Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Caption this

Why am I seeing this fifty times today? 

Oh, it's a game. They did caption it and altogether they're terrible captioners and in doing so they frightened me repeatedly with this image over and over closer and closer like this.

Hillary's dotage doesn't matter to Democrat voters for the most part. All they need to know is that they are liberal and good and Republicans are old fashioned, behind things and mean. Here's some conservatives trying to mess with good natured and mostly young and not at all well informed potential voters but the antagonists are not very good at entrapment. The point is to show how stupid Hillary's supporters are but the thing about representational government is that it's for people with other and much more engaging things to do than live for following politics. They know what they think they need to know. How does it feel being so much more informed than almost everybody else?  


edutcher said...

You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!

AllenS said...

Very good, edutcher.

How long will Hillary wear those coats that look like they are made for a trip to Russia in the winter?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary is banking on the vapid vote.

I used to be a fan of the sitcom "big bang theory". I've since lost interest.

One reason is that it is propaganda for the left. An older episode actually shows one of the main likeable characters with a "Hillary" shirt on.
Imagine any show were the main likeable character dons a republican shirt. (never)
The show has taken one of the characters, and turned her into a bitch. oh and guess what - she is the nasty bitch from the republican family. The nice character likes hillary.

This is the message that seeps into the low information voter skull. D good/ R bad.

Free political ads for the democrats... in particular hillary, at no charge.

bagoh20 said...

"Medication time"

Methadras said...


She is wearing Marxist apparatchik chic.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Our new normal is twilight zone

ricpic said...

Chip is right when he writes "the thing about representative government is that it's for people with other and much more engaging things to do than live for following politics."

Lord preserve us from a population of policy wonks. That said, there is a bare minimum needed if people are to go on living with representative government. That minimum is that people make a character decision between two candidates and vote for the candidate who has character: the less knavish of the two, if you will. This is very important, in that voting for enough knaves over enough time results in the loss of representative (i.e. responsive) government. Is Rodham a chronically lying knave? Absolutely. Was Romney, for all his faults, less the knave than Obama? Yes. Keep voting for knaves who promise the moon and you end up losing representative government.

Aridog said...

ripic said ...

That minimum is that people make a character decision between two candidates and vote for the candidate who has character: the less knavish of the two, if you will.

THAT is precisely what I am sick and tired of in politics. Voting for a "least worst" leaves you/us with a "worst" however you slice it. The magnitude of difference is immaterial.

Trooper York said...

"No, Mr. McMurphy. When the meeting was adjourned, the vote was 9 to 9"

ampersand said...

It's a screen shot from the trailer, "Retirement Village of the Damned".