Saturday, September 19, 2015

Carly with the laughing face on Immigration

Conservative Review by David Horowitz  August 12, 2015
In 2010, while running for Senate in California against Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, Carly affirmed her support for the DREAM Act amnesty, noting “I would support the DREAM Act because I do not believe that we can punish children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream."  The DREAM Act has served as the foundation for Obama’s cycle of amnesty and Fiorina’s defense is the heart and soul of the arguments Hillary can and will use during the general election. 

Don’t we need a candidate who will be able to throw what is perhaps our biggest punch with full force? 

Carly also opposed fixing the birthright citizenship loophole for illegal aliens and referred to it as an “emotional distraction.”  She also accused some opponents of amnesty as taking on a racist tone.  Again, that is exactly what Hillary says.  How can she throw the immigration punch with such vulnerabilities?

In February 2013, when the Gang of 8 released the worst comprehensive amnesty bill of our time, Carly was one of its biggest cheerleaders on the Sunday shows.  Appearing on Meet the Press, she said "I applaud and salute the Gang of Eight`s proposal. Let`s move forward and vote on that."  She appeared on This Week on February 3 praising the bill as a “carefully crafted” balance and a “good first step,” while expressing hope that the Democrats would not oppose it.  This bill was the embodiment of what is wrong with the very political class she now inveighs against in her well-honed stump speech.  Yet, when people like Cruz and Sessions were fighting to stop this bill, which emboldened Obama to expand his executive amnesty and create a new wave of illegal immigration.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If you look at virtually all their past statements, including Trump - they are/were all for Amnesty and dreamers.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I think it's perfectly fair to point this out, though.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This is a big vulnerability for Fiorina plus the MSM will whack her, like they did to Romney, for being rich and successful.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Is there some way the GOP can point out that Hillary is pro-sanctuary city and pro illegal immigrant?

edutcher said...

So, back to The Donald.

windbag said...

Immigration is a hot button issue, with lots of emotion on both sides. There's a very pro-business, economic side to it that gets lost in the rhetoric. One of the pushes for open, global markets is the desire to expand markets.

If you manufacture widgets, in the USA, you have a potential market of just over 300,000,000 consumers to buy your widgets. Worldwide, however, there are 7,000,000,000 potential customers, which means you're missing out on roughly 96% of the global market. More people here means more consumers, plus you don't have to pay export costs.

One of the reasons some people have for advocating open borders is simply greed. They want the labor pool (which has been a side benefit of immigration from the start) and they want potential customers.

Ever-expanding markets is a manufacturer's dream. That's how chain restaurants and retail outlets are able to attract employees. The promise of quick promotion, driven by expanding numbers of stores, is attractive. It's much harder to attract quality employees with the promise of promotion only when one of the higher-ups dies.

Global trade deals and open border advocates are taking the short cut way to economic growth. The problem down the road, though, is that, while it hastens the rate of growth, it reduces the life cycle of their products and services. But, then again, we're living in an age in which we are willing to settle for 50 cents today rather than $1000 a year from now. Just like we'd rather continue to run up the national debt than deal with it and relieve our grandkids.

There are no simple answers, mostly because people won't accept them. Regardless of who's elected, we're mostly screwed for the long term.

bagoh20 said...

Nothing matters unless you win.

All these immigration issues are a double-edged sword. The question is do you win or lose more votes talking tough on it. Then is the tough talk realistic, or just feel good?

A lot of people voted for Obama because he was going to heal the racial divide, and some of us foolishly thought that was actually possible for a President.

Trooper York said...

The thing is Carly is not the superhero that she is cracked up to be by the media looking to destroy Trump. She is the typical Rhino that is being built up by media. She is more "electable." She is the "adult in the room." But if she gets the nomination they will rip her apart. And there is a whole lot to rip her about.

So I am not buying Carly so much. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

The thing you have to realize that you have to start out with the tough talk. You have to say you are going to deport everyone tomorrow. Then you start to work with what is possible.

I do think there are a whole bunch of people you can deport tomorrow. Every illegal with a prison record or outstanding warrants to start. Every illegal standing outside a Home Depot. Go into every restaurant and check their papers. Start there. Build the fence. If you need fruit pickers give them guest worker passes but make sure they leave when their time is up.

There are many people displaced by illegal immigrants. The jobs that kids or lower level intelligence types used to do are now filled by illegal immigrants.

Trooper York said...

What the Republicans do is surrender right out of the gate. "We don't have the votes so we are not going to do anything. So the Democrats win. Every time."

Why is that?

Trooper York said...

Carly got played by the Board at Hewlett Packard. If she can't survive in that Boardroom how is she going to handle negotiating with the likes of Putin and the Iranians.

Putin will steal her panties. Just sayn'

bagoh20 said...

The media likes Trump because he gets ratings, and he will be easy to demonize when the time comes - way easier than any other candidate, because he will do it himself, and they will eventually look foolish, which is already happening. Trump is a mistake as a nominee, and he will be an even bigger one if elected. He is the ultimate RINO. He actually is center left and not just in rhetoric, but actions. He supported Democrats with cold hard cash. He has no principles you can bank on other than self-defense and aggrandizement, just like Obama.

