Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump threatens to boycott Fox News debate if Megyn Kelly not removed as moderator

"It all started last August at the first GOP debate, when Kelly asked Trump about the New York businessman's comments toward women in the past. The question was one of the most memorable of the debate, and prompted Trump to later claim: "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes … Blood coming out of her wherever."

...Trump is unlikely to actually boycott the debate and host his own town hall for rival networks, as he has claimed he would do. But if he has no plans to actually do this, his ongoing comments and actions toward Kelly are troubling.

How will Trump handle a hostile press if he is president? We know the press will be more harsh toward a Republican president, and that the press is especially hostile toward Trump, so will he just shut them out? And does Megyn Kelly, on a right-leaning network, really need to be public enemy number one to the Trump campaign?"



This is all for publicity; he is happily anticipating sparring with Kelly. During the campaign, if nominated, how will the dynamic between Trump and the press change? Now they love to hate him...with reluctant admiration. But later? It would be a delightful brawl.

Lem Update: Got an email saying Trump is not going to participate in Thursday's Fox News debate.


The rule of Lemnity said...

The big guy is on with Bret Baier right now.

bagoh20 said...

Who, Big Chris?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

he's afraid of a grrl. ? Not presidential. Sorry.

Titus said...

i love fox news

hannity is dreamy.

ndspinelli said...

Pussy! Just like all windbag, bullshitter, NYers.

bagoh20 said...

I'm taking my ball home!

Amartel said...

Definitely skipping it. If the rest of them are smart, they'll take advantage not by piling on Trump in his absence (which would look bad) or even smiling along with any of the mods who do so, but by newly de-Trumped facetime with America wisely to talk about their candidacies. Lots of people will tune in to see who's being a smug establishment fuck and lots will tune in to see what a Trump-free zone looks like, so they'll have an audience. Can they hold it?

bagoh20 said...

Afraid of a girl, and hiding behind wounded warriors.

I know the response: She's not really attractive, and I prefer warriors who don't get wounded.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

He's throwing sand in both the competent newsbabe act and the serious debate act.

Fox runs soap opera news just like everybody else.

rhhardin said...

Here's your serious newsbabes, just to remember what we're talking about pic.

Every one of them an airhead.

bagoh20 said...

Give his spot to Carly. We need someone with some balls.

bagoh20 said...

They just ask questions, what's so scary? And we aren't voting for the moderators, so get your ass on the field and play ball.

bagoh20 said...

Nobody is afraid of a poor question - that's slow pitch. If you're so good, hit it out of the park.

bagoh20 said...

""We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president – a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings," a spokesperson for the network said today, in a statement that looked like an attempt to out-Trump Trump." ~ Reason.com

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

These have all become their own brand of Festivus-styled Feats of Strength, based solely around who's got more ego and bravado to blow around and aim toward convention and conventional institutions. It's certainly within Trump's right to do so, and I hope he proves whatever he's trying to prove - (probably nothing more than what he was trying to prove all along.... that he's one tough batch of cookie dough) - but at some point it starts to recall what was said about the McCain campaign in 2008:

"Bush is no diplomat," said a Democratic staffer, "but he's Cardinal freaking Richelieu compared to McCain. McCain couldn't negotiate an agreement on dinner among a family of four without making a big drama with himself at the heroic center of it. And then they'd all just leave to make themselves a sandwich."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nice quote @7:50. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is the point of the Trump campaign where he tries to demonstrate that being a control-freak who takes everything personally is somehow a part of how he intends to "get things done"TM.

bagoh20 said...

People scared of questions from Fox, and who think Fox is the enemy:

Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump

bagoh20 said...

That quote is from the FOX people, but I found it at Reason.com.

chickelit said...

I think this is all for show. I predict that by November, Trump and Kelly will get along swimmingly like Bogart and Hepburn at the end of "African Queen." This is all for ratings. It makes me want to tune in -- doesn't it make you want to as well?

chickelit said...

I'm curious to see whether Kelly goes to bat for Rosie again.

chickelit said...

In the short term, perhaps Trump should skip the debate, giving FOX and all the rest of the perpetual whiners exactly what they've been pining for for so long -- a Trump-free primary event. There are all kinds of interesting variables to measure, including debate viewership ratings, blowhard reactions, subsequent polling data, not mention the possible emergence of another alpha-candidate in Trump's absence.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...Give his spot to Carly. We need someone with some balls.

