Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Rand Paul says No Mas!

Rand Paul has announced that he is suspending his campaign and ending his run for the Presidency so he can concentrate on running for the Senate in Kentucky. That seems like a smart move as his campaign did not seem to catch fire and he is too far back in the pack to move up in New Hampshire.

Ted Cruz the current front runner tweeted a sincere and well meaning congratulation to Senator Paul complimenting him on his run and the issues that he brought to the fore. That was very nice of him.

Senator Cruz is also nothing but helpful so he also tweeted up a storm today. He tweeted that Doctor Carson was quitting to take the place of Steve Harvey at the next beauty pageant since he can actually read a cue card. Senator Cruz also congratulated Senator Rubio for dropping out of the race to open a string of salsa dance studios in South Florida. And congratulated Chris Christie in his new job as CEO of Dunkin Donuts. However his tweet about Donald Trump seems suspect to me.

Is Donald Trump dropping out of the race so he can run for the Presidency of the Hair Club for Men?

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