Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Young person: People my age think you are dishonest

Hillary: It depends on who you talk to... High School kids support me... we want to win in November. Nothing sticks to me... it's a vast right wing conspiracy.


AllenS said...

"You're likable enough, Hillary." -- Obama

That's all you need, right there. Plus, she's got the high school too young to vote crowd.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

evil schoolmarm chipmunk comes out to say: "What dif?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember how the hack press attacked Rubio for his boots?

Remember how the hack press attacked Rubio after he took a sip of water from a bottle during his after-president speech? The media told us Rubio was finished!

Now this - and the media... Did they pile on? Any relative response from hack press?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Speaking of annoying voices.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Sanders is dishonest too. None of his plans are possible, and he knows it.

bagoh20 said...

think that if you are still enamored with socialism that you should not receive a college degree because it indicates that you are yet to be educated on the 20th and 21st centuries.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the media dropped her, or actually covered her with a drop of honesty, she would collapse.

oh looksie here - No reporters allowed at Hillary's Wall Street speeches. Media are fine with that. They didn't want to cover it anyway.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie is a big wussy. He doesn't go after her like he should. They are all corrupt. They will all sell us down the river to keep the D in power.

Bernie will be easy to beat. The only morons who like him are the taker class. Oh wait. I take that back. The taker class is increasing every dang day.

bagoh20 said...

Only regular people ask the tough questions. When was the last time the press asked a surprising truly challenging question?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary has never been asked a difficult or challenging question. Never. Not once.

bagoh20 said...

"People my age think you are dishonest."

Everyone could say that.

ricpic said...

She doesn't answer the question. She doesn't even talk about what she wants to do as president. She just exhorts the crowd to get behind her so she can WIN! Okay, so "we" can win. But why? Why should that motivate the crowd? A naive question I suppose but it never fails to amaze me, the millions who fall for the con.

Rabel said...

Her makeup people are true artists. They could make an overcooked baked potato look like a medium rare filet mignon.

deborah said...

It's the most wonderful time of the year...six days till the Iowa Caucuses.

bagoh20 said...

Speaking of bullshit:

"Trump: I’ll save $300 billion a year making Medicare negotiate on drug prices."

Medicare only spends $143 Billion on drugs. Is there anything this man can't do?

I know, I know. It doesn't matter.


bagoh20 said...

A sad parallel to Fen's Law:

" “I always had a great relationship with Harry Reid. And frankly, if I weren’t running for office I’d be able to deal with her [Pelosi], I’d be able to deal with Reid, I’d be able to deal with anybody.” This point has been made often, most recently by Andy McCarthy, but it can’t be repeated enough: This guy is on the verge of beating Ted Cruz as an “outsider” by touting his record of cronyism. How can you be anti-establishment, wonders McCarthy, when you’re crowing about your history of essentially bribing politicians, including politicians from the other party? It’s a perfect complement to Trump, the least socially conservative candidate in the Republican field, landing the endorsement of the son of the man who founded the Moral Majority. Trump’s success is like a flashing road sign, “Republicans don’t actually care about most of the things they claim to care about.”"

Friends, and I mean that, please read this and tell me where it's wrong:

Do we stand for anything?

edutcher said...

I believe the phrase is, taking on water.

In more ways than one.

bagoh20 said...

A sad parallel to Fen's Law:

" “I always had a great relationship with Harry Reid. And frankly, if I weren’t running for office I’d be able to deal with her [Pelosi], I’d be able to deal with Reid, I’d be able to deal with anybody.” This point has been made often, most recently by Andy McCarthy, but it can’t be repeated enough: This guy is on the verge of beating Ted Cruz as an “outsider” by touting his record of cronyism. How can you be anti-establishment, wonders McCarthy, when you’re crowing about your history of essentially bribing politicians, including politicians from the other party? It’s a perfect complement to Trump, the least socially conservative candidate in the Republican field, landing the endorsement of the son of the man who founded the Moral Majority. Trump’s success is like a flashing road sign, “Republicans don’t actually care about most of the things they claim to care about.”"

Friends, and I mean that, please read this and tell me where it's wrong:

The guy was in business. He wanted to do projects out of state. For that, you have to go through Congress.

Only an idiot picks fights with people whose approval can make or break him. This also applies to The One True Ted and some of his showboating.

This guy is on the verge of beating Ted Cruz as an “outsider”

Cruz is no outsider. He's been in government for all but 5 of the 20 years since he's been out of law school.

Cruz was the first Hispanic to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States (Rehnquist). When he worked at DOJ, Cruz assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, Cruz recruited future Chief Justice John Roberts, among others.

This guy has always been very well-connected.

bagoh20 said...

It's not where you have been, but what you have done when you were there. Trump bribed, sucked up to, and cooperated with the people who have brought us to where we are, which is a place everyone wishes we had not come. He essentially paid them to do it, and got rewarded back for the help. Isn't that exactly the problem, and isn't that also exactly what Trump is? It doesn't matter what you think of Cruz for this to be true, but Cruz and Bernie are the only candidates who have fought these people, although pulling from opposite sides. You need to admit that you just don't care who Trump is or what he has done. You will imagine how that's a plus or how it doesn't matter. I think he was right about the shooting someone on Fifth avenue.

edutcher said...

