Friday, January 29, 2016

Trump raises $6 million for veterans charities while FOX Newsbunnies set up hit job on Republican Primary Candidates.

Well that about as predicted. Donald Trump had a very successful rally for which he raised $6 for various Veterans charities. Trump himself is giving a million. Here is a list of the charities. Of course if the news media would do their jobs they will make sure that these charities actually get their money. They won't follow up. Or if they do and the charities do get the money they will never publicize it. They are the most corrupt institution in America bar none.

It was a very interesting event. Huckabee and Santorum showed up to support the cause of veterans affairs. There was a moving speech by wounded Green Beret Staff Segarent John Wayne Walding who spoke about the terrible problem of suicide among veterans. Someone who would never get a platform in the main stream media. I mean he is not a Muslim extremist complaining about phony hate crimes or an illegal immigrants crying about the fact that they don't get everything on a silver platter as they steal Americans Jobs and clog our social services safety net.

FOX News illustrated this point of their own innate corruption by the hit job they set up in this debate. They cooked the books by running attack videos against Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I guess they wanted to bring them down. They didn't do squat to Jeb or any of the other midgets still in the race, I can only imagine what ambush videos they had set up for Trump.

I know that they had set up some "Youtube Activists" to ask questions. As though a Muslim extremist, illegal immigrant and apologist for the Ferguson riots are appropriate people to ask questions at a Republican Primary event. Are there Right to Life or  Western Land Use rebels invited to the Democratic Debate. Oh wait. The Democrats will not even appear on Fox News. Hmmmm.

I think we have to totally change the debate format. The idea of debates is for candidates to debate the issues and not attack each other. That is what campaign commercials are for. The pundits all bitched and moaned that there couldn' be a substantive debate without the Trump sideshow. That the Donald is a clown and serious questions need to be answered about substantive issues. How did they do with that? The horse race aspect that the media is obsessed with is just a joke. It was obvious that the FOX debate was weighted to help some candidates and hurt others. Why should a campaign sign on to this. Future candidates will have to take control. They have to force the RNC to set up debates that help get a Republican elected. Not one that tries to destroy them.


edutcher said...

Even people who don't like Trump have said he was smart to stay away and the rest should have.

"I think we have to totally change the debate format."

They aren't debates, they're gang press conferences.

Go to a true debate forum and let the superior polemicist emerge victorious.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Megyn laughed hysterically at Cruz's Trump gags.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Kelly admitted later in an interview with Ted AFTER the debate that she was unfair to Ted.

That when Ted Cruz said he had never supported amnesty he was telling the truth.


That trying to expose the democrats by offering "poison pill" amendments did not necessarily mean he was for what the gang of 8 was trying to do.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
Kelly admitted later in an interview with Ted AFTER the debate that she was unfair to Ted.

If true, then she (of all people) needs to step away from the job. It's clearly gone to her head.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If it had not been for Ted exposing the vote registration drive that amnesty was really all about, amnesty would have passed.

Ted killed it. But nobody wants to credit him.

bagoh20 said...

FOX, and Kelly in particular, did their job in a way that we all have been begging for, and as I've said repeatedly, vote Republican if you want a real press fitting a great democracy. Now we get it, and now it's a bad thing because it almost challenged your boyfriend the same as it did the rest of the amnesty softies before he ran away and hid?

Is there anything that we will not sacrifice to prop up the most liberal candidate in the Republican field? Now we think that an aggressive press that holds politicians' feet to the fire about their own known record is something nefarious and unfair? Really? You guys are gonna cover for this guy just like the lefties did for Obama, and he'll use it to play you just like he did on them.

People like me who warned against this with Obama, and now warn again with Trump are gonna get screwed with another administration that lies, and hides, and runs from scrutiny, and stonewalls. That's all we are - just Obama fans with different shirts? It's just sad to witness. I'm glad FOX hit the rest of them hard. I wish they were all there to explain themselves, but I guess if your gonna blame the press for asking the very questions you want answers to, then maybe we don't deserve any better than what we've had. I thought it was because we elected the wrong people, but apparently we do that because we aren't tough enough to demand better. We're no better than the left with this stupid hero worship.

bagoh20 said...