Sad to say, by the PP-videographer's indictment probably destroyed Carly -- and I am a fan of hers.

chickelit said...

One last thing and then I'll shut up for a while because I get the feeling that no one agrees with me here: I think that Megyn Kelly has done a terrible thing here. As a journalist, the story should never be about you the journalist. On the other hand, these debates are about Trump and the other candidates. But what seems to be going on here is a celebrity game of chicken: Kelly is no longer a news reporter but has become a celebrity instead. It's apparently more important for her to "win" with her fans and supporters than to straight-up report the news. Sad.

deborah said...

Update by Kelly: (paraphrase) moments ago he finalized decision not to appear, but will hold a fund raiser in Iowa for wounded veterans.

rcocean said...

Smart move by Trump. He has the lead, why debate? Besides people are getting tired of them. They didn't even cut down on the Number of participants. And didn't we just have a debate two weeks ago?

The audience will probably drop by 2 million once they realize Trump is a no show.

This is everyone's big chance to hear Kasich and Christie debate ethanol and the nuclear triad.

Me, I'll go watch Magnum PI reruns.

The rule of Lemnity said...

He seems confidant that his followers will not desert him no matter what.

Should this not change tomorrow, will the voters punish the big guy?

Bearing in mind that his followers are mostly just this kind of voter... the out to punish kind.

rcocean said...

As RH and Chick have pointed out, Fox tried to turn this debate into a soap opera. Will Trump and Kelly make up or will their feud continue? Turn into Thursday.

Trump doesn't need that. He's made it clear he's not going to play FOX's game. Good for him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is all for ratings. It makes me want to tune in -- doesn't it make you want to as well?

Not really. Phony drama is bad enough in a soap opera, let alone in a presidential campaign. A few possibly sincere kerfuffles (between him and Bush, him and Crux) were fun to watch, but those were probably serious and then died down. When he extends one this far like between him and Kelly, it's just old. The guy really needs to get his fucking act together and act presidential at SOME point.

I realize his whiny crybaby routine gets him far because it's a reflection of our own national character, but it does get tired after a while.

rcocean said...

"Should this not change tomorrow, will the voters punish the big guy?"

Why would they? Trump already been in - what?- six debates. He's on TV constantly. He's not hiding from anyone.

rcocean said...

Now that R&B has shown up to spam everything with his boring Left-wing commentary, I'll bid everyone adios.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Update by Kelly: (paraphrase) moments ago he finalized decision not to appear, but will hold a fund raiser in Iowa for wounded veterans.

Wow. This guy really is a genius. Even when making the whole thing about him he does it in a way that makes it not about him. It's about the vets. This is unprecedented. He's something else.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that R&B has shown up to spam everything with his boring Left-wing commentary, I'll bid everyone adios.

Don't let the door slam shut and hit you in the ass.

You really are one of those NYC douchebags that Cruz mentioned. It doesn't even occur to you that Trump is not "right-wing" or that most commentary or criticism about him is of the "left-right" spectrum or whether his support is even predominantly "right-wing". This is why you're too dumb to have an opinion. Sorry to confuse you with one of value. I know how hard it is for you to come up with your own ideas, let alone stick to what you believe - if you even know what you believe.


Rabel said...

"the PP-videographer's indictment probably destroyed Carly"

I don't get it. What am I missing here, Chick?

bagoh20 said...

Trump is the one who made it about Kelly. She asked a crappy question, but one that would have been asked eventually by some other MSM personality. He did what he does: overreact and shoot the messenger. Get used to it. You're concerns are next on the chopping block.

The debates are the one place in the campaign where Trump dominates the stage the least. The other candidates actually get a chance to say something with people listening. His absence will matter less there to the campaign, and should not change anything in a real sense, except to give the others a lot more time, and some parity in the coverage. The media story will, of course, be something entirely different. Yes, yes, it's all very entertaining. Sheese!

chickelit said...

I don't think that people realized that the videomakers broke laws to catch law breakers. She took a heated stand. She may wish to forget that now.

bagoh20 said...

"the PP-videographer's indictment probably destroyed Carly"

She's invisible anyway at this point. I was just being a Trump hater. It's how I'm made.

chickelit said...

