Monday, January 12, 2015

Dianne Feinstein: Terrorist sleeper cells are in the U.S.

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and her party’s ranking member on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, flatly stated that she believes terrorist cells are hiding in Europe and the U.S., waiting to be activated and carry out attacks similar to the ones that claimed 17 lives in France last week."
“I think there are sleeper cells not only in France but certainly in other countries and, yes, in our own,” she told CNN. “This calls for vigilance. … Hopefully, we can be more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they’re communicating with and to track that.” (bold emphasis)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night we watched Girls on TV for the first time. I thought it was pretty good, overall. There was this bit where whatsername starts working as a copywriter at GQ magazine. Hilarious!

Only watched two episodes, though. Didn't want to overdo it. I expect I'll lose all interest in the show as soon as I figure out the formula they're using.

Anyway, we watched Downton Abbey immediately afterwards and it seemed to me even more insipid than usual. The wife agreed.

The effect of the chronologic juxtapositon, was my surmise.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, I guess we should just keep importing tens of thousands of Muslims into the U.S. Diversity is our greatest strength!

AllenS said...

Go ahead, Diane, name some names.

Unknown said...

Certainly none living in Dearborn. NBC assures us.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I thought it was interesting that Feinstein singlehandedly responsible for releasing a report that hurt our intelligence capabilities is now saying I hope the services I decimated now can do what they do best and come to the rescue.

ricpic said...

Let's assume, for the sake of a laugh, that Feinstein is being honest. And let's say she's genuinely alarmed. Her lefty religion makes it impossible for her to either call for a halt to muslim immigration or to demand the border be sealed. Both those actions would, in leftyland, demonstrate first world bigotry and racism. So Dianne's paralyzed. Even if her concern is honest. Which it ain't.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The terrorist woman, that turns out was not there during the Paris attack, is on the loose.

In Feinstein world the only thing that can be done when she is arrested is read her Miranda warnings.

Leland said...

DiFi is ignorant. Look GM is alive and Obama is dead. Get with the program.

Leland said...

WRT Lem @10:47... it is the old political CYA. This way, if someone questions her in debate about harming our intelligence institutes, Candy Crowley can interrupt and point to this latest transcript.

edutcher said...

But, we can't profile or anything.

And, yeah, let's give up all the gains we made since 9/11.

And torture.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's amazing the things I don't know.

For example, I've been playing around on the interwebs,now, for maybe ten years or more, and it was only yesterday -- for the very first time, ever -- that I found out that there is such a thing as a pornographic GIF and that there are free websites chock full of them.

The pornographic GIF can be a real time saver, I soon discovered.

And I mention this as a public service because there's an odd chance that I might not be the last one to find out.

Methadras said...

Dear Dianne Feinstein,

Thanks to you and your cadre of radical Marxist 5 columnists that more or less caved to the open borders crowd along with your vehement anti-gun, anti-assault weapons ban, you now are detailing an issue that could be fixed fairly easily if you put your PC cowardice to pasture. But you won't and therefore your inane alarm sounding is about as effective as you have been in the senate.

Amartel said...

ricpic calls it.
She "believes" (knows due to being on the Intel Cmtee) that there are terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. so she wants to be on the record for giving the warning, but has nothing to say about what to do about it. She is entirely unprepared, unwilling, unhelpful with regard to a practical response to the terrorist sleeper cells. Remember, this is the woman who green-lighted the one-sided memo condemning torture/EIT. So "hopefully" we can be "more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they're communicating with and to track that." What does that even mean? So she's fine with enhanced government snooping and tracking. Okay, but still, no mention of what happens once you actually find the terrorist sleeper cells. What happens then, Dianne? Do we gently wake them from their terrorist naps, the little borglings, and try to reason with them? What if there's a dirty bomb planted somewhere near someone you actually care about. Tick tock, Dianne. What do you do?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

After Feinstein came out with her report on torture I happened to be listening to leftwing radio and the lefty host was obsessing with the old Bush-Cheney-Condi-Rumsfeld-etc.. must all be labeled war criminals. He would spare them jail time, mind you - but hey must at least be officially labeled war criminals.

The left act not to protect the us (US), but to CYA and protect their own political power and to feed red meat to their insane base. They were so successful demonized Bush, it's all they have left in their pathetic bag o tricks.

I am convinced the left would let this nation burn to the ground if they thought it would buy them more power.

Unknown said...

screw it. Tip toe thru dah typos.

Aridog said...

April Apple said...

Certainly none living in Dearborn. NBC assures us.

NBC are morons and have seldom visited Dearborn, where I live in fact. I am, certain that there are nut cases living nearby, if not actually in Dearborn, then in the Detroit peripheries. The most recent nut case was from Detroit and killed by the FBI and both DPD's...a few blocks from my house. Co*ksuck*er even killed the FBI dog, "Freddie" before being taken out. That said,the vast majority of local Dearborn Muslims are not the enemy. They even fear the nut jobs more than we do.

Leland said...

WRT Lem @10:47... it is the old political CYA. This way, if someone questions her in debate about harming our intelligence institutes, Candy Crowley can interrupt and point to this latest transcript...

Candy Crowley was fired, finally, after a long run of sheer idiocy....the latest and last of her machinations was to try to bait the Detroit Police Chief, a black man with extensive experience with DPD and LAPD,to slam his department and its police...which he did not do.

I doubt even Al Jazeera will hire her now. She's just too much of an idiot.

Amartel said...

I didn't immediately notice but this awful old bat is also laying the groundwork for restricting internet privacy ("hopefully we can be more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they're communicating with and to track that.") The same person who was dreadfully offended that her precious committee got snooped by the CIA. Twofer! Covering her flabby old ass AND not letting a crisis go to waste.