"Kelly admitted later in an interview with Ted AFTER the debate that she was unfair to Ted."

Awwww, the poor grown man was asked a tough question. We can't do that. Our leaders should all get a safe space and trigger warnings so they don't have to explain their positions, and votes. We wouldn't want them to become President and have any lingering stress from the scary Press person in a skirt.

I watched the debate, and they were no where near as hard on them as they should have been. Just because it scares Trump doesn't make it unfair. We're doing the hiring here. We'll ask anything we want about your ability to do the job as we want it done.

A lot of our competition around the world get their leaders chosen by fire, by killing the opposition, or outlasting people who want to kill them. We can't even ask tough questions? Who are we - the fairy hobbit nation? The Republic of Teletubbies?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A real biased-hack debate was the CNBC debate. The GOP candidates smashed the CNBC hack "moderators" and made the baby Obama cry.

This is the first time in a long time that has ever happened. The tables are now permanently turned and the hack press can hack it up all they want-- it actually benefits the GOP to wallop them in public with the cameras rolling.

I missed the latest Fox debate but I agree with Bags. We are now to the point where Fox news is scary and unfair. come on.

I guess they all yammered on with talking points at the end. Snooze.

bagoh20 said...

"Showbiz 411 reports that the Donald J. Trump Foundation gave a total of $2.6 million in charitable donations in the last three years, but only a fraction has gone to veterans groups. In 2012, Trump gave nothing, in 2013 he gave $6,000 and in 2014 he gave $16,000, according to the report.

The Weekly Standard reports that the the foundation donated $57,000 to veterans groups between 2009 and 2013, only a small amount of the $5.5 million it gave in total during that period of time.

The Trump campaign, however, is disputing the reports.

“These reports are not accurate. Mr. Trump has made substantial personal contributions to a number of Veterans organizations as well as in-kind donations,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told Friday.

“These numbers only reflect contributions made through the Donald J. Trump foundation and do not reflect the many generous contributions Mr. Trump and his family make on a personal basis,” Hicks said.

The Weekly Standard reports that Trump’s foundation, meanwhile, gave at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. "

Trump giving a $1 million is like a middle class family giving $25. $100,000 is like $2.50. Get your change purse out and give with the generosity of a man like Trump. We all can do our part.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump's undeniable past support of the Clintons is a real turn off for me.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump also supported that skuz-ball Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio - for a golf course deal. Gross.

chickelit said...

@bags: It is my casual observation that FOX News arose out of the situation of all other American TV networks being and playing "kingmakers" -- almost always for democratic candidates. So it was disappointing to learn that FOX is just another shill for whomever.

PS, remind me how Howard K. Smith attacked Nixon in the first televised debate. The consensus is that Nixon did it to himself w/o the help of a "moderator."

chickelit said...

In other words, I'm attacking the very notion that Kelly would fancy herself a "kingmaker." The sheer presumptive arrogance that "things will be different tomorrow after my show" bothers me to no end.

chickelit said...

I'm calling bullshit on that whole concept and suggest -- as rhhardin might also suggest -- to tune them out and starve them of audience. I know, fat chance. But I'm principled in that way.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...
Trump's undeniable past support of the Clintons is a real turn off for me.

No doubt Reagan's Democratic past bothered you as well?

Me? I voted for Carter. I was an idiot. But I learned.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump also supported that skuz-ball Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio - for a golf course deal. Gross.

Considering how things turned out, maybe he saw the lesser of 2 evils.

Trooper York said...

Show the officer on the doll where that mean Mr. Trump touched you bags.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A quality debate would ask the candidates how they would address each of out ten most serious problems and stay away, to some degree, of playing the gotcha game on ancient history quotes and actions.

And you don't bring an illegal immigrant and a Sanders supporting Muslim to ask questions and you don't need the network to do these bullshit promo/partnerships with Google etc. Unless you bring Kate Steinle and Tyrone Woods family as well.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...Oh sorry. That was racist.

Not only that, it was an inappropriate slur. I'm not an expert, but I think "beaner" is an anti-Mexican slur. You definitely needed an anti-Cuban slur.

Trooper York said...

They have pointy shoes to kill cockroaches in the corner?

No wait! That's Puerto Ricans.

Trooper York said...

