Monday, December 28, 2015

Luntz: Donald Trump’s bile is a healing balm for spurned Americans

The simple truth is, the more provocative his language, the deeper and more passionate his support. He is no dummy; there is a method to his proverbial madness. Mr Trump says — to the growing legions who will listen — what tens of millions of Americans are already thinking. Respect or revile him, the man has hit a vein.

I spent three hours in a deep dialogue focus group with 29 Trump supporters. The phenomenon of “The Donald” is rooted in a psyche far deeper and more consequential than next November’s presidential election. His support denotes an abiding distrust in — and disrespect for — the governing elite. These individuals do not like being told by Washington or Wall Street what is best for them, do not like the direction America is headed in, and disdain President Barack Obama and his (perceived) circle of self-righteous, tone-deaf governing partisans.

Trump voters are not just angry — they want revenge.

Mr Trump has adroitly filled the vacuum of vitriol, establishing himself as the bold, brash, take-no-prisoners megaphone for the frustrated masses. They see him as the antidote to all that Mr Obama has made wrong with America. So to understand why millions love Mr Trump so much, you have to take a step back and listen to why they hate Mr Obama so much. (read the whole thing)


Meade said...

Smart money is still on Hillary.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

She's got your vote, Meade. Now go away.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Not if there is a repeat of so called Reagan democrats...


I'm hearing Trump support is not just from disenchanted republicans.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

This column is meant for the out of touch DC bubble to read.

edutcher said...

I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more.

Somebody said that once and it resonated.

Meade said...

Smart money is still on Hillary

Only if you think she's your abuela.

Or if the smart money thinks showing her "husband" in an IS recruiting vid instead of The Donald is a winning proposition.

Or if the smart money thinks dropping majority support after a debate nobody was supposed to see is a good thing.

Meade said...

People lie to pollsters. The betting websites give Hillary about a 60% chance of winning the presidency.

Rabel said...

Lemmie's blogsite is eight miles wide.
There's room for everyone inside.

But sometimes a limp little dick shows up and splooges all over the place.
Titus, on the other hand, is more like a recurring yeast infection.

Chip Ahoy said...

Scanning, so if I got it wrong give me a break, I'm superficial.

Is "bile" supposed to otherize Trump supporters, or what? How can simply stating what everyone thinks, that we all discuss, that we read everywhere characterized as bile? Fuck you. There's bile for you

Trump is actually light handed when it comes to the things we think. And that bile didn't come from nowhere. These present voters spoken of are people largely uninterested in politics that are dragged into political science against their will, they'd much rather be doing things more interesting to them, more profitable in thousands of ways. But no, stuck in the mud of politics playing defensive action the rest of their lives because of presidents like Obama put forward by Party. That is, bust a socialist move on healthcare, force the issue AGAIN! down their throats, and they MUST come out of the woodwork and act. That is what this president did and that is only the beginning.

Then they're characterized, we're characterized as bitter clingers resistant to change.

No, Fuckhead, we're resistant to fuckheads, now mark that all down as unexpected bile.

Now, let's get off politics and this D, Luntz. Is it? Yes, Luntz. He's the roll-polly political scientist reliant on selected focal groups of fuckheads and polls. Then reports his findings, and now his inbred compacted corpulency is characterizing mood as bile-ointment.

And let's get onto real actual life bile ointment instead. This is an excellent segue into something more interesting than Luntz and his fuckhead bile-balm.

I saw this on teevee yesterday. The guy is having a tour with a native guide in small metal boat across the Panama lakes used for the canal and exploring the life at lake's edges. It's rich. Very rich with animal life unique to riparian Panama and the guide with unique and interesting insights such as:

1) Wherever you see these plants, (I didn't catch which ones) and this, and this, and the same with banana trees, all these are not native so that patch tells you a human lives here or had a place nearby.

But best of al this, it's much like bile-balm. It relates. The boat was very near the edge the guide saw a trail of ants crawling up a broad tree, he put his hand right on the trail of ants that immediately covered his hand. He made sure his hand had a lot of ants crawling all over then...

2) "These ants are everywhere." He rubs the ants on both his arms crushing them as he does, rubbing them in real well smashing them all over his arms. What's left of their tiny broken ant bodies falls to the ground as fleck. "Smell." He holds out his arms to be smelled. "Formic acid. Insect repellant. Everybody, everything hates ants. All insects avoid ants. Even crawl-y thing avoid you."

