Sunday, December 27, 2015


"‘Rape culture’ is a ridiculous term – mere gassy propaganda, too rankly bloated to critique. Anyone who sees sex so simplistically has very little sense of world history, anthropology or basic psychology. I feel very sorry for women who have been seduced by this hyper-politicised, victim-centered rhetoric, because in clinging to such superficial, inflammatory phrases, they have renounced their own power and agency."


ricpic said...

The only rape culture the feminists keep mum about is the real rape culture of Islam.

chickelit said...

From the article: Finally, I call for the investigation and reform of the current systemic exploitation of working-class women (many of them black or Latina immigrants) who have become the invisible new servant class for affluent white women leaving childcare to others as they pursue their feminist professional dreams.

That's pretty inflammatory stuff. Nobody even stops to think about that.

Man: "A man needs a maid"
Woman: "I need a maid"

The answer is to enslave robots (made in our own image) until they rise up and destroy us.

edutcher said...

She really lays it down, don't she?

ricpic said...

Exploitation? I was under the impression that wealthy white women (especially in California) bend over backwards and every other way attempting to ingratiate themselves to their Latina help.

bagoh20 said...

The only thing worse than being exploited is not being exploited. Where would any of us be if someone somewhere didn't see an opportunity in exploiting us. We virtually beg to be exploited in everything we do. We strive to look and act in a way that makes others desire to exploit us. Exploit me, baby. I dare you.

chickelit said...

Legendary exploits

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A few months back, I was in the car with my clients. Their 30 year old son accompanies us on occasion and he was with us. He graduated from Northwestern a few years back, and we were all talking about his experience there. He played football for a while and he told us that all the athletic jock types and the frat guys were all into pumping iron. Most of these guys had really low body fat/ high muscle ratio and this combo of low fat/big muscles turns guys into aggressive rage filled attack dogs. He witnessed all kinds of fights and guys hit so hard they ended up in the hospital. He said that it never surprises him to hear about all the spousal and girl-friend abuse in the NFL. So I asked him about the "rape culture" - perhaps it was true? He laughed and said, are you kidding? The girls go to these parties and they all throw themselves at the guys. The raging hormones are equal opportunity to the sexes in college. Same with alcohol abuse.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

oh and Northwestern isn't even really known to be a big party school. He said he can only imagine what a real party school is like.

deborah said...

Paglia nails it as usual.

Someone said a little while back, what about the female teachers molesting underage boys? The age of the fairer, gentler sex is fading fast. Moderation has gone out the window in many areas of modern life.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Agreed, Deborah.

"...As I have repeatedly argued throughout my career, sex is a physical interaction, animated by primitive energies and instincts that cannot be reduced to verbal formulas. Neither party in any sexual encounter is totally operating in the rational realm, which is why the Greek god Dionysus was the patron of ecstasy, a hallucinatory state of pleasure-pain. ‘Yes means Yes’ laws are drearily puritanical and literalistic as well as hopelessly totalitarian. Their increasing popularity simply demonstrates how boring and meaningless sex has become..."

totalitarian, indeed.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

...Today, in contrast, too many young feminists want their safety, security and happiness guaranteed in advance by all-seeing, all-enveloping bureaucracies. It’s a sad, limited and childish view of life that I find as claustrophobic as a hospital ward.

Why Hillary leads the democrat pack!

William said...

If you mixed Bill Cosby's semen with yogurt in a Petrie dish and refrigerated it overnight, you would have a clear example of a rape culture.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What William just said. lol

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

lol- William.

deborah said...

Urrrg... :)