Wednesday, June 10, 2015

John Gabriel strikes back.

Gabriel is editor of Yesterday, as you know, NYT published a clawing groping examination of Marco Rubio's personal financial history reporting the mundane as sensational and by doing revealed again who they fear most, as psychological tic, and slopping around terribly doing it, lying about their sources that turn out to be basically Media Matters spoon-feeding them opposition and when challenged with proof contrary to their claims answered themselves by routing their responses to presumably friendly sources who then denounced the whole approach for being dragged into it.

It's been nothing but ridicule since. Photos of Rubio's boat in Hillary's pool. Rubio's entire property in Hillary's front yard, the cost of Rubio's things compared to the cost of Hillary's family's things, his entire house vs Chelsea's annual rent. Google Earth opens these possibilities. Rubio's boat vs John Kerry's yacht, weddings, neighborhoods, and so on all day long. And now just hours ago John Gabriel published his examination of Obama's problem with handling money and Obama's attitude about public money covering fairly the entire history and every complaint compressed and in the style of NYT.


edutcher said...

Didn't some guy from Tarses (or Chiraq) say something about ridicule and what it can do?

The rule of Lemnity said...

"(All similarities to yesterday’s New York Times story on Marco Rubio completely intentional.)"

Brilliant indeed.

chickelit said...

Humor them to death

The rule of Lemnity said...

Marco Rubio's response was very good also.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Didn't John Francois Kerry marry into wealth and buy a 7 million dollar yacht then park in in a neighboring state to avoid MA tax?

bagoh20 said...

This right wing meme about bias in the media is just bullshit. They simply speak truth to power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all fodder to give to the late night Democrat hack comedian.

Everyone should be pointing and laughing at Hillary for her money-grubbing abuse of power.

JAL said...

Fix the "Here" link? Thanks.