Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Nike launches Black History Month collection"

"Shoe geeks should get excited — some NBA stars' lines are getting updates as part of the collection, as are Air Jordans and other styles."
Black History Month starts Feb. 1, and Nike's new BHM collection launched today. It is available globally at and select retailers.

A portion of proceeds from sales of the 2015 BHM Collection go to the Ever Higher Fund, which supports organizations that leverage the power of sport to maximize the potential of underserved youth.


XRay said...

That's good, more money spent on tennis shoes means less spent for drugs.

I know, stupid comment, but it was the first thing that flashed in my mind.


The rule of Lemnity said...

My question is how much goes to Sharpton.

bagoh20 said...

"underserved youth"

Titus said...

Boston wins again!

Another blue state super bowl.

Suck it pubes.

blogger said...

metland Rumah Idaman Investasi Masa Depan NICE

The rule of Lemnity said...

Up pulling an all nighter defending conservative social media sensation Holly Fisher from our own conservative fold.

See Holly, army wife went and committed adultery.. So you can imagine the pitchfork mob was out for her.

She wrote a post confessing and saying her husband had forgiven her... And that was good enough for me, but not others, as you can imagine.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Holly is not an office holder or anything of the kind. She wrote some tweets and Facebook that went viral that's all. The biggest one that got her most recognition was a tie in of the 2nd amendment and Islamist. You have to the picture to appreciate the ingenuity of what she was trying to convey. I'm on the phone, so I can't link to anything, or should I say is not as easy as it is on the computer.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Anyway I need to get some sleep.

edutcher said...

And you can bet you will start seeing these on every black kid riding mass transit in every big Eastern city from now until at least the start of baseball season.

I speak from experience.

Shouting Thomas said...

Black History Month seems to go on for a year.

Must we always be holding a pity party for blacks?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Shoe geeks?

I thought only women did that.

Anonymous said...

FUBU or cashing in on perpetual Boo Hoo?

Aridog said...

Good Lord, let's take today to recognize someone who served us all, Tuskegee Airman Lowell-Steward, who passed away this year. He was one of the oldest surviving members of that famous group in a then segregated military of WWII. I am certain his memory is more sustaining of the spirit of today than some gym shoes and paraphernalia....which I'd find almost insulting if it were directed toward me...we Irish descendants have enough nonsense memorabilia to last forever...but no flippin' gym shoes! :-(

Aridog said...

Lem said...

My question is how much goes to Sharpton.

I don't think I want to know that. I'd just p*ss me off. Although it is likely that P*ssant Al's National Action Network has long ago extorted Nike and other sports suppliers. It is, after all, what he does.

Aridog said... you go.

The rule of Lemnity said...

That's her. Thanks. Btw I'm still at my brother's place. No computer in other words.

bagoh20 said...

I believe it's near impossible for a relationship, especially marriage, to really survive cheating. The thing will never be the same, and will never achieve the level of dedication and trust it could have had. It is never really forgotten, because fidelity is one of the few things that is different about the marriage agreement. Some marriages can survive it, but the relationship can't. You just develop a new one without the trust and all that comes with it.

I would still vote for her, if she was the best candidate.

Methadras said...

Expect a lot of chocolates to die over these.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

If the Nike Black History Month clothing is made out of kevlar, that would make good sense.