Monday, June 8, 2015

Nader: “This is the problem of women trying to overcompensate...”

“... in becoming more aggressive and macho so they are not accused of being soft on the need to kill and war, right?” (video at the link)
“I think Hillary is not the Hillary of when she was 30 years old. She made peace with the power structure and she is a deep corporatist and a deep militarist. One can almost forgive the corporatism. She moved to New York with Bill because that’s where the power is and Wall Street but her militarism is absolutely shocking,” he said during a discussion about his new book, Return to Sender, which focuses on unanswered letters Nader wrote to U.S. presidents about an array of issues.

“She almost singlehandedly did the Libyan war. The Defense Department was against it, [Secretary Robert] Gates, and she persuaded the White House that it was an easy topple without knowing that in a tribal society with nothing to replace it you would have a civil war, sectarian killings spilling into Africa, weapons everywhere, Mali, central Africa and she’s being accused of Benghazi – the big thing is the huge amount of geography that has been destabilized because of the Libyan overthrow,” he added.
Isn't Ralph Nader breaking the rules Hillary set forth for people who talk and write about her? I know Ralph is not a journalist but he is a politician/commentator/activist... he could be a journalist.


Chip Ahoy said...

Well, Nader is the psychologist one thinks of first when considering psychoanalyzing Hillary Clinton.

bagoh20 said...

Really? You wrote a book on the unanswered letters you sent to people who didn't care what you had to say? Ralphie, nowadays the kids call that blog commenting, and you don't see the rest of us writing a book about it. It's 2015 - time to move on. I mean, look here, Lem even paid attention to your new stuff. What the hell do want? The President doesn't even listen to the Constitution, the Congress, or the people, so you're actually doing pretty well for a professional bitch.

Rabel said...

The useful part of Nader's talk is in the second paragraph. I doubt that the Republicans have the sense to do anything with it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why isn't the IRS interested in Clinton Foundation money-for-poltical operatives scheme?
(behind annoying pay wall)

Methadras said...

Why would the IRS intervene when none of their stooges have every faced any discipline of any kind during their last scandal? This is no different. Politicos are a protected class because all of the departments of government know that these assholes recycle themselves into positions of power one way or the other and so they just turn their heads as if nothing ever happened. Unless of course you are a critic of the administration. Then the full weight of government drops on your head.

edutcher said...

I'm sure the Lefties blame Nader for '00, so even they see him as off on his own planet.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't understand what the right-wing hates so much about Hillary. She grew up a Republican and seems to be useful for continuing what's important to them nowadays. Her ideas on war as the primary means of making foreign policy are admirable to Republicans, no?