Tuesday, March 29, 2016

WKRLEM: Never Apologize


bagoh20 said...

That's probably the better policy if you screw up a lot. There is another option though, and
if you fear looking weak so much that you can't apologize, then your deception has failed.

The Dude said...

Did John Ford ever apologize for filming every scene in every movie, even the ones set in Ireland, ostensibly, in Monument Valley? If not, he should have. I have camped near the two mittens, the left one of which appears in that clip, and trust me, there is no fort there.

And to answer my own question, of course he didn't. He was John Ford.

Upon further reflection, perhaps that is the right mitten, filmed from the side opposite where I camped. There was no picnic involved, but I did build a nice fire out of a juniper log.

ricpic said...

Ford should have apologized for the uniforms with not a speck of the ubiquitous red dust on them.

bagoh20 said...

Those uniforms were so clean they glowed in the sun. It was so unrealistic it was distracting. The superior officer was dirty. Maybe he did their laundry.

Trooper York said...

The idea behind the cinematography and imagery of that film was to make the paintings and sculpture of Fredric Remington come to life. It was an idealized construct.

Ford uses a stylized point of view to idealize the American Soldier of the Frontier. As well as the Native Americans even though moronic critics didn't get it.

It is amusing to see Navajo dress and totems be flourished in a scene where the Indians are supposed to be Cheyenne and the Arapaho. Of course the critics know even less about Indians than they do about soldiering.

Trooper York said...

The two young actors in that scene have both written excellent autobiographies that are well worth reading if you are interested in Movies. John Agar and Harry Carey Jr. were members of the John Ford Stock company. Harry was the son of John Wayne and John Ford's idol Harry Carey Sr. And John Agar married Shirley Temple and they later costarred in Fort Apache.

I recommend both books.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

The idea behind the cinematography and imagery of that film was to make the paintings and sculpture of Fredric Remington come to life. It was an idealized construct

Nice point. As a Remington fan from the time I was about 13, you don't see a lot of dust on uniforms (or on cowboy gear, either).

He and Greer Garson had the right idea. She said the mirror ought to be pointed somewhat upward when the movies reflected life. Ford put it more tersely, but I love it, "If it wasn't that way, it shoulda been".

I love the fact Ford did his Indian-fighting infantry (when he did them) in the white facings, rather than the Civil War sky blue. Like the yellow-orange cavalry facings, they just make those blue uniforms look so good.

Trooper York said...

They were mounted infantry ed. Miles and Crook used them to good effect in the Indian wars.

If only they let our soldiers do what they have to do now the same way they did back then.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

They were mounted infantry ed. Miles and Crook used them to good effect in the Indian wars.

The 5th Infantry was known in TX and OK as the 11th Cavalry.

A lot of infantry marched (although mules were a bit more resistant to some equine diseases) as wagon train escorts and the like, but, yeah, if they had to traverse long distances or catch up to a war party, they were mule-borne.

An Incident of the March is one of Remington's best works on the infantry and is almost Fordian in its character studies.

The Dude said...

Lawrence Meade wrote "Never apologize for being a phony draft dodger asshole shit".

We have never asked you to apologize, Meade - we accept you just the way you are. And we are sure your mommy does, too. Now run along home - I hear she has a nice steaming hot mug of Ovaltine waiting for you.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I hope Trumps loses. I'm listening to Cruz on CNN - he's so articulate. He makes Trump look like a doofus.

The Dude said...

And prostitute number 6 self-identifies...

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

I hope Trumps loses. I'm listening to Cruz on CNN - he's so articulate. He makes Trump look like a doofus

He won't. This will blow up in the One True Ted's face. He should have waited to see the vid before shooting off his mouth.

Trump read Fields' account I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken... Campaign managers aren’t supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground at his rally.

We know what the vid shows, so did the crowd. That ain't it. The crowd loved it.

BTW One of your confreres in hate smacked an old Trump supporter at the rally.

Did the "Trumpist thug" have that coming, too?

PS The Blonde thinks Cruz is the doofus and Trump speaks well.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump is an inarticulate daddy's little spoiled brat.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

@ Bagoh
That's probably the better policy if you screw up a lot. There is another option though, and if you fear looking weak so much that you can't apologize, then your deception has failed.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Up next - the inarticulate blow hard. lemme guess- he's gonna focus and obsess on "trade" - then lie about Cruz and then - perhaps - fling some of his own poo.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

btw- I finally figures out how to stream it (with a little help)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

figured. ..*

rcocean said...

While the uniforms are a little too clean, the idea that the US Calvary - while stationed at a Fort - were all greasy, unwashed, and with clothes in tatters is absurd.

They had a laundry and opportunity to bath - at the Fort.

rcocean said...

Trump has had more unfair shit thrown at him from the left and the so-called "Right" then anyone in history. Every interview is a battle full of unfair questions. Anyone else would've been destroyed.

For example, I'm watching CNN and what do they ask him? The nonsense about the reporter being elbow raped. Who cares?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

He is such a dork.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump is whining about the big libowski incident - spinning pedaling . So un- presidential.

"But Anderson - people are chopping off heads!"

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Now he's talking about Miss Universe. Now - that's some presidential qualification.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

He is such a dork.

Yes, Cruz is.

rcocean said...

While the uniforms are a little too clean, the idea that the US Calvary - while stationed at a Fort - were all greasy, unwashed, and with clothes in tatters is absurd.