I admit that I have very little invested in Kelly. I'm not a cable-watcher at all like youse guys.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...Trump is the one who made it about Kelly.

He absolutely did not lob the first shell. She did. So that's just not true, bags. Hysterically perhaps, but not historically.

bagoh20 said...

"I don't think that people realized that the videomakers broke laws to catch law breakers."

That is yet to be determined, and what are you suppose to do when the law is absolutely despicable? The Boston Tea Party gave birth to the greatest nation in history over unfair tax on tea! We have come along way.......down.

No dig on you Chick, but the vodka is flowing. I had a big cancer scare this week from my doctors, but after a complete set of CAT scans head to toe, it turned out to be nothing. I'm celebrating!

deborah said...

Chick, I'm no Kelly fan, but the question was legit:

""You've called women you don't like, 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,' 'slobs,' and 'disgusting animals,'" Ms Kelly began before she was quickly interrupted by Mr Trump.

"Only Rosie O'Donnell," he said.

"No it wasn't. For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O'Donnell. Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks," she continued.

"You once told a contestant on 'Celebrity Apprentice' it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?""

Trump's reply was pretty good, but he should have left it at that instead of making it personal:

"The real estate mogul blamed the country's stance on "political correctness" and said he didn't have time for Ms Kelly's question.

"And to be honest you, this country doesn't have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don't win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico, both in trade and at the border," he continued, with a round of applause from the crowd of conservative supporters.

"We lose to everybody. And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it's fun, it's kidding, we have a good time.What I say, is what I say.

Mr Trump seemingly lost his cool, suggesting that he shouldn't "be very nice" Ms Kelly."


deborah said...

@rc, He'll also get to dodge ethanol questions. Something tells me Trump throwing a tantrum will not sit well with no-nonsense Iowans.

bagoh20 said...

I said it was a bad question, but he couldn't control his mouth about it. She's a single TV person, who he turned into a story. If Trump never said the bleeding comment, we wouldn't be even discussing her. And it was over until he made a new big deal of it now? And who is using wounded warriors as a shield while he throws stones at an anchorwoman. Trump made the whole story happen, and won't let it go. He does know how to play the media, and through it a lot of people. You can't deny that.

This new stupidity has even turned off my girlfriend who has been a Trumpette since he entered the race. Her quote was: "Stop being a pussy!"

chickelit said...

A far better question for Kelly would have been "You've called women you don't like, 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,' 'slobs,' and 'disgusting animals' -- have you ever treated them that way?

A commenter over at Althouse took me to task after I defended Trump on this very point, pointing out that Trump had insulted far more that Rosie O'Donnell. That same commenter then all but convinced himself that what Trump said actually wasn't sexist. Nobody gets upset when Michael Moore gets called a fat pig. Why is there a double standard for women? Furthermore, even if one objects to what Trump said, one should be careful to note whether it was before or after he announced his candidacy.

I'm not sure how much of what Rosie O'Donnell is documented. I'm sure it's embarrassing for her (if that's possible). Also, there is a comedy show routine of Hillary mocking Trump and doing a Trump impression. Is that that fair game for discussion?

Oh and I agree with what R&B said at 9:16.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He's like rc. Throwing a Trumptrum.

Now there's a word.

chickelit said...

Kelly was just out to play the "gotcha question game" like so many others have done. She was one of the first, and so far one of the more notable failures.

MamaM said...

This will be great. Who is going to be center stage one more time? The elephant who's not in the room.

chickelit said...

He does know how to play the media, and through it a lot of people. You can't deny that.

Yes, and the media doesn't deserve to win, because the media is corrupt, concentrated power. Everyone "knows" this but nobody else does a thing about it.

chickelit said...

I'm not sure how much of what Rosie O'Donnell is documented. I'm sure it's embarrassing for her (if that's possible).

I meant to write: I'm not sure how much of what Rosie O'Donnell said about Trump is documented. I'm sure it's embarrassing for her (if that's possible).

chickelit said...

And who is using wounded warriors as a shield while he throws stones at an anchorwoman.

Talk about making Trump into a Palestinian. You really do despise him, don't you, bags?

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...He's like rc. Throwing a Trumptrum.

Now there's a word.

I think "trumping the media" will play better in Iowa, Peoria, and elsewhere.

