Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Joyce Carol Oats

Her Twitter timeline

Closer look at the person in the photo and the dead elephant that Chris Tilly remarks upon. 
People remarked in several retweet comment threads, "That's not a selfie!" 


The rule of Lemnity said...

Not sure if the selfie phenomenon had taken off yet at the time (Jurasic Park 1993) this picture was taken.

I'm going to say no, since I don't see Steven Spielberg holding anything.

Then again, my eyes could be deceiving me.

ricpic said...

Knowing J.C. Oats' relentless earnestness it's quite possible her tweet is not tongue-in-cheek.

AllenS said...

My friend, Gary completed taxidermy class a couple of years ago, just in case the jerk wanted to get a full head/shoulder mount. You'd need a pretty big wall, however.

Beats the hell out of my 18 jackalope mounts.

G Joubert said...

And, besides everything else, as a general proposition that animal really doesn't look all that "defenceless."

Trooper York said...

I have read Joyce Carol Oates on boxing and I realized that she is an overrated moronic douche nozzle.

What do you expect?

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha! G. Joubert, I didn't think of that.

john said...

There is a good chance that animal was the last of its species.

Chip Ahoy said...

Defenceless doesn't look right.

Nanner nanner nanner, even I can spell better than you doodoo what an ultra maroon, what a nincompoop, what an im-BELL-sill.

john said...

I had a relative who was a well known ornithologist in his day. When asked by one of his students why he collected so many birds, then dead and mounted, he replied, "When it's a large population, one should get a large sample. When it's a small population, one should get the whole thing."

The rule of Lemnity said...

The thing about the picture that sort of jumps out at you and almost pokes you in the eye is the horns.

If you watch your fare share of nature shows, like me, then you know that there is no way that beast will have those magnificent horns left intact for some safari hunter, albeit from Hollywood, to triumphantly pose with.

Not if the Chinese and Japanese and maybe India too, have anything to say about it.

Black Market Matters.

Methadras said...

The internet has made people retarded or more retarded than usual.

bagoh20 said...

What's new is that us tards now have a voice, at least if you are dumb enough to listen to us.


Remember in "Midnight Express" when they "walked the wheel". That's twitter.


edutcher said...

When you get old, you fail to see the surroundings.

Chip Ahoy said...

Defenceless doesn't look right.

Nanner nanner nanner, even I can spell better than you doodoo what an ultra maroon, what a nincompoop, what an im-BELL-sill.

According to one B Bunny, I believe it's properly pronounced im-BESS-ill.

Synova said...

LOL... it wasn't a selfie... lol... omg...