They had a laundry and opportunity to bath - at the Fort

They had laundresses - the wives of the post NCOs, as opposed to a laundry (there was a wash house for the hospital).

Nice piece on it here. You'll have to scroll down.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Miss Universe and pro-wrestling are his main qualifications. Idiocracy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

National Enquirer is real, baby.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Pro wrestling?

As with so much, I think you've mixed your neuroses.

edutcher said...

PS I know April would never admit this is possible, but here's proof Trump has a heart and is a good guy.

I know, National Enquirer/he pushed her/he loves Hillary/he's a Democrat.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Oh right -- it's WrestleMania



Classy - just like Ronald Reagan.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump’s own social media director, Dan Scavino, has been helping to circulate the rumors that Amanda Carpenter had an affair with Cruz.

Nothing will erase the lies, ed.

rcocean said...

i find the whole Fields thing so bizarre. Does it involve trump? Not really. Does it involve the issues? Nope. Was it "battery"? Yeah maybe, but if so, I've committed "battery" probably 100 times in my life. Push someone to get through a crowd? Woops, you committed "battery". Broke up a fight between two little kids? Whoops, you committed "battery"?

Chip, could take that idea and make it into a hilarious post.

rcocean said...

I'm caring less and less about what the hysterical Trump haters write. Look, you want President Hillary? Well, that's what you're going to get. I mean that what is really behind all the Trump hate. You can see consequences, no? Keep hating on Trump and you cripple him for the General, or you split the Party. Result: President Hillary.

bagoh20 said...

I have modern electric laundry machines, and my clothes have never been that clean, even when I first bring them home from the Salvation Army.

All travel was done in open vehicles or horseback, and a fort in that environment is a constant dust storm. Staying clean past breakfast was very unlikely, unless you were queer.

bagoh20 said...

So it begins today. The blaming for the coming epic fail will be laid at the feet of those who told you so right from the start. Trumps negatives have never been low enough to win this election. You Trumpers just refuse to believe you share this country with other people, and that they get to vote.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

No, if it fails, people like you will brag how you stayed home until it's proven you did vote.

Most likely for Hillary, just for spite.

But you're only 5% of the electorate and Hillary's negatives are just as bad. And the Reagan Democrats Trump brings over will more than cancel you out.

But it's nice you finally come out of your closet.

AprilApple said...

Trump’s own social media director, Dan Scavino, has been helping to circulate the rumors that Amanda Carpenter had an affair with Cruz.

Nothing will erase the lies, ed.

Except the truth.

Have you seen her tweets?

The ones where she calls the One True Ted Daddy Cruz and writes of him far more affectionately than most former employees would?

The one from 2 years ago where she wrote Really going for it today RT @Salon: Why I date married men: "There's warmth and there's space, there's intimacy and there's distance..."?

How's 'bout the fact Drew Johnson, a writer for the Washington Times (not a pro-Trump paper BTW), verified 2 of the 3 women named were, to his knowledge, accurately Teddy's girls.

Keep you head up your ass, kid. When the truth comes out, it will be as big a surprise as when it turned the "Trumpist thug" didn't do a thing to the little Cruzzer chick.

William said...

If such charges were made against Carson, Huckabee, or Santorum, I would not believe them. If they were made against Trump, I probably would believe them and marvel that it was only five women. With Cruz I just don't know. And that's the problem. There is something unknowable about Ted Cruz. He may not be lying but there's something calculated and a little occult about his way of speaking........If I lived in Wisconsin I would vote for Kasich, but I'm bound to confess that I didn't bother watching his segment on the Townhall. He is extremely boring, (One notes that boring people tend to have happy marriages and to succeed as administrators.)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

RC - It's not Trump hate - it's Trump exposure.

If you want to run Trump up the flag pole with his negatives - doesn't look like we can stop you.

Anonymous said...

rcocean: I'm caring less and less about what the hysterical Trump haters write.

I dunno, I've kinda been enjoying being told that I'm a dumb, emotion-driven LIV by hysterics who appear to have lost half their IQ points to Trump voodoo spells since last July. (I like to keep my sense of the ridiculous in good working order.)

Look, you want President Hillary? Well, that's what you're going to get. I mean that what is really behind all the Trump hate. You can see consequences, no? Keep hating on Trump and you cripple him for the General, or you split the Party. Result: President Hillary.

Funny how when all this started up it was the True Conservatives insisting that Trump supporters were "objectively pro-Hillary" if they insisted on throwing their votes away in a huffy, juvenile protest vote. Now they're all "you say that like it's a bad thing...".

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

From the very beginning, when Trump first entered the race I thought "Trump will hand it to Hillary."

Funny about first impressions.

Trooper York said...

Actually from the beginning you said that Trump was in cahoots with Hillary and that he didn't really want to win. That it was a plan cooked up Trump and Bill Clinton.

That was so ludicrous it would lead one to discount everything you have said since then. It is pure distaste for Trump. Personal. Visceral. Silly.

You make a big deal about his involvement in Professional Wrestling. Why? Lots of people love wresting at one point or another in their lives. It is fun. Low class fun. That is why I say this election is about class.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I might be wrong, Troop. I'm at least willing to admit it. I think Trump IS going to hand it to Hillary - conspiracy or not.

My distaste for Trump is based on his behavior. Trump is free to change and stop acting like an insane deluded self-important weenie.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Looks like my crazy theory might be true.

Trump reneges on his own pledge.