Rabel said...

Bags clearly doesn't like Trump as he sees him. I wouldn't either. Maybe we can bring him around with our impeccable logic and clear grasp of the facts.

Michael Haz said...

It's a genius move. Look what Trump has done. Five days before the Iowa caucuses, and he has made the news cycle about himself, for at least the next 48 hours, probably longer. And he did it without spending money on ads.

What are the other candidates doing now, the ones who can actually find someone to interview them? They are answering questions about Donald Trump. They are saying his name, not describing their stand on some obscure issue.

Plus, Trump has further locked in a big part of his base - people who detest the media - so they will be energized to vote for him Monday. Masterful political skills.

He has lost nothing in the process. The people who hate him tonight hated him yesterday, and will hate him tomorrow. But the base is LOCKED DOWN, and the base is what put him ahead in the polls.

If you focus on the issues, you'll miss the brilliant work being done here by a great strategist the likes of whom we have not seen before in American politics.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

MamaM said...This will be great. Who is going to be center stage one more time? The elephant who's not in the room.

Like I mentioned over on Althouse, how will Fox react? Will they leave his lectern empty and make reference to it like Clint Eastwood? Or will they move someone center stage? They'd better arrange for an even number so they don't have to have a middle guy.

bagoh20 said...

"If you focus on the issues, you'll miss the brilliant work being done here by a great strategist the likes of whom we have not seen before in American politics."

I agree there is little doubt that he can win the media war easily, but is that what we need? Is that how we want the decision made? The real world is not competing for advertising dollars, or even American votes for that matter. People's lives and futures are on the line, and we're texting in votes for American Idol. I have to explain to hundreds of people why we can't give them more of what they earn, what they work hard for, or why they are not free to choose their own sacrifices and benefits. I'm embarrassed that their kids are not getting educated in what I tell them is the greatest nation ever, or that all the lost money instead is going to friends and supporters of politicians. If Trump wins and is as I expect, my embarrassment will be especially painful. If I'm wrong, and he does make America great again, I'll be elated...and proud.

bagoh20 said...

Also I don't find it to be great strategy to fight a war successfully where half your natural opposition lies down prostrate and praises you without a fight. Hail Cesar!

chickelit said...

Rabel said...Bags clearly doesn't like Trump as he sees him.

I think Trump has ignored California so far. So, he makes us feel small and shriveled.

chickelit said...

I have to wonder how Trump plays in bags' old stomping grounds.

bagoh20 said...

In Western PA I suspect he has lots of both people who like the UN-PC thing, and others who hate all rich people, who are not rock stars or sports phenoms. I would expect there are more of the Pro-Trumps. Here in LA, I think he is mostly mocked. I don't usually agree with either LA or PA people. I belong in Texas.

"I see miles and miles of Texas.
All the stars up in the sky.
I see miles and miles of Texas.
Gonna live there till I die."

bagoh20 said...

Listening to the Pandora mix tonight with my lovely lady. Jacuzzi is warming up to Asleep at the Wheel, Joe Bonamassa, Black Sabbath, and Muse. I love Pandora - It's like a box of chocolates.

MamaM said...

...how will Fox react?

It's a game changer. All who respond, from media to consultants to candidates are going to have to figure out where they stand.

bagoh20 said...

And Elvin Bishop and of course my personal favorite: Little Feat.

bagoh20 said...

"So, he makes us feel small and shriveled.

I'm not experiencing that here. If I was, I'd be hearing about it

chickelit said...

I'm not experiencing that here.

Step out of the jacuzzi for a few minutes. Breathe in that cool Pacific air.

deborah said...

And on that poetic suggestion, I bid all bonsoir.

bagoh20 said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not well played not a stoke of genius. Stupid and petty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump should be taking advantage of his front runner status in other ways. Sorry Haz, I'm not convinced Trump is behaving like someone who wants to win it all in the general.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I enjoy reading Hotair (the website) but it sucks the holy living life outa my computer.

Is that a thing?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This . here. this.

I'm no expert and I'm not on board with any particular candidate. My only deal is beat Hillary. Beat her bad.

Trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. will it help in the long run? Perhaps. If he can beat her, I'm all in, but for now, I remain skeptical.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

& I agree with everything Bags is saying. Trump could win it all and then we will "get to find out what's in it."

oh boy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Haz is correct. (Hi Haz, nice to see you again)

It was a set up and Fox was planning to ambush Trump with set up questions. Kelly who is not a news person but is an opinion peddler has made it quite clear that she wants to destroy Trump. Why in the world would you subject yourself to this type of planned attack?? Especially when there is not any need to participate in yet another shallow, hollow, overly crowded, so called debate, which is really just a dog and pony show?

Previous Republican candidates were scolded for letting themselves be drawn into the trap of the media. Romney was excoriated for not standing up to that fat cow Crowley when she inserted herself into the debate. So now Trump has decided to NOT play that rigged game. And people want to excoriate him for not letting himself be drawn into the media trap.

Trump is damned if he does participate and falls into the trap and damned if he escapes the trap. You can't have it both ways.

Trump sees the trap. Trump exposes the media once again. Trump wins.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is nice to see Haz again and I respect his opinion. Yours too, DBQ. I find it wild that Fox news is now the big enemy. that's all.

I find it odd that Megan Kelly is considered scary.

What is MSNBC - chopped liver?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Here is more evidence that the Fox debate was just a set up.

Chris Stirewalt is the advance guy, the Fox political debate contractor/producer who is in Iowa setting up the parameters. He’s the scout organizing the Muslim activist to confront Donald Trump. He’s the guy organizing the Mexican immigrant to question/antagonize the intended target, trump. Stirewalt puts the agenda script together – Ms. Kelly, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Baier execute the production.

And Kelly has boasted. "This race will look totally different, I promise, on Friday than it does today."

So after the pre planned attack by the moderators and Fox News and the producer....they planned to attack and embarrass Trump, instead of being neutral moderators......the promise to have changed the race.

Copy of her tweet and other evidence of the set up is here. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/01/27/donald-trumps-fox-debate-boycott-and-the-ridiculous-fox-news-response/#more-111541

THAT is not their job and is why the media is held in such low regard. Since the Megan Kelly drama queen performance we have totally ceased watching Fox News. Didn't watch it much before, but now avoid it like the plague.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not impressed that Fox is acting like the other networks in their advocacy.

Still, it is fair to bring up Trump's past pro-democrat pro-statist statements.

Just like it is fair to bring up Hillary's lifetime of failures. Nobody in the ABC-NBC-CBS nexus of hack ever does.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Still, it is fair to bring up Trump's past pro-democrat pro-statist statements.

Of course it is fair...as long as it is done in a fair, neutral, non biased questioning manner and the candidate is given the time to respond.

What they were planning is to attack, using the Youtube shills, and make derogatory speeches BEFORE the candidate is given a question.

Personally, I find these "debates" ridiculous. They are in no way shape or form a debate. Debates are between the candidates and not between the moderator and candidates. A FAIR debate would be:

1. Here is the topic. Islamic extremism and how do you plan to deal with this??
2. Each candidate gets the same amount of time to address the question.
3. Then each candidate gets the same amount of time to rebut the veiws of the other candidates and restate their own positions.

This way we get a feel for what each one thinks. Instead we get a bunch of set up gotcha stupid questions that are irrelevant to the issues. Each candidate is given a different question and not all of the participants get a chance to speak or to address the relevant issues.

These debates are a total waste of time.

bagoh20 said...

Well, that's one narrative I guess. I think that scenario is highly suspect. It would be too damaging to FOX to allow that. I think you are being willing victims of misdirection here. Trump made it clear that the issue was really the FOX statement I posted above which he admittedly got butt-hurt over. I suspect this is the beginning of what's gonna be the new narrative from the Trump camp that is obviously designed now to give that thin-skinned reaction some cover. Another deceptive Presidency incapable of admitting its mistakes, and doggedly pursuing any alternative story to the truth. That will sure be completely different from what we have.

Have you noticed that anyone who criticizes Trump gets attacked immediately and the hate spews forth, and it doesn't matter who it is or how valid their critique is. So we go dig up some motivation and discrediting history that was fine before that person had the temerity to talk ill of the Donald. It's embarrassing, frankly. I watch people abandon everything they used to value to prop us this guy. Every position, every value, everything.

bagoh20 said...

