Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Team building exercise

"HSBC has sacked a group of employees after they published a video online in which they pretended to be Islamic State militants and carry out a beheading at a go-karting track."
In an eight-second video first published on Instagram, a man wearing an orange jumpsuit is shown kneeling on the floor surrounded by five men dressed in black, one of whom is holding a pretend knife.

According to The Sun, the employees were from the bank’s legal division in Birmingham, and were on a team building building exercise at Teamworks Karting in Birmingham. (Video at the Link)
Via Reddit


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is this how desensitized we have become?

I'm wrecked and horrified by the be-headings. There's nothing funny about it. Ever.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeez, no one can make mistakes anymore without paying a steep price.

[Except, of course, for our incompetent betters in the Imperial City i.e. Vet Admin, IRS, Congress, Obama, Boehner, Hildabeast, ATF, INS, ICE, etc].

We have lost our sense of humor and perspective.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm as anti PC as can be, but this is a bridge too far.
Your example of team building is terrorism? Really ?

They should be fired for being stupid.

bagoh20 said...

What ever happened to timeouts?

Even the actually head choppers and human traffickers only get a mild hashtagging.

rhhardin said...

If you can keep your head while all around you are losing theirs, maybe you don't understand the problem.

- the 70s.

rhhardin said...

Beheading is carbon-friendly. No gunpowder fumes, no poisons, no electricity.

The French, having no pride in individual skill, used a machine and a basket. That's also why the French shrug a lot.

rhhardin said...

I'd take it as mocking Islam, not that I watched to see.

We are less terrorized than you think, would be the message. We mock your signature move as bankers' team building.

Methadras said...

I wonder if any of these guys will sue. I mean after all, isn't it politically incorrect to mock another religion as a form of satire? This is satire right? AMIRITE?

rhhardin said...

And, of course, mocking Islam would get you fired.

You might as well draw the prophet.

rhhardin said...

I was out behading the backyard with my scythe this morning, four passes over the lawn.

English Plantain fared the worst.

rhhardin said...

Islam ought to have gang signs, like civilized societies.

ricpic said...

"If you can keep your head while all around you are losing theirs...."

Hey rh, stop cribbing from Kipling.

rhhardin said...

Since I started scything, I've avoided killing baby rabbits. A lawnmower makes short work of them where a scythe just piles them harmlessly in the straw to the left.

Incidentally baby rabbits don't bite. You can raise orphans with a mixture of ordinary milk, egg yolk and (for taste) honey, but they don't tame. Escape is their number one plan all the time, even if you raised them in a shirt pocket since their eyes were closed.

On the other hand, that makes setting them free easier. Not like baby birds, which hang around for months waiting for you to give them blueberries.

ricpic said...

"The French, having no pride in individual skill...."

Zut Alors! I've had a Jullian french-made easel that has stood up under all kinds of punishment for twenty years.

ricpic said...

Have rh and Chipaholic ever been seen in the same place at the same time?