. "Never give an inch." Now, a bunker mentality can be a great motivator. But, only in the short run. It is negative energy and always implodes. Always.

That's you, sweetie.

The Trump campaign needs to publicly reject bullying and threats of violence. They haven't, yet. It's not OK to give supporters threatening violence a wink and a nod.

You're talking about a Cruzzer chairman, and one who wishes to remain anonymous, making a political statement, and we both know acknowledging such an unfounded statement would be trumpeted as tacit admission.

BTW, before taking such charges seriously, I'd want to hear from the cops (like in the Michelle fields case) and I'd want it to be put in something other than such a blatant political hit piece.

PS You don't know Walker said he'd support Trump as the nominee?

Where have you been?

And Trump didn't trash Walker from the Left, he took a political shot of opportunity.

Yeah, bunker mentality.

Trooper York said...

I am actually at a Communion on Staten Island today but thanks for thinking of me.

Trooper York said...

I don't Trump has to disavow what some crazy person tweets on the Internet. Just as I don't think Cruz has to disavow any crazy thing April or bags might say.

There is entirely too much bowing and scraping and apologizing for living.

I think these guys are lying sacks of shit like Michele Fields. It is as simple as that.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

You can never answer a straight forward question, ed.

Trump's supporters are doing their level best to ruin it for him, and Trump only feeds the fire. What part of that do you not understand?

The rules - what part of that do you not understand?

Shorter blind faith Trumpster: When the rules hurt Trump - it's stealing! When the rules help Trump - it's all good.

As always, April paints everyone with one brush.

All of Trump's supporters? Really? We're all threatening crooked Cruzzers? I really want to see that proven*.

And, on the issue of rules, funny how the American people have sided with Trump.

Even funnier, now that they've gotten a good look at the Anointed One, they don't like him.

No ed - Trump used the corruptocat play-book against Walker. You fool.

Funny, I don't need to call names, but Cruzzers always do.

And no, he took the shot any other politician would have.

* This is why, despite the whiny little Cruzzer girl's best whine, this hasn't gone viral. It's a political issue dealing with a few nuts. When you can prove it's policy in the trump organization, you might have a shot.

But you thought that about the Michelle fields thing, too.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ed- don't bother. I don't actually read most of your head-ache inducing red herrings and Michelle Fields obsessions.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Troop - you are smarter than that. When did Bags or I ever threaten death to Trump?
We argue against him in good faith. Even you admit he's a douchebag.
Now, I will admit I hope Hillary drops dead, but that's different. That is like wishing Hitler was never born.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I won't forgive or forget a fraud who uses leftist talking points against Walker.
No one is perfect, but Walker is one of the best governors we have. Trump trashes him and we are all supposed to jump on board and trash Walker with him. Nope.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I think Steve House is a short-sighted moron who doesn't grasp the bigger picture. You want to increase turn-out!, not shut it down. You want to increase participation and exposure, not close it up. Still, I don't wish him or his family DEATH.

Why won't Trump come out and say - "hey - cut it out. Bullying is not the answer." Especially because his poodles will obey if he asks... right? Trump is a rich-man bully who is used to his sycophants saying "how high."

Trooper York said...

If Walker can forgive him and support Trump then maybe you should dial it back a little.

Trooper York said...

I did not mean to imply that you made death threats. But I don't think a candidate has to take responsibility and beg forgiveness for every crazy thing that his supporters might say or tweet. I think you and bags have said some crazy stuff but I don't think Cruz has to apologize for it.

Trooper York said...

Trump believes in free speech. Don't you?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

When and where did Walker forgive Trump?

Troop - free speech cuts both ways, right?

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Ed- don't bother. I don't actually read most of your head-ache inducing red herrings and Michelle Fields obsessions.

I figured.

As I said, I never let a lie go unanswered.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bags and I are anti-Trump. We state over and over that Cruz is/was not our first choice, but that we support him over Trump. Then we explain why and ed has a heart attack.

Really - Troop, you're a New Yorker. You should understand. Or perhaps taking a stand on principle is no longer considered a position of strength.

I'm just waiting for Trump to act presidential. So far, he doesn't have the energy to do it.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

When and where did Walker forgive Trump?

I wasn't aware of any grudge on his part, but, to answer the question, I'd say it was when he said he'd support Trump as the nominee.

Trooper York said...

Of course April and I don't ask you to apologize for anything you might say.

I thought Walker said he would support Trump if he was the nominee? Isn't that forgiveness? Or at least as much as you will get from a politician?

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

I'm just waiting for Trump to act presidential. So far, he doesn't have the energy to do it.

In your eyes, he never will.

Go vote for Hillary, it's what you want to do.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Troop - Have a good communion. I'm off to the Farmer's Market.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I thought Walker said he would support Trump if he was the nominee? Isn't that forgiveness? Or at least as much as you will get from a politician?

I didn't hear it. If he did, then Wlaker is open to practicality. I understand that.
(doesn't me I forgive Trump) I know Trump will likely win the nomination. I've said so all along. I'm just not up to supporting him just yet. My hatred of Hillary is strong, but I fail to see the wisdom in supporting the other side of Hillary's coin.

Trooper York said...

