Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cuckservative Candy Crowley revealed to be a "Chubby Chaser" (as tweeted by Ivanka Trump)

Bleeding Cuckservative Candy Crowley Clone Megyn Kelly has doubled down on her battle with Donald Trump. After hosting an anti-Trump Festivus gathering featuring the clown car kids from the National Review....the Fox "Journalist"  and swimsuit model decided to show her true colors by having Michael Moore as her guest. To give her a tongue bath for doing the work of the duopoly. As reported on Briebart:

As though the gods smile on The Donald, just a few hours after the world came crashing down on The Mighty Fox, left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore made an already-scheduled appearance on “The Kelly File,” and it was an unmitigated disaster.
After the August debate, I actually defended Kelly’s questioning of Trump. My rationale was that Kelly, unlike the rest of the mainstream media, is tough on everyone — right and left alike. Presidential candidates should be asked tough questions. As long as the questioner isn’t biased in favor of one side or another, nothing should be off-limits.  As Kelly played kissy-face with Moore last night, I started to feel like a fool for defending her.
Moore isn’t some run-of-the-mill celebrity pitching his latest blockbuster. He is an anti-American propagandist, a fabulously wealthy hypocrite, and a degenerate liar. Under normal circumstances, it would be nauseating to watch Kelly giggle, joke, softball, and get all chummy with this cretin. The fact that she did so in the wake of Trump’s charges of bias showed an extraordinary lack of judgment.

As Scott Adams so astutely put its in his very perceptive blog Trump sets up these conflicts so he has two paths to winning and no path to a loss. What does he lose by not appearing? Having the people who hate him hate him more? Having the people who will never vote for him not vote for him more? Trump has sucked the air out of the campaign before the debate. Everyone is talking about him not the other candidates. If they attack him while he is not there they look stupid. If Fox  piles on they expose themselves for the biased hacks that they are in real life. When Trump has his event fund raising for the Wounded Warriors I bet he will get higher ratings. He can call up Trace Atkins and some other country music stars to perform and blow the debate out of the water. It is a no lose situation for him. Brilliant. 
Every idiot on the internet is saying that Trump is "afraid" of Megyn Kelly. He is not afraid. He just didn't like the deal. A deal where a biased moderator will have her thumb on the scale in the debate. He demanded that they use someone else. Just the way the RNC did with NBC and ultimately walked away from their debate. Is the RNC afraid of NBC? Or do they refuse to be Candy Crowleyized? When Reagan walked away from the Arms Control Table was he afraid of the Russki's? Or did he  know that you can walk away from a terrible deal. That you don't have to take a bad deal just to make a deal. Should Obama have walked away from the Iran deal or should he have made all of those concessions just to make a bad deal?
Fox got played. Again. They are playing checkers and Trump is playing Chess.
You can be sure of one thing on debate day.
There  will be blood.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Trooper York said...

Check out the comment and tweet from the verified Ivanka Trump account in the Briebart article. Too funny.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Every idiot on the internet is saying that Trump is "afraid" of Megyn Kelly. He is not afraid. He just didn't like the deal.


Here is what I posted on the other thread about this issue. Trump is not 'afraid' of Kelly. He is too smart to let himself get trapped.

"You do understand that the plan was not just to have a one on one interview or to pose fair questions? The plan is/was to have a dog pile on Trump. Trump is not 'afraid' of Kelly.

Setting up hostile Youtube shills to attack and make derogatory speeches. To have unfair, attack questions from the smarmy moderators who are and who have STATED that they are out to get Trump and to change the way the election looks after Thursday night.

It was never meant to be a fair debate or a one on one. It is/was a dogpile and Trump was expected to play along, stand there and take it while the pre-question speeches and attacks were thrown at him. Stand there with a pasted on smile like Romney did.

Then, according to the rules and playbook as it has been played in the past, be allowed just a few moments to try to counter the multiple charges...not questions. According to the playbook it is meant to not get answers or policy from Trump but to embarrass and hopefully anger him and bait him into a sound bite that the sharks from Fox can use to further destroy their pre determined target.

Trump decided not to play the game by their rules. Good on him!

They are not 'journalists'. They are acting as political shills. They are attempting to shape the debate, pick sides, ruin the candidates they don't like and be kingmakers. This is not journalism. This is political activism pretending to be "fair and balanced" when we can clearly see that it is anything but.

Trump is smart enough to see this and frankly....he doesn't need another worthless time wasting debate and he certainly doesn't need to set himself up to be the pinata of the evening."

Trooper York said...

I like the idea that Cruz floated that he and Trump have a one on one debate moderated by Mark Levin. Trump should say sure. Just have it at exactly the same time as the Fox debate so Cruz has to blow it off too.

I think Levin would be fair to Trump and be a good moderator. He certainly is very conservative in real life. Much more so than Cuckservative Kelly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My right eye is twitching.

Trooper York said...

