Friday, January 9, 2015

"Obama Calls for Two Years of Free Community College for All Students"

I’d like to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who is willing to work for it,” Mr. Obama said in a video posted Thursday on Facebook.

“With no details or information on the cost, this seems more like a talking point than a plan,” said Cory Fritz, press secretary to House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio).

“This will basically make community college like high school in terms of access,” said David Baime, vice president for government relations at the American Association of Community Colleges.


Methadras said...

I love how Urkle throws out the word free. Like it's a magical tonic that solves everything. FREE!!! Oh, he knows who's paying for it and there isn't a care in the world.

Unknown said...

If a little free is good, why not make everything free?

Come on, leftists. free!

The more "free" stuff we add to the budget (or the non-existent budget we don't get from Democrats but the democrat's ever increasing debt box) the higher our taxes need to go.

Higher taxes contain unintended consequences. Consequences never discussed within the ivory towers of our leftwing betters.

Maff. It's hard.

The bottom line is there even if the left were able to tax us at 100% - there still isn't enough free to hand out. and our economy would collapse, but hey - it's free!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm reserving my opinion on this until I see how successful InstaPundit is at turning it into a gripe about college administrators.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Free college
Free healthcare
Free housing
Free groceries from fair government controlled grocery distribution centers (ponder that one)
Free Clothing
Free Costco (I'm sure the owner of Costco wouldn't mind a government take over, right? I mean - free TVs and artichoke dip are a basic human right.)

Utopia is just around the corner for the taking. Free!

The rule of Lemnity said...

The more we do this the more resentment we create on a lot of people when they realize all the free stuff in the world wont translate into the life they were led to believe all the free stuff would translate into.

Gruber was right. We can never underestimate the stupidity of the Obama voter.

Amartel said...

Only if they study STEM subjects or vocational subjects like automotive repair etc.
That'll cut back on the costs considerably. I'm not underwriting community-organizing revisionist-history grievance- mongering studies. Fuck that.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Imbedded in this pander is something kinda-sorta valuable, and explosive:

The truth that most boutique college programs are a waste of money.

The President is backhandedly making a point I've made for years: if you're paying (or worse, borrowing) for college, you are almost always better off looking at a local community college, at least for the first two years.

And, of course, there's the matter of the fine print on this deal: just what sort of "work" does the President expect?

(Because, of course, students can do this now -- you work at "a job," and they give you "money"; and you take this "money" to the registrar's office -- and voila! your education is "free"!)

Christy said...

Obama is in Tennessee today because we do have free two years of community college or technical college. This is the first year for the entire state, second or third for qualifying kids from troubled schools. Anecdotally, two bright boys I know planned on those two free years before transferring to the University of Tennessee. They didn't last an entire semester. Bored stiff.

All this money is supposed to come from our lottery, but just so you know, Daily Caller tells us today that 41% of Tennessee's budget comes from the feds. Money's fungible, so who knows?

Calypso Facto said...

Free -- You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Anonymous said...

Obama to expand the campus rape culture.

Biden's recent groping of young girls telegraphed it.

Unknown said...

They could call it:
"The Affordable College Act".

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Btw-- Instead of focusing on more "free" stuff, shouldn't we demand the government focus on reforms that would lower the cost of college for everyone?

Our government cannot keep up with current promises on infrastructure and public education now. How about we fix what is broken first, add free stuff later?
oh right -this brilliant idea from an administration that gave us the passed-on-party line-vote-in-the-dead-of-night ACA and a weaponized IRS that lost Lois Lerner's e-mails.

Will Obama shove this through with an executive order?

Leland said...

I'd like to see free paychecks to all those who are willing to work for them.

Unknown said...

I want free paychecks to all those who rob convenience stores small towns. Daytime TV viewers, too.

I have a bigger heart.

ricpic said...

This is to give Hillary or Lizzie a whip to beat those mean Republicans who blocked the college path to the middle class.

ndspinelli said...

Community College used to just be a high school w/ ashtrays. Now, there aren't even ashtrays to distinguish it from high school.

Rabel said...

ricpic got it right at 3:21.

Unknown said...

@ Ricpic -
"This is to give Hillary or Lizzie a whip to beat those mean Republicans who blocked the college path to the middle class."

