Friday, October 30, 2015

Rancid Rhino Priebus cancels NBC Debate!

Rancid Rhino Priebus the head of RNC has canceled an up coming debate to be hosted by NBC:
The RNC has suspended plans to partner with NBC News for a February debate, citing a “bad faith” performance by CNBC in Wednesday night’s meeting of the candidates.
“The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus wrote in a letter to NBC chairman Andrew Lack on Friday. “We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.”

Why did he do this? To cover his ass of course. There are unconfirmed reports that mid-debate the RNC complained that favorite son Fredo Bush did not get enough questions. So now they have beer muscles and are kicking NBC when they are already on the floor because of the burning dumpster debate. 

What the RNC should do is live stream the debate on Youtube or some other platform. Or get CSPAN to run it. They would get monster ratings. Screw the mainstream media. Pick your own moderators. Real experts in the field. How about General Peterus or John Bolton for foreign policy? Or right of center commentators. Larry Kudlow or John Batchelor? The Powerline Guys? Instapundit? There is a shitpot full of people they can get instead of the usual left wing commie liberal democratic douchebag journalists.

Grow some balls RNC. You have the power! Use it or lose it. If they don't the campaigns should go off on their own. Cut out the losers like Missy Graham and Pataki and stick with the five or six people who actually have a chance. Enough already!


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Listen to Trooper York, RNC. you stupids.

Trooper York said...

Of course if they listened to me they would have Ring Card Girls in between questions. Just sayn'

AllenS said...

I was hoping that they wouldn't cancel. If they fought back against these ridiculous questions, and called the moderators "nothing but Democratic mouthpieces", every time that they needed to, they would look a lot better/tougher to the masses of Independents.

AllenS said...

Nothing elevates your position in life, than when you punch a loud mouth in the nose.

bagoh20 said...

Would any of this punch back be happening without Trump showing grown men how to stand up?

AllenS said...

Bags nailed it.

bagoh20 said...

If they got better moderators, the ratings would be great, we might learn something, and all the networks would be bidding for the right just to show the damned thing and sell commercials.

Just watch how much better the next one is just because someone stood up and said "no more crap". Of course the bar is now set so low that one intelligent question would be enough.

bagoh20 said...

I don't like Trump - He's not really a conservative, and libertarian, or a constitutionalist, like I would prefer, but God bless his gold-plated heart and brass balls - he sure isn't a feminised PC pussy either, and he showed how that is played.

I like his fortitude, but I wish he was a little more Peter Schiff, and a little less Paul Krugman.

ricpic said...

The only difference in the next debate will be the questions are just as hostile but less obvious.

bagoh20 said...

I don't mind them a little hostile, but they should at least be intelligent. For people who obviously believe they are smartly superior, they acted like clownish teenage smart asses uninterested in asking the next President of the United States a substantive question. I can't imagine blowing that opportunity, especially if it's your chosen career. Fools.

chickelit said...
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deborah said...

On the bright side, for all stupid questions and attitude, the debaters stayed classy. It's nice to have a good field.

Methadras said...

The RNC and the GOP have lost their fucking minds. They would rather be a part of the go along to get along party in DC than actually wanting to win, then destroying their opposition. It is abundantly clear they have no interest any longer in being conservative, holding conservative principals, or wanting to win. At this stage, I can clearly see Trump telling the RNC to go take a fucking leap, breaks his promise to leave the GOP and run independent.