Trump should have a debate with the moderators being Geraldo Rivera, Piers Morgan and Joan Lunden. All players on the Celebrity Apprentice.

All of them better journalists than Megyn Kelly. Just sayn'

William said...

It's good to have Trooper back......In a pathetic bid to regain ratings share, Fox has hired Kim Kardashian to sit in on the debate. It is rumored that she and Megyn will share a kiss at some point in the debate. Top that Donald. Who's trumped now.

Trooper York said...

Trump should just have his Wounded Warriors event and not look back. Get Trace Atkins and John
Rich and some other Country Music stars to perform. He can raise a lot of money for a good cause while sticking it to Fox and the cuckservative press. A win/win.

Methadras said...

The negotiations is that Trump, the leading Republican candidate doesn't want Kelly there. Will FOX agree to the deal or not. Clearly they appear to not have, so Trump got up and walked away from the negotiating table. This what business people do or should do. Be willing to walk away from a deal not in your favor and not look back. I think he made the right call on this one.

Good to see you back Troop.

Titus said...

He didn't cancel because of Meggie. He cancelled because of that nasty comment fox news made about Trump and Putin.

edutcher said...

The more I see of the trump campaign - and this is beside the point of whether you like him - it's like watching Bonaparte or MacArthur (with his hit 'em where they ain't) rewrite the tactics books.

William said...

It's good to have Trooper back......In a pathetic bid to regain ratings share, Fox has hired Kim Kardashian to sit in on the debate. It is rumored that she and Megyn will share a kiss at some point in the debate. Top that Donald. Who's trumped now.

I thought they'd just have Cardassian moon the audience.

Trooper York said...

Trump should just have his Wounded Warriors event and not look back. Get Trace Atkins and John Rich and some other Country Music stars to perform. He can raise a lot of money for a good cause while sticking it to Fox and the cuckservative press. A win/win.


It's fascinating to note most of the people who don't like the Donald are neglecting the Wounded Warriors event. That's how he really throws them on the defensive.

bagoh20 said...

"Trump should just have his Wounded Warriors event and not look back. Get Trace Atkins and John Rich and some other Country Music stars to perform. He can raise a lot of money for a good cause while sticking it to Fox and the cuckservative press. A win/win."

Hilarious! Can you imagine the outrage you Trumpettes would be spewing if anybody else did this? It's so blatantly pandering that it actually mocks patriotism, veterans, and charity.

Trooper York said...

It mocks patriotism, veterans and charity? How. By raising money for them?

Your Trump hate is blinding you bags. I know it hurts that he is a master troll fu and is winning by not playing the establishment game. Look at what he just did to Cruz. He agreed to Cruz's demand to have a one on one debate. As long as they do it in Canada.


Third Coast said...

Bags, Trump's disgust with the way Vets are treated by the VA and do-nothing pols has been a feature of his campaign from the start. He's been very consistent on that point.
Analysis: Not Pandering.

bagoh20 said...

He could have done this anytime, but he's doing it out of butt-hurt like a spoiled child. It's petulant, and he's using charity for vets to blind you to that, and in the most calculating and pandering way. He only cares about winning his little spats with everyone, and right now that means making FOX look bad. We all know that's what this is really about. I hope the vets get lots of money, but do you really think Trump would be doing this if it wasn't a way of poking FOX in the eye?

I'm not the one blinded by Trump, I've supported him at times, and now I'm just embarrassed for all of us. I have exactly the same standards and values I had before Trump came along, but it's just amazing what Trump supporters are willing to swallow and then tell us how good it tastes, and for what - some stupid political promises - words?. If any other candidate did this you would have the exact opposite opinion, but for Trump, everything is positive. Think about it. Has he done anything in this campaign that you didn't find a way to turn positive? How many of those things would you have criticized if it was Jeb, or Clinton? Trump blindness is the problem all right, but not with me.

Trooper York said...

The thing is I am not blind. I know Trump is not a conservative. He is not really pro life. He is not a fan of limited government. He is not a far right wacko like me.

But he has the right enemies.

What he is actually is a catalyst. A catalyst for change. Before Trump came along the Republicans bought into the narrative peddled by the Democrats and the main stream media.

For once in his miserable life Fredo was right. Trump is the chaos candidate. We need that. We need to blow it up. Voting for the same douche bag surrender first Republicans will not do a damn thing.

Time for a change. I don't have any hope. I just want a change.

Trump will bring that. Big time.

bagoh20 said...

"Trump's disgust with the way Vets are treated by the VA and do-nothing pols has been a feature of his campaign from the start. He's been very consistent on that point."

And what Republican has not done that? I bet he likes apple pie too. Of course it's pandering. He used the vets here precisely because he knew people would have a hard time attacking it. He threw a rock and then hide behind a guy in a wheelchair. You'd see that if you weren't smitten.

Trooper York said...

Last year Trump gave $150,000 to the Fisher House that help house Military families when their vets are getting medical treatment. Sort of the same thing like Ronald McDonald house. (Another entity that cuckservatives hate).