Thanks. We are waiting to go to the restaurant. Staten Island food sucks.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

As fun as it is to act like, and support, a monkey flinging poo, most people feel reassured and comfortable throwing their support behind a person with a least a drop of self-restraint and composure.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Cheers. Hope the food improves.

edutcher said...

I posted this when it came out.

When I saw the USAToday piece where Trump talked about the idea of jobs in his Administration for Kasich, Rubio, and Walker, and there were no subsequent denials, it was pretty obvious the deal was done.

edutcher said...

PS Trump has been extremely restrained in his objections to a tinhorn from Texarkana overriding the people's choice.

All the monkey flinging is April's.

Chip Ahoy said...

Death threats? Prove it. And if they're from Colorado then let's pick up this conversation when they actually shoot somebody and burn down their house. Kill their dog and smash their goldfish bowl.

Sore losers. That's the word used to describe people who've been ripped off.

Question. It's a real question. There a lot of conservative voters in Colorado, more than there are liberals in Denver/Boulder, there is no need for to be lorded over by Democrats. Save for one little thing. Fuckhead conservatives who want more than anything to exclude other conservatives from representation.

Jeff from Protein Wisdom said precisely this on Twitter during an episode. He does not want Trump supporters opinions registered. They shouldn't count. Now shut up. He is smarter than you. And he is! He's more fierce than you. And he is! He really is all that. He's smarter, better, more fierce, more full of testosterone, more ready to smash heads, more 'get out of guy way' than you are. He wants all Trump supporters to shut the hell up and go crawl back under their rock. He wants nothing to do with them. He does not want these conservative voters represented. They're too stupid. Leave things to smart and informed and principled people like himself.

The fact is that GOP is coming to grips there are a lot more conservative people out there than considered worthwhile cultivating.

And now they're rising and wringing GOP's neck like a bird.

[That's my favorite Egyptian curse. I like to put on birthday cards. "Whoever opens this card and closes it without reciting good wishes and happy birthday then I will rise up and wring their neck like a bird."]

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now watched Trump in Connecticut (<--- spelled correctly the first time) and man oh man does he ever have his act down. What an entertainer. He works his crowd like a D.J. controlling the rise fall and duration and intensity of audience reaction. I ditched every single pep rally of my last high school because by then I was completely over it and had zero school sports affiliation whatsoever. I didn't go to a single game there. And these rallies all remind me of that. And the feel of it makes me sad. The conventions themselves make me terribly sad. I cannot watch them. The styrofoam hats pressed in the shape of 1020 straw hats, themselves very cheap hats, and balloons and signs and people all drunk with that peculiar energy going state by state saying vapidly definitive statements one after another, "The great state of ... proudly rises to give it's support to the next presi..."

It's embarrassing. And sad.

Except Trump.

He actually had me laughing. I laughed so hard I thought, Man I need to hop in my saucer and go back to Jupiter because this is wrong. His antagonisms should not be this funny. "I'm gonna build a wall..." crowd roars, "It's gonna be so tall," He looks upward, motions hands high as they reach, crowd roars, "It'll be so beautiful," crowd roars and that shit is just flat funny.

A beautiful tall wall for a thousand miles in his mind.

It's too outrageous, too fun, people are having too much fun, surely they're sharing a joke. This is provocation back at you like a cream pie in the face. Watching the manipulation of energy, the waning during a distracted unfruitful explanation then suddenly, "We're gonna bring back jobs" crowd roars back to life, "We're gonna build up our military," roar, "We're gonna have fair trade," roar, "We're gonna get rid of Common Core," roar, as if the crowd knows as rave dancers know the D.J. is working the crowd, working them. In Connecticut, at least, people are actually having fun. It looks like a rave.

Comments in live stream are nonsensical. All rave too. All the commenters are high. It's weird. A lot of copy/pasted repetition. Repeatedly. Like over and over again. The same wall made of characters. The same blocked configurations repeatedly. Everything, every comment, and they fly by, 100% nonsense with zero thought to it. Like drunk and high if not stoned people.

Methadras said...

Hey, good morning. It's nice to know that I can wake up to stories of Trumpist death threats. It's the most consistent thing in news right now. GO MOB GO!!!

G Joubert said...

How to lose to Hillary in the fall. Keep it up, Trump supporters

So we're supposed to support a Canadian instead? Or is it the Jebster who you really want?

edutcher said...

Chip Ahoy said...

Death threats? Prove it.

After the Fields thing, I think that's a wise caveat.

ricpic said...

Apparently The Wall is a joke to Chip. To me it's an answered prayer.

Quick, who wrote Answered Prayers?

That's right, the dwarfus terribilitus Truman Capote.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...Staten Island food sucks.

Fresh Kills on your plate.

Titus said...

There is a large gay Asian mafia at my gym in Cambridge. They have fucked up hair.

I am not attracted to Asians.

Do you know it is common to read "no fats, fems or asians" on guy's grinder profiles.

But one of the Asian gay mafia guys at my gym says-"no blacks, unless u have a master's or higher" on his grinder profile.

Some white guys only want Asians though and they are called Rice Queens. If you are white and like blacks you are a dinge queen.

The gays are racist.