Thursday, July 2, 2015

Social media fraud exposed

Link to video 
I just heard about Belle Gibson this morning, listening to Glenn Beck radio show, where he compares her to Rachel Dolezal.


Methadras said...

Scam artists who are manipulative and know their sucker audience. The rest falls into place and people will White Knight themselves to 'save' her. Fools.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

she'd be perfect for the Hillary campaign.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Imus has a cancer fighting diet.

The Dude said...

A choomah? Does every declarative sentence have to go up at the end?

Does Dolezal rhyme with boll weevil? Did her ancestors pick cotton?

bagoh20 said...

The culture is infested with her type. Half the crap I read and hear everyday is people just like her who haven't been outed yet, or who even have and keep going and pulling in more suckers like it just doesn't matter. This will not end her career of bullshit nor its profitability.

William said...

She is young and pretty. I admire her brave struggle with the condition of being a pathological liar. It's a difficult and painful condition. Perhaps she could serve as its spokeswoman and attract funds to research a cure for this horrible disease. She could probably use the help of some celebrities like Brian Williams or Hillary, but she is truly the most heart rending victim of this cruel disease. It's so easy to make fun of people with disabled veracity, but it's long past time we started giving them our love and support.

Methadras said...

Lem said...

Imus has a cancer fighting diet.

You mean the one where it makes you look like you have cancer, but don't?