I don't think Fiorina is a great conservative, although she may be in office, but I think she can win and simultaneously make a big improvement in the demographics that accept conservatives and Republicans as viable choices, which is their biggest problem now and in the future. Rubio as her running mate would be a huge opportunity that may never come again as they inevitably face an old white Democrat dinosaur.

rcocean said...

She was AWOL when Obama issued his Executive Amnesty. She was known at HP for enthusiastically replacing Americans with H-1B's.

Its one of the reasons the Establishment is behind her. She's also a big buddy of McCain.

rcocean said...

Trump is part Democrat, which is great. He can reach all the moderates and independents that Romney, Dole, and McCain couldn't get. He's polling 25% of the AA vote, which is unheard of.

By comparison, CF was a disaster with the minority vote in California in 2010.

rcocean said...

But you can do all this political nitpicking all you want. The bottom line is this: If you don't do something about immigration NOW, the USA politically will reach the tipping point, just like California. And then it won't matter who the Republicans nominate because you'll be living in a one-party Democrat state.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

What the Republicans do is surrender right out of the gate. "We don't have the votes so we are not going to do anything. So the Democrats win. Every time."

Why is that?

Bought or blackmailed.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I think we have to think strategically. If Trump gets elected it is vitally important who his Vice-President is because he or she is almost guarantied to replace him. So Trump/Cruz or Trump/Rubio or Trump/Walker would be a great way to get into the White House.

I look at Trump as a means to an end.

The end of the Republican party because it is too stupid to live.

bagoh20 said...

All of a sudden a known registered documented RINO is a good thing?

This election should be the easiest to win since Carter asked for a second chance. Only the Republicans could blow that. I expect Trump to implode. He's an embarrassment waiting to happen, currently riding a wave of novelty. A Republican version of Kanye West.

chickelit said...

Every illegal standing outside a Home Depot.

But Troop, didn't you knowingly hire illegals for some of the renovations at your store? I know you were disappointed with some of the work.

chickelit said...

rcocean said...
Trump is part Democrat, which is great. He can reach all the moderates and independents that Romney, Dole, and McCain couldn't get. He's polling 25% of the AA vote, which is unheard of.

By comparison, CF was a disaster with the minority vote in California in 2010.


I agree that Trump has Democratic appeal. You've heard of the "I am Curious, Trump" movement?

I think that if Trump and Troop insist on destroying Fiorina, they will destroy a good chunk of potential voters and I'm not talking about "African Americans."

Cruz, Walker, Rubio...they've all got great daytime gigs. They're not hungry enough for the job of VPOTUS, let alone POTUS.

Trooper York said...

No they are all legal. Citizens in fact.

All of them are voting for Trump.

chickelit said...

"Rhino" isn't a moniker usually associated with Fiorina. Christie perhaps.

rcocean said...

Trump doesn't need to "destroy" CF. She will destroy herself if given enough rope. You can only talk for so long about PP for so long or how Trump called you a name.

She's basically just Jeb Bush in a skirt minus any experience in political office.

rcocean said...

In terms of policy she's another McCain. If you liked him, you'll like Carly.

bagoh20 said...

If illegal immigration is such a serious problem, then why is it that with infinitely more illegals here in the Southwest we don't have a terrible unemployment problem compared to you guys in the midwest and east?

I don't like illegal immigration, and think it's a serious problem, but I just don't think it's that big of one except as a component of the real problems. It has benefits and costs, and in the end, the net result of even the most draconian reforms will not add up to a hill of beans in this crazy nation full of freeloading parasites. It will have some effect, but not substantially on the majority of government waste, welfare, and crime. It will have little effect nationwide and especially for you guys on the big areas of waste like corporate welfare, public employee benefits, and bureaucratic waste. If we go after those things directly, regardless of who is robbing us, then the costs of the illegals will be caught up in it as a component of the total. Do you really care who is robbing you? Do you only want the theft stopped if the thief is an alien?

We won't go draconian no matter who is President, so the benefit is small to elect someone just because they talk tough on immigration, and talk is cheap. Do you think Kanye Trump cares about not keeping his promises? Four bankruptcies show he doesn't. He sells, then he takes care of himself, but I'm sure "It will be great, just incredible!"

rcocean said...

You sound like Bill Kristol, LOL. Kristol just doesn't understand the big whoop, I mean he likes his cheap illegal maid and that nice Mexican who cleans his pool for 25 cents, and the unemployment rate is fairly low, so what's the problem?

The deficits 18 trillion but we have low unemployment, what's the problem? Why do we care about the middle east, oil is cheap. What's the problem?

Yeah, for lots of well-to-do people life is good. Why change anything? Hillary for President!

bagoh20 said...

"... minus any experience in political office."

as with Trump, but I consider that a plus for both of them.

rcocean said...

Someone wrote something to the effect that you can never get someone to understand something, when their self-interest depends on not understanding it.