He often featured Veteran charities on the Celebrity Apprentice. In fact believe it or not supreme douchenozzle Piers Morgan played for the Intrepid Fallen Heros Foundation a Veterans charity. It raised $754,300 in season seven.

Trooper York said...

How did Trump throw a rock? I have to laugh. I mean he set the rules he wanted to work under. He didn't want to deal with Megyn Kelly and be ambushed by Youtube douches who are plants to ambush him. Fox said no. He said ok I will forgo the benefits as illusory as they might be and do my own thing.

A good negotiator walks away from a bad deal. It sets the table for negotiations in the general election. If he sets the terms for moderators and the networks say no then he can threaten that he will walk. And they will believe him. Because he will have done it before.

Fox stepped in with their blatant attacks and cuckservative posing.

Trooper York said...

That is that Fox stepped in it with their attacks on Trump and their snark. He nobody likes snark more than me. But you have to live with the consequences.

bagoh20 said...

He's not going to blow up anything. He's gonna be the consummate deal maker, and guess who his dealing partners will be after the election. He already said himself that he likes them all, including the worst of them. He's playing you like a fiddle. He can act all tough, get your vote, and then since his only principle is winning, he makes deals with everyone regardless of ideology, because he doesn't have one.

Don't you see? He's not attacking the people ruining the country, he's only attacking the ones he needs to to win the nomination. After that, he'll pander to the left, and I guess you'll hold his hat for him. I'll have to vote for a guy who wants universal health care, gets along swimmingly with the worst of the corruptocrats, and sees no difference between left and right. We might as well elect an escrow agent just to make sure all the compromises get the right signatures.

bagoh20 said...

Spin baby spin. I just want to see how you do it after he has your vote in the safe.

Trooper York said...

He will govern from the right because he will be restrained by a Republican congress. He will deal from the center and pick up enough Democratic support to do what he needs to do to make it happen.

So he likes some Democrats? So what? So do I even though I think they are scum and are going straight to Hell. That doesn't mean that we don't sell them stuff or use them. Grow up buddy.

You know how everyone calls him a nativist, xenophobic populist? That's a feature for me not a bug.

He is a New York guy. A recognizable type to me. He knows how the game is played.

Trooper York said...

Did you read up on this Muslim activist douche who is one of the hand picked questioners in this debate? Who was specifically planted to attack and ambush Trump.

Why would Trump agree to that bullshit? Of all the millions of people they could have picked for a Republican primary debate they pick her. Fuck that noise.

Here's thing. Trump has the hammer. He is going to use it.

I think Fox will blink. We shall see.

G Joubert said...

Trump pwned and continues to pwn Fox News. In doing so Trump is playing the long game. Having already sewed up the R nomination, Trump has moved on and is now solidifying support amongst Fox News haters (i.e., Democrats). It'll be a cakewalk to victory in the general election in November.

Trooper York said...

I agree that he is setting the table for the general. He will set debate terms and the networks will have to take him seriously. What's the big deal if he misses the seventh debate in Iowa?

It is just nonsense what the pundits are peddling. As usual.

Amartel said...

"He will govern from the right because he will be restrained by a Republican congress."

Congress is going to keep him in check? That's the plan?

bagoh20 said...

"You know how everyone calls him a nativist, xenophobic populist? That's a feature for me not a bug."

I don't think he's any of those things. He just played the part to get your unconditional love. It was surprisingly easy, and will be just as easy to leave behind as a groupie from a gig in Flint, MI.

bagoh20 said...

"He will govern from the right because he will be restrained by a Republican congress."

Just so long as Obama doesn't spill the beans about how easy they are to ignore. Shhhhhhh.

bagoh20 said...

" It'll be a cakewalk to victory in the general election in November."

I agree. He'll be more left than Bernie, if that's what it takes. I think Charley Sheen said it best: He has tiger's blood. "Winning!"

Trooper York said...

He will be constrained by the deals he can make. I think he will be in a center right mode when he makes his deals.

Not far left like Obama or Hillary or Bernie. He will triangulate. He is the best bet for the Republicans.

I could be wrong. But I don't buy into what FOX and George Will and Paul Ryan are selling.

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

deborah said...

Trump has a lot of pull. He could work a compromise where only moderators can ask questions (no youtube guestioners...what a nod to crony capitalism), and Megyn may not ask him questions, or only very general questions...not any ambush questions.

bagoh20 said...

"He will be constrained by the deals he can make. I think he will be in a center right mode when he makes his deals.

Not far left like Obama or Hillary or Bernie. He will triangulate. He is the best bet for the Republicans. "

You mean he'll be Jeb Bush?

Trooper York said...

No. He won't have Jebs Daddy issues. Or brother issues.

he is something different. Jeb is just more of the same. Trump is unpredictable. That is good in my book.

chickelit said...

Amartel said...Congress is going to keep him in check? That's the plan?

Don't they keep giving Obama "checks"? Blank ones?