Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Hillary: After Benghazi Hearing I "Sat Around Eating Indian Food And Drinking Wine And Beer""

"MADDOW: What does a person do after 11 hours of testimony. You're the only human being I know of on Earth that has done 11 straight hours. What did you do after?

CLINTON: Well, I had my whole team come over to my house and we sat around eating Indian food and drinking wine and beer. That's what we did. It was great.

MADDOW: And was it like, "Let's just talk about TV, let's not talk about what just happened?"

CLINTON: Yes. Yes, we were all talking about TV shows and sports. It was great just to have that chance to number one, thank them because they did a terrific job, you know, kind of being there behind me and getting me ready, and then, you know, just talk about what we're going to do next."


She needs to watch that cackle.


deborah said...

lol Iranian I think.

edutcher said...

That cackle will do her in.

So far she says she's down with gun confiscation and doesn't think the VA scandal is all that bad.

Oh, and Chris Stevens was just joking.

The woman is a train wreck.

Trooper York said...

Or Paki. What is Huma anyways?

Apparently, she also eats kosher weiners.

Titus said...

the grindr guy I hooked up videotaped our session and he posted the encounter on pinterest and it is getting rave reviews.


Titus said...

huma is paki.

I know my middle easterners and latins.

I like them dark.

I now can tell an El Savadoran from a Brazillian from an Argentian.

Also Irainian from Saudi from Paki

I don't like sex with whites; too vanilla.


bagoh20 said...

"Well, I had my whole team come over"

A team. Who needs a team and a week of practice to tell the truth to the American people about what and how she did her job, for which they paid her?

I've been deposed plenty of times and needed almost no help pre-testimony because the main purpose of that "practice" is practicing hiding things from the record.

Titus said...

Congrats Giants! Love it when anything Texas loses.


chickelit said...

The cackle is annoying but I don't think it ever got anybody killed.

edutcher said...

Stevens, Smith, Woods, and Doherty may beg to differ.

chickelit said...

@edutcher: It was she, not her cackle.

chickelit said...

I just think we need to distinguish character from characteristic. For example, Maureen Dowd famously focused on Obama's ears. Why?

OTOH, it be fun to speculate on how cartoonists would capture HRC. I'm guessing they'd always have her in pants with rather thick legs. Hell, it's probably already been done.

ndspinelli said...

I think folks are not reading the tea leaves. When I saw Obama w/ Biden I saw Machiavelli. Joe says it's too late to run, not that he doesn't want it. Maybe he and Barry know the growing fatter every day Hillary is going to be indicted. If Joe is running and she's indicted it looks like a Chicago politics hit job. But, if he's magnanimous and bows out in October, only to have her indicted in December, then he steps in as the knight w/ shining chiclets and hair plugs. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

edutcher said...

The Choom Gang does not strike me as the forgiving crowd and they have a score to settle with Willie.

And, yes, one way or t'other, I think Hillary goes down.

They had her nicely sedated, but she was still caught in 8 or 10 lies and the whole "I thought Stevens was joking" is going to hurt.

Oh, and a point to consider. The Blonde says Hillary is not well. Something wrong with her eyes (when Herself tells you your eyes look funny, you better lay down). She also says her color is bad, although she'd like to see her in person to be sure.

This is a woman who's done nursing diagnoses for almost 50 years.

Maybe they're trying to amp up the pressure enough to crash her health. Sounds like something ValJar would think of, so, yes, nd, I think you've got something.

Chip Ahoy said...

*bzzzt bzzzt streaky hologram appears*

FBI, FBI, You're our only hope....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She knows how to live well off of the theft -- and the fruits of others.

bagoh20 said...

When Biden heard they were meeting for Indian food, he ran to the Seven Eleven, and Elizabeth Warren cooked up some of her authentic family recipe succotash.

windbag said...

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

I frequently am, but I think what becomes of her legal woes will speak volumes of the back room shenanigans of the Democrat Party. Obama uses government agencies to reward and punish. If he unleashes the DOJ on her--and the timing will be important--it will be business as usual for him, not anything close to a pursuit of justice.

The Dems created a monster when they pushed Obama on the nation. Now he holds the power to run the show, and I'd guess that they are regretting their move. Obama will pick his successor, you can bet on that.

deborah said...

Nick, Obama doing in Clinton would be the ULTIMATE throw under the bus. My spidey sense says she has carried enough water for him, and knows where the bodies are buried, and he won't dare. He wants to keep his shiny image in his post-presidency. It's possible they have a collegial respect for each other.

I guess that the Biden posturing was calculated to benefit Clinton.

deborah said...

Ed, I don't think she was sedated, but mildly jacked up on uppers.

I trust the Blonde and await developments in the news.

deborah said...

Chip, I think the CIA will give her a pass, not only because it's 'the plan,' but I think she may have something that could incriminate them as far as the altered talking points that were so discussed at the time.

ndspinelli said...

Obama is not stupid. He knows if the HillBill[y] get to the WH they will trash his "legacy." Uncle Joe will preserve it. At this point in his tenure, it's all about legacy. Hillary gets indicted, Biden/Warren ticket is created quickly and all rally around it.

ndspinelli said...

I'm just shooting from the hip, close to my ass, here.

deborah said...

lol aren't we all.

bagoh20 said...

There won't be time for a new candidacy, and besides, no Dem gets indicted at her level. It just doesn't happen. She's untouchable. What a nice situation in a democracy. We are so full of it with our "nation of laws" bullshit.