I the general he's gonna have to face this stuff. You think the Democrats and their SJW crowd is gonna let him slide without such noise at every turn?

ndspinelli said...

False choice? Both the media and Trump, a product of MSM, are bad.

"You've been bamboozled. You've been hoodwinked. You've been had"
Malcolm X

bagoh20 said...

I know it won't matter, but even Trump agrees with me about Trump.

Trump is a Trump hater

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It would be interesting to see who the Youtube shills are going to attack now that their preferred target has decided to remove himself from the firing range.

It might be amusing because they will have to shift gears and re do their pre-planned Trump targeted attack.

I'll watch some clips on Friday on the net. I wouldn't give the Fox News debate one minute of my time. I bet the advertisers are bit miffed too. :-D

bagoh20 said...

This a great way to choose a President - freaking MTV retard style.

Amartel said...

Guys, he knows it's a set up, he's negotiated and profited from set-ups in the past, he's more than equal to the task of addressing the set up. If he makes it to the general election, there will be more and more set ups, he won't be able to throw a tantrum and run from them, and the media won't treat him to an exquisitely nuanced tongue bath for getting up in the morning as they did his narcissistic, thin-skinned, oblivious, pompous, bombastic (advocacy, advocacy, red alert, defcon 5) brother from another mother.

Amartel said...

More Anti-Trump advocacy/facts: one crap sandwich, coming up

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The CNBC debate in Boulder was a set up.

How did Cruz handle it? He smacked the shit out of the leftwing CNBC a-holes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump is so afraid of Kelly - take it to her, to her face.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If Trump is so afraid of Kelly - take it to her, to her face.

You do understand that the plan was not just to have a one on one interview or to pose fair questions? The plan is/was to have a dog pile on Trump. Trump is not 'afraid' of Kelly.

Setting up hostile Youtube shills to attack and make derogatory speeches. To have unfair, attack questions from the smarmy moderators who are and who have STATED that they are out to get Trump and to change the way the election looks after Thursday night.

It was never meant to be a fair debate or a one on one. It is/was a dogpile and Trump was expected to play along, stand there and take it while the pre-question speeches and attacks were thrown at him. Stand there with a pasted on smile like Romney did.

Then, according to the rules and playbook as it has been played in the past, be allowed just a few moments to try to counter the multiple charges...not questions. According to the playbook it is meant to not get answers or policy from Trump but to embarrass and hopefully anger him and bait him into a sound bite that the sharks from Fox can use to further destroy their pre determined target.

Trump decided not to play the game by their rules. Good on him!

They are not 'journalists'. They are acting as political shills. They are attempting to shape the debate, pick sides, ruin the candidates they don't like and be kingmakers. This is not journalism. This is political activism pretending to be "fair and balanced" when we can clearly see that it is anything but.

Trump is smart enough to see this and frankly....he doesn't need another worthless time wasting debate and he certainly doesn't need to set himself up to be the pinata of the evening.

bagoh20 said...

The rest of the candidates can only wish they got the kind of "unfair treatment" that Trump has received. Don't be suckers. He's getting all the attention without spending a dime. A campaign dream, and he fools you by crying about it. My little sister used to do this. She would cry when our parents got home and falsely claim that I punched her in the stomach, because they were always suckers for that one. Then my parents go after me while she laughs behind their backs.

bagoh20 said...

I was just watching the 1980 Iowa debate that Reagan chose to skip, later calling that a mistake he never repeated. The tone, the intelligence, the seriousness, the respectfulness and even the level of humor, not to mention the much more articulate speech shown in that debate shows pretty clearly how far we have slipped in our public conversation. We are actually already in Idiocracy.

At Reason.com

Michael Haz said...

Latest Iowa poll: Trump leads by +7.

Michael Haz said...

The GOP debate without Donald Trump is like the Jackson 5 without Michael. Enjoy watching Tito and Jermaine....I'll be at dinner.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump will boost O'Reilly's ratings tonight by 20%, you watch. Just you watch (hence again proving my points for me).

ndspinelli said...

Just a few months ago some folks here were SURE Scott Walker was the guy. Having seen Walker up close for a decade or so, I knew he wasn't. Walker is not a Major League player. He is AA. And, Walker truly moved up a notch in my mind for having the balls to admit that and bow out when he should have. It seems he realized his shortcomings before some of his supporters did. Too bad some of these other ham n' egger candidates didn't do the same.