Plus you know what they say. Iceberg.... Goldberg....what's the difference?

bagoh20 said...

You're covering for the guy who refused to stand up and defend his record, to answer questions that the people hiring him want to know. The only one who did that, and you're admitting that he did it because he didn't think he could handle it, unless you think he would have handled it well, but still chose to avoid that opportunity. You, me, and him all know that's bullshit, but is there anything he could do that would turn you off or even get you to admit it wasn't pure genius, or a strong move?

How about:

"In 1980, illegal immigrants helped build Trump Tower itself in New York City. The union responsible for the construction, Housewreckers Local 95, sued Trump and alleged he knowingly hired the illegals to avoid paying the union pension fund. The lawsuit was settled in 1999 and the terms of the settlement were sealed."


Currently: "According to a report from the Washington Post, several undocumented immigrants are working on the construction site of Trump’s new $200 million hotel in Washington D.C.

According to the Post, the majority of the workers on the site of the future Trump International Hotel in D.C. are Hispanic, many of whom entered the country illegally."

Or the multitude I posted last night. Any of these worth criticizing, or are they all just media lies, or super secret genius plays to fool the elites?

Called for: single payer health care
Path to citizenship for illegals
Supported: Obama
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Partial birth abortion
Higher taxes and a more progressive tax system
Gun control beyond current law, including an "assault weapons" ban
Used Kelo-style eminent domain to steal private property from citizens.
Hired illegal aliens in huge numbers instead of Americans for his projects
Insulted the service and sacrifice of a Vietnam POW, who refused to abandon his men despite years of torture.
Calls prominent women names like a college frat boy in public
Had a child to his second wife while still married to his first
Is rejected by every serious conservative for obvious reasons, except a few establishment types who think he's more pliable than Cruz .
Avoids tough questions from a girl, that his opponents didn't run from.

Trooper York said...

I think it was a strategic move. Cruz was set up to be pummeled and diminished. Did that happen or should I not believe my lying eyes.

Look Trump is not afraid of tough question. He is not in a bubble like Hillary. He is everywhere all the time and they can ask him whatever they want. He just thinks Fox was trying to use him so he used them first.

bagoh20 said...

Some men were born to lead

bagoh20 said...

Was Kelly playing kingmaker or poser exposer? You would think such a thing would be respected, and demanded in a Republic born out of the tyranny of kings, but we are not the kind of people who founded this nation anymore. We want our grievances heard, our butthurt given voice, we want our agency, and we don't care what it cost. We got our feels, and we will vote with them!

chickelit said...

@bags: Of all the points you raised in your 11:11, the ones about hiring illegal aliens are potentially the most damning, IMO. Anti-Trumpers should run with those. The others rage from mild to laughable.

darcy tweeted a link to a piece called Shocking, Vulgar, And Right

chickelit said...

You would think such a thing would be respected, and demanded in a Republic born out of the tyranny of kings, but we are not the kind of people who founded this nation anymore.

Fawn much?

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...Was Kelly playing kingmaker or poser exposer?

Did you or did you not have a 1970's style upbringing in public middle and high schools? Did you not learn the role of media in shaping public opinion?

I suppose that I'm jaded because my father worked behind the scenes in media in the days when newspapers were assembled by hand, often frantically up to the last minute before press time. Sure, he was just a pair of hands for the writers, but he had the advantage of working for a publishing company which printed both a "liberal" and a "conservative" newspaper under one roof.

bagoh20 said...

"@bags: Of all the points you raised in your 11:11, the ones about hiring illegal aliens are potentially the most damning, IMO. Anti-Trumpers should run with those. The others rage from mild to laughable. "

There are plenty more, but it's kind of pointless if those don't matter to you. The point about his use of illegal aliens is actually the least offensive to me since every single one of us does that, but it should matter to Trump people who seem most reeled in by his immigration talk. He's hired more illegal, and he is personally responsible for more illegals being here and staying here than any other candidate by far.

You should ask yourself why all those things I list suddenly don't matter anymore. Why you would hold everyone of them against anybody else in this race, and why you support the only candidate who did all of them, when no other has done even two of them. If they don't matter, I don't know what does, so it's a waste of time to argue about Trump here. The attraction is something that facts won't change.

