Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brussels, Belgium, EU capital, struck with bombings


"BRUSSELS (AP) -- Bombs struck the Brussels airport and one of the city's metro stations Tuesday, killing at least 31 people and wounding dozens, as a European capital was again locked down amid heightened security threats.

The two airport blasts, at least one of which was blamed on a suicide bomber, left behind a chaotic scene of splattered blood in the departure lounge as windows were blown out, ceilings collapsed and travelers streamed out of the smoky building.

About an hour later, another bomb exploded on a rush-hour subway train near the European Union headquarters. Terrified passengers had to evacuate through darkened tunnels to safety.

"What we feared has happened," Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told reporters. "In this time of tragedy, this black moment for our country, I appeal to everyone to remain calm but also to show solidarity.""



Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While our politicians pedal garbage and lies and how we must NOT stop the flow if illegals and terrorists flowing across our border because democrats need illegal votes. (...because xenophobia and you're a big racist Hitler nazi)

...ISIS marches on.

AllenS said...

It's long past time to fix bayonets.

deborah said...

Pretty sure this will concentrate the attention of our electorate re Syrian refugees.

edutcher said...

Add a couple more points for Trump.

deborah said...

Yeah, this plays into Trump, big time.

ricpic said...

Elect Hillary for a Brussels future!

edutcher said...

It hit me that any IS-inspired votes for Trump today may deny that 50+ percent to the One True Ted in UT.

deborah said...

Oh, yeah, it's election day in UT and elsewhere.

Leland said...

Perhaps the Belgiums were unwise in publishing cartoons of Muhammad, eh Deborah? Perhaps that is why ISIS hates them, to answer WaPo.

Methadras said...

Bombs in Brussels by ISIS and Ted just said "Aw, shit!" cause he knows what just happened. This will cement Trump and what people have been saying about the mass Islamic Migration into Europe and BOOM! here you go. I wonder if Belgium will deploy the Muscles from Brussels to go after ISIS. Shit, it's universes better than what the half-breed-in-chief has been doing. After all, can't drag him away from his welcome home party in Havana can we? Party like it's 1953 bro.

deborah said...

Leland, PERHAPS Bush II shouldn't have let the genie out of the bottle.

Methadras said...

Deborah, which genie was that?

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Oh, yeah, it's election day in UT and elsewhere.

AZ and Samoa.

Leland said...

Genie? Are you intoxicated?

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Leland, PERHAPS Bush II shouldn't have let the genie out of the bottle.

I wasn't aware Bush II's first name was Willie, and it was Willie that put the idea in the crazies' heads that we'd cut and run the way we did at Mog, not to mention the way he wussed out after the first attack on the WTC, if we were attacked.

All Dubya did was fight back when we were attacked.

And beat the Hell out of them BTW.

deborah said...

Later, Tex, Meth, we've had this discussion.

deborah said...

Leland, I'm not talking about the Mohammed drawings, but the Iraq War fubar, especially how it was handled afterward. We wouldn't have Syrian refugees and the increased violence we see today if it had been properly handled. Now Europe is fucked.

Rabel said...

The head mofo is at a baseball game doing the wave with Raul. He is a despicable excuse for a human being.

Leland said...

If only there was some logic to support your argument, deborah. You blame Bush for the Iraq War, especially something that is vague, transition to Syria, and then Europe. Its a bunch of dots with no connection other than you wrote them together.

Curious Deborah, do you also blame W for the Achille Lauro? Maybe the Munich Massacre? The Paris Marks and Spencer shop bombings? Was Europe dealing with the fallout of the Iraq War then too?

deborah said...

We seem to have different tracks of logic, Leland. I see a direct link between the Iraq War and what is happening in Syria, which led to the refugees into Europe.

The items in your second para were single incidents that can be traced back to among other things, the CIA-backed 1953 Iranian coup when we installed the Shah. Or backed Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. Or if you want to go further, back to the discovery of the value of oil and the carving up of the ME by Europe.

I don't specifically fault the US or Europe for these actions. We are humans, and that's what humans do and have done since the first time a primitive human hit someone over the head with a stick and took his pork chop.

When I fail to respond to you in the future, please don't take it personally. I'm just not into being insulted.

bagoh20 said...

Terrorists have a fantastic ability to make us do stupid things, which I'm sure they relish. All they have to do is kill people they hate anyway, and we will shoot ourselves in the foot to show them how tough and stupid we are. How much have we sacrificed and spent in response to them, and we are no safer now than on 9/11. It's not what action we take but what we do and maintain afterward that counts. Pushing the stone up that hill is stupid if you turn your back on it after you get to the top. Unfortunately all the candidates are still saying to do just that, including my preference: Cruz, who said we need to destroy them and then get the hell out, which is just what we did two, three,or four times depending on how you count. We had the opportunity of the century in Iraq acquired at significant cost, and we walked away, because we are no longer worthy of our principles or our heritage. We may be better, but their warriors are stronger than our civilian run society. Get used to this stuff - it ain't going away until they get tired of doing it. On the positive side, it's extremely unlikely you will suffer from a terrorist attack any where near the degree you will from our own response to it. Go Trump!

deborah said...

Russia and co. have made a good start in getting serious.

Leland said...
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