Thursday, March 31, 2016

WKRLEM: April faves!

You know what this is about right?


edutcher said...

She's coming to get ya.

And she's bringing the One True Ted with her.

The Dude said...

Kids these days!- they got no appreciation for the original.

I had that album, back in the day. Totally bought the bullshit they were selling. Australians, right. They were far up north Y*nkees from New York City. NOO YORK SITTY?

As a callow yute I recall marveling at the zebra headed drums, quite exotic. Not until I studied West African hand drumming did I learn the source of the beat they used, commonly called the Bo Diddly beat. I was taught that it originated in the Congo and spread to other nearby countries. Kind of like Ebola.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sixty brings the education. hm. Who knew?

So bow wow wow changed the her to a he, and the candy girl to a candy penis? OK.
I R educated.

Is Bow wow wow a Malcolm McLaren creation?

Thanks, Troop. I like Candy.

bagoh20 said...

AprilApple is simply awesome! A girl with both passion and intelligence. Some might say she has a really good brain.

edutcher said...


Others might say it's washed once too often.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...Sixty brings the education. hm. Who knew?

He's actually pretty refined. The name is a foil.

MamaM said...

The name is a foil.

More like a rasp.

ampersand said...

So Bags, how is the $15 minimum Cali wage going to affect you?

The Dude said...

Bags is getting the government he has always voted for, and moreover, he deserves. As someone who profits from the labor of illegals most decent Americans fervently hope that his business fails very soon.

Now get back to whipping the peons, Jefe, do you think they are going to work without the proper incentives?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bagoh - Thank you. **From one good brain to and even better really good amazing top brain.

bagoh20 said...


It's incredibly stupid, but that's California voters. As I've said before, my company exists primarily to employ people. I put most of the profits back into it, and all my employees get profit sharing which amounts to thousands of dollars each in nice bonuses through the year, even for the lowest paid people. Those profits will probably just shrink as the wage goes up and the bonuses will disappear. The effect will mostly be that we hire and train less new people, and that we will lose business to other states, and China. We will go for more automation, and less people. The State will hurt exactly who they pretend to help. We will have to consider moving out of California again. It's gonna be hard to keep customers when we need to raise prices just because of the State legislature. My customers get no benefit from the extra cost. People at my company only get minimum wage when they first start and only if they are unskilled. Currently it's $10/hr, and nobody makes that after a few months unless we are trying to encourage them to quit. A big problem with artificially raising the minimum with these huge increases is that people who have earned it by working hard and learning skills, suddenly find themselves at "minimum wage" just like the new unskilled guy. We will no longer be able to encourage or reward people for hard work and personal development - merit. It's really a stupid and cruel thing to do, but that exactly how I would describe California lawmakers.

And Sixty, as much as it might disappoint you, this will not hurt me. I don't need money, or a job, and I live frugally. I could sell tomorrow and tour the world for the rest of my life, but I like giving people opportunity. It's the only reason I don't sell the whole thing. I might be forced to reconsider, or at least move, and we just finished moving last year at great expense. I hate California's political and legal system, and it's obviously mutual.

The Dude said...

Isn't that special. You hate them, yet you voted for them your entire life.

Also, why is it that the words "illegal aliens" never appear in your comments? Those are the people you employ, and most of us are sick of you and your ilk whose only desire is to destroy the sovereignty of this nation.

You sound more and more like Meade every day - pompous, delusional, self-congratulating and totally full of shit.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Sixty. Thanks for posting that original version. Love the drum beat.

Minimum wage in California won't affect us personally as a business since my husband's hourly charge is about 6 times that and there are additional fees for specialty equipment set ups etc. Plus when he hires a "helper" we don't hire as an employee but as an independent contractor type (1099 is sent) and the amount we pay starts at $20 to 40 hourly...depending on what the tasks are.

What will be affected are those businesses that hire young or unskilled people. Restaurants, clerks at convenience stores, gas station attendants and especially part time summer hires for teens. Those jobs will be phased out where they can and teenagers can forget about getting any starter employment. The costs of products will go up in price to the general public as the employers have to raise their end costs to cover not just the rise in wages but all the other costs that go along with it. Things like SS, Medicare, UI, SDI etc etc etc.

A full time job will be a thing of the past as well with the Obamacare hammer coming down on businesses that have full time employees. So. You get $15 an hour instead of $11. Wooo Hoooo!. Now cut your hours in half and see what a good deal that was....NOT.

The costs to us, personally, as a business will likely go up a bit especially in the small manufactured parts. That might cut into our profit margin a bit, but it won't be that much of a big deal as our mark up is fairly good now and the majority of our jobs are bid at a set/contract price and we build in a cushion.

Restaurants and fast food places are going to be the hardest hit.

bagoh20 said...

"Isn't that special. You hate them, yet you voted for them your entire life."

Are you retarded or what? I voted for exactly one Democrat one time in my entire life (Jimmy Carter). If you ever read anything here written by me and still think that I voted for this, then you must be a Trumper who knows I'm not one, because that's all you need to make stupid assumptions.

The Dude said...

You claimed you were a life long democrat voter. If that's not the case, well, my mistake.

But you still hire illegals, so you are a traitor, regardless of who you vote for, you self-aggrandizing asshole.

Now get back to beating your slaves, you fucking hypocrite.

bagoh20 said...

I think you have me confused with Donald Trump. He's the one who does all that, and I guess that means you think I'm awesome too.

bagoh20 said...

BTW, I said I was a lifelong registered Democrat which means ... Oh hell, what the point. It's probably too much nuance for ya.

The Dude said...

Yep, life-long communist.

And, for the record, just a few comments ago you were saying that you were wealthy enough to retire, and that you might move your company, but you just moved it, and you love to hike with your dogs - pay attention to what you write, you smug illegal loving son of a bitch. If you had the ability you would be ashamed.

And, once again, you refuse to admit that you grow wealthy off the labor of illegals. Down on the Massa Bags plantation all de illegals be happy and singin' and dancin'.

You really are a lousy excuse for a human being, and the fact that you can't even address how you abuse and exploit illegals is very telling.

Amartel said...

April fools
I hope

The Dude said...

Nope, bags is a fool for exploiting and abusing illegals all year round. That's just how he rolls. That, and wrapped up in smugness. A big fluffy fabulous blanket of smugness.