The Slaveholders could never understand that slavery was wrong and in fact bad for them. In fact, they went to war to defend it. Its only after 20 years had past that they finally admitted they were wrong.

bagoh20 said...

" Why change anything?"

My point is that Trump will make no impact on fiscal responsibility. He's a poster child for waste and extravagant spending. If sticking it to illegals is the most important thing, then just say so, cause that's all I'm hearing here, and that won't even happen. But what will happen is we will put up a center-left candidate who will need to trust advisors on everything from day one, and who is likely to make a fool of himself and us, risking a loss and blowing the opportunity of our lifetime to reset the demographic erosion that the Republican party is drowning in at the Presidential level. Great opportunities are usually blown by just not being seen when they appear.

bagoh20 said...

"The Slaveholders..."

Really? I'm just a racist like the rest of us.

rcocean said...

"My point is that Trump will make no impact on fiscal responsibility."

What's that based on? Seriously. I'm amazed at the *emotional* dislike of Trump. He's not a conservative, no he's a crazy Right-winger like Palin, no he's the "American Huey Long", no he's an out-of-touch Billionaire.

I think what it really gets down to, is the same old story. Bush v. Reagan, Goldwater v. Rockefeller, Taft v. Dewey, Dole V. Forbes.

You have the well-to-do establishment "Moderate" Republicans who basically don't want to rock the boat. They like the status quo and except for maybe Abortion, or wanting to spend a little less, don't disagree much the Democrats. The Democrats want to turn the ship 10 degrees to Port, the status quo Republicans want to turn 5 degrees to Starboard. Meanwhile, Conservatives think we're heading for an Ice Field and a bunch of Icebergs and we need to stop all engines and plot a new course.

bagoh20 said...

"What's that based on? Seriously." So you're suggesting that Trump is conservative with other people's money? Are we talking about the same man who bankrupted investors 4 times?

"I'm amazed at the *emotional* dislike of Trump. He's not a conservative, no he's a crazy Right-winger like Palin, no he's the "American Huey Long", no he's an out-of-touch Billionaire. "

I said he's a "Republican" Kanye West: a rich, arrogant, disrespectful, mouthy celebrity know-nothing who is excused for it all because he pisses off the right people.

bagoh20 said...

"Carly got played by the Board at Hewlett Packard."

She saved the company or at least greatly improved its chances. The Board screwed up, and many of those who ousted her admit that now. Consider yourself on the Board of the nation and she wants to be CEO. Likewise, consider yourself an investor Trump is wooing, because he wants to use your money, not his. Now Trump has had his share of successes too, but he could never be fired, or he would have, and likely more than once.

chickelit said...

rcocean wrote: The Democrats want to turn the ship 10 degrees to Port, the status quo Republicans want to turn 5 degrees to Starboard. Meanwhile, Conservatives think we're heading for an Ice Field and a bunch of Icebergs and we need to stop all engines and plot a new course.

Only the Conservatives were right in that real life scenario.

chickelit said...

I'm amazed at the *emotional* dislike of Trump.

It's the "snarling mug" thing.

XRay said...

Trumps a chump. And I agree with Bags last sentence at 10:26.

I will not vote for him, Trump. Ever. He is no solution, nor even a salve.

He's just a chimera to those who want change. Change which I'm in complete agreement with, but he won't bring it.

chickelit said...

@rcocean and Troop: What you guys are trying to say is that Fiorina has a bad case of RBF*

So, it's fair game to bring up snarling mug.
*H/T to long ago commenter/co-blogger deborah for that one.

chickelit said...

*H/T to long ago commenter/co-blogger deborah for that one.

Long ago in blog years.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm amazed at the emotional blind faith of his fans. Lots of anger at anyone who points out Trump's past support of democrats, past socialist stances, and his bad business deals.

rcocean said...

Anyone who dislikes Trump is not some brave little truth teller. You're just lining up on the same side as the entire MSM from NRO/WallStreet journal/Fox News to MSNBC/NYT/WaPo and almost every establishment Republican in the USA, not to mention almost every Billionaire and multi-millionaire.

CF isn't going to change anything, assuming she can get elected, which I doubt. Trump Might. That's the difference.

Lydia said...

Okay, so it's in the New Yorker, but this about one of Trump's facial expressions is pretty good:

The increasingly familiar chin-up, narrow-eyed Mussolini frown. When Trump listens to a hostile question, his lips are closed, his head squares up to a solid block of orange clay, his corn-silk hair surges resolutely forward and backward at the same time. Expressionless, he nods as the hostile sentence is delivered. By evoking Mussolini’s thrusting chin, I don’t mean to imply that Trump is eager to become a military dictator. He isn’t. Donald Trump is something classically American, an unwavering what’s-in-it-for-me capitalist who likes to crush other people. Yet Mussolini and Trump share something: They appeal to an appreciation, even love, of overwhelming ego strength and extreme machismo, however crass in expression—in fact, the crasser and more preposterous the better (shame doesn’t exist for some public men).

The full piece is here.

chickelit said...

@Lydia: No mention in there about Obama's frequent "chin-up" Mussolini poses?

I didn't think so.