Apparently, he gave equally.

Like it or not, that's business, especially big business.

Cruz and Bernie are the only candidates who have fought these people

Where do you get that one?

Cruz was one of them, and, if I may, he was OK with Gang of 8, including writing an amendment to it allowing legal status for the illegals. He voted for TPP, but tried to justify it by saying he wanted that authority for future Presidents, although he didn't want it for Barry, and (after making a showy filibuster) Omnibus Spending. That's not fighting anything, it's making it look like you stand for one thing and maybe not always sticking with it.

You need to admit that you just don't care who Trump is or what he has done.

Now you're sounding like one of the Cruz people on Insta. and, dare I say, projecting all over the place.

Hell, I know there are a lot of risks with Trump. I know he's done a lot to get ahead in business. He's never really done policy. He's a showman who's lived with the crowd. He may be more knowledgeable than your average State Governor, but he may be less, too. Do I trust him with the lives of our troops, I don't know. I do think a Trump Administration would probably result in a better business climate and a better economy.

I do know he's changed the debate on immigration, which no one else has done. I do know he's defanged Hillary and the Ozark Mafia, as no one else has done in 25 years of trying.

Like it or not, the man can be effective

In case you haven't noticed, Cruz can't say the same, the best he's got is that he shut down the government for a couple of days. He's also alienated just about everybody on Capitol Hill and he will have to work with those people if he's President, unless you think a miracle will happen and the number of Conservatives in the Senate will triple this year.

I'm not crazy about a guy who spends 2 years in the Senate and thinks he's ready to be President - we've got one of those right now. 3 Presidents have come form the Senate - Harding, Kennedy (both of whom had just finished their first term) and Little Barry, who waited until his third year before declaring. Having had one first-term Senatorial ideologue, I'm not eager to exchange him for another.

But what really worries me is the fanaticism of his people (in some ways worse than we saw in '08) which really puts me off, as does the self-righteousness. They're looking for a Savior and you're painting Cruz as him, The One True Ted, Conceived Without Original Leftism, Born of A Canadian Virgin and they don't want to hear anything that detracts from that. What you accuse me of doing (and, as I say, I'm well aware of Trump's flaws), the Cruzzers make a career of it.

Like it or not, this guy is anything but perfect. He's got a nice resume (at least we know what his grades were and where he was born), but it doesn't add up to the messiah a lot of people want him to be.

Would I be happier if Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker were still running? Of course.

Would I be happier if Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina were still in the top tier? Of course.

Hell, something Trump says or does may turn me off him. I get what he's trying to do with talking about Dingy Harry and that crowd. It's obvious Cruz wouldn't have a prayer of doing anything substantive if he were President unless the composition of Congress changed drastically. Trump is saying, "I can get things done", and remember, Reagan had to deal with a Democrat-controlled House every year he was President, but he got things done because he was able to work with the Southern Democrats.

Meade said...

"I think he was right about the shooting someone on Fifth avenue."

That's how loyal his supporters supposedly are. But that's really no test. Of course his supporters wouldn't mind.

If he really wants to test his supporters' loyalty, he should announce that he's opposed to racism and white supremacy and his administration will, in good faith, take up the issue of reparations.

bagoh20 said...

"This guy is on the verge of beating Ted Cruz as an “outsider”"

Cruz is no outsider.

Everybody inside sure considers him outside the club. Nobody wants him in there for a reason.

The point is that Trump support is based on something that he is not. He is a facilitator and a deal maker. That I'll agree with, but it's always been whatever is good for him. It seems to me that Cruz has been doing what everybody wanted the Republicans to do who then they went soft. So the one guy who did what you wanted, even at the cost becoming persona non grata in the boys club now gets passed for the guy that was inside making deals with everyone, and especially with Democrats like Pelosi, Reid, and the Clintons. That just seems hard for me to understand. I thought I knew what people on the right wanted and cared about, but now I feel like an outsider myself.

MamaM said...

evil schoolmarm chipmunk comes out to say: "What dif?"

LOL, and then she drives in the knife by reducing the questioner to nothing but a sploodge and a twinkle, or an inattentive baby at best with:

When I worked on healthcare back in 93-94 and I don't know if you were born then, I can't quite tell, BUT if you'd been around and able to pay attention...

He's a potential voter, Hillary, not a "kid" and you went for the subtle put down and the laugh. Not the way to win their hearts and minds in my book.

Methadras said...

So you're dishonest. Yes, but I have 10 high school kids (who can't vote) working for me. So there.

bagoh20 said...

"Cruz wouldn't have a prayer of doing anything substantive if he were President."

