Monday, June 1, 2015

'No Diet Coke for you'

On her Facebook page, Ahmad claimed a flight attendant was “clearly discriminating against me” after she asked for an unopened of soda for hygiene reasons and says was told, “Well, I’m sorry. I just can’t give you an unopened can, so no Diet Coke for you.”  When the man next to her allegedly got an unopened beer can from the in-flight service, Ahmad said she was told something even more inflammatory: “We are unauthorized to give unopened cans to people, because they may use it as a WEAPON on the plane.”


Michael Haz said...

Whoa, those eyebrows.

Yes, and unopened can of soda or beer can be used as a weapon. It's a hard object. And it can be a messy object if shaken before opening in an aircraft at altitude.

I don't believe her story, though. There are exactly zero persons who have come forth as witnesses to confirm her story, no phone-made videos on YouTube, no corroboration. I think she's making it up so as to be aggrieved, and possible to ensure that on future flights AA will happily give Muslims unopened cans of soda. It's battlespace prep.

Meanwhile, a Muslim boycott of American Airlines should be a marketing boon during the upcoming vacation travel season.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They will give anyone a full open can of soda.

Leland said...

What April said. I don't believe they then said "No Diet Coke for you". I would believe she refused to accept an opened can and then the flight attendant realizing the impass, denied her a diet coke.

I won't say I never received an unopened can from a flight attendant, but I can't recall ever receiving a can. Further, getting a complete can to myself on an Express Jet, which is what she was flying, is tough. They only have so much capacity, and giving everyone a full can of their beverage of choice gets costly. The person getting the beer was agreeing to pay for that additional cost.

I hope then lady boycotts because of the principle of receiving an unopen can of a soft drink. I have no problem with someone that petty limiting their mobility.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Whenever I desire a full can, I get a cup. Whenever I want a cup, they try to give me the full can. I never win. I feel discriminated.

The rule of Lemnity said...

‏@BenHowe said..

"When you’ve reached the point that you are oppressed because someone opened your diet coke for you, you may want to reevaluate your life."

AllenS said...

They always open cans so you don't open it and spray the people in front of you.

They should have opened the emergency door and threw her out.

Trooper York said...

Nobody wants to see a Muslim womens cans. That is why they have to wear bedsheets for crying out loud.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

She looks like the Joker.

ampersand said...

When Uncle Tonoose finds out she's the FEMALE Muslim chaplain at Chicago’s Northwestern University, she'll be able to pour that diet coke straight down her neck.

Trooper York said...

How is there even such a thing as a Muslim female chaplain? Is that a thing? I mean the Muslim are well known for their respect for women but I had no idea that there were female clergy.

Can someone who knows more about it enlighten me?

Trooper York said...

I mean a Muslim Female Chaplain is like a Feminist Football Coach.

A black Klan Grand Kleage.

A Jewish Nazi.

A black President.

You know things that just don't go together.

edutcher said...

Uncle Tonoose?

There's a blast from the past.