Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Melissa Young, Trump

Melissa Young is onetime Miss Wisconsin. Gravely ill, dying, she delivered an emotional statement of gratitude to Trump for something he did that lifted her spirit at a critical time. She appeared at the town hall to say this when he showed up in Wisconsin for his campaign.

I caught this moment by chance on YouTube. I didn't see much, but I did see this.  The comments picked up and spun by far too fast to read. Women cried. A lot. Others commenters were using emoji symbols of bricks to form walls, A wall being their comment. A lot of energized nonsense.

Comments to this Daily Mail piece are uncharacteristically compassionate and reasonable. Women say they cried. 

Antitrumpites recall a story about ghost of Trump Past denying, some say withdrawing, his own nephew's medication or healthcare or insurance or pulled the plug on his life support, depending on the version. 


ndspinelli said...

The best contrived reality TV on the air.

chickelit said...


But most women will find it unbelievable and too contrary to their preconceived notions of Trump. I predict that April will deny it, if she comments at all.

Chip Ahoy said...

The Daily Mail article has photos of when she was in hospital. The photo of her son laying on top of her gets women, they say in comments. I scrolled past and didn't notice. A lot of background photos that give credence to this item. And the other candidates cannot do this. All their compassion is public compassion, other people's money through foundations that use 10% for their stated purpose and the rest to keep the empire going. Maybe they can. Ultimately their income is from politics. This had a bigger affect on other people than it did on me. It makes me uncomfortable, the whole choking thing is impossible for me but I cannot deny it really is the best reality TV on the air

I left out the word contrived because I'm a terrible scribe and really the worst translator, don't ever use me for that.

Oh! That reminds me. I saved a discussion that went on and on, as I recall it now they were discussing the Westcar Paparus. The passage is reflexive. It's form is reflexive. And that messed everyone up because it is so awkward. They never did reach agreement. It involves the glyph of the little seated man. Its position marks the end of phrase. It is the subject, "I." The passage has a bunch of signs then the man, the a sign that could "of" or "to" or "by" a preposition, you see, then then the little man again signaling the end of second phrase. The two phrases together, something something "I" to "I" or "me" or "myself." It's their language. Not ours. We keep trying to force-fit ours into theirs.

To me it's uniqueness signals a unique way of relating the tale. Their translations go:

I will now relate to you another similar crocodile story that happened to me myself.

Now I will tell you what happened to me similarly to me myself.

I speak of the same story about crocodiles that I also did to myself.

And so on. None of the caught the brassy attitude that made the way those symbols were arranged. It's very saucy. Cheeky. It seemed to me. None of them including the instructor mentioned this. I would translate it, and this is why you shouldn't use me, others will not agree with me, here goes my reading:

Well then alright, let me tell another similar crocodile incident that happened but one that I brought upon myself.

There is a previous crocodile story the writer will top.

It's not even interesting because it's written in hieratic and not proper hieroglyphics and the scribe's pen was thick and loaded. Overloaded. And the papyrus is a palimpsest. And it's severely damaged. All these heavy strikes against it, the thing utterly puzzled people for decades and now it's considered one of the most important pieces of early writing because it gives insights to kings and to later Egyptian writing. The same stories appear later in developed form. It gives insight into the development of those stories. But it's terribly ugly and no use to me. I don't care about any of that. My interest lies purely in understanding the pretty pictures and Westcar papyrus is none of that.

Chip Ahoy said...

I had to get off Twitter. Everyone is joking about Trump being afraid of a pen. Everyone is suppling pictures of pens. Pens that could kill. Pens that TRUMP IS AFRAID OF 1111111!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!1111!1!1 *breath* !!!111

1!!!1!1!1!!111 !!!!!1!!! pen !!!! 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!! pen!`1!!!!!!!!!!!!!1eleventeen million!!!!!!!!!11 pens !!!!1!11!111111 1111 because we're nothing at all like silly Democrats !!!!!!!1111!!1111111!1 * breathe * !!!!1!1!!!!1111!!!1!!!111111

!!!111 he said "pen" !!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!1

That's Twitter tonight.

edutcher said...

Yesterday turned into a very good day for Donald Trump.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Doesn't remove his National Enquirer hit job.

Doesn't erase this.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump is an embarrassment, no matter how many Miss Universe tears he can find.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump is easily mocked. Get used to it.

btw- I waste enough time on the web as it is, I don't do facebook or twitter.

Chip Ahoy said...

Everyone is easily mocked. Now I'm seeing right wing commenters going out of their goddamnn minds. It was a steady stream of pens last night. I had already muted 75% of people and it was still a steady stream of pens. ANd when not pens then some other triviality. The pile on over something trivial then piling on about there being a pile. I considered conservatives more reasonable, more grown up than crackpot Democrats, but I am 100% wrong. They prove to be every bit as annoying and infantile.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Love - you need some sleeps. :)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump was whining on CNN last night that Fields had a pen. I mean really - this is the kind of thing you want your leader to discuss? Seems petty to me.

edutcher said...

You can be murdered by being stabbed with a pen.

The only petty one is you.

More to the point, the Secret Service says she was too close.

AprilApple said...

Trump is easily mocked. Get used to

More like the people who mock him.

The One True Ted won't even categorically say he hasn't cheated on his wife.

The One True Ted would fire an innocent man, but he won't fire his dirty trickster of a campaign manager.

And, oh, yes, the Border Patrol Council has endorsed Donald Trump.

Cram it someplace, sweetie.

Meade said...

"Cram it someplace, sweetie."

Tough guy Lyin' Ed.

Meade said...

Tough guy Lyin' Ed, when did you stop failing to categorically say you haven't cheated on the Blonde?

edutcher said...

Don't you ever call me a liar.

I document what I say, not make it up in cutesy little bits of fluff.

edutcher said...

And I'm not the one who bragged about getting laid back at TOP.

BTW, if I'd ever cheated on her, and I haven't, I'd be making history because this would be coming from six feet under.

Meade said...

"Cram it someplace, sweetie."

edutcher said...

Back to you, Tovarische.

edutcher said...

Something else to talk about.

The One True Ted complains about all the free coverage Trump gets, is then reminded on Fox and CNN how he has turned down invites for months.

Get the feeling things aren't going his way?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Here is a great video about Ted Cruz..

A little bit about Cruz


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Here's the truth about Trump - polls-suggest-that-trump-is-the-worst-not-the-best-general-election-candidate-for-republicans/he's the worst general election candidate

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

link no worky

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Midge Gorman sez:

"Meanwhile, new polls show that while Trump consolidates his slim portion of the loons who blindlessly support him, his support among the rest of electorate, including women, blacks, millenials, and people with a high school degree or higher continues to plunge to new levels and depths. Usually, by this time, as a candidate getting close to his party's nomination gets more popular among his party and the nation as a whole, Trump is going in the opposite direction. In short, Trump becomes more popular amongst the blind, while those of us who can see despise him more each passing day.

I predicted once that Trump would get about 40% in a general election. I take that back. He will get less than 35%, and probably closer to 30%."

I agree 100%

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

One poll in 29 shows Trump beating Hillary.

Meade said...

I suspect Trump secretly finds those other 28 polls very reassuring.