Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bad News? Leak it to a friendly NYT, so they can spin it

NYT: 22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public


Meade said...

What did he email and when did he email it?

AllenS said...

Great idea, HRC, let's blame the fuck up on some guy who made a video, we'll put him in prison -- BHO

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Top secret lies.

This is why Obama cannot let the FBI do their job.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The postponement until after Iowa and New Hampshire looks fishier and fishier.

It's too bad the guy running against her lacks the political instincts to go after her crimes.

bagoh20 said...

Will Trump pardon a close personal friend pursued by the evil FOX?

I'm Full of Soup said...

What did the libruls hoper for re Karl Rove? To be frog marched or perp walked to jail? Well that is what I hope to see happen to Hillary. Does that make me a bad person?

bagoh20 said...

She should certainly go to jail, but I think it has already taken away her chance at winning the Presidency. Soon, it may come out that some of our heroic covert operatives may have been killed by her incompetent protection of classified material. That will finish her if anyone has the balls to drive it home.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If someone dares to point out the obvious, the clinton machine dismisses them as disgruntled, with an ax to grind.


the Washington Post "fact checker" no less.

Rabel said...

I'm proud to see that our leader, the once humble boat sales interpreter, has risen to become a member of the media elite with his Kessler connection. When do the DC cocktail parties get started? Will we be invited? Do they serve Bud Light? Can I drink out of the can or do I have to use a glass? Are jeans and a t-shirt OK if I wear a scarf? I just want to fit in.

ndspinelli said...

"Do they serve Bud Light?" Rabel's comment is why I always read him/her.

ndspinelli said...

I know a guy who coaches American football in Italy. He's a longtime SoCal high school football coach. He's approaching 70 and has spent the last several years coaching in Italy. Their season in in the Spring like the old USFL. He's heading to Turino on Tuesday so he and his bride and mine went out for burgers @ Rocky's last night. He told me w/ Belgium owning Bud you now see Bud Light in Europe. Sad.

Rabel said...

Cruz has made a serious error in not distancing himself from the "Voter Violation" mailing. I'll have to see his full statement but the "I won't apologize..." quote that's floating around is hard for me to accept. It dampens my enthusiasm for him considerably.

Not so much the mailing itself, but his failure to see the problem. I don't get it that he doesn't get it.

ndspinelli said...

The persona problem for Cruz is he's creepy. This plays into that. It's heartening to see people who can be in favor of a candidate and not be deaf, dumb and blind about him/her.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

LOL. no beating around the edges.

Rabel said...

I feel better now.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The nature of the Trump candidacy is so significant that it would take Cruz to stand in the middle of fifth Ave and be videotaped shooting some people... and even then, I want a background check of the people he shot... who knows? maybe they deserved it ;)

edutcher said...

"President Obama discovered Hillary Clinton's personal email use through news reports"

Since he never reads the intel...

(he can read, can't he?)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It's not that I'm sure Trump would make a bad president. I really don't know for sure anyone would.

My problem is that I'm petrified of the possibility of combining an ego that size and the office of the presidency.

He is going to send the wrong signal about the presidency.

edutcher said...

FWIW, humility and the Oval Office are not best buds.

Did Lincoln have a small ego? Either Roosevelt? Andrew Jackson?

Lem said...

He is going to send the wrong signal about the presidency

No, President Pissy already did that.

bagoh20 said...

"He is going to send the wrong signal about the presidency

No, President Pissy already did that."

Is it reversible? Can the right guy make it the smaller, more Constitution-respecting job it should be? I don't know, but I know that kind of applicant is very very rare.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bee-bee bee beep, beep bee-bee bee-bee-beep

What is it, Sir?

It's a message directly from the White House.

Well, what does it say?

*contorted facial expressions, ranging from confusion, anger, consternation, worry* I don't know… they're the wrong signals.

Chip Ahoy said...

What is that semaphore guy saying?

He says, flap flap flippy flap flap, flippity flip flap, flap flap flapitty flapitty flapitty.

Well, what doe that mean?

I, A-M, D-R-Y-I-N-G, T-H-E-S-E, W-E-T, F-L-A-G-S. O-V-E-R.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rabel, I do believe that was the sexiest thing I ever heard you say @1:30.

Although I do believe that's the beginning of Ted's willingness to sell his groupies out, not the end of it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yeah - Glad we can be there for you, Rabel.

rcommal said...

Oh, c'mon. The Cruz campaign used these mailers, and every candidate is responsible for the strategy, tactics and methods his or her candidate uses.

Now, I particularly dislike this type of mailer, but I also I know at least two things: 1) There is research that bears out the effectiveness of this sort of mailer (because human nature!), which is why it is and has been used, and 2) This sort of mailer is not a new thing circa 2016;and nor has its use been limited to this specific election; this election year; any one state, and certainly not only Iowa; just one candidate, Ted Cruz or otherwise; or even one part of the political spectrum.

If you don't believe me or my memory, that's OK. While it's not as easy, or at least as quick, to look up the history on this topic as one might like or wish, it is certainly possible, and without all THAT much difficulty.

rcommal said...

For those who like itsy-bitsy hints, however, include such search terms as North Carolina, Oregon, Wisconsin, not to mention various years.

rcommal said...

For instance.

rcommal said...

his or her candidate

Sorry! *campaign*, not *candidate*

rcommal said...

Rabel: I do get your outrage. When I first learned of this type of mailer a bunch of years ago, absolutely was I infuriated, too, primarily on account of being appalled.

rcommal said...

Did Lincoln have a small ego? Either Roosevelt? Andrew Jackson?

Interesting combination + an even more interesting confluence.

Jim in St Louis said...

Today's Clinton scandal revelation, and last week's, and the one two months ago, and the 30-40 other ones, all MAKE NO DIFFERENCE to her supporters.

There is not one liberal who gives a shit, the Bernie supporters hate her, but only because she is not progressive enough. They will vote for her anyway.

If anything they admire her for lying so well, for working the media as chumps, for keeping the Benghazi committee active and boiling, but with no results.

They may not really know exactly how dirty she is, but telling them that won't change their mind, honestly and respect for the law are just not something that is important to the left.

Rabel said...


The mailer is legal and possibly effective but it is wrong from a personal privacy point of view. Mail me a copy of my voting records and criticize me for not voting more often - that's fine. Mail my records to my immediate neighbors and you have crossed a line regardless of whether that is legal or effective.

My outrage is at Ted's failure to recognize that wrong. That's strike one. He's got two left.