All those things I list, were just part of the question I've asked over and over with no response here: Is there anything that Trump has done or even could do that earns him criticism from supporters rather than praise? Anythng? The unspoken answer is clearly "no." That is the most distressing part of Trumpmania for me. I never would have expected conservative to be like that, and I've often made the argument to liberals that it's the reason-based and history respecting nature of conservatism that attracts us and gives it it's moral superiority to leftist ideology. I still know that's true for me. I'm just surprised how rare it is when the right kind of temptation appears.

There is clearly little I can do to change minds here, so I'll give it a break. It's not productive, and just seems to irritate. I like and respect the people here a great deal, and I truly wanted to change minds through argument, but I'm not the Don Quixote type, I'm not a troll, and I've already made my argument plenty, so there is no point in continuing it here. You make your argument, but in the end, we are all free to choose what we believe.

chickelit said...

They didn't do squat to Jeb or any of the other midgets still in the race, I can only imagine what ambush videos they had set up for Trump.

Why doesn't that seem to bother the Trump haters?

rcocean said...

The bottom line is I'd rather have Trump then Rubio (who sold out on Gang of 8) or Yeb!

And Carson is unqualified, Paul is a libertarian nut, and Christie and Kasich aren't conservatives and in addition are repulsively self-righteous.

That leaves Cruz. I'd be fine with him. Trump or Cruz - either one is OK.

rcocean said...

The perfect candidate decided not to run this year. Destroying Trump doesn't get us a good conservative Nominee. It will probably get us Yeb or Rubio.

And those two will give us the same old, same old. Like the status quo? Vote for them.

Trooper York said...

chickelit said...
They didn't do squat to Jeb or any of the other midgets still in the race, I can only imagine what ambush videos they had set up for Trump.

Why doesn't that seem to bother the Trump haters?

Because despite what they say the fact that Donald Trump doesn't play the politically correct game makes them crazy. Trump is turning the paradigm on it's head. He doesn't care if you say "you can't say that" or "you can't do that."

Walking away from the debate was a really smart move. Leaving Cruz to be a punching bag seems to have really dented his numbers. Cozying up to Huckabee is also a really smart move as well. It helps him with the Evangelicals and Huckabee is a viable VP candidate. He is conservative and really good on the stump. He was a governor so he is not tainted by Washington like a Senator would be. He brings the values voters. I bet that is why he showed up to Trumps rally.

I mean the attacks that the Trump haters use are increasingly desperate. When a libertine rake like Bags tells me that I should not vote for Trump because he knocked up Marla Maples when he was still married to Ivana I just have to laugh. The Trump haters think if they make a laundry list of liberal things that Trump did it will suddenly makes us slap our foreheads and say "Oh now I get it. I should vote for Ricky Retardo Rubio."

It is vastly amusing to say the least.

Trooper York said...

What some people don't get is that you can be a social conservative and an economic populist. Someone who believes in traditional values but doesn't like the way the big banks and the duopoly screws the little guy. Who puts America first. In front of everyone else in the world who are the concern of the left.

I think that is where Trump is at. I could live with Cruz but I don't think he has a chance. The rest of the field is a joke.

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

bagoh20 said...

If he wins, I just hope you guys aren't gonna say what all the disappointed Obama voters tell me now: "Why didn't anyone tell us about his past before the election?" Or, "Why didn't the press warn us about Obamacare and tell us he was lying?" To which I can only say: "There was plenty of warning, and people explained the problems all over the place, but frankly, you just refused to listen, because you didn't like the people who were saying it, and you really just wanted to believe the sales pitch."

You guys might end up being right about Trump, but it's just hope for things that are not reasonable to expect from the evidence we have.

I would love to see a Sanders vs Cruz matchup. The real question before the nation and our future is the one between these two men, and I want it voted on for once. No extraneous crap about one guy being attractive, or presidential, or playing the saxophone, or being asked what kind of underwear he likes, no Obama girl, and nobody losing their virginity voting for the dreamy one. Lets have the real question asked, once and for all. Who are we?

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

We know who we are bags. We are Donald Trump. Imperfect. Volatile. Change with the wind.

That is why he resonates with the little people and he gives the elites of both parties the willies. Its that simple.