Indeed. Along with every other idea.

Cold mean rethuglicans blocking the path to citizenship for illegals and affordable college for the middle class. (Nevermind reality the maff.)

btw- all the left's ideas should be named "Gruber".

virgil xenophon said...

I see AprilApple is going all Lilly Tomlin on us today: "I TRY to be cynical, but I can't keep up." :)

Unknown said...

I'd be a democrat if they actually had good ideas. They never do.

They are good with bike paths, wasting money and whining. I'll give them that.

AllenS said...

"I just hired 250,000 more people to help print money. Soon, folks, everything will be free!" -- Barack Hussein Obama

Titus said...

Why does the state of Tennessee, of all places, offer this FREE benefit?

Amartel said...

Free Indoctrination Clinics.
A second chance for all the morons who didn't quite get it the first time around, in high school. Because Equality and Fairness!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Dumbest president we have ever had.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And Mr. smug asshole from Boston voted for him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well if anyone knows about a talking point without a plan it would be Boner. I mean, that guy probably couldn't even manage to get himself out of a tanning bad without step-by-step instructions.

Obama's idea is a good one - not necessarily in its present form. But using community colleges as a way to increase training in the trades and allowing kids who have no need of graduating high school to leave early and join those programs instead makes perfect sense. In the current release it's probably more of a suck-up to the vague and popular "education" ideal, fer sure. But then, so is everything the Republicans say.

Worse, it's probably not as necessary. There has been an issue with huge price gouging for economically questionable vocational programs, but the government already went hard against some of the most egregious violators.

Dad Bones said...

Tennessee has the sixth highest percentage of people receiving food stamps. What good is free junior college without free food?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dumbest president we have ever had.

Definitely not. He just lies as effectively as the Republicans.

Republicans believe their own bullshit and endlessly peddle the nonsense that tax cuts are the answer to everything. But even more Americans believe that education is the answer to everything. So advantage: Obama.

Chip Ahoy said...

They do NOT peddle tax cuts are the answer to EVERYTHING

That's a LIE, and you're a LIAR for mischaracterizing conservative position.

But it's all you got. So, carry on, LIAR.

Chip Ahoy said...

Obama, stupidest mother fucker ever foisted on the American people just to satisfy our own racism. All part of Democrat party big fucking LIE.

Democrats are nothing, and I mean NOTHING if not straight up LIARS.

bagoh20 said...

Community colleges do not effectively produce employable people in either the trades or among the rest who depend on them to keep their world working. Except for STEM paths, college is incredibly inefficient and wasteful of both time and money. At least a community college only wastes vast amounts of time and lets you keep most of your money. Regardless, it just does not make good sense to pay people to teach you a field of study which they have not been able to succeed at themselves.

You want to learn the art of success, so find someone successful and ask them for a job. That's even better than free.

Unknown said...

BAlllss! Corruptocrats pedal tax hikes as the answer to everything.
Democrats eat shit fuck and die to TAX.


Yes - they do.

Then we get freeeee stuffz.
So cool! Best party ever.

oh wait- Chip is right. You're a liar. Either that or a complete dumbass.

bagoh20 said...

" I’d like to see the first two years of community college free for everyone."

It always has been - it just used to be called high school. It was eliminated and replaced with 2 years of "Why Stuff Should Be Free".

Unknown said...

In December, the national debt reached $18 trillion.

Just place the free community college on the credit card?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

CAPS LOCKS are so convincing. Especially for someone trying the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I approach when convincing himself of not being a liar or dupe for tax cuts.

Tell us the rest of the Republican agenda, Spokesperson Chip.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's a LIE, and you're a LIAR for mischaracterizing conservative position.

There is no such thing as a conservative "position". Unless you call standing in place with one's head in the ground and obstructing all the people trying to move around him an actual position.

Democrats are nothing, and I mean NOTHING if not straight up LIARS.

Very rational and convincing line there. Just let me know when your yelling devolves into crying and we can call the Wambulance for you.

Listening to the intentionally ignorant levy charges of "liar" is amusing. I suppose "liar" excludes people who fraudulently oversimplify everything and convince themselves of their own bullshit.