Frankly, that's preferable in my view to someone who would do a lot, primarily because Trump has no particular desire to do conservative things, or to follow the Constitution in doing them. To me that's a terrible combination. I'm sure he imagines he will "transform America", just like the current guy. Cruz might accomplish less, but would it be in the conservative direction or just any direction that makes Cruz effective and a winner. I think I know the answer to that in a Trump Presidency. Just one ratchet tooth back to the right after decades of "progress" is all I ask.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Everybody inside sure considers him outside the club.

When you go out of your way to alienate them, possibly to make an image for yourself, that will happen.

You seem to see Cruz as doing a lot. I see not that much there there. I see votes that should have gone the other way if he was what you say.

Trump, I can figure. Cruz, if he wanted to be effective, would be another Jeff Sessions or Mike Lee.

But that means staying in the Senate with everybody else.

Chip Ahoy said...

Keep posting anti trump screeds and links and I'll stop reading my own blog.

You would not believe how many people and places I've already shut out by 100% for presuming to instruct everyone on how NOT to vote.

Don't TELL me what's not in my best interests, it is not going to make it past my incredibly thick skull. Even with a hole in it. It cannot get in. It's all white noise. ALL white noise.

You don't tell people how not to vote, you just don't.

You might not know this, I think military brats are raised to not ask people who they intend to vote for. I could be wrong. But don't ask them, they're all dopes and we disagreed on everything all along but we never did talk about politics. Never. Maybe it was my particular circumstances, but among my pals it just wasn't done. I think because there is a proscription against campaigning on bases. In the military politics is verboten. I think. I wan't in the military myself, but it was never discussed. The CIC is your boss no matter what your personal opinion. Your personal opinion is not appreciated. It is entirely personal. I think they get in big trouble for straying. And they actually have the photo of CIC all over the place, and I mean ALL over to remind people who is top. Always the current president. It's very weird to encounter as a civilian. The guy you despise, his framed photo looming over the whole room, aimed downward as Irani clerics do with their stark framed photos. I've seen that hundreds of times on scores of air bases. And it is weird.

Further, all these strained painful aching arguments against Trump, reasoned and cogent and true, all fail to take into account the pure concentrated hatred built up for GOP to the point of demanding it be destroyed.

Address total destruction. And make it good. Make it worse than what they've already experienced. Make it worse than the face hugger sucking the life out of them and traducing them as they do it.

Address the destruction of pundit's livelihoods, the destruction of think tanks the destruction of entire paradigms of how things get done and projects get stopped. Address the intense desire for maximum disruption. Address vengeance.

But don't tell people how not to vote. That will never work. Plus it's fuckhead rude. Or perhaps just unmilitary. I'm not certain anymore. I do know it doesn't work.

The writers are working overtime trying to save their positions. I liked that contrary bit by Fox hottie. I hear a porn leitmotif whenever I see her. Got it. Look, you put up cogent anti Trump links that no Trump supporter will bother with reading, here's Andrea Tantaros explaining much better than I why anti-Trump doesn't work on anybody that nobody sufficiently solidly anti-Trump will bother to read.

bagoh20 said...

Do you need a trigger warning? Is this a safe space for the willfully blind Too bad. Ban me.

Trump has already gone soft on Democrats, and it's not even the general election yet. Wait till he gets the nomination behind him, and he can include everyone who hates Hillary in that growing group of voters he can't alienate no matter what. Then he can tell all of us to flip off, when he signs the stuff we hate and makes "amazing deals" with the architects of our current malaise. He'll say: I told everyone what I would do, and you voted for me anyway. Now I'm doing what I do best, as promised.

After the nomination, he'll turn toward capturing the lefties for the electoral blowout, and the big win. Then he'll stab you right in the back, tell you that's the pragmatic thing, the smart thing, the winning thing, and he'll be right.

When he's President by a landslide, I imagine we won't enjoy those press conferences where he tells us that we should love his deals with the people everyone hates, because we need to get things done, and that's what we voted for.

/Triggering suspicions

bagoh20 said...

BTW, don't vote for Hillary.

Too presumptuous, rude?


bagoh20 said...

"Address total destruction. And make it good. Make it worse than what they've already experienced. Make it worse than the face hugger sucking the life out of them and traducing them as they do it."

Trump will tell us everyone is wonderful to work with and great dealing partners: the good, the bad, and the ugly, and the good are far outnumbered by the rest who will make deals, deals and more deals. Git-R-Done!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She actually handled that about as perfectly as you could expect anyone to handle a question that direct and difficult.

She's not out yet, and don't underestimate her. That answer took an extraordinary dose of skill, savvy and passion - in all the right amounts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And if anyone wants to lambaste me for that, I'm not saying that her answer exonerates her in any moral sense whatsoever. Just that it was about as brilliant an example of redirection as any politician's ever given. Frighteningly brilliant, in fact.

deborah said...

No, I agree, Ritmo. I question the brain damage charge because she is so quick on her feet. No 'ums' or 'ers,' just complete sentences. Just to save time, this is not an endorsement, but an observation.

bagoh20 said...

Well, she does have a lot of practice with the lying, deflecting and the lying - a lifetime of it.

And the lying. That's a great skill. It's hard to tell if you are a good liar, or your marks are just stupid.