And I'm sitting there on my cushion mushroom and put down the tube to the hookah and think, "Well, that's radical."

Then monkeys, then different monkeys, then the guide became excited about spotting a rare white toucan.

And doesn't that sound like an interesting trip? The lakes of the Panama canal but not necessarily go through it as the cruise ships do. Too slow that way watching tanks you're in filing with water. And gates. No animals. No real Panama by going through it on a cruise ship. That is the difference between the types of tour trips. One is slow and intimate a bit uncomfortable and interesting and the other is slow and boring and comfortable with bar nearby. Maybe both.

bagoh20 said...

It's not hate of Obama. He's just a placeholder like all the rest. Although I'm not a Trump supporter and fear his big government answers, likely dependence on executive authority, and other liberal tendencies, including lack of thrift, as well his often-displayed propensity to shoot first and aim second, I do too want what the Trump supporter wants, including and especially revenge. I just wish it came in a better package. To get what we hope to get we risk getting a lot of what we don't, and maybe even more of exactly what we hate.

Still, unlike what many say, he has not disqualified himself through his actions, while the Dems' princess clearly has for years. I don't want Trump, but I want at least the chance at what he may deliver, and I abhor the alternative.

The polls day he makes a Hillary Presidency more likely, but he also increases the likelihood of real change like no other candidate does. I'm really not happy about it at all, but Trump is our Hope and Change candidate fantasy. Sometimes fantasy comes true. At least Trump has a history of accomplishment, and so at least this hope has a basis in reality.

Hillary has faced almost no direct challenge to her message so far. That will be the first taste of change Trump will deliver. Then we can really see her chances. The polls right now tell us nothing about that match up.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary will never be president.

Meade said...

I'll bet she will.

bagoh20 said...

" The betting websites give Hillary about a 60%..."

Let's see how that holds up after she gets off her stool and actually enters the ring.

bagoh20 said...

Almost the entire media, the pundits, and all his opponents from both parties have been attacking him for months now, almost exclusively, and he still leads with a 40% chance of winning anyway, while his real opponent has faced nothing, and is only at 60%. And yes, people do lie to pollsters, but do you think they lie and say they support the political anti-christ or lie about not doing so? I'd say he's sitting pretty right now.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ras has Hillary and Trump tied. that's not good news for Hillary. A few weeks ago Trump was losing to her. He only has one way to go, while her support has a ceiling and she probably hit it.

Meade said...

Most voters are like bagoh20: not a Trump supporter, not a Hillary supporter. Here's my latest prediction: Sanders will go 3rd party. Trump will go 3rd party. Together they will siphon off <25% of the votes. Paul Ryan will be the GOP candidate. Hillary the Dem will win the plurality and Bill and Hillary will move back into the white house from Jan.'17 until 2021 when Paul Ryan and his family move in.

ricpic said...

Stay in the toilet, Hillary. It's safer in there. Trump's outside and he's actually going to return blows. You are so unprepared for actual opposition and you KNOW IT. So stay in that stall. But don't strain too hard. One more stroke.....

ricpic said...

To quote a great American: your prediction is worth warm spit, Meade.

Amartel said...

Trump's bile is the healing balm for Hillary! and her idiot backers (a/k/a the "smart" money).
You know she loves it, and so do they. Makes her look better and allows them to signal their non-existent outsourced virtue.
More bile balm, Trump. Oh yeah, baby, that's the stuff.

bagoh20 said...

It cost about $3 million to get on the ballot as a third party candidate. It would involve legal battles at this point, and it's getting nearly impossible at this late date for anyone except Trump with his ability to get things done with the lawyers he has ready. Sanders is not capable of that as a manager. Jim Webb is considering it, but I also don't think he can pull it off.

The only 3rd party possibility is Trump which would really suck unless he won as an independent which would be awesome.

ricpic said...

The balm of your bile on my boil did the trick;
Twas better than that Oil of Olay from St. Nick.

rcocean said...

I got news for you, must people who want to change things are "angry" and feel "neglected". The Tea party was "angry". The Civil Rights marchers were "angry". the Vietnam war protesters were "angry".

The liberals were mad as hell for 8 years about Bush II.

The only people who aren't "angry" are the well-to-do and those in power who want the same old, same old.

rcocean said...