It is just as clear to me as the Walker situation that Trump is as establishment as Hillary. The 2 anti establishment candidates are Cruz and Sanders. Trump speaks to peoples anger. I learned from my profession that acting on anger makes you stupid. Many intelligent people are saying and acting stupid. You'll be sorry, MUCH more sorry than you were about Walker.

ndspinelli said...

The establishment is lining up for Trump out of fear of Cruz. Does anyone not see that?

ndspinelli said...

Here's the best protest. Start a movement to vote out ALL incumbents in 2016. Then do the same in 2018. That will shake things up.

chickelit said...

And Kelly has boasted. 'This race will look totally different, I promise, on Friday than it does today.'

Utter chizputz.

chickelit said...

The establishment is lining up for Trump out of fear of Cruz. Does anyone not see that?

No, I don't see it, Nick. But your logic makes me part of the Establishment.

chickelit said...

What's the difference between what Kelly tweeted and Dan Loesch working and tweeting hard to "bring Trump down"? These women are crazed. And I have no respect for their fawning male acolytes

deborah said...

Nick, I don't think anyone is afraid of Cruz. He's too extreme and evangelical.

ndspinelli said...

"He's too extreme and evangelical." This is becoming Wonderland but I ain't Alice. Evangelical Falwell just endorsed the abortion, gay marriage loving NY bullshitter. They are much more comfortable w/ establishment than w/ a truly out there but ACTUAL Republican in Cruz.

deborah said...

Yeah, kinda like David Brooks admiring Obama's pants crease. This is the polar opposite of Obamamania.

bagoh20 said...

100 + Woohoo!

deborah said...

Yeah, baby.

chickelit said...

You'll be sorry, MUCH more sorry than you were about Walker.

How am I "sorry" about Walker, Nick?

chickelit said...

Nick, I wrote a blog post months ago about my beef with Cruz regarding H-1B visas. Has something changed? I've written more than one blog post about the issue. A few commenters (Cruz supporters I gather) have basically said "yeah, it's too bad and it's sad and we need to be like that that." Yet, I still engage in conversation with them.

chickelit said...

deborah said...
Nick, I don't think anyone is afraid of Cruz. He's too extreme and evangelical.

Cruz is also a party purist like the guy that insists that pizza is only pizza if it's cooked in the right oven at the right temperature with the right wood.

bagoh20 said...

<i."This is the polar opposite of Obamamania."</i.

It really is. Obama fans were saying many of the same things as Trumpers today. Projecting things onto him that are not in evidence now or ever, hoping he'll be completely different from a politician, actually believing that a man running for office primarily out of ambition will do what he promises in the campaign, or that what they hope he will do will somehow not come with unintended consequences that will suck for them as well as everyone else. I'm amazed by it. I thought the right was different, and not so susceptible to this stuff. It's bumming me out.

chickelit said...

This is the polar opposite of Obamamania.

Whoever wrote that is apparently unaware of how the MSM supported and elected Obama rather than unanimously opposing him.

bagoh20 said...

Cruz has addressed the H-1B stuff. I heard him on Mark Levin's show last week. He said he has changed his mind about his previous position after learning companies have been abusing it to the detriment of American workers. He now proposes stopping all H-1Bs for 6 months. During that time, all companies using them would be audited and those abusing the program would be prohibited from using them and or fined if possible. After that he proposes revamping the system with controls and enforcement that will also result in fewer visa issued.
Still just a candidate talking, so take it for that.

deborah said...

"Whoever wrote that is apparently unaware of how the MSM supported and elected Obama rather than unanimously opposing him."

Trump is his own megaphone, using the MSM to broadcast about him, for him.

chickelit said...

Trump is his own megaphone, using the MSM to broadcast about him, for him.

So you're saying that the Kelly attitude and hostility stems from feeling "used"?

bagoh20 said...

"So you're saying that the Kelly attitude and hostility stems from feeling "used"?"

There are interviews with Kelly over the last few days where she is anything but hostile to Trump. She asked a single question weeks ago, and since then the hostility and insults have been all one direction between them.

deborah said...

Chick, not at all. My point is the MSM fell over themselves promoting Obama. Trump is using Aikido on the MSM; using their own power against them.