Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NYT tells us Rubio scares them most.

NYT Shows Its Gotchya Colors USA Today.
Mark Haleprin Comically Accuses Those Outraged by NYT Rubio's Speeding Tickets Story, News Busters.
Struggles With Finances Track Marco Rubio's Career, NYT
Marco Rubio and His Wife Have Gotten Traffic Tickets, Time
Bloomberg Editor Challenges Those Mocking NYT Bombshell, Twitchy

Ugh, the "have gotten" locution." On a list of things that irritate British readers  "gotten" appears a lot. There is something about the sound of it or its Norse origin or most likely Americans using it more than other English speaking countries so that they think it started here and that gets on their nerves and they say so. In the comments, not in the articles. It surprised me. That's a chance to tell them their serious R displacement problem on a national scale that makes them all sound like straight up speech-tards irritates me. To show that whole irritating thing goes both ways, and why.

But this is only the left announcing who scares them most by dragging up crap that doesn't mean anything to anybody except their girlish selves while staunchly protecting their own criminal enterprise while showing their racism that motivates so much of what they say and do that they project onto everyone else. Just say it, Rubio, Latino, Florida, flouting money, say it! Speedy Rubio Gonzales.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I say "got" too much and I can't stand it!

They are digging for any speck of dirt they can dredge because Hillary is universally disliked and no one trusts her (except the blind faithful who will dutifully support her even though they hate her too)(pathetic)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all fodder for that a-hole connan obrien.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Protecting their own criminal enterprise" you can say that again.

edutcher said...

Rubio has sex appeal and some good ideas.

Also some bad ones, but I guess the Gray Lady is afraid he's more good than bad, so delenda est.

Such is life on the Left.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Times called it a luxury boat. And when called on it, stood by it.

We know the double standard reeks, but, if you are going to do a take down have the decency to be accurate.

I mean if that boat owned by Rubio is luxurious... then what are the ones we truly consider luxurious?

Chip Ahoy said...

Apropos nada tostada:

The thing about Goodbye Horses is the man says to the singer, "I see you rise but it always falls. I see them come and I see them go."

Clear enough. The other guy is talking. And he adds that everything passes.

The singer disagrees gentlemanly, that is what is so nice about the song, his politeness, but he is interrupted by the naysaying interlocutor who has seen it all before, seen everything dashed, everything pass, elaborating negatively and the singer disagrees politely again the same as he did previously except this time persists, not having any more of the man's negative discourse the singer says that he has risen above all that. He no longer seeks satisfaction of senses. The key, tempo, mood of a new melody transcends the original and he escapes.

The singer is referring to the 5 horses of the senses that drive human compulsion in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita.

A Hari Krishna acquaintance gave me a copy of that book for my birthday through another person at a public breakfast. The Krishna guy wasn't there. The package was wrapped. Obviously a book. By it's weight and it's size and its source, a guessable book. For a laugh I guessed, "Baklava Vita, my favorite dessert" opened it, showed the copy of Bhagavad Gita, wonderful pictures inside, truly amazing, and everyone had a good laugh. Like a Kreskin routine, the mind-reading bloke. Hold the wrapped book up to my head and guess a book and guess its title. Joke. At his expense. The guy who is not there, but who is predictable.

How unappreciative. But that's me. Don't ever buy me a present.

Another time I guessed a plastic model. Large, Very large. By its weight and the way the contents shift inside the box. Easy as pie. But then guessed C-130 and blew away the gift-giver, but honestly, what else could it be? Nothing else would have been of any interest to the person getting the gift. Blew the dude away. He never did recover from that.

One guess both times.

So, that makes it much easier to interpret. "Goodbye" is simply waving, as you do. You can add a "good" to it if you want but not necessary, and "horse" is two fingers flicking as a horse's ear. And the wave goodbye is right there near the horse ear. One slips into the other. So now, 5 horses, 5 horse ears. Now two hands can be used to fill the beats in the song with waving goodbye to alternating 5 flicks of horse ears. It's a satisfying solution now that the meaning is known.

And the "flying over you" bit solves itself. The 5 horses are being flown over, "flying" and "you" simultaneously. It works well.

The hands for horse ears are lowered to become "you" and "flying." Obviously the "flying" sign hovering over the "you" sign. Noice, eh?

Status: Song solved.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ace posted a puzzle that asks the length of a string that is wrapped around a tube 4 times. The picture shows the string starting at one end of the tube and ending at the other end. The circumference is 4cm and the length is 12cm.

And you think, oh shit, I have to use pi then multiply by four and account for the length.

No wait. Pi is to find the circumference from the radius and the circumference is given. It will be that times four plus, let's use intuition and say a third of the length of the tube, since it's not a straight line. Were it a coil then it would have to be slightly larger than the tube for the coil to stretch from one end to the other. Yes, our intuition will be fine for this one. The answer is 20.

It's all so clear to me. I'm a genie ass.

The solution provided at the link asks you to visualize the cylinder flattened out to a rectangle. They do it with a paper towel tube. Once cut, the rectangle displays parallel diagonal lines as if it were string wrapping around and cut through. Doing this causes them to realize the product is 4 right triangles. And not just any old right triangles, but the perfect kind of 3,4,5 dimensions making calculation of the length very easy, it's 5, and 5x4=20. It is that 4X12 that did it. They completely overthought the solution. EEEEEEEEEEH *wrong buzzer sound* Right answer, sure, but achingly wrong long intuition-abjuring mathcentric way to get there.


AllenS said...

Rubio's boat is probably bigger than the bathroom on John Effin Kerry's yacht.

So, there's that.

Methadras said...

Leftists and their fears. A conservatives boat is so scary!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists hate the idea that someone might enjoy life or do something stupid with their own money.

Hillary has raked in millions upon millions from shadowy business deals using her posts in high power, using OUR TAX dollars and the NYT and leftists demand we concern ourselves over Rudio's boat.

bagoh20 said...

Living in Florida and you buy a fishing boat or living in the White House and spending millions on lawyers to cover up your and your husband's corruption and sexual appetites.

Which candidate really spends money badly?

bagoh20 said...

I wonder how many Cubans could fit in that boat.