Trump won't go 3rd party unless the GOPe tries to take the nomination away by some underhanded trick. I wouldn't put it past them. A-holes like Kristol have already signaled they'd rather lose than win with trump.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I couldn't read the whole thing without subscribing, ...I will go on the exerpt.

I think Mr. Luntz is more or less right in explaining Trump's appeal. There is a wave building, and it won't crest in 2016. Actually, the worst outcome would probably be Trump winning, because he won't really give his electorate what they hope for. Partly because he doesn't want what they want, and partly because he can't. The GOP needs some more purifying primaries before there will be enough votes within the caucus to do what needs doing, and there need to be more Rs in the Senate. Trump's election will short circuit things. Should Hilary win, watch the 2018 elections.

edutcher said...

Meade said...

People lie to pollsters.

What percentage of people lie to pollsters?

The betting websites give Hillary about a 60% chance of winning the presidency.

The betting websites cater to people who are bad at math.

Most voters are like bagoh20: not a Trump supporter, not a Hillary supporter. Here's my latest prediction: Sanders will go 3rd party. Trump will go 3rd party

You got that off the betting websites, too?

bagoh20 said...

If we're gonna predict stuff, I predict Trump wins in what would be a landslide by recent standards. Who doesn't wanna see stuff blow up?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump definitely gets a sizable group of voters but is it enough to get the GOP nomination? Maybe. If he gets the nomination, could he beat Hillary (yes, I think she is vulnerable enough he could). But at this point, I can't get too mentally invested in third party runs and such because it is so unpredictable at this point. Hillary is fully capable of all sort of gaffs and mistakes. Will people panic if Trump looks like he has a legitimate shot or will he build momentum?

It is certainly more entertaining than watching Mitt Romney run.

bagoh20 said...

What happens if Trump really beats her up in debates. No scholarly stuff, just "you suck" "Your work at the State Dept. sucked. Everything you touched is a mess now. You have been in politics your whole life, and all you have accomplished is getting yourself rich." Stuff like that. What if she starts crying or never comes back after the break?

Also what if she wipes the floor with him, and makes him look stupid and uninformed (even more unlikely), but that would make her a hero and suddenly the strongest of strong horses. Woohoo! Fun stuff either way.

rcocean said...

"Actually, the worst outcome would probably be Trump winning, because he won't really give his electorate what they hope for. Partly because he doesn't want what they want, and partly because he can't."

I agree in part. The real danger is that people elect Trump and then he doesn't do anything because he never intended to or doesn't want to fight for it. IOW, another betrayal. Another "Well, that was just campaign rhetoric".

And people on both sides are exaggerating how different Trump is from mainstream elite opinion. Just because the MSM runs around calling him a fascist/nazi/Joe McCarthy for saying a few words about immigration, doesn't mean he's that extreme. Every Trump statement - when you actually look at what he says - is quite moderate. He wants to build a wall and secure the border. Why is that a bad thing? He wants to pause Muslim immigration until "we figure this out". Ok, so why is that going to wreck America? His views on everything else on pretty standard for a Republican.

rcocean said...

"What if she starts crying or never comes back after the break?"

Then she'll win a landslide because all the dumb chicks in the USA will vote for her.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

Actually, the worst outcome would probably be Trump winning, because he won't really give his electorate what they hope for. Partly because he doesn't want what they want, and partly because he can't.

I agree in part. The real danger is that people elect Trump and then he doesn't do anything because he never intended to or doesn't want to fight for it

That's a concern, obviously, but FWIW, I don't see it as being real.

I think Trump would want his name to ring through the ages as the guy who brought the country out of the Obamanation and leading it, and maybe the world, forward into broad, sunlit uplands.

Reagan II, if you will. You may think his thinking along those lines is over the top, but such people can achieve greatness.

What if she starts crying or never comes back after the break?

Then she'll win a landslide because all the dumb chicks in the USA will vote for her.

No, they'll see her as somebody who hasn't got the guts to be entrusted with this country's, and their families', future.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"you suck" "Your work at the State Dept. sucked. Everything you touched is a mess now. You have been in politics your whole life, and all you have accomplished is getting yourself rich." Stuff like that. What if she starts crying or never comes back after the break?

Whoever says that will win the presidency against her. She does suck. She is a disaster, doused in corruption and ineptitude. Ugly corrupt political royalty pimped and protected by a hack media. It's time to say it to her face, on TV in front of millions. Hillary, you suck. Go away.