Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Bill Clinton company shows complexity of family finances"

"None of the proposals detailed how much Bill Clinton would be paid." Excerpts...
While Bill Clinton's lucrative speeches have provided the bulk of the couple's income, earning as much as $50 million during his wife's four-year term as secretary of state in the Obama administration, the former president has also sought to branch out into other business activities in recent years. Little is known about the exact nature and financial worth of Bill Clinton's non-speech business interests...
WJC, LLC was set up in Delaware in 2008 and again in 2013 and in New York in 2009, according to documents obtained by The AP. The company did not appear among holdings in the Clintons' financial disclosure released last week or in previous Hillary Clinton disclosure reports between 2008 and 2013, when she resigned as secretary of state. Bill Clinton signed a document as its "authorizing person" in a corporate filing in Delaware in 2013...
In February 2009, Clinton's counselor, Douglas Band, asked State Department ethics officials to clear Bill Clinton's consulting work for three companies owned by influential Democratic party donors. Memos sent by Band proposed that Bill Clinton would provide "consulting services regarding geopolitical, economic and social trends affecting the entity and philanthropic opportunities" through the WJC, LLC entity.

State Department officials approved Bill Clinton's consulting work for longtime friend Steve Bing's Shangri-La Industries and another with Wasserman Investments, GP, a firm run by entertainment executive and Democratic party donor Casey Wasserman. The ethics officials turned down Bill Clinton's proposed work with a firm run by entertainment magnate and Democratic donor Haim Saban because of Saban's active role in Mideast political affairs.
If understand this right, it sounds like Bill had a "shell" company. What's the point of having a shell company (if he did) when you also have a charity foundation?


AllenS said...

It would be a criminal enterprise, if anybody other than the Clinton's tried it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Now there is news that FIFA, "Soccer’s governing body, embroiled this week in an international corruption investigation, has contributed money to the Clinton Foundation, records show."

Seems like everyday now a new allegation pops up.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Rush suggest that it might be easier to name the people/corporations who have not given the Clintons payoffs.

edutcher said...

Silly me, I seem to forget how Willie is qualified to consult on "geopolitical, economic and social trends".

Unless I missed something somewhere a JD and a BS in Foreign Service (diplomacy), which he never used, does not qualify one for that.

All he ever seems to have done was fuck women other than his wife and engage in crooked deals mostly peddling influence while holding political office which was the closest thing to a real job he ever had.

Amartel said...

To answer the question, the shell corporation is there to launder the money.