The day Chip abandons screaming demagogy and actually considers a fact or two will be the day hell freezes over. But what can be done? He's an emotional guy - for a socially impaired robot.

Fr Martin Fox said...


An old saying comes to mind:

Never argue with idiots, because they will drag you down to their level...

And then beat you with experience.

(Seen at The Art of Manliness.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Chip - what Fr. Fox said.

And yes, Obama is the dumbest president we ever had. But I repeat myself.

His only concept of motivating people [aka voters] is to promise them free shit and further bankrupt the country while dividing the populace.

William said...

Well, if the kids stay in community college, they will not be taking unfair advantage of their language skills to take jobs away from undocumented immigrants at McDonald's.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A celibate man of an ilk harboring known pedophiles talks of manliness. Very wonderful to know.

Evidence of his own intellectual accomplishments are hereby requested.

But it's nice to know that his spiritual leadership is of a brand that condones calling others "idiots".

If he wasn't into showing off his self-martyrdom, I'd let fly a string of choicer and more amusing insults, instead. They'd certainly apply. But that would only feed into his holier-than-thou image.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Father Fox,

Please forgive, but as you strike me as a somewhat sheltered man, I wonder if you were perhaps unaware that Chip is a homosexual.

You church, in its inescapable hierarchy, has blamed homosexuals for the pedophile scandal which has brought it into such disrepute.

How does that understanding affect your opinion of Chip and his homosexuality?

I thank you in advance for your well-earned ability to instruct.

Sweet lamb in search of a wise Shepherd,

R & B

ken in tx said...

Titus, your ignorance about the South is understandable because you never go there. Both Georgia and South Carolina, and probably others, have free Community College if you maintain a B average.

BTW Titus, both Asheville, NC and Savannah, GA have large Rainbow enclaves that are practically no-go zones for heteros.

Also, Community Colleges are about as much of a federal responsibility as what you can eat, drink, smoke, or what kind of toilets or lightbulbs you.....oh wait, nevermind.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Lem - I think you should ban Ritmo for his two latest comments to Fr. Fox.

Trooper York said...

Ken I was recently in South Carolina on a drive down 95 to Florida.

I must say it was pretty grody. We stopped at a gas station to fill up and take a piss. The locals were very impressive. Now it was three o'clock in the morning but right behind us a guy in dreads wearing a hoodie came in to buy skittles. A met head couple was buying five dollars worth of gas. To go. The woman weighed 90lbs and had two teeth in mouth. One pointed north and the other pointed south.

But I did buy a couple of Moon Pies so there is that.

And now I understand. Lindsey Graham. Got it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So are you holier-than-thou too, A.J.? Or do you just believe in censoring challenges to the image of those who project themselves to be holier-than-thou?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ritmo- you made two gratuitous, disgusting comments to a priest/commenter who made a gentle jibe at you and at the same time you took a personal shot at Chip. Don't try and act like you are defending some high and mighty principle. You think you are some kind of wiseman but you are nothing but a moral coward and I bet a physical coward as well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am Charlie Hebdo.

My remarks were not gratuitous, and my dispute with Father Fox stems from his condescending, arrogant dismissal of me, much like his organization condemns so many others, including its own.

I have called for reasoned discussion with him in the past, and he refuses it - even going so far as to say that he seeks internet-incapable means of censoring his ability to see my remarks.

When religious leaders proclaiming to represent the salvation of mankind and the potential for any man to be gracefully granted it behave that way, I take his condescension in the only way that someone in his position could mean it.

Likewise, I take his refusal of the humility to look at his own organization with the criticism its actions, philosophy and structure demand, as downright hypocrisy. Completely unbefitting in a man of his supposed stature and yet, not surprising at all, given the foibles of the organization granting him that stature.

You need to be honest and admit that you seek special treatment for Father Fox, and that you are, further, perhaps seeking special treatment on behalf of the organization he represents. This flies in the face of not only American free speech, but American fairness, and the American will to not kowtow to any extra-legal authority.

If not, then you are no better than the Muslims who first stormed, and then excused away the storming of, Charlie Hebdo.

Be better than them, A.J. Be a Christian. A real Christian.

Seek not the approval of earthly authorities for your salvation - nor for guidance on whom to grant special favor and whom to deny it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

You